Like Minded Lushes August 2011



  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Faith, they couldn't figure anything out regarding your stomach pains? They checked for appendicitus right? I had one for almost two weeks that they couldn't figure out until it actually ruptured! It was pretty ugly. I'm sorry to hear about your co-worker. It reallys sucks when you have a negative person around because it super hard for you to rise above them and be positive.

    Amy, My youngest starts Kindergarten in Sept. I'm so excited for him. He has 3 older siblings so he has been looking forward to school for the last couple of years. My biggest concern is daycare though.... I hate the idea of half days. I mean really, in this day and age how many parents can afford to be stay-home moms and dads or $400+ for half day of daycare. I understand these little guys can't sit though a whole day of lessons but damn... It's really got me stressed out obviously:grumble: :wink:

    Thanks everyone for the support. My nephew's Dad (sister's ex) died too on a night I was already drinking so I royally drank quite badly. It was just a really **** week. No ideas on the belly pain. My appendix is already out. They gave me antibiotics in case it was some sort of stomach/bowel infection. I tried by doctor's orders, laxatives/enemas in case it was my IBS playing up. The pain has eased off now, though I still don't know what it was. They found a cyst on my ovary only 2.2 cm during the ultrasound, but the pain was over my bowel area. Who knows? I have more test results I need to get but now the pain has eased I don't want to spend more money going back to find out. :laugh:

    Hopefully be a lot less lushy this week if at all.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks
    Tuesday=4 bud lites

    Not sure about drinking tonight, but definitely margs tomorrow!

    I love halloween too, I have a pair of white-out contact lenses and they are so fun and look so freaky, I was a zombie last year and a vampire the year before that.

    I tried a new drink last weekend, whiskey and ginger ale. I never like whiskey before but this was pretty tasty!

    Jameson and ginger ale is delicious. I usually stay away from the hard stuff unless it's date night and I feel like a martini but recently we've just been getting bottles of wine.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ugh, Faith, that sucks!!

    Kasi, our school does a 1/2 day "Kindie Enrichment" so after he's done (at 12) he'll go eat lunch and then be with the Eagle Care teachers. It's a bit looser than the actual classroom, but there's some structure. He's been at day care 3 days a week for the past couple of years so just paying $9 for the before school care and $18 for the after care (includes snacks) is a HUGE pay raise over the $700 a month we were paying!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The weather is great so I am drinking diet lemonade and vodka. The new job is kind of stressful right now so I am not doing much to be good. I love halloween too. love to decorate and love to create costumes. the last party we went to, we went as stick people. (Just like a 5 year old would draw. I have been a gumby (there were 8 of us) I was "Wilson" from Home Improvement (i had a fence in front of my face all night and I just peeked over the top) I have been a civil war Zombie and no one knew who I was. I strapped my self down and put a sock in my pants and didn't speak. I wore brown contacts (my eyes are blue) and I had rotten flesh (latex) make up so no one even thought I was a girl. It was fun.

    Sorry about the tummy pains Faith. hand in there

    Amy the bittersweet moments will just keep on coming and they never stop. Its all good watching our babies grow up even though it hurts too.

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is an awesome place to talk about a love that gets totally trashed on in most healthy websites. I hope you stick around for a while.

    Love to you all,
    Mamma Lush!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey lushes,

    Commiserations to those teachers starting back, the school holidays have not long started here in the UK and I've just started 3 weeks of leave from work :-) Been so excited at the thought of spending time with my kids and so far I'm loving it, although I expect to find it harder to stay on track with my diet etc as I find it easier to stay away from temptation when I'm at work.

    I've only had 2 glasses of wine so far this week but happily I have found out over the last couple of weeks that I can still drink alcohol and lose weight now I've dropped the amount of carbs I'm getting from food :-)
  • ItsMeTime
    Ugh not an awesome week so far...

    Monday- 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday- 5 and JUNK FOOD!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    A bottle of wine each night so far this week :noway: no hangovers though. Who know's about tonight and forget tomorrow (family get together) cannot wait. I absolutely love getting together with my family and we don't do it nearly enough :ohwell: but I always cherish when we do :heart: It'll be a night full of wine, pasta, meatballs, good bread and hopefully homemade apple pie :smile:

    Still have my friend who commited suicide last week on my mind. Suicide will always be something I'll never be able to wrap my head around.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Last night was good simply because it was too fracken busy to drink anything.

    Sun 0
    Mon 0
    Tues 1
    Wed 0

    Going out with my preggo friend tonight so probably won't have anything. (saving it up for tomorrow night :laugh:)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    So begins the lushing soon....tonight with kickball league followed by dollar beer night, then two days of music festival. The BF and I got two 30 packs and two bottles of burnetts (for summer brew) for the weekend. Think it will be enough!

