

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Oh - and don't forget this one... I love his view on alcohol. In fact I recited it verbatim to my husband the other night
    "Ask Robb Wolf Anything"
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Oh - and don't forget this one... I love his view on alcohol. In fact I recited it verbatim to my husband the other night
    "Ask Robb Wolf Anything"
    What was it?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Oh - and don't forget this one... I love his view on alcohol. In fact I recited it verbatim to my husband the other night
    "Ask Robb Wolf Anything"
    What was it?

    "Drink enough to optimize your sex life, but not enough to impact performance" :D
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Oh - and don't forget this one... I love his view on alcohol. In fact I recited it verbatim to my husband the other night
    "Ask Robb Wolf Anything"
    What was it?

    "Drink enough to optimize your sex life, but not enough to impact performance" :D
    That's great! love it! lol!
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I just put some holds on books about the Paleo Diet at my library. I'm excited to read about the theory behind why the author thinks it's the best eating plan of them all. I find myself basing my diet around as many whole, unaltered and non-manufactured foods as possible so it's interesting to see whether I could do this thang.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    I just put some holds on books about the Paleo Diet at my library. I'm excited to read about the theory behind why the author thinks it's the best eating plan of them all. I find myself basing my diet around as many whole, unaltered and non-manufactured foods as possible so it's interesting to see whether I could do this thang.

    I think you'll be amazed at the changes in your body and for me, how I feel and function daily has completely changed :)

    Good luck!
  • Meganne1982
    What's great about eating paleo/primal is all the health changes that came along with it, besides it helping me with weight issues:
    My acne has cleared up significantly, my depression has seemingly gone away, along with anxiety and insomnia (all things I was medicated for for years, and no longer need medication for), my joint pains are gone (my knees and hips used to hurt almost all the time), my energy level and positive attitude are through the f-ing roof. I feel younger and livelier than I have since grade school.

    And people ask me what has changed and I tell them. Everyone is intrigued by it. But most are very scepticle.

    But I feel I made a huge step with my father. He is a 60 year old physician, and former marathoner, tri-athelete, ironman, football player, etc etc. He is now pretty overweight and unhealthy. He has been pushing the lipid hypothesis, as he was taught to, all his adult life. But I got him to buy a copy of Cordain's book. He's seen what it has done for me (his formerly 320 pound daughter), giving up sugar and grains (being an all natural "low-carber" before I's heard of "paleo" or "primal").

    I think it's harder for him to accept as my mother (his EX-wife) turned her life around going atkins right after their split. She and my uncle cured their diabetes that way. I was out to dinner with dad recently and when I ordered a burger with no bun he said "don't you turn in to your #?*!ing mother!" That's my true hurdle to converting him. But I know it would save his life... as I watch him live on m&ms, sunny d, and fat free chocolate milk... well not so mcu LIVE ON as KILL HIMSELF WITH.

    But I'm rambling. I just wish people weren't so hard headed with what they've been taught to believe about a healthy diet, and see that what we've been taught has caused an epidemic of obesity and poor health, so why not be open to something different??
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    What's great about eating paleo/primal is all the health changes that came along with it, besides it helping me with weight issues:
    My acne has cleared up significantly, my depression has seemingly gone away, along with anxiety and insomnia (all things I was medicated for for years, and no longer need medication for), my joint pains are gone (my knees and hips used to hurt almost all the time), my energy level and positive attitude are through the f-ing roof. I feel younger and livelier than I have since grade school.

    And people ask me what has changed and I tell them. Everyone is intrigued by it. But most are very scepticle.

    But I feel I made a huge step with my father. He is a 60 year old physician, and former marathoner, tri-athelete, ironman, football player, etc etc. He is now pretty overweight and unhealthy. He has been pushing the lipid hypothesis, as he was taught to, all his adult life. But I got him to buy a copy of Cordain's book. He's seen what it has done for me (his formerly 320 pound daughter), giving up sugar and grains (being an all natural "low-carber" before I's heard of "paleo" or "primal").

    I think it's harder for him to accept as my mother (his EX-wife) turned her life around going atkins right after their split. She and my uncle cured their diabetes that way. I was out to dinner with dad recently and when I ordered a burger with no bun he said "don't you turn in to your #?*!ing mother!" That's my true hurdle to converting him. But I know it would save his life... as I watch him live on m&ms, sunny d, and fat free chocolate milk... well not so mcu LIVE ON as KILL HIMSELF WITH.

    But I'm rambling. I just wish people weren't so hard headed with what they've been taught to believe about a healthy diet, and see that what we've been taught has caused an epidemic of obesity and poor health, so why not be open to something different??

    Its crazy to me My family has been giving me a lot of negative jargon about how Im going to kill myself "going primal" But it cant be worse then how I was living throwing up everyday because of food allergies. I already feel a lift in my mood and my energy I can only hope that my successes are as great as yours. Curing your anxiety and depression and removing your body pains Thats amazing!!!!!! How I was living wasnt fixing anything so why is it so bad to make a change even an unconventional one especially if people are commenting on the differences.
    I am rambling but your success inspired me and I hope everything goes smoothly with your father.

    ps. anyone thats been on paleo for a while noticed a rise in libido. I feel like a lion I just wana get it on and eat meat all day long.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    ooo anyone got any good breakfast ideas that dont involve eggs. I am eating to many and Im not sure what to make myself for breakfast.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    ooo anyone got any good breakfast ideas that dont involve eggs. I am eating to many and Im not sure what to make myself for breakfast.

    Haha you will find that it's a little tricky living an egg-free existence on Paleo, but it can be done :) if you can stomach fish in the morning smoked salmon with avocado is delicious.
  • Meganne1982
    I have a hard time tiring of eggs myself- i love them. BUT- I've heard it suggested to paleo eaters tired of egg breakfasts to start thinking about breakfast differently. There really is no reason not to eat something you'd eat at another meal for breakfast. Steak? Steak and eggs is a breakfast entree, just leave out the eggs :) Sometimes I'll just have uncured bacon for breakfast if I wake to find my fiancee has finished off the eggs before I get up. I've also had breakfast of leftovers quite often. A leftover burger patty in the morning can be very tasty :)
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I'm interested.... Thanks for the info!
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    ooo anyone got any good breakfast ideas that dont involve eggs. I am eating to many and Im not sure what to make myself for breakfast.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    ps. anyone thats been on paleo for a while noticed a rise in libido. I feel like a lion I just wana get it on and eat meat all day long.

    One of the perks of this way of eating. Maybe if more people knew about this, they'd be willing to give it a go.
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    First day, total Paleo meals. Love it!
    Excited about all the different and healthy meals I will be consuming.
  • kirbybunny
    Wow, what a great thread. Starting Paleo today and can't wait to see what results I can achieve! Hello to everyone!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Wow, what a great thread. Starting Paleo today and can't wait to see what results I can achieve! Hello to everyone!

    Hiya! Welcome! Nice to have another member and friend, any questions feel free to ask!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Hi everyone! Just bragging cos I'm another 3.5lbs down. Hope everyone is doing swimmingly and enjoying their new way of life. Any newbies, feel free to add me or hit me up if you have any questions! xx
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Hi everyone! Just bragging cos I'm another 3.5lbs down.

    Thats amazing keep it up.
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Just wanted to say hi! I'm glad I'm not the only one on here doing the Paleo/Primal thing. Eating this way has shown me amazing results: I've lost 30lbs. since March! I'm excited to find you guys and am looking for any advice/input/etc. I can get.