Healthy Holidays! (Christmas Group #2)- Closed Group



  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Monday, August 15th weigh in: 159.2

    I didn't get to exercise like I wanted to this week. We were packing/moving our daughter and life was hetic and my eating was off this last week. I plan for this week to be better even with TOM starting!
  • mommymeyersto2
    mommymeyersto2 Posts: 32 Member
    My weigh-in - 152 lbs. Up from taking a weekend with the hubs. First in 3 years!! Most likely water weight since I ate out (sodium) and really lacked on my h2o. :) finally back home to m food scale and can prep my own meals :) have a great week everyone!!!!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Monday weigh in:

  • janiecorona
    Monday weigh-in (week 1): 212. My weight stayed the same as last week. I'm sort of disappointed because I've been working out every day minus the last 3 days and I've been under my calories, so I should have at least lost 1 lb. But on Saturday I weighed myself and I was 210 then got back on the scale and was 215-220! I was like, no way I gained almost 8 pounds this past week. Anyway, I've been doing level 3 of 30DS and some cardio. I think I'm going back to Level 2; Level 3, in my opinion, is for toning. I don't need to tone, I need to lose weight at the moment. Either way, I probably lost some inches tho, so I'm going to measure those later today.(: I'm not giving up though! Usually this would get me depressed and I'd stop, but I'm just going to keep going. Hopefully next week there is a loss.
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    Hi friends! Hope your week last week was excellent and that you all enjoyed your weekend!! My weight this week is 263. WHY YES THAT IS A 6 LB LOSS FROM LAST WEEK. bahahahaa.*kitten*.off. Hope you are all doing well!
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    Sorry my scale was off, I'm 262!!
  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 114 Member
    Hi.. So it's Monday, that means it is time for the dreaded weigh in!!! :sad:

    Ok, Today I am 152 lb.... meaning I have lost 1 lb this week.

    I'm a bit disapointed but at least I didn't put on which quite honestly I wouldn't have been surprised if i did.

    oh well :grumble: :indifferent:
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Monday weigh in : 173.5 down 4.5 lbs. I know it's a big drop but it's probably due to the fact that I haven't been feeling all that well the past few days.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Monday, August 15th weigh in: 190.4 lb

    This means that I have lost 1.6 pounds from last week.

    I am very happy with myself effort last week and hope that this week would be just as great. Hope everyone is doing great :)
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Today I'm at 175.5. TOM came in for a visit Friday and I've been going up and down all weekend. You know what, if it's all the same, I'd like to stick with yesterday's weight. of 177 to be safe.
  • slw732
    slw732 Posts: 23
    I am now at 177.2 :)
  • Lantern823
    Lantern823 Posts: 115
    Weigh in for 8-15 : 256.2 - down 1.8 pounds :)
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    GREAT job ladies! A couple gains this week that sound very much like they're just water weight. Everyone is doing a FANTASTIC job!

    I'm at 205 (down 1.5, but it's a different scale so who knows.....I had an off weekend as family got back from vacation and working out was nonexistent. Oh well- I'm going with the new scale, lol!)

    Keep those weigh-ins coming! I'll update the percentage to goal column once I've got all the weigh-ins! :)
  • Imannott
    Imannott Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Weigh-in 235. I lost 3 lbs. Which is great since it was over the weekend and I usually binge and gain 5. So technically I have lost the same 5 lbs for 3 months now. :)

    I did exercise and was mindful of what I eat.

    Good job on your losses.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    wow sounds like we had an awesome week last week.
    great jobl!!
    let's continue to kick this challenge in the pants :laugh:
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    Monday Weight In: I refuse to this week! I just started my period and feel like I weight 400+lbs :(

    Can I take this weigh in off???? Please?
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    My weigh in for today: 245.2!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Just a bit of a heads up....
    I'm going to edit the banner a bit. I think it's WAY too big.
    Be back with the code shortly.

    here's the new code for the edited banner--don't forget to change the IMG to lower case on both ends:
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Ok, almost everyone turned in data- that's awesome!

    Please know that I will place anyone who does not turn in their weights by Tuesday evening (we all get busy and forget sometimes) on the "inactive" section. After more than two weeks, you will be dropped (unless of course there's something going on like a vacation- in which case just shoot me an e-mail!). I'm not trying to be mean, but rather trying to keep the data sheet clean. Excel isn't a big fan of cutting and pasting out data ranges.....silly Microsoft being so persnickety!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I know you might feel gross, but please, please weigh in! It's tough, BUT it really does help! You'll have a better record of how your body responds to monthly hormones- eventually the PMS gain just becomes an annoyance, but one you know not to sweat. More importantly- we've all had (and will all probably have during the challenge) a bad week, so let's tackle them together. :)

    Plus, it means next week you'll be poised to post a CRAZY loss!!!