
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Checking in for Thursday!

    Heat has been awful here.

    Drinking water here 10-12 glasses a day.

    Staying 10% under sodium every day.

    Exercised 5 of 7 days:smile:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    laumar3012 - way to go making your goals and working those crazy hours!! Keep it up your doing great.

    danlyn - sounds like your body was talking to you like mine was talking to me. Seems like you made a good choice for your snack.

    philosohoe - You are doing so well with your goals, and I'm really enjoying your investigations, thank you for sharing your findings with us!

    aim2lose - I second the Greek yogurt option. I've tried a few kinds and chonbani and dannon are both good. I have to admit I go for the flavored ones. Tried the plain, couldn’t do it, I like a little something something in my yogurt.

    10more - you are doing so great with your goals this week. Keep it up!

    Ladygloria - Your lunch sound SO good. nice packing... hehe. Great job getting your workout in since you've gone back to work. You are doing an AMAZING job with the thread. HUGGS!!!!!

    FaithsVegWorkout - great job with the veggies! Those fats and carbs are HARD. I went over fat today... too many nuts I think.

    KrisPage - good call on the nuts or butters! Hope you are feeling better after donating yesterday. I ran into the same issue the last time I donated... had to go easy on the next two workouts.

    mrogers52 - Great job! Way to go with the water, gotta keep hydrated in the heat and in the heat while you are working out. Stay cool.

    Thursday check in:
    1. In bed by 10:30 every night. - Might miss this one. I ate late and I'm not quite ready to hit the sack.
    2. Week 11 P90X - Guess who's BAACCKK... that's right this kid right HERE!!!! Got in my day 1 of week 11. And I feel great. Plus I got in a bike ride, but mini challenge, AND my exercises for my physical therapy. It was a busy day for me
    3. Get 5-7 servings of fruit/veggies in each day. - I did great on veggies, I think I got all 7 servings from veggies, but I don't think I ate a single fruit.

    I'm 2 for 3 today. Working my way up. Thank you all so much for your support. I couldn't do this without all of you! This thread keeps me going and coming back. Have a great night and have an awesome Friday.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mrogers - great on excercising even with the heat factor!

    MAK - awesome job coming back!!! yay

    My check in:
    I excercised today -even though I work incredibly hard all day (back to school night). Thought I was going to use that as an excuse, and didn't
    In my calorie goal
    Wise choice: I made sure to move excercising after my day was done at work so that I didn't have the stress of getting ready after excercising. Oh, and then I actually followed through and excercised instead of collapsing from exhaustion.

    The collapsing part sounds fantastic right now, good night all! So proud of us all!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    mrogers - great on excercising even with the heat factor!

    MAK - awesome job coming back!!! yay

    My check in:
    I excercised today -even though I work incredibly hard all day (back to school night). Thought I was going to use that as an excuse, and didn't
    In my calorie goal
    Wise choice: I made sure to move excercising after my day was done at work so that I didn't have the stress of getting ready after excercising. Oh, and then I actually followed through and excercised instead of collapsing from exhaustion.

    The collapsing part sounds fantastic right now, good night all! So proud of us all!
    Great Job!!:drinker: :wink:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thurs. Check in:

    -Did good on the food, made healthy choices and logged it all.
    -Good job on my water
    - Didn't beat myself up today, went 'closet shopping' instead! :bigsmile: Who knew shopping in a closet could be such a joy?!

    Need to drop a few more inches to wear most but it's exciting jeans from the past fit back over my hips at least:laugh: ! Hooray!
    Only a month or two back and I'd tried them all on and it was a long ways before I thought they'd fit, now I know it won't be long before I'll be wearing a few more pairs of them. So fun to see the sizes dropping and the shirts and pants getting so baggy!:heart: Really helps keep the motivation going!

    Off to bed:yawn:
    ..Sweet Dreams All and Happy Friday!:smooched:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hi everyone! Thursday night check in:

    1) Exercise everyday--check. This was day 4/7 with swimming & walking.
    2) Calories in the green--check. I met my 1200 minimum, but I actually kind of want to eat more, but now that it's 10:30 at night, I'm thinking I'll just wake up early and have a really good breakfast.

    3a) Research alternative to highest sodium item of the day (for Wednesday; couldn't research last night so making it up tonight with two today): yesterday's highest sodium was sourdough hard pretzels. I found two cool alternatives. First, a website for Bachman's All Natural pretzels--they have lots of neat versions that are less than 200-300mg per serving, including a low-sodium version for only 50mg per serving, and they support the Autism Speaks organization, so go Bachman's! Second, I found a blog called "Sodium Girl" with a quick recipe for turning leftover pasta into pretzel bites using herbs & spices, no salt & bake for 18-20 min. I'm not really the cooking person, but I thought it was a cute idea.

    3b) Today's highest sodium item was a Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, & cheese muffin sandwich. 800mg/sodium per sandwich. Since I started MFP I quit eating the tasty sausage croissants that my step-mom insists on keeping in the house, but today I was running late, so I caved. Anyway, I did some research on the JD site, and it seems that there are a FEW lower sodium items that they offer, but mainly only the ones that don't have egg & cheese. I think my best bet is to avoid these & get my lazy butt out of bed early enough to have a fresher breakfast.

    LadyGloria in regards to BK chicken tenders...

    "Philosohoe, great job on your goals. So are you saying that if you buy the kid’s chicken nuggets there is less sodium at Burger King? Fascinating that kids can be okay with that, but adults need all of that salt."

    I think that they actually changed the recipe that they use to make them lower in sodium, but the specific thing about the kids meals is that they have to meet certain nutritional criteria now. The 4 piece kids meal is supposed to have under 600mg of sodium (still high in my opinion) but at least they are giving lower fat options like fat free chocolate milk and apple fries. I suppose it's a start. I saw someone else post that it would be awesome if the nation would spark into a "low sodium" fad the same way that low-fat and low-carb has gotten popular, but that probably won't happen too soon. :(

    Thanks for listening to my rants. I truly appreciate the support and the motivation. I'm SO inspired by this group! Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    Need to drop a few more inches to wear most but it's exciting jeans from the past fit back over my hips at least:laugh: ! Hooray!
    Only a month or two back and I'd tried them all on and it was a long ways before I thought they'd fit, now I know it won't be long before I'll be wearing a few more pairs of them. So fun to see the sizes dropping and the shirts and pants getting so baggy!:heart: Really helps keep the motivation going!

    That's what I want my NSV to be, obvious pant-fitting-into! yay for you! love it
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Good Afternoon, Everyone!

    Checking in with Thursday's goals:

    YES! 1. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    no, have to make a new plan. 30 Day Shred was a knee killer and just couldn't handle another day! continued with a brisk walk but will have to add a new program with NO impact. 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    no, ate dinner AT 8pm 3. no food after 8pm
    MUCH BETTER but still have to keep those calories low 4. increase my protein consumption

    Will try the Greek Yogurt and check into ground flaxseed. Also my grocery list has some nuts; just need to watch calories and fat.

    I am so glad to see how well everyone is working toward their goals. We might not get each goal each day but we are trying very hard!
    This is a great challenge for me! THANK EVERYONE IN THIS GROUP FOR ALL THEIR SUPPORT!!!!!!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Congrats, everyone! we're all working so hard! :flowerforyou:

    Thursday was a rest day.

    Friday check-in: workout done despite being exhausted. I think I'll sleep like a baby tonight!
    Since tomorrow starts my week back to school, my goal is to follow the exercise schedule I've set for myself instead of putting it off because school is "more important."
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Thursday's check-in:
    1. Got up again!! I think I must be stressing about something. I'll need to figure that out and get control over it so I won't so easily talk myself out of being in control when I get up in the middle of the night :(

    2. More weeding for my exercise. I really think my next house will be surrounded by cement. This yard work is not worth it here in Massachusetts where we really only get to enjoy it for about 4 months out of the year. The rest of the time we're covered in snow!!

    As I type this I realize that I'm whining and I find that to be a very unattractive quality :frown: However, I feel comfortable enough with this group that I think you'll understand that I'm not really serious, but it helps to complain once in a while :wink:

    I'm planning on making better choices tonight with respect to staying in bed or if I get up I'm just getting something to drink and going back to bed.

    I thank you all for your support and for listening to my complaints :heart: I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and for all of us in the path of Hurricane Irene - STAY SAFE!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Friday Check in:

    Still working on my water
    Good food day
    A bit disappointed I didn't manage to get very many workouts in this week but back to every day next week when my gym re-opens.
    Logged everything

    SO all in all it was a pretty good day, though I AM so missing my workouts at my gym, I've felt so lost this week. Even doing workouts at home, I'm itching to go back to the water and weights. :sad: :wink:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I would like to concentrate on my sleep schedule much more...I might just add that for next weeks goals. Anyone else need to work on this one? MAC I think you mentioned it as well right? The more the merrier!:drinker: :wink:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    FaithsVegWorkout, I have to know how you can eat so many veggies and not overdose on the taste of them. What are your favorite veggies and, if you cook them, how do you do it so it’s tasty? I’m not a huge veggie fan, but I’m trying to experiment and find ways to get more of them in my body and would appreciate the help. Great job on your goals this week.

    Mrogers, way to make your goals! It’s been hot, but not oppressively so as it was a few weeks ago. Then again, I’ve been in buildings most of the day with AC, so it’s hard to tell anymore.

    Meg, thanks. Just trying to keep the thread alive and give you a week off to focus on you. You and Dee have set high standards and created a sense of community here. I hope we keep it going! *Hugs* And OMG, so proud of you for getting back on the horse and running it ragged in one day. Way to get back in the groove!

    Lttee, way to exercise even with back to school night going on. I am very impressed! I would have collapsed.

    Hearts Desire, that is an amazing NSV! I wish I would have been confident enough back in the day to keep my smaller clothes. As it stands, now I have to figure out very soon what my new size might be as the belt loops don’t exist on my work pants and all of them have been falling down for a very long time. BTW, congrats on not beating yourself up. You deserve that everyday! As for missing the gym, at least you can go back. I’m about to drop my membership because I’ve found some great exercise at home dvds and can still go to classes without being a member. I also bought weights for home so I can get the full range of workouts and not have to worry about leaving the house. Makes it easier with the little one around. Oh, and sleep, who couldn’t use more of that!

    Philosohoe, thanks for the information! I’m loving how I am benefitting from your research. Great job with the eating and exercise this week!

    Aims2lose, keep working on it and you will get that protein goal. Look how easily you do the others! Great job!

    Papillion, way to keep the exercise despite the exhaustion. It does help you get your rest, that’s for sure!

    Danlyn, we all have our days. I definitely understand your yard work concern, though I live in a place where we can enjoy it more. I still hate doing it. In fact, I plant bushes and plants that only need me to cut them back once a year just because I hate it so much. I love the look of cute flowers, but the work for the little bit of enjoyment is not worth it. I do NOT have a green thumb either. But hey, look at the bright side, it is exercise! Oh, and you can totally do this night time eating goal…I have faith!

    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. –here I am, and it’s Friday already! Wow, this went faster than I thought.
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-done, it was easier than I thought.
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-Burn circuit 3 today with Chalean, so tired.
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-done! :)

    Goodnight everyone! It's been a long week and I'm zonked!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    It's Friday already, so checking in.. I logged again today, 6 days in a row and did my 2nd workout for the week. :smile: I've really enjoyed this mini goal challenge, great idea!

    Thanks for the support, and have a wonderful weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Excercise daily: yep, though lightly, I did do it
    Calorie goal: went over today, it was a complete and utter emotional eating day
    Wise choice: tough one today, I'm too drained to even consider if I accidentally did this one. Um, I'm having my aunt pick up my daughter tonight because I'm too tired and am going to sleep. There!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Friday night check in:

    1) exercise everyday--yep! 5/7 (actually, I went back and counted--it's been 8 days in a row!)
    2) calories in the green/over 1200--yep! I'm really digging the exercise points.
    3) Research lower sodium alternative to highest sodium item of the day: Today's highest sodium item of the day was the 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza that I had for dinner that came in a whopping 1,040mg of sodium, so about 520 per slice. I was able to find a couple of recipes for making a low sodium pizza, but if you haven't already noticed, I'm more about the time convenience than anything, so cooking is a not so much. Anyway, I did find out that just by switching from regular crust pizza to thin crust pizza, I can reduce the sodium by more than half! According to, the lowest sodium chain pizza is Dominoes 14 in Crunchy Thin Crust cheese pizza at 194mg per slice. I can totally get on board with this as a convenient alternative!

    Thanks LadyGloria & MAK for the encouragement with the research. I was worried that I was totally just boring everyone to death. :yawn:

    Hope all the East-Coasters in the group are staying dry. Keep up the great work everyone & have a lovely Saturday!:flowerforyou:
  • I would like to concentrate on my sleep schedule much more...I might just add that for next weeks goals. Anyone else need to work on this one? MAC I think you mentioned it as well right? The more the merrier!:drinker: :wink:

    I do! I do!
  • Hi everyone! Checking in for Friday. I am gonna be blunt and honest, I failed at every single goal...I didnt even log anything. I had a awefully emotional day and also only about fourr hours sleep. I just did not have the energy to even think about any of this. I am still having a really bad day (so now we are on to bad day number two). Alot of crying and a huge lack of sleep. Even though I am still not in a good place, I am gonna try harder today. I know I cant let my emotions run my life, or what goes in my mouth, need to work on that. I am going to bed (and yes it is 1030am) and I just got back from work from last night. I am going in tonight but most likely will be stuck there until monday morning due to the flooding expected from the hurricane. Now, thats gonna be a sh**y time all around.

    OK, thanks for letting me rant! Maybe I will feel better when I wake up. Have a great day everyone and stay safe if you are in the path of the hurricane.

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    2. More weeding for my exercise. I really think my next house will be surrounded by cement. This yard work is not worth it here in Massachusetts where we really only get to enjoy it for about 4 months out of the year. The rest of the time we're covered in snow!!

    As I type this I realize that I'm whining and I find that to be a very unattractive quality :frown: However, I feel comfortable enough with this group that I think you'll understand that I'm not really serious, but it helps to complain once in a while :wink:

    I think your weeding serves two wonderful purposes: it keeps you active, and it produces such a beautiful visual to your surroundings. Both would be a benefit, I'd think. And vent away, I realize that I, too, am comfortable with this group will do partake of it from time to time. The positive support that I receive in response increases me to a more positive outlook. Love this group!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Laumar: I hope you feel better soon. We all have those days (mine was yesterday) where we let the day flood into our resolve; great job on still checking in and not losing sight of your goals. When you're ready, I'm sure you'll find your way back to following them. When you are ready.
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