Moms over 40.....



  • WalkTheTalk
    Bump for later.
  • chattinchick
    chattinchick Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a 40-year-old Mom of 2 - my son is turning 15 and my daughter is turning 13. I started my journey about 3 years ago with bootcamp being my first physical activity since high school pretty much and it almost killed me! However, I feel in love with it too...and it's been a great relationship between my trainer, the gym and myself! I work out with my trainer 2-3 days/week and I am now seeing some results since having a partial hysterectomy in April and being off my steroid medications they had me on before that (for 10 years!!!!) My weight loss is very slow, but the inches are changing and I will take that. I struggle with the food portion of the healthy road - I fall off the wagon and have to start over, but at least I do start over.

    So glad you started this thread!! :) Here's to all us 40-ish Moms ... we can do this!!!! By the way - I feel better now at 40 than I did when I was 20 and 30! Whoop! Whoop!
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello lovely ladies ! :happy: I know this is long and winded, but I just wanted to blurt it all out !!

    I will be turning 42 in December (say WHAT??) but in my mind I am still 25.... My body DEFINITELY feels 42 though.... I have a wonderful energizer bunny 2 1/2 yo daughter named Zoe, who keeps me on the move constantly ! We are looking to start trying for # 2... But, all I can think about is :

    (1) where will I find the energy to work all day long, drive 2 hours commute/day, clean a somewhat big house, take care of a 2 1/2 and 43 year old babies (yes my husband!) and still fit in a newborn??

    (2) get pregnant at this heavy weight ?

    This has been hammering in my head almost all year long.... THEN - we took my daughter to Disney for the first time in June/11 and I saw pictures and video of me, and just wanted to cry. I mean, I KNEW I was heavy, but I guess you just never really realize HOW HEAVY until it hits you in the face with a picture of you standing next to your couple friends, who must weight 130 Lbs each.... I just didnt want my daughter to ever be embarrased of me. That was my first wake up call.

    Then I went to my doctor for my 6 months check up on July 22/11, as I am on HBP meds - and stepping on that scale was ANOTHER wake up call, and the last one needed. It said 255 Lbs, which is the HEAVIEST I have ever been in my life. I gave birth to my daughter when I was 245 Lbs.

    As soon as I got to the office from the doctor's visit, I signed up for MFP - and have lost 22 Lbs as of today, just by counting calories..... !

    You just really dont realize the amount of calories you eat in a day, when you are not counting... Here I was, thinking I was eating "healthy" and the first day that I logged on, I had almost 3000 cals for that day !!! After seeing me starting to lose the weight, my also overweight husband has decided to go on a diet as well ! He doesnt have the patience for any of the counting, so he does Atkins. He has already dropped 40 Lbs (I HATE MEN!) - and this is the first time we diet together. Needless to say, it has been MUCH easier to do so !

    This site has helped me IMMENSELY ! The total strangers that just show up, and support you in every single way they can - the truly inspirational Success Stories... It all makes a huge difference in the end !! Reading all your posts here was also so wonderful !

    I have joined an October 30Day Shred challenge - and we start tomorrow, so looking forward to see my AFTER pics by then !

    Anyone, please feel free to add me so we can continue supporting each other ! :heart:

    Have an amazing weekend !
    Cheers ! :drinker:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    "You just really dont realize the amount of calories you eat in a day, when you are not counting..."

    So true!!! I encourage friends to use this site for that purpose alone. It's shocking to think what I used to eat in a day! Keeping the food diary is essential for me!!

    So glad you found this thread and congrats to you for making changes.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    That is so awesome...way to go!!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    Hey everyone, I am a 47 year old mother of three (22, 20, 20). I had twins so my body really changed after their natural birth, they were 7'4" and 7'6". I gained 65 pounds(218) I was already overweight when I got pregnant. I lost the 65 pretty quick since I nursed them both but after that I gradually started a yo yo routine. I was my biggest in November of 2008 (194). When I got married I weighed 127! I am 5'9" so I know that 127 is never going to be reachable again but I am hoping for 145. I am currently at 159.5 (as of this morning) and have maintained the 34 pound loss for a couple of years, I just now have decided to kick start my weight loss again because my 22 year old daughter is getting married in June of 2012 and I want to be happy in the pictures. I feel great and love getting complements again, my children are all in college so I have decided that it's time for me to take care of myself first. My husband has enjoyed the more fit and healthy me (lots of side benefits for him Good Luck to you all , this is the greatest gift that we can give our children....a healthy,happy mom!!!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello beautiful is everyone doing? I'm feeling so tired today, only slept 5 hours last night, but I feel good! I am staying on track and even found some exercise videos on the Netflix streaming that I am going to take advantage of. I'm thinking of the 30day Shred, but for now I will use what's on the Netflix. I'm thinking its time to change things up a bit, so was pleasantly surprised to find those videos. I'm totally enjoying C25K, who knew??? I've never been a runner! But am pleased w/ myself that I can jog 8 minutes. I'm on week 5 and repeated day two 3 times, I am intimidated by day 3 as it is a 20 minute jog, but I will try it. Won't know if I can do it till I try it, right??

    So what is new with all of you??
  • rdvincent
    sorta bummed, I bought a dress size10 ( on ebay) for my sons wedding and have struggled to get into it, I wear a size 12. found out that karen miller gowns run small, :angry: so anyway I'm plugging along with this weight loss journey, exercising, doing the 30DS when I injure my knee,:grumble: I figure that there is no way I'll wear that dress,:grumble: so I go out and buy something that fits, my husband doesn't understand why I feel like I failed, I really am bummed, I also fear that I'm going to go backwards, that dress was my motivation.
    I'm just now able to start some light exercise, so I need to keep working and realize that there is more to life than a dress, I am healthier and slimmer than I was and this is good. guess I just needed to whine alittle!
    Alicia, jillian has you do lunges and arm exercises at the same time, she warns about form alot, LISTEN!! hahahaha, cannot wait to start again, a little more carefully next time!
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 47 and mother of a 13 year old son and have just started the journey this past summer. I have to say that being part of MFP has been so much help in keeping the motivation going and keeps reminding me that Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will this journey to loosing the weight I have found. Feel free to friend me, I could always use the encouragement1
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 47, 4 sons ages 2, 16, 18, 20 .... I am living proof that you don't have to sit back and get obese or unhealthy because of your age. Infact, I have more energy and am in better shape then all of my other years and I'm only going to get better. People ask me what I am doing for my energy and how I look my age and then I let them in on my secret weapon.... exercise and the healthiest meal of my day.

    The key factor to getting in the best shape after 40 is adding muscle resistance into your workouts. As we age we lose muscle mass which then slows down our metabolism which then adds on that extra weight... you can't just use the excuse ...oh i'm too old!!!

    Feel free to friend me any of you as I love new like minded friends and I love helping others.. Colleen (Seattle)

    GREAT POST IDEA!! I also leave motivational thoughts on my page keep you FOCUSED! ;0)
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Okay, def need you as my inspirational friend. I have no more baby is 17 months old and I will be 41 next week! I am skinny fat ( gotta love that term) and I want my muscles, flexibility and my youthfulness back!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    i am 41 and a mother of an 11 year old. i have gone up and down with my weight the last few years. i feel i am ready to eat and exercise like i should be and make it a habit. so glad to meet people here who are in the same boat as i am.

    please add me as a friend if you would like.

    thank you for your support !
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    sorta bummed, I bought a dress size10 ( on ebay) for my sons wedding and have struggled to get into it, I wear a size 12. found out that karen miller gowns run small, :angry: so anyway I'm plugging along with this weight loss journey, exercising, doing the 30DS when I injure my knee,:grumble: I figure that there is no way I'll wear that dress,:grumble: so I go out and buy something that fits, my husband doesn't understand why I feel like I failed, I really am bummed, I also fear that I'm going to go backwards, that dress was my motivation.
    I'm just now able to start some light exercise, so I need to keep working and realize that there is more to life than a dress, I am healthier and slimmer than I was and this is good. guess I just needed to whine alittle!
    Alicia, jillian has you do lunges and arm exercises at the same time, she warns about form alot, LISTEN!! hahahaha, cannot wait to start again, a little more carefully next time!

