

  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I posted this on the main thread too!

    I watched Zombieland while doing my steps today! I also used my big *kitten* milk crate that was killing me last time! Good luck to everyone I am super happy that I have grown!!! If you really do this you will grow too! (or shrink depending on how you look at it).

    Go Team:explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok, done for today. Here are the numbers:

    Monday: 1152 stairs, 30 tricep dips
    Tuesday: 1008 stairs, 30 tricep dips

    Totals: 2160 stairs (almost!), 60 tricep dips

    Team Ranged kicked our butts in miles last week...I'm determined to get more stairs this week. We can do it!!! :explode: :explode:

    Jenny-Zombieland is one of my all time favorite movies!!! Great motivation too! Rule #1-CARDIO!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    8/29 20 stairs / 20 tricep dips
    8/30 30 stairs / 30 tricep dips

    50 stairs
    50 tricep dips

    I'm working long hours yesterday, today and tomorrow to do inventory for my store. I started the job last month and this is my first inventory to do. So I'm doing stairs on my FIRM step when I get home. This madness will end tomorrow night! I like this challenge. It's refreshing to do some strength exercises.
  • cdomoe
    cdomoe Posts: 30 Member
    monday: 491 stairs 50 dips

    tuesday: 760 stairs 20 dips

    total: 1160/2500 70/60

    last night durning my run i looked for stairs all over base, would of been more effective if i wasn't on night shift therefore i wouldn't be running in the dark. its a good way to add stairs with out the repetitive nature of just going up and down a flight or on a stair stepper... not that there is anything wrong with either... :happy:
  • sleepydaisy7
    Got home late last night, so I'm posting now:

    Progress for this week:
    Monday: 320 stairs, 15 tricep dips
    Tuesday: 260 stairs, 20 tricep dips

    680 / 2500 stairs
    35 / 60 tricep dips

    Finally figured out my personal weapon as I went to a ballgame last night.... Planning. I totally need to plan ahead. If I'm working, I need to figure out all my meals for the day the night before or I'm going to go off track. If I'm going to a special event, I need to make sure I take something with so I don't over eat there.
  • punk_mama
    So how are you guys getting the stairs in? I work on the 3rd floor and I go up and down all day long but when I am home I have 4 steps!! The neighbors will think I am nuts going up and down 4576836578 times but I think that is what I am going to have to do!!!

    So my weapon would be keeping the fridge full of veggies and packing my diner for work. Seriously the only days I go over a lot with my calories is the days I work. I need more calories when I work I am okay with that but I get so hungry and I am so rushed to eat, when I don't bring something, I choose what ever I can grab that is already cooked and I can shovel in, like pizza. The veggies I try to keep stocked really fill me up. If I am full of veggies I most likely won't fill up on junk! :happy:

    If "z-day" were tomorrow I would grab my gold size 13 knitting needles, they look like they would be killer!!! :wink:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Haven't been able to do anything yet. To sore from last week still. Still can't walk, so def can't do stairs.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Haven't been able to do anything yet. To sore from last week still. Still can't walk, so def can't do stairs.

    Hey how'd that contest turn out?
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 640 stairs / 30 triceps dips
    Tuesday: 640 stairs / 30 triceps dips
    Wednesday: 884 stairs / 30 triceps dips

    Total so far: 2164 stairs and 90 triceps dips.

    So close, only 336 left till I've met the challenge goals for the week. I'm gonna knock those out tomorrow before we leave for our trip. :smile:
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member

    80 stairs
    10 dips.
    Sorry. Busy day.

    Total thus far:
    Dips 76
    Steps 780
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Haven't been able to do anything yet. To sore from last week still. Still can't walk, so def can't do stairs.

    Hey how'd that contest turn out?

    4th place. Under 5lbs more and I wouldve taken home the $300
  • punk_mama
    Haven't been able to do anything yet. To sore from last week still. Still can't walk, so def can't do stairs.

