Things that make a man instantly hotter



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    No shirt

    nuff said

    Women want to date The Hulk?

    Oh yeah, I guess they do...

    things not to say in the bedroom: HULK SMASH!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    If he can make a proper cup of coffee, than he's a keeper!! Mine brings me a cup every morning in bed. I chose well. lol
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member

    Funny, Funny!!!!

    funny looking yes... if funny looking is a a shoe in!
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    According to my wife she thinks I'm more hot when:

    I have a tool belt on, have not shaved in few days (i'm not super hairy), wearing my tore up dirty baseball cap and a tank top while bulding our daughters playhouse.

    Even more hot (according to her)

    Me doing the dishes and cooking.

    Yes! I have to totally agree with the not shaved in a few days! Little bit of beard burn is a good thing ;)
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    No shirt

    nuff said

    Women want to date The Hulk?

    Oh yeah, I guess they do...

    things not to say in the bedroom: HULK SMASH!

    awww man.. does that mean i have to put away my hulk fists... i got them for christmas!....
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    According to my wife she thinks I'm more hot when:

    I have a tool belt on, have not shaved in few days (i'm not super hairy), wearing my tore up dirty baseball cap and a tank top while bulding our daughters playhouse.

    Even more hot (according to her)

    Me doing the dishes and cooking.

    Yes! I have to totally agree with the not shaved in a few days! Little bit of beard burn is a good thing ;)

    Yeah, but then later she's like "'re wihskers are getting me". Then I'm like "WTF? You just said you liked the whiskers."
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    <~~~~have you seen my profile pic?
    hair i can get a hold of - i love long hair on a guy

    play a guitar and i will SWOON

    gravely voice

    useful hands

    devilish smile
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!

    bow ties are cool... per doctor who...
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    No shirt

    nuff said

    Women want to date The Hulk?

    Oh yeah, I guess they do...

    things not to say in the bedroom: HULK SMASH!

    awww man.. does that mean i have to put away my hulk fists... i got them for christmas!....

    yes, put away the hulk fists. ... bring out the Darth Vader voice-changing mask. that will get a guy so very laid.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!

    bow ties are cool... per doctor who...

    fezes are cool.
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!

    bow ties are cool... per doctor who... I have the Dr Who theme stuck in my head >.<
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!

    bow ties are cool... per doctor who... I have the Dr Who theme stuck in my head >.<

    both of you marry me now...
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Seems like most of this stuff is all superficial crap. (I wont even call it a quality) How about the way he treats a woman too? I know plenty of people who are dating a guy bc he LOOKS hot but in reality they get treated like crap. He cheats, curses at her, disrespectful etc... Id rather date someone who's semi attractive and makes me laugh and smile than someone who is a 10 and treats me like a dog.

    Just my 2 cents...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I have one to add that probably goes along with "proper manners" ... when a man offers to do something for me (carry something heavy, open a jar, whatever), it always elicits a big smile from me.

    Oh, and one more ... a wink (but not a sleazy one) ... makes me blush every freaking time.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Not being married (to someone else)
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I have one to add that probably goes along with "proper manners" ... when a man offers to do something for me (carry something heavy, open a jar, whatever), it always elicits a big smile from me.

    Oh, and one more ... a wink (but not a sleazy one) ... makes me blush every freaking time.

    It's nice to know that chivalry isn't dead every once in awhile LOL
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Seems like most of this stuff is all superficial crap. (I wont even call it a quality) How about the way he treats a woman too? I know plenty of people who are dating a guy bc he LOOKS hot but in reality they get treated like crap. He cheats, curses at her, disrespectful etc... Id rather date someone who's semi attractive and makes me laugh and smile than someone who is a 10 and treats me like a dog.

    Just my 2 cents...

    I'm pretty sure nothing on my list has anything to do with looks ... and proper manners was #1. Just sayin'.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I know... Im just saying too. I just think too many people get caught up with looks rather than personality now a days.

    Seems like most of this stuff is all superficial crap. (I wont even call it a quality) How about the way he treats a woman too? I know plenty of people who are dating a guy bc he LOOKS hot but in reality they get treated like crap. He cheats, curses at her, disrespectful etc... Id rather date someone who's semi attractive and makes me laugh and smile than someone who is a 10 and treats me like a dog.

    Just my 2 cents...

    I'm pretty sure nothing on my list has anything to do with looks ... and proper manners was #1. Just sayin'.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    No mention of bow ties?!

    bow ties are cool... per doctor who...

    Fezes are cool too... does that count in the "Hat" dept?