    You have been doing so well! Do not give up on yourself! Those dresses always run small, maybe you can find a seamstress to make adjustments for you? YOU HAVE NOT FAILED!!! I know you're disappointed, but you really shouldn't be, I don't know why but dresses like that always run so small. You are looking great...keep up the good work!!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and searched "over 40 mom" and found all of you! I'd love to have friends and support along my journey.
    I lost 15 pounds on my own over the first six months of the year, but then over the summer I had to welcome some back. Now I want to lose another 15 (or so, the feeling/look is important more than the number). And I know that it gets harder the less you have to lose.

    One wrinkle I haven't seen mentioned in the thread is nursing. Is anyone else nursing a toddler at our "advanced maternal age?" I know it's not many calories at this point (maybe once/twice a day) but it does seem like little things make a difference.

    My 29 month old still nurses. I am trying to totally wean her, but she likes the routine of first thin in the morning at last thing at night. I figure it's probably 80-100 mor calories burned- how much do you figure ?

    Sorry- I am on my iPod, can't delete the rest of the post

    What I need to concentrate on now is eating less and tweaking my ratios. All while feeding a busy family with food around me all the time!

    Thanks for your inspirational stories and tips. I look forward to following this thread and your successes!
    Ciao a tutti,
    kids aged 8, 7, 4, 3
  • docshar
    docshar Posts: 16
    I'm 46 and my girl is almost 5. It took some terrible stuff that my husband was going through at work for me to realize that he wasn't taking care of himself, and I sure wasn't taking care of myself. That was what finally lit the fire I needed under my butt to get healthy. I've had a couple places along the road where my eating wasn't as great as it could be. The important thing for me is that I never gave up and I never stopped exercising.First and foremost, I'm doing this for me. But it's also for my daughter. I want to be able to run and play with her, and especially as an older mom, I need to take care of myself if I'm going to be around to see the amazing woman she grows into.
  • Christe921
    Hi I just turned 47 last month, I have 4 kids 4, 7, 20 and 22. I was always thin then the 40's hit. I joined WW in Feb 2010 and lost 22 pounds. Unfortunately I fell off of the WW wagon over the summer and gained 8 pounds back. I would love to loose 20 pounds. I run and work out at home. Christe
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello ladies.....been having a good week here. Still finding it a daily struggle, but I suppose that is the way it will always be if I want to stay healthy. But I am so close to the BMI healthy way range....can't wait to get there.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ladies...I was thinking today about the changes I have made these last several months, the biggest one has to be not sleeping late on the weekends. I was up at 7am Saturday and Sunday, to get my exercise in! If you knew me, you'd know how huge that was!!!

    What NSV's (non-scale victory) do you want to share?
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone! This sounds like the group for me: I am 44. I have 10 kids (17-16-14-13-10-9-7-5yr old twins and my baby is 4. My husband is a amazing person but travels 4-5 days a week. I am sstarting p90x again for the 3rd time just finished chalene extreme and still not at goal. Uhg!!! I am now frustrated and ready to give up
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone! This sounds like the group for me: I am 44. I have 10 kids (17-16-14-13-10-9-7-5yr old twins and my baby is 4. My husband is a amazing person but travels 4-5 days a week. I am sstarting p90x again for the 3rd time just finished chalene extreme and still not at goal. Uhg!!! I am now frustrated and ready to give up
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