    Do you stretch after your workouts? I used to hate it and thought it was stupid but now I might take 10 mins to stretch it helps soooooooo much!!!! Try that after you do any sort of work out and you should feel better. Or pace your self better so you don't kill your self trying. I feel better when I work out more times durning the week rather than 1 killer workout then a week of rest.
    Good luck hope you feel better!!!
  • Hthfamily
    Hthfamily Posts: 123 Member
    Yesterday and today
    50 steps
    50 dips

    I am using my pool step due to a knee injury. I find it is a tad easier for me. If I am only using one step how do I count? Is it right foot up, left foot up ands then when both feet are on the ground 1 or is it every foot that goes up?
  • sleepydaisy7
    Progress for this week:
    Monday: 320 stairs, 15 tricep dips
    Tuesday: 260 stairs, 20 tricep dips
    Wednesday: 390 stairs, 15 tricep dips

    1070 / 2500 stairs
    50 / 60 tricep dips

    On a side note, my dog thinks I'm crazy. She follows me everywhere and I have been going up and down the basement stairs. The first three times, anyway. We go down together, then we go up together, then we go down together, then we go up together, then we go down together, then I go all the way up and she sits on the middle stair, with her head cocked to the side just staring at me and I am sure she is thinking "She's gone crazy.". Then we both go all the way down and she sits at the bottom of the stairs and watches me until I finish.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Haven't been able to do anything yet. To sore from last week still. Still can't walk, so def can't do stairs.

    Do you stretch after your workouts? I used to hate it and thought it was stupid but now I might take 10 mins to stretch it helps soooooooo much!!!! Try that after you do any sort of work out and you should feel better. Or pace your self better so you don't kill your self trying. I feel better when I work out more times durning the week rather than 1 killer workout then a week of rest.
    Good luck hope you feel better!!!

    I flipped a car 4x, 4yrs ago today and the seat belt buckle went into my amount of stretching helps me because the soft tissue and muscle damage...the swelling from where the buckle impacted has never went down, so u can visable see the damage at all times.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 640 stairs / 30 triceps dips
    Tuesday: 640 stairs / 30 triceps dips
    Wednesday: 884 stairs / 30 triceps dips
    Thursday: 336 stairs / 30 triceps dips

    Total so far: 2500 stairs and 120 triceps dips.

    I'll keep track of any stairs I climb while in Atlanta and try and keep updating thru Sunday. :smile: I'm just glad I finished them all and now anything else is just extra for me.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member

    482 stairs
    36 dips.

    Total thus far:
    Dips 112
    Steps 1262
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member

    482 stairs
    36 dips.

    Total thus far:
    Dips 112
    Steps 1262
    Had to pop to the shop so added 14 more stairs!
    Can't believe how much I'm struggling with this personal weapon bit.
    ETA: I'll just have belief. Belief in yourself, belief in the good things that you're told, and belief that you deserve it.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Progress so far:

    Monday: 1152 stairs, 30 tricep dips
    Tuesday: 1008 stairs, 30 tricep dips
    Wednesday: 0 stairs, 30 tricep dips
    Thursday: 1056 stairs, 30 tricep dips

    Totals: 3216 stairs, 120 tricep dips

    :) I'm on a mission!
  • CirrusMoth
    I've been thinking long and hard about this one, and I have decided what my "weapon" is.

    I carry a great big Clue-by-four:

    Basically, for me, this means being aware of my needs and cravings and using my understanding to make better choices. For example, I don't believe in diets. I believe that if you want to get healthier, you need to change your entire lifestyle...a diet is temporary, but learning to make better choices can keep you going. I don't really deny myself anything that I want. I don't think that getting healthier means I can't eat or drink the things I long as I do so in moderation. Knowing that it will take me an extra 20-30 minutes on the treadmill to "earn" that soda I want, puts the cost of a treat into better perspective. Keeping track of my foods and exercise has begun to change my relationship with food.

    We all have comfort foods...things we go to when we're stressed. For me, it's usually soda. After examining my craving, I think I finally understand WHY. For most of us, our comfort foods revolve around sugar. Sugar is a quick burst of calories that usually give you energy; improving your mood. The fact that soda has both sugar AND caffeine makes it my go-to for a pick me up. Recognizing that I have cravings and the physical as well as the psychological make me aware of when I might binge too much due to feeling crappy. That makes it easier for me to substitute something else if I don't have/want to use the calories that will have a similar effect. IE: a cup of coffee or a little square of chocolate (I like Ghirardelli peanut butter squares; one only has 80 calories and one is all I usually want if I savor it). Knowledge begets better choices. :-D