

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    I actually had that problem when I was scared of fat and tried to be a low fat Paleo gal. It didn't work for me. I have to have a high fat diet. You're in transition---so, just be gentle with yourself. Do some walking after meals and drink plenty of water.

    Good points.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Just recently started doing Paleo (reading Primal Blueprint now). Got the news that I was celiac and lactose intolerant a few weeks ago after a trip to the ER. This lifestyle makes to much sense to me. Joining a CrossFit gym next week, too, which I think goes right along with a Paleo lifestyle. It would be awesome if there was an official Paleo group here on the site.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Just checked out the Tough Mudder website, too. Looks hardcore. I'm doing a Warrior Dash next weekend. If I survive that maybe I'll make it a goal to train for something more intense. :)
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Just recently started doing Paleo (reading Primal Blueprint now). Got the news that I was celiac and lactose intolerant a few weeks ago after a trip to the ER. This lifestyle makes to much sense to me. Joining a CrossFit gym next week, too, which I think goes right along with a Paleo lifestyle. It would be awesome if there was an official Paleo group here on the site.

    Multiple food allergies here, too! Welcome! Paleo has been an absolute miracle in my life. It is easy to be committed when I feel SO much better than I can ever remember feeling in my entire life. Good luck on your journey!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Just checked out the Tough Mudder website, too. Looks hardcore. I'm doing a Warrior Dash next weekend. If I survive that maybe I'll make it a goal to train for something more intense. :)

    YES Tough Mudder! I'm training, but I have a loooong way to go! I so encourage people to do it. And pairing it with a Cavewoman/Paleo/Primal diet is just incredible. I feel better than i have in a long long time!
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Multiple food allergies here, too! Welcome! Paleo has been an absolute miracle in my life. It is easy to be committed when I feel SO much better than I can ever remember feeling in my entire life. Good luck on your journey!

    Thank you! I've heard so many great testimonials from Paleo people. I think it makes a lot of sense, too. We are the only species on the planet that chooses to not eat it's original diet: Lean meats that were cooked without the addition of extra fats, no grains, little to no dairy, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables often eaten raw. The more I learn about it and hear how it's helped so many people the more excited I get about it. Best of luck on your journey, too!
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    YES Tough Mudder! I'm training, but I have a loooong way to go! I so encourage people to do it. And pairing it with a Cavewoman/Paleo/Primal diet is just incredible. I feel better than i have in a long long time!

    That's awesome that it's helping you feel so much better. I've been gluten free for two weeks now, and I've been Paleo/Primal for a week. I'm really starting to feel great. Best of luck on your Tough Mudder training! There's one within a few hours of where I live next March. After doing the Warrior Dash next weekend I'll have a better idea of where I'm at and I'll go from there.
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    Well really the only stuff i eat is whole wheat bread and pasta, I try and stay away from everything else I eat fish,pork,chicken very seldom do i eat beef....but my weakness is my milk I love my milk :( well chocolate milk :( ...... maybe I could cut down on it some ?

    If you can cut the grain, then dairy is probably the only element you may be able to compromise on. It might be worthwhile looking at the Primal method, which is slighty different to Paleo.

    The website for this is

    I would recommend doing some reading - but keep in mind for both Paleo and Primal there is zero flexibility for grains/legumes. No bueno!

    I think I might look into it im not sure if i can cut out all grains but may be possable with more planning for meals..
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!
  • dealynso52
    My cousin Katie has gone Paleo. I think she posts under cilikat
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    YES Tough Mudder! I'm training, but I have a loooong way to go! I so encourage people to do it. And pairing it with a Cavewoman/Paleo/Primal diet is just incredible. I feel better than i have in a long long time!

    That's awesome that it's helping you feel so much better. I've been gluten free for two weeks now, and I've been Paleo/Primal for a week. I'm really starting to feel great. Best of luck on your Tough Mudder training! There's one within a few hours of where I live next March. After doing the Warrior Dash next weekend I'll have a better idea of where I'm at and I'll go from there.

    I think that doing a Tough Mudder in March should be a motivation! Do it! :D Paleo/Primal/Caveman will definitely help get you there!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Thanks CWC!!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Well really the only stuff i eat is whole wheat bread and pasta, I try and stay away from everything else I eat fish,pork,chicken very seldom do i eat beef....but my weakness is my milk I love my milk :( well chocolate milk :( ...... maybe I could cut down on it some ?

    If you can cut the grain, then dairy is probably the only element you may be able to compromise on. It might be worthwhile looking at the Primal method, which is slighty different to Paleo.

    The website for this is

    I would recommend doing some reading - but keep in mind for both Paleo and Primal there is zero flexibility for grains/legumes. No bueno!

    I think I might look into it im not sure if i can cut out all grains but may be possable with more planning for meals..

    That's the key - planning is great (if you can manage it)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    yes there is already a support group here

    But glad to see so many new Paleo/primal fans that haven't already found our group.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    This is more out of professional curiosity than anything (former professional chef), but how is baking with coconut flour?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Well really the only stuff i eat is whole wheat bread and pasta, I try and stay away from everything else I eat fish,pork,chicken very seldom do i eat beef....but my weakness is my milk I love my milk :( well chocolate milk :( ...... maybe I could cut down on it some ?

    If you can cut the grain, then dairy is probably the only element you may be able to compromise on. It might be worthwhile looking at the Primal method, which is slighty different to Paleo.

    The website for this is

    I would recommend doing some reading - but keep in mind for both Paleo and Primal there is zero flexibility for grains/legumes. No bueno!

    I think I might look into it im not sure if i can cut out all grains but may be possable with more planning for meals..

    Try going the 30days that 'Paleo solution' suggests. It's only 30 days out of your life and you may be amazed at the difference in how you feel. Personally it was life changing for me ... And when I finally threw away the Greek yogurt as the final dairy holdout, everything clicked: this is how it feels to be healthy.

    Edit: to correct overzealous spellcheck correction.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    This is more out of professional curiosity than anything (former professional chef), but how is baking with coconut flour?

    Personally have not done any baking to replicate things like pancakes, muffins, cookies, bread etc. Some have done this, but I've found it easier to just abandon that whole concept. Very hard at first because I used to love baking, having been a 'totally homemade' freak all my life. The stand mixer sits forlorn (sniff) and the pasta machine gathering dust. I'm considering getting a dehydrator for both jerky and making crackers from juicing pulp, and kale crisps, etc. Using a spiralizer for making veg noodles to replace pasta--you get the idea. In other words learning and creating a whole different way of enjoying food. Part of the reason I don't try to replicate baked goods is I *know* how fricking amazing a good Belgian chocolate mousse, fresh pasta, focaccia, limoncello sponge cake, and the like, can taste and nothing will ever compare ... Not even avocado blended with dates and cocoa to make chocolate pudding. Gone forever. Unless I want to feel like total cr*p. So, like the smoker giving up the last stick, the alcoholic dumping the last drink, I've turned a page to a different chapter. Sometimes, all too frequently, I have a glass of wine, piece of chocolate, spoon of sugar in my coffee ... Those are lingering habits yet to be dealt with. YMMV
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    This is more out of professional curiosity than anything (former professional chef), but how is baking with coconut flour?

    Coconut flour is a very thirsty flour. You need quite a bit of moisture in your recipe to turn out a palatable product. It also requires a lot of mixing/sifting as it tends to clump. Gritty texture is usually overcome by using more fat in the recipe than you would normally see for said item. I have really come to enjoy it. Check out 's banana walnut muffins. (I use 1/4 cup honey in place of stevia.)
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    Sounds great! I'd probably rub a little coconut oil on top, too. :P
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    This is more out of professional curiosity than anything (former professional chef), but how is baking with coconut flour?

    Coconut flour is a very thirsty flour. You need quite a bit of moisture in your recipe to turn out a palatable product. It also requires a lot of mixing/sifting as it tends to clump. Gritty texture is usually overcome by using more fat in the recipe than you would normally see for said item. I have really come to enjoy it. Check out 's banana walnut muffins. (I use 1/4 cup honey in place of stevia.)

    Thanks for the advice. I'll check out the website, too. :) Banana walnut muffins sound yummy.