Like Minded Lushes August 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Decent amount of wine last night. Shared a bottle with the boyfriend at dinner then came home, he had whiskey on the rocks and I had 4 glasses of wine.

    Had 2 blue moons at lunch today which consisted of a large bison burger, fries and a fudge brownie. Totalled the cals from the nutrition menu and was actually only 21 calories over for the day. Then again, that's a lot for one meal and I'd like some wine tonight so if you're going to eat like a pig (me) and fend off the poundage, you need to work out hard, and so, I'm hopping on my bike for 3 hours and watching MADMEN =]
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I was bad last night. I knew I was going to be drinking, so I kept my calories for the day low. What I didn't think I'd do was have quite as much as I did. I wound up having 4.5 Belgian beers. Oops. Once I was a little tipsy, I just kept drinking.

    Lots of water is planned for today, as is trying out UFC Trainer with my husband. We'll see how it goes.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I haven't logged any food for Friday or yesterday...and Friday night...the question is how many bottles, not glasses were consumed. Hopefully the recovery from the insanity binge will keep the lushiness at bay!
    The kids come back to school tomorrow, and I was back at work last week. I still got a few workouts in and did a bunch of, not so back. However, I feel like a giant, bloated turd from all of the wine Friday night!
    Back on the program for me!
    Have a great week all!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday I poured a glass of white wine when I got home from work and forgot about it! I went to the Rockies game and had three big beers there, then to gigglin grizzly and had a marg, just sounded good.
    Friday=4 drinks
    Saturday=1/2 bottle tempranillo with dinner, and a bud light
    Sunday= not sure yet, I need to run but it is too hot, so I might go to the gym, if I wait for it to cool off I might start drinking and then I definitely won't run..
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm still enjoying one of my random fits of self control. Opened a bottle of wine last night and stopped at 2 glasses, had 1 more glass out of the bottle today and have put the rest back in the fridge. :smokin:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I didn't do too bad this weekend.....well I consider not bad because I actually remembered how much I drank :laugh:

    Friday-3 vodka with crystal light lemonade and diet blueberry pomegranate juice
    Saturday-3 beers and 4 mango vodka with sprite zero
    Sunday-2 vodka with crystal light lemonade and diet blueberry pomegranate juice, 1 rum and pineapple juice concoction, and 1 beer
    Monday-wine for sure...12oz :happy:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Oh. My. God.

    So lushy.

    7-10 beers on Thursday (dollar beer night) plus a shot of vodka.
    9-12 drinks on Friday (started at 3 pm with summer brew and continued through the evenings)
    9-12 drink on Satuday (same as above)

    So lushy, so tired!

    I love the music festival but my liver hated it.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member

    For those of you who don't know, Dave started this thread. I took it over when he was too busy after a couple of months and have kept it going. (until I had no computer and Amy did it for me this month) Essentially this thread is his baby. So here's to Papa Surly! smiley-eatdrink048.gif

    Aww, thanks for the love. You know, it's not really that I was too busy, it was that I realized I wasn't even trying to abstain. Not to make it to Friday, not even to make it to Wednesday. So I felt like a bad influence, brain child or not. Anyway, I am glad to see the Lushes are alive and well. It's funny because I have met people over the last year who will tell me about this thread.

    Anyway, I am miraculously on day 8 of sobriety. My scale is down 7 lbs from last Monday. How scary is that?!! Best wishes to my old friends and my new ones!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Awww, did you have to tell us that? We keep thinking (well I keep thinking) that I can still drink and lose weight. :sad: Congrats on the 7 pounds, guess I should give sobriety a try.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    just found this thread-describes me to a "T" I try to keep my drinking to one or two nights a week, however at least one of those nights I drink enough to average at least one a day. My other downfall to this is that my stomach does not appreciate it and craves salt and grease, specifically McDonalds the next day and ALL day long. i did go through about 3 weeks with no drinking, and i didn't think I notice a huge change in my loss, however, Ive been at a plateau for awhile now and im thinking maybe the alcohol is playing a part, but its summer and I;m social, and jsut when i think its going to be a quiet week, i have three friends birthdays, and other things going on where beverages will be flowin....ahhhh cheers:)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    not too lushy yesterday. We will see how today goes. Not trying to hard to abstain but trying to moderate for now.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    K, I REALLY need to figure out how to camp without so many drinks! I seam to do just fine if I stay home for the weekend but something about that damn lake says DRINK! What's a girl to do... can't argue with nature:wink:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Ended up not having my wine last night......decided to eat instead.....progress you say NAH I didn't workout so I didn't have any extra calories.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I totally thought when I got engaged that when the wedding was getting closer that would make me not drink as much, thinking I would want to look as good as possible in my dress. But, the complete opposite is happening, I'm drinking more, wine esp and it being summer doesn't help. Its just so much nicer to sit outside and relax with a drink than without one :) Had 2 glasses of merlot last night and I'm sure I will finish that bottle tonight! Such a lush!
  • CarlHollomon
    Does anyone have nutrition info for Fegley's Hopsolutely beer? I LOVE (way too much) this stuff!

  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Does anyone have nutrition info for Fegley's Hopsolutely beer? I LOVE (way too much) this stuff!

    Carl of my absolutely favorite beers. I have no idea how many calories are in it but I usually estimate around 350 to be safe, since its a triple ipa, doubles I usually use 300.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So I totally thought when I got engaged that when the wedding was getting closer that would make me not drink as much, thinking I would want to look as good as possible in my dress. But, the complete opposite is happening, I'm drinking more, wine esp and it being summer doesn't help. Its just so much nicer to sit outside and relax with a drink than without one :) Had 2 glasses of merlot last night and I'm sure I will finish that bottle tonight! Such a lush!

    This is such a stressful time for you that those drinks outside on a gorgeous night are probably just what you need. Just make sure you aren't going over your calories and enjoy!!!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I like this thread...I hate to say but I just haven't wanted to give up my alcohol...although I am for a few weeks because I'm quitting smoking AGAIN! So I have to stay away from the drinks unless I can give up the smokes while drinking...

    I too notice that i feel better if I don't drink anything...but my video game weekends would be less than if I couldn't have some drinks with my friends. So far this week I'm doing good.

    Sunday - 0 drinks
    Monday - 0 drinks
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    UGH alcohol totally doesn't agree with me anymore, felt so ill after 3 glasses of wine last night and still felt yucky this morning :-(
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Nothing last night and nothing until Friday night when we're in Boston. We're doing an 80's themed bar crawl on Saturday so there will be plenty of booze this weekend. Going to watch what I eat until then and get some good bike rides in so that I'm nice and slim for my costume :glasses: