Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 3



  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    Ok all, something terrible just happened.... :huh: I was just in a vicious and violent fight with a bag of candy corn! You want to talk about a weakness!!! :sad: I completely got my @$$ kicked by an orange combination of high fructose corn syrup and honey! :noway:

    First of all I want to ask, SINCE WHEN DID HALLOWEEN PREPARATIONS START IN AUGUST?!?!?!? :angry: :mad: :angry:

    Next, I want to ask, what is your weakness? What is your complete downfall? Be specific, not just sugar, not just salt. I can NOT control myself when it comes to candy corn! :love: :love:

    Finally, I want to ask, How do you get past your weakness? What do you do to overcome the incredible urges? Let it all out!!! :flowerforyou:

    my thoughts exactly!!!!!!!!!!!! Candy corn is also a weakness of mine, and I couldn't believe it when I saw some in the store last week-managed not to buy any though!!!!

    One way to get past weaknesses that works for me is when I use my own inclination to procrastinate and put it to good use!! When I really want some junk food, I find something else that I could or should be doing and that I'll get the food "in a minute". The minute turns into 5, and then 10, and then 30 minutes later the craving is often gone!!! (I should add the disclaimer that this doesn't work for the strongest of cravings lol...but it certainly helps with the bored munchies)
  • lauralu71
    Checking in -

    Hit a speed bump this week, so my weight is 181.4 as of this morning (up almost a pound). Not too upset - I have been able to identify the "why" which includes being on family vacation this week. I realize how much my regular routine and schedule is part of my success and also how helpful the water is (with long car rides and walking around without knowing where a normal ladies room is - as compared to the portable ones - I admit I have been slacking on this). Two more days and back to work and hopefully back to my plan.

    Unforseen medical issue this week might take me out of "strenuous" activites such as running/aerobics which bums me out a little. I have been doing the C25K and loving it. My goal is to run my first 5K in October (Atlantic City Marathon). Hoping to walk at a brisk pace, and maybe do some yoga to keep up with it. Considering pliates, but wondering if the ab work will be too much for my problem. Hmmm.

    Love love love the money challenge. Even though I knew I was going to be up this week, I weighed anyway so I can stash my $5. $95 more to go!!

    Have a good weekend everyone,
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    My weakness.................................................Cheetos and Dr Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Malted Milk Balls - specifically the ones made by Ghirardelli. Bet you didn't know about those evil things, right? Well, you can only find them inside a Ghirardelli store or Outlet. YES! A chocolate outlet. Glad it's 45 min away!!!!

    18 of those little suckers got to me last night and put me over my calories. But they are all gone now....... but I can't say good riddance ...only until we meet again! I will plan better.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    CW 200 Crap!!! Up 2 pounds...

    I was hoping to never see the 200's again... :(
    Well my weekness is pumkin chocolate chip cookies... I think that is part if my gain this week... Darn things... From now on I will NOT purchase them!!!! Oh and doughnuts are a weakness.. Oh dear the list can go on an on... I just have to stay away from them!!!
    Jenn your hilarious!!! Thanks for everything... I will admit I've been a slacker on the jumping rope... I guess it's just been a tough week in all... Tomorrow starts a new week!!! I can do this just to refocus and go for it!!!

    I'm there with the list. there were donuts in the office today, good bye cake yesterday (before the malted milk balls!).
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Yippee!! it's Friday! Well I had my meeting today showing cookies, muffins, pies, pasta with alfredo, chicken wings, ravioli, clam and mussels. Did really GOOD!! because I was soo busy. 3 ravs (they are new I had to try them so I can sell them) :), 2 bites pumpkin pie. 1/2 cookie!!! Then split a BBQ chicken salad. Tonight I had to give into some Wine... had flank steak and salad for dinner and forced myself to walk 1 mile around the block, which does include hills. Feeling good about it all...
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Ok all, something terrible just happened.... :huh: I was just in a vicious and violent fight with a bag of candy corn! You want to talk about a weakness!!! :sad: I completely got my @$$ kicked by an orange combination of high fructose corn syrup and honey! :noway:

    First of all I want to ask, SINCE WHEN DID HALLOWEEN PREPARATIONS START IN AUGUST?!?!?!? :angry: :mad: :angry:

    Next, I want to ask, what is your weakness? What is your complete downfall? Be specific, not just sugar, not just salt. I can NOT control myself when it comes to candy corn! :love: :love:

    Finally, I want to ask, How do you get past your weakness? What do you do to overcome the incredible urges? Let it all out!!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh my Jenn! Don't you have a stomach ache??? Time to begin's all good.

    My down fall is wine which leads to snacking. I do enjoy some BBQ pop chips...and I love pizza... I just can't have it in the house.

    KC has it right. I would portion it out and log it! Those calories might not be worth it...??? I have decided to try to eat like a recovering anorexic... What would a person like that's portion size be??

    My smileys aren't working!!!!! Why????!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ok all, something terrible just happened.... :huh: I was just in a vicious and violent fight with a bag of candy corn! You want to talk about a weakness!!! :sad: I completely got my @$$ kicked by an orange combination of high fructose corn syrup and honey! :noway:

    First of all I want to ask, SINCE WHEN DID HALLOWEEN PREPARATIONS START IN AUGUST?!?!?!? :angry: :mad: :angry:

    Next, I want to ask, what is your weakness? What is your complete downfall? Be specific, not just sugar, not just salt. I can NOT control myself when it comes to candy corn! :love: :love:

    Finally, I want to ask, How do you get past your weakness? What do you do to overcome the incredible urges? Let it all out!!! :flowerforyou:

    Chips are my weakness. How do I get past it? I think about candy corn! ;) LOL, but really, I think its like eating chalk, only worse (I imagine, having never eaten chalk).
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    taco bell and baked goods are my weaknesses, i try to stay in moderation. so my cheat days are usually taco bell and a brownie. Just the thought of having to log the calories reins me in most of the time.
  • dianerenem
    first - before I forget!!

    CW 170.8

    my downfall?? also a halloween candy - bit o'honey. I usually eat one bag, all by myself, every fall. I get it out of my system til the next year!
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Ok I have weighed myself and am a little dissapointed as i have put on 3lb in 2 weeks. I was not able to weigh myself last week as i was on holiday, (which is probably why i have put on weight as i may not have been entirely good whilst away). Oh well, i will have to try harder this week then!!!!!

    CW - 197
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    CW: 316.6
    loss 5.4 pounds!
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    CW: 195
    lost the pound I gained last week, But it was a loss and I didn't expect that after the week I have had.
    Leaving in a couple hours. Gonna be a quick-long couple days.
    Good luck to everyone.
    Probably won't be on much the next couple days.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    CW: 316.6
    loss 5.4 pounds!

    Awesome job! Congrats!
  • Mary_Kate
    Mary_Kate Posts: 25 Member
    CW: 186

    Sad face, that's a gain of 2 pounds. I'm heading back to the UK after my holiday next week and can't wait to get back on track.

    Thanks Jenn for all your hard work, I love the chart and the challenges.

    And I want to promise the team that next week will be better and I hope to have lost these pesky 2 pounds for my next weigh in. xx
  • Mommyof3loves
    my CW:170.8 lost 1.6lbs this week...I am so close to being out of the 170's I can taste it lol.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    CW 155.2

    still trying to get back to my starting weight from the contest but at least its going down!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Goooooooooooddddd MORNING CCCer's!!!!!!! Happy Saturday to all of you!

    I am heading out to take my little one to a sprinkler park! I hope everyone gets out there and gets MOVIN' today!!!

    Keep the weigh ins comin' in! Love you all!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    My weakness.................................................Cheetos and Dr Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cheetos.....yum. I once ate an entire bag in a day.....they call to me from the cupboard...begging me to be their friend. They are right up there with mm's, dove promises...cadbury mini-eggs (that too is a seasonal evil Jenn!!!) Hang in there and dust yourself off after your a** kicking!!!!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    CW: 226 lbs. Down 3.2 pounds!

    Thank you Jen for the great chart and the challenges! I appreciate your hard work. It helps me to stay motivated. Logging in my food has really helped me lose weight. I don't have a lot of time to be on the computer so I am finding that I am eating less just because it takes away from others things I want to do on the computer. I love the challenges both physical and personal one. I am putting my money in a skirt that I would love to fit into one day. Have a great day! :)

    I love that idea! I have a pair of pants that used to be my favorite pants, when I met my fiance... I haven't fit in them since shortly after I met him... What a great motivation... it has plenty of zipper pockets to hide 5$ in at a time... I have started the jump rope challenge and am surprised at how out of breath I was after 5 minutes.... but I am doing it and enjoying it too. Will weigh in tomorrow morning.