

  • Laumar: I hope you feel better soon. We all have those days (mine was yesterday) where we let the day flood into our resolve; great job on still checking in and not losing sight of your goals. When you're ready, I'm sure you'll find your way back to following them. When you are ready.

    Thank you very much for the kind words! I am hoping I can sleep it off and when I get up for work tonight my head will be a bit clearer
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Checking in with Friday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    no 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    no 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    Did not do as well Friday as I would have liked but not giving up. Today is another day and I can do better!

    I read about so many other's struggles and can understand. It is just nice to know that I'm not the only one with these struggles as so many times I feel like I'm all alone. And that just not food issues, it includes sleep, depression, employment issues, family, etc........We are meant to help others, be supportive and not judge; none of us know what tomorrow will bring and we may find ourselves in a position that we never thought possible.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All ~
    Checking in for Friday and I promise, no complaining today!! Once I get that kind of whining out of my system I am able to remind myself of how many things I have to be grateful for and this group is right at the top of that list :heart:

    1. I was successful last night at staying in bed once I got there for the night - YES!!!!

    2. Just some short walks with the dog, but I guess that counts.

    Everything outside has been put away in case Irene hits badly. Stay safe everyone, by Monday it will be behind us. :smile:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Saturday check-in: exercise done.
    Since I can't afford heavier weights (and I already need them after a month with chalean!), I bought a set of resistance bands. I thought they'd be annoying for some reason, but they are not. And they are tough!
    Since tomorrow starts my week back to school, my goal is to follow the exercise schedule I've set for myself instead of putting it off because school is "more important."
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Hi everyone! Checking in for Friday. I am gonna be blunt and honest, I failed at every single goal...I didnt even log anything. I had a awefully emotional day and also only about fourr hours sleep. I just did not have the energy to even think about any of this. I am still having a really bad day (so now we are on to bad day number two). Alot of crying and a huge lack of sleep. Even though I am still not in a good place, I am gonna try harder today. I know I cant let my emotions run my life, or what goes in my mouth, need to work on that. I am going to bed (and yes it is 1030am) and I just got back from work from last night. I am going in tonight but most likely will be stuck there until monday morning due to the flooding expected from the hurricane. Now, thats gonna be a sh**y time all around.

    OK, thanks for letting me rant! Maybe I will feel better when I wake up. Have a great day everyone and stay safe if you are in the path of the hurricane.


    Hope you are feeling better Laura!

    One of my mom's wise friends use to set a timer for 10 minutes and cry, rant and rave about whatever ailed her at the moment. She then tried to move on and make it a better day. I try this a lot when things are going down the tubes for me.
    Just a thought:heart:

    Hugs to you!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    10more, glad to have you on board. Hope you join us next week as well. Great progress on your goals!

    Lttee, I’m sorry you had such a trying day yesterday. I hope today was better. Way to still find a positive in helping yourself despite the rough day.

    Philosohoe, I wish Domino’s delivered here! I have always done thin as it’s my preference, but sadly I must deal with Papa Johns. Then again, I like them better than Domino’s so I guess I’ll live with the sodium on those days. Oh, and great job on your goals. Like you, I’m a huge fan of exercising to eat more. I love knowing I can make my own wiggle room if I need to (plus it’s healthy as well).

    Laumar, I hope the rest helped and that you are feeling better. Also, I don’t know where you are, but I hope you are safe through Irene!

    Aim2lose, we all have our bad days and you’re right about our roles to support one another. People do enough tearing each other down in the world, no need to add to it here. I hope you had a good Saturday!

    Danlyn, way to stay in bed! And any bit of exercise counts. I hope you’re safe through Irene! We only got some wind here, but we’re further westward than they thought the hurricane would stretch.

    Papillion, those bands are no joke! I am loving Chalean as well. Only in one week and I can see the need to increase the weights will be coming soon. I feel so strong already! Glad you’re doing such a great job keeping the exercise in your day!

    Mrogers, I think that’s a great plan for releasing pent up emotions. Too often people don’t release them at all or go overboard with them and let the emotions consume them, so that seems like a good balance for typical stress. We might need a bit more time as individuals, but the idea is definitely good because we can’t stay living in extremely emotional stress for long and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    My goals:

    1. check in everyday and leave you all feedback on your progress. I did it! Tomorrow is a new thread, but I’ll be sure to check this one as everyone winds down their weeks.
    2. Remember to pack and bring healthy lunches 4/5 workdays this week.-check and also ate a healthy one to balance my big breakfast today.
    3. Exercise as scheduled even if I'm fully back in work mode.-did a full week of Chalean Extreme’s schedule. Yay me!
    4. Start chalean extreme. I got the weights, now it's time to use them.-Done!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Ladygloria :flowerforyou: I will definitely join next week!

    Checking in for Saturday: I did it! I logged every day and completed my 2 workouts. Looking forward to next week! :happy:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    Hope you are feeling better Laura!

    One of my mom's wise friends use to set a timer for 10 minutes and cry, rant and rave about whatever ailed her at the moment. She then tried to move on and make it a better day. I try this a lot when things are going down the tubes for me.
    Just a thought:heart:

    I love this wisdom piece. I may have to do it. Gives me a chance to give in and then get over it!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Saturday check in:

    1) exercise everyday--yes 6/7 (9th day in a row)
    2) calories ending in the green--yes; feels like I was eating all day long, but swam a LOT, so ok on calories
    3) research high sodium alternative--Today's highest sodium item was pizza again, but this time it was a Kashi frozen veggie pizza. You would think because it's Kashi it would be super healthy, and it was, relatively speaking, but it was still 630mg sodium per serving. I specifically searched for low sodium frozen pizzas. Amy's has a single serving low sodium spinach pizza with only 390mg/serving. I read something about Trader Joe's having a low sodium pizza too, but I couldn't find it on their website, so probably Amy's is the way to go.

    Awesome week everyone! Even if there were hard days or days where we feel like we fell short of the goal, the fact that we are still here & keep coming back means that better days are coming. Hugs to all!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    LadyGloria: excellent job meeting goals!

    My check in:
    I excercised twice today
    I ate within my calories, even though I feel hungry (still emotional)
    Wise choice to me: Besides meeting above goals, I can't think of anything I did just for me. So I guess I met my goals.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    LadyGloria: excellent job meeting goals!

    My check in:
    I excercised twice today
    I ate within my calories, even though I feel hungry (still emotional)
    Wise choice to me: Besides meeting above goals, I can't think of anything I did just for me. So I guess I met my goals.
  • Finished up the week with a tater tot binge last night. Did not stay under carbs/fat for the past couple of days. I think I'm not going to focus on that too much for now. As long as I'm under my calories and eating enough veggies, I'll be fine.
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Checking in with Saturday's goals:

    YES! 1.. drink at least 10 - 8oz glasses of water each day
    began a new plan, yes 2. make an exercise plan for the week and STICK WITH IT
    YES! 3. no food after 8pm
    TRYING BUT HARD (STILL HAVE TO KEEP THOSE CALORIES LOW) 4. increase my protein consumption

    Thanks for the great week everyone! This mini challenge was so wonderful and I'm looking forwrd to the next mini challenge starting today. Where do I find it begins on the message boards?

    Good Luck everyone with your continued challenges; you're the best!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Ok, so yesterday was a bust all around. My day started with breakfast out with a friend who I hadn't seen in a while and just went downhill food-wise from there. So...yesterday is behind me and today is the beginning of a brand new day and week!! Thinking about my goals and hoping everyone is doing the same. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi all, sorry I haven't checked in for a few days. Hope everyone finished up strong. Here's the link to next weeks' goals!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Great job everyone and thanks Mak for putting up the new thread! I know we'll have an awesome week. This has been a great one!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    It was a long weekend at conference and I didnt make the best choices and TOM to boot and that rather crashed my goals. heres to a better new week.
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