Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! Due to Hurricane Irene, we lost power late Saturday night/early Sunday morning and did not get power back until today at 1pm. needless to say I have not been getting workouts in. Last workout was Thursday night. I am planning on doing Ripped Week 2 Day 3 tonight after work however it has been a truly exhausting few days and am not sure if I have the energy to. But I will try my best!

    Juliane, interesting change you are making! What lead you to make the change?
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone! Due to Hurricane Irene, we lost power late Saturday night/early Sunday morning and did not get power back until today at 1pm. needless to say I have not been getting workouts in. Last workout was Thursday night. I am planning on doing Ripped Week 2 Day 3 tonight after work however it has been a truly exhausting few days and am not sure if I have the energy to. But I will try my best!

    Juliane, interesting change you are making! What lead you to make the change?

    I find that having someone else to hold me accountable really helps with my will power (or sometimes lack there of), but there are many more reasons than that and I weighed them all into consideration because the financial aspect of having a personal trainer was something I wanted to think about carefully. Honestly I really want someone who is going to push me harder than I will push myself, and that includes working out with a DVD. It's one of the reasons I love taking the classes I take, there's always an instructor to either make it fun or make me work my *kitten* off (perferably both). I knew I wasn't getting enough strength training in to my weekly workouts (even including the JM dvd) at least not enough to accomplish what I want to but I am not a huge fan of going to the gym and doing strength by myself because I don't know what I'm doing. I thought that seeking the training of a professional would guide me better to achieve my goals, achieve them faster and achieve them without injuring myself and looking like a fool.

    I wanted to accomplish all of this without taking more time out of my evenings (and I'm NOT a morning person!), as I really miss having some down time at the end of the day. I joined Bally's which is right around the corner from me and I have met an awesome trainer there who is a body builder. He's young, but mature and has accomplished a lot. I know he's going to push me. On top of this my boss has given me permission to come into work a half hour early (which I can handle!) and take an extra half hour on my lunch break to give me enough time to get a full workout in with my trainer. So all in all I feel like this is a good avenue for me to explore and hopefully I'm making the right investment in myself. I know my personality, I struggle with motivating myself to push myself harder. I like knowing though that I have workouts I can turn to at home on days when I may not be able to make it to the gym (for whatever reason) and I plan on sticking with Jillian for that. In fact, my class was cancelled this evening so I will be putting in a workout with her then! I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Really hoping to get that ripped, strong body I am striving towards!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Only two more days of week 4 and then I'm finished! I will post my pictures on Monday and my results. (Monday's are my weigh in days) i actually did week one in combo with the week 4 the other day and I just about breezed through the level one workout. It was awesome lol. Now I plan on doing a combination of the videos I have of hers and I came up with a 30 day plan. Most days I will be doing 2 or more videos a day. The very last day I have all four workouts from ri30 scheduled. Now I won't nessacerly be doing this all at once but probably broken up over the day. Like one video in the morning. And maybe two at night. I'm really thinking that it will give me the boost I need and help get me ready for insanity which I plan on doing next.

    Juliane I think hiring a personal trainer was a great decision! And it is defiantly worth the money. I'm hoping to do the same when my girls get older and I can get out of the house more without them. But for now I am doing fine working out at home.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I had started Ripped in 30 the beginning of August but 2 weeks in I got into a car accident and was mildly injured. Its been 2weeks since my accident and I'm feeling much better, just weak.

    Starting it up again for September
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Only two more days of week 4 and then I'm finished! I will post my pictures on Monday and my results. (Monday's are my weigh in days) i actually did week one in combo with the week 4 the other day and I just about breezed through the level one workout. It was awesome lol. Now I plan on doing a combination of the videos I have of hers and I came up with a 30 day plan. Most days I will be doing 2 or more videos a day. The very last day I have all four workouts from ri30 scheduled. Now I won't nessacerly be doing this all at once but probably broken up over the day. Like one video in the morning. And maybe two at night. I'm really thinking that it will give me the boost I need and help get me ready for insanity which I plan on doing next.

    Juliane I think hiring a personal trainer was a great decision! And it is defiantly worth the money. I'm hoping to do the same when my girls get older and I can get out of the house more without them. But for now I am doing fine working out at home.

    Thanks! I'm excited to really get into working with him next week! Sounds like you've got an awesome plan set up there. I'm excited to hear how it works out for you and how you feel when your getting ready to start insanity!!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    I had started Ripped in 30 the beginning of August but 2 weeks in I got into a car accident and was mildly injured. Its been 2weeks since my accident and I'm feeling much better, just weak.

    Starting it up again for September

    Ohh, I hope it wasn't too serious! Glad your feeling better and ready to get started again. Keep us updated!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Hey! Just curious how long the Ripped in 30 workout is?
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey! Just curious how long the Ripped in 30 workout is?

    Hey there! Each of the workouts are only about 25 minutes long. You start off with a warm up, then she splits the work out up into 3 different sets of the following:

    3 minutes of strength
    2 minutes of cardio
    1 minute of abs

    You go through thsi 3 times (each round has different exercises) and then a cool down.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Hey! Just curious how long the Ripped in 30 workout is?

    Hey there! Each of the workouts are only about 25 minutes long. You start off with a warm up, then she splits the work out up into 3 different sets of the following:

    3 minutes of strength
    2 minutes of cardio
    1 minute of abs

    Cool, thanks. I already have 30 day shred, thinking about getting this one as well.

    You go through thsi 3 times (each round has different exercises) and then a cool down.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Just did her buns and thighs DVD and it was awesome!
  • Lunamyst
    Lunamyst Posts: 1 Member
    I own the JM Ripped in 30 and have done it several times over the past month. Quite challenging!

    I vary my workouts daily. I have a collection of Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, Turbo Jam, Tae Bo and a few others (yoga and pilates and such). My favorites are Turbo Jam and Jillian Michaels. I feel like I'm getting a better workout with the cardio exercises and maybe that's because I'm burning off fat and finally able to see some inches lost. :)

    My weak areas, where I need the most toning, are the stomach, hips (can you say back fat? yuk!) and inner thighs. I'm working on all over toning though to be lean and sculpted from head to toe.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I own the JM Ripped in 30 and have done it several times over the past month. Quite challenging!

    I vary my workouts daily. I have a collection of Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, Turbo Jam, Tae Bo and a few others (yoga and pilates and such). My favorites are Turbo Jam and Jillian Michaels. I feel like I'm getting a better workout with the cardio exercises and maybe that's because I'm burning off fat and finally able to see some inches lost. :)

    My weak areas, where I need the most toning, are the stomach, hips (can you say back fat? yuk!) and inner thighs. I'm working on all over toning though to be lean and sculpted from head to toe.

    You should try her new killer buns and thighs dvd. its intense and a great workout. It targets those areas. I just started using so i havent seen results yet but I just know I will.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Started Week 3 and it's a killer! This week is all about legs, which are my worst feature and I know I neglect them! I can really feel the lunges this morning in my bum and thighs!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Started Week 3 and it's a killer! This week is all about legs, which are my worst feature and I know I neglect them! I can really feel the lunges this morning in my bum and thighs!

    Great job! Thus DVD really improved my leg strength and the way they look. I love the way my legs look now and I always get people to poke my thighs because they are hard when I flex haha
  • tomboywoman
    So I am on day 3 of week 1 on ripped in 30. My question is how do u know how many calories u burned??