30 Day Shred - 08/08/11



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Started again yesterday!

    Welcome Wings! (monkeys and wings = Wizard of Oz flying monkeys) Glad to have you Shredding with us. :smile:

    Monkey ~ How did your date night go? Did you stick to your meal plan?

    Doing snack shack duty again tonight. Numbers have dropped dramatically and the club gave me a key after my first night! LOL but I can't forget my snack tonight!! I was in charge of the hot dogs and popcorn machine last time and man, those hot dogs looked really good after 2 hours. There's no fear of eating popcorn in public ... I can't stand the feel of the skins (husks?) in my teeth (wouldn't be able to floss).

    Hubby's alarm didn't go off this morning, the dog woke me. So I will be Shredding earlier than normal today, and maybe a nap.

    Hey :)

    Date night was great thanks and yeah i stuck to my meal plan...it was delicious :D
    Good luck with snack shack tonight im sure you will be fine :D
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    I will start on Saturday that's when I'm supposed to get the DVD. Good luck to all :)
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Started again yesterday!

    Welcome Wings! (monkeys and wings = Wizard of Oz flying monkeys) Glad to have you Shredding with us. :smile:

    Monkey ~ How did your date night go? Did you stick to your meal plan?

    Doing snack shack duty again tonight. Numbers have dropped dramatically and the club gave me a key after my first night! LOL but I can't forget my snack tonight!! I was in charge of the hot dogs and popcorn machine last time and man, those hot dogs looked really good after 2 hours. There's no fear of eating popcorn in public ... I can't stand the feel of the skins (husks?) in my teeth (wouldn't be able to floss).

    Hubby's alarm didn't go off this morning, the dog woke me. So I will be Shredding earlier than normal today, and maybe a nap.

  • statia152
    Ok, double of Level 1 and sweating like crazy! Even though this is the second time around, its still hard work. LOL But that's the whole point of it all, yes? I've got to finish my water, shower, drink protein shake and get ready for snack shack duty. You all have a wonderful day and keep moving! XOXO
  • beefcake30
    I started the 30ds level 1 today. Funny thing is I forgot I even had the dvd. I had to stop once to get a sip of water, but made it through. I used 3lb weights, seemed heavy. I am looking foward to seeing results! (hopefully by Oct. 1st, my hubby has a work golf tournament and he wants me to wear skimpy shorts, I want to wear them too and look good in them! Note to self: need a spray tan, summer was not nice to me)
  • statia152
    Welcome Beefcake! You will lose inches and tone by Oct if you do it daily. Keep posting here and we will all cheer you on.
  • joimichele
    Starting over today! L1D1! Good luck!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hey ladies

    well today i got home did a 15 minute walk 5 minute run, 2 lots of L3 30 day shred and some toning exercises :D

  • statia152
    You done good, Monkey! But add the ham in your lunch, it shows "0 slices". I wonder if I'll ever be able to run ...
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    You done good, Monkey! But add the ham in your lunch, it shows "0 slices". I wonder if I'll ever be able to run ...
    yeah sorry its coz it wont let me delete it in work, i didnt actually eat the ham as it tasted really rubbery so i put 0 slices instead because i cant delete when in work xxx
  • statia152
    Monkey ~ Its 9 pm here (2 am there?) so you're in bed. Understand the ham thing now. Too tired to eat much, so just had half a peanut butter sand only because I needed hi cals. Tired from the snack shack ... taking a shower and headed to bed. Sweet dreams everyone! XOXO
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    morning statia its 7am here just had breakfast, going out for a curry tonight :s but gunna get one that hasnt got a lot of sauce as it will b the best for calories :)

  • statia152
    morning statia its 7am here just had breakfast, going out for a curry tonight :s but gunna get one that hasnt got a lot of sauce as it will b the best for calories :)


    I don't eat much of Indian / Thai food, but couldn't you ask for the sauce on the side? Of you could do a double 30DS tomorrow?

    Its just 8:30 and having coffee. My ribs are sore, must be from doing extra side crunches (which I don't log). I've noticed my arms are toning up nicely, but Jillian doesn't do any triceps moves. So I started doing tri-curls and stuff about 2 weeks ago. It must take longer to tone / build triceps than biceps, cuz I don't see much difference. Hoping to firm those "bat wings" a bit. Does anyone else do extra for their triceps??
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    morning statia its 7am here just had breakfast, going out for a curry tonight :s but gunna get one that hasnt got a lot of sauce as it will b the best for calories :)


    I don't eat much of Indian / Thai food, but couldn't you ask for the sauce on the side? Of you could do a double 30DS tomorrow?

    Its just 8:30 and having coffee. My ribs are sore, must be from doing extra side crunches (which I don't log). I've noticed my arms are toning up nicely, but Jillian doesn't do any triceps moves. So I started doing tri-curls and stuff about 2 weeks ago. It must take longer to tone / build triceps than biceps, cuz I don't see much difference. Hoping to firm those "bat wings" a bit. Does anyone else do extra for their triceps??

    Im going to double up when i come back as its weigh day tomorrow :) my bat wings are one of the worst bits of me that im self consious about so i try and do some tricep curls too xxx
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i will be posting my before and after pics later and hopefully will se a difference :) xxx
  • statia152
    Monkey didn't post it here, but she lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in!! I'm so proud of her and her accomplishments. I can't wait to see her before / after pics.

    I didn't do my 30DS yesterday because of the combo of the weather and those extra crunches (opposite armpit to knee). It felt like I had been hit by a truck! Hurt to breathe cuz my ribs were so sore. But I'm feeling so much better today, so back to doing my doubles. Everyone have a wonderful day. XOXO
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    Hoping to firm those "bat wings" a bit. Does anyone else do extra for their triceps??

    I did this exercise to firm up my "bat wings" that involved a stretch band over a door. I don't know what it was called, but you basically attached the middle of the band to the top middle of the door and then sat on a chair with your back to the door and pulled the bands down to your sides as far as you could.. It really firmed up my triceps.... I'm sure there are a million variations, but this one worked for me.
  • statia152
    Hoping to firm those "bat wings" a bit. Does anyone else do extra for their triceps??

    I did this exercise to firm up my "bat wings" that involved a stretch band over a door. I don't know what it was called, but you basically attached the middle of the band to the top middle of the door and then sat on a chair with your back to the door and pulled the bands down to your sides as far as you could.. It really firmed up my triceps.... I'm sure there are a million variations, but this one worked for me.

    Thank you for the suggestion, I will get myself a band and start tomorrow!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Monkey didn't post it here, but she lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in!! I'm so proud of her and her accomplishments. I can't wait to see her before / after pics.

    I didn't do my 30DS yesterday because of the combo of the weather and those extra crunches (opposite armpit to knee). It felt like I had been hit by a truck! Hurt to breathe cuz my ribs were so sore. But I'm feeling so much better today, so back to doing my doubles. Everyone have a wonderful day. XOXO
    thanks very much :D
  • joimichele
    Hi everybody! Congratulations Monkey!! Whhoooo!! Can't wait for the pics. What are the plans for the weekend? I did my shred today and yesterday. Unsure about the weekend cause I am going out of town.
    Statia- Hope you feel better!