    Have a fab weekend, friends!
  • jennyonthespot
    jennyonthespot Posts: 98 Member
    Does anyone else have a much lower alcohol tolerance since joining MFP? I become a sloppy mess whenever I let loose on the weekends! Its sad. I generally stick to vodka soda with lime so as not to completely trash my calorie count, but that doesnt always work out too well...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Does anyone else have a much lower alcohol tolerance since joining MFP? I become a sloppy mess whenever I let loose on the weekends! Its sad. I generally stick to vodka soda with lime so as not to completely trash my calorie count, but that doesnt always work out too well...
    Yes, I think I realized that I don't need much, before I was drinking a lot, like I had to keep up with my husband, but he outweighs me by quite a bit, so three drinks should be plenty for me. That is what I had last night: 3 beers.
    Definitely having a marg tonight. this place has these killer "cadillac" margaritas. $10 but so yummy and strong. I think I might jog there...
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello lushes! Happy Thursday! Well, I know it can be done. Me NOT drinking for days in a row. July 28 through Aug 2. I also lost 4.5 pounds. Then I came back and had 4 or 5 tequila and lime drinks last night. I guess I need to go up North more often (I don't drink when I'm there, my son appreciates it.). Quite frankly, I don't remember eating supper last night. Oh boy! :ohwell:

    Faith, do you think it could be GERD? I had tests that included checking out the colon, also looked down the throat and stomach, and finally a cat scan. After all that, and bunches of $$s, my gastro dr. prescribes anti acids. 60 mg of over the counter Omeprazole tablets. And IT WORKED! I had pains for the last 7 yrs or so and finally got it figured out. For now. :wink:

    Well, it's cocktail time. I'm going to have to thin out the drinks a bit if I want to remember dinner tonight! :laugh:

    Rock on!

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Does anyone else have a much lower alcohol tolerance since joining MFP? I become a sloppy mess whenever I let loose on the weekends! Its sad. I generally stick to vodka soda with lime so as not to completely trash my calorie count, but that doesnt always work out too well...

    Since I cut back on my drink and sorted out my eating I have way lower tolerance, especially after I have gone through one of my giving alcohol up a month stages. I get halfway through a glass of wine now and it goes to my head, I'm such a lightweight!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Whoops! Totally forgot the rest of my counts for the week...

    Monday=1/2 (I let Hubs finish my Blue Moon)
    Tuesday=3 (shots of Tuaca)
    Wednesday=3 (2 shots and one beer)

    I really shouldn't drink tonight if I want to stay within my 2 weeknight dealy. There's a work Happy Hour tomorrow at the Platte River Grill--they have a FABULOUS!! patio and quesadillas...we don't have a sitter, but if we can get one, we'll go.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    A bottle of wine each night so far this week :noway: no hangovers though. Who know's about tonight and forget tomorrow (family get together) cannot wait. I absolutely love getting together with my family and we don't do it nearly enough :ohwell: but I always cherish when we do :heart: It'll be a night full of wine, pasta, meatballs, good bread and hopefully homemade apple pie :smile:

    Still have my friend who commited suicide last week on my mind. Suicide will always be something I'll never be able to wrap my head around.
    I know what you mean! It breaks my heart to think of someone being so sad they don't want to live anymore. I cannot imagine being so hopeless.
  • scraplink
    Can I play??!! I'm new to MFP message boards and this is the first one that feels like home :love:

    I am turning 40 in March and I'd really like to do it in the "healthy" zone rather than the "over" zone. I'm either going to be "fit by forty" or "fat forever" so I'm opting for the former.

    I have a blended brood of 3 stepkids and 2 bio all of whom live with us during the school year. We will have a senior in high school and a kindergardener this year . . . I think I need a drink already . . .

    Seriously, I firmly believe that too much drinking is part of my belly problem, so part of my diet is cutting back, but I don't want to cut it out entirely. So I'm trying!! Vodka & diet dew is my poison of choice when dieting (appletinis when not) . . . none so far this week, but the night is still young and my gf is on her way to scrapbook with me . . .
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    welcome Scrap.
    Kat my DH's best friend for 45 years committed suicide 8 years ago. He still tears up when he thinks of him. It is a very hard thing to wrap your head around.

    It is still summer here. wow! we have had a whole week of real summer. I love being able to drive my convertible with the top down. but it also means refreshing vodka's with diet lemon when i get home. oh well. Job is starting to settle in (I finally got a phone today and had my Ergo eval so I will get a decent keyboard and chair and stuff.)

    I hope you are all having a great day.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    welcome Scrap.
    Kat my DH's best friend for 45 years committed suicide 8 years ago. He still tears up when he thinks of him. It is a very hard thing to wrap your head around.

    It is still summer here. wow! we have had a whole week of real summer. I love being able to drive my convertible with the top down. but it also means refreshing vodka's with diet lemon when i get home. oh well. Job is starting to settle in (I finally got a phone today and had my Ergo eval so I will get a decent keyboard and chair and stuff.)

    I hope you are all having a great day.

    That's terrible =( it's definitely a hard thing to come to grips with. This is the 3rd person that my boyfriend and I went to school with that's commited suicide and I still don't think I'll ever understand it. One of the boys was a childhood friend of my boyfriends, it was tough seeing him in the casket but it was more upsetting seeing how upset my boyfriend was.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Well, I had a beer tonight. It was technically only one, but it was 23oz of a Belgian Triple. (My bartender loves me a little too much some times.)

    But I did stop at one. Usually, I will have more than one. A lot of nights I will have three.

    But I did do O-lifting tonight, so that burned at least some calories.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I am supposed to be being really good this week, but my lush has taken over my body as I actually have a rare 2 day weekend baaaahhhh! :grumble: