September Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    My daughter created a couple options for us for banners. They're pretty simplistic... but it's something. She didn't know what to do with "Amazing Grace". lol

    So, let me know if you like either of these. :)


    I like both actually... I like that the bottom one says the September Challenge, but I like the design of the top one!?
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    ok so I am doing the pygmy series this week....and I may add in some of the bushmen series later in the week...

    I did all of the exercises for day 1 and 2 today, and ran/walked the 1.5 miles. I did the 4 minute tabata work out before day 1's exercises and day 2's exercises. Doing good on water and cals...and also was under cals and good on water yesterday. I may do a 5k tomorrow!

    Oh and BTW, I like either banner....both look good!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    All Bushmen series exercises done for today. Had to modify the pushups.
    Ran another 3.1 miles. Ran it slowly, but ran the entire thing without stopping.
    8 glasses of water and under calorie goal.

    Asking my daughter if she can put "September Tribal Challenge" on the first banner.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Great idea on the September Challenge on the first banner......tell your daughter THANKS from all of us!!

    Whew!! I kicked some behind today!! Whoo hoo!!

    C25K morning run/walk ...........................213 calories
    Mid-morning walk during break at work......95 calories
    Circuit training after work..........................272 calories (included Mondays basic challenges for Sept. Team Challenge)
    Walking after work on the bike path..........252 calories (5k for the Sept. Team Challenge)
    Giving a massage at my second job.........262 calories

    TOTAL for Tuesday.................................1094 calories
    All of those were with my HRM except the massage - I forgot to turn it on!!

    Oh, and I forgot to post yesterday that I didn't lose anything this week. I was actually up .4 pound. :ohwell:
  • Under calorie count check starvation mode
    Water- having tummy troubles and was not able to sip enough
    No exercise- will make it up later in week
  • sbrown44
    Challenges are done including tabata #1
    water - done
    under calories-done

    See everyone tomorrow
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Make up Day 1
    Bearwalk CHECK
    Toe Touches CHECK
    Crunches CHECK
    Jacks CHECK
    Split Squats CHECK

    Burpees and Wipers Wednesday....

    Day 2
    Swimmers CHECK
    21's CHECK
    Chest Fly's CHECK
    Lawnmowers CHECK
    Kickbacks CHECK
    Woodchops CHECK
    Pushups CHECK

    5k CHECK
    Water CHECK
    Calories CHECK:glasses:
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome!!! Let's kick *kitten* the rest of the week too! (I'm telling this to myself too LOL)

    Going for my 5k today...we'll see how fast/slow I can do it in...I'm hoping below 40 minutes! And, I think I will do the bushmen series tonight...I've did day 1 and 2 of pygmy all yesterday.

    Just have one question....when you all do the bear walk...are you doing it in your house? I found it difficult to maneuver around the furniture LOL. Plus 1 minute was tough...can't even imagine 5 mins!!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    We should do some sort of weekly theme to get to know each other better, if everyone is open to it. Like one week we all tell something unique about ourselves, or something exciting that is going on in our lives, etc. etc.

    @SarahRuth - I think that you have a great idea.... run with it girl!! If you can think of something new for us each week - go ahead and post it!! I think it would be fun!!! Oh and I don't think that I commented on your weight loss!! I'm soooo glad that you kicked August's behine clear into September!! hahah. You GO girl!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome!!! Let's kick *kitten* the rest of the week too! (I'm telling this to myself too LOL)

    Going for my 5k today...we'll see how fast/slow I can do it in...I'm hoping below 40 minutes! And, I think I will do the bushmen series tonight...I've did day 1 and 2 of pygmy all yesterday.

    Just have one question....when you all do the bear walk...are you doing it in your house? I found it difficult to maneuver around the furniture LOL. Plus 1 minute was tough...can't even imagine 5 mins!!!

    LOL!! Yes, there's no way I would do that outside... hehehe. I cleared an area in my living room... I think I must look retarded doing that!! :laugh:
  • cath1717
    Great idea on the September Challenge on the first banner......tell your daughter THANKS from all of us!!

    Whew!! I kicked some behind today!! Whoo hoo!!

    C25K morning run/walk ...........................213 calories
    Mid-morning walk during break at work......95 calories
    Circuit training after work..........................272 calories (included Mondays basic challenges for Sept. Team Challenge)
    Walking after work on the bike path..........252 calories (5k for the Sept. Team Challenge)
    Giving a massage at my second job.........262 calories

    @Amazing_grace / Question: What's C25K for???
  • cath1717
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome!!! Let's kick *kitten* the rest of the week too! (I'm telling this to myself too LOL)

    Going for my 5k today...we'll see how fast/slow I can do it in...I'm hoping below 40 minutes! And, I think I will do the bushmen series tonight...I've did day 1 and 2 of pygmy all yesterday.

    Just have one question....when you all do the bear walk...are you doing it in your house? I found it difficult to maneuver around the furniture LOL. Plus 1 minute was tough...can't even imagine 5 mins!!!

    I agree with you sooooo much, I did'nt do it yet, cause I REALLY don't wanna do it at the gym.... :embarassed: I would do more burpee's than do that at the gym!!! :happy:
  • cath1717

    Ok, no challenges exercices done yet... I'll catch up, don't worry :tongue: BUT I did 5Km of biking!!!

    Water = check
    Under calories = check
    TEAM CHALLENGE = 5 Km of biking!

    Too bad it's only one that count per day, cause I did 15Km

    See ya!
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Did the 5k today, so there's one bonus point!! Plus I did all the bushmen series today. I hope it's ok that I'm switching from pygmy to bushmen?? The 5 minute bearwalk was totally horrific LOL!!!

    under calories-check!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Completed all except the bear walk, 20 split squats, and the 20 windshield wipers. Will make those up tomorrow.
    Also rode 20.5 miles on my bike, and 2 miles of walking at work. I'm not sure if biking counts for the 5K point, but if it does, that's one more.

    Already downed about 12 glasses of water.
    I'm certain I will be under calories. I just burned over 1200. :D
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Oh, and there is no way I would do that bear crawl/walk thing anywhere but my own home. And I'm almost embarrassed to do it with my family around, honestly. I have to walk circles around my living room, and it's really frustrating to do that, and it hurts my elbow. I have never done any exercises that hurt my elbow... I just keep telling myself that I only have to do 15 minutes of it all week... that's it... just 15 minutes of it....
  • cath1717

    OK, I wasn't here a lot lately, I'm really busy, BUT, i will change that!

    First, I want to add a personnal goal for my in September. I will be under 200 at the end of the month (I'm 205.5 now)! Notice that I didn't say I'll try, but, I will be! Yeah :) Go, go go for me :tongue:

    Questions for @Amazing_grace. you're often talking about C25K, what that's mean? (remember, I speak frence hihihi :laugh: )

    Since I'm really busy and taking Boxes and Tennis Lessons, I decided to take the PYGMY road this week!

    DAY 1
    1 minute bear walk = CHECK (my dog barked at me all the time I was doing it...)
    100 Jumping Jacks = CHECK
    50 Crunches = CHECK
    25 Split Squats = CHECK
    1.5 mile walk = CHECK

    DAY 2
    2 x 15 swimmer presses = CHECK
    2 X 15 wood chops = CHECK
    2 X 21’s = CHECK
    2 X15 lawnmowers = CHECK

    DAY 3
    1 minute bear walk = CHECK
    100 Jumping Jacks = CHECK
    50 Crunches = CHECK
    25 Split Squats = CHECK
    1.5 mile walk = CHECK

    DAY 4
    2 x 15 swimmer presses = CHECK
    2 X 15 wood chops = CHECK
    2 X 21’s = CHECK
    2 X15 lawnmowers = CHECK

    I done for the day and uptodate with my challenge's day!
    Good day everyone !
  • Wednesday:
    Under calorie count - check
    water - check
    No exercise - my tummy is still feeling under the weather
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Questions for @Amazing_grace. you're often talking about C25K, what that's mean? (remember, I speak frence hihihi :laugh: )

    I can answer this one! The C25K is a program that takes you from being a couch potato to running a 5K (3.1 miles). It is Couch to 5K with it's full name. You do three workouts a week for 9 weeks. The first week is simply warmup 5 minutes, run 60 sec and walk 90 seconds for 20 minutes total, then cooldown for 5 minutes. The final work out is that you run for 30 minutes after the warm up and then cool down. you can goole C25K... here is one of the links:

    I did the program. I did a quarter marathon (6.55 miles) last weekend and am now training for a half marathon (13.1 miles)!!! This program takes people who hate to run and shows them the joy and great benefits... I highly recommend it :wink:

    **Edit: I was one that hated running!?
  • amazing_grace♥
    Great idea on the September Challenge on the first banner......tell your daughter THANKS from all of us!!

    Whew!! I kicked some behind today!! Whoo hoo!!

    C25K morning run/walk ...........................213 calories
    Mid-morning walk during break at work......95 calories
    Circuit training after work..........................272 calories (included Mondays basic challenges for Sept. Team Challenge)
    Walking after work on the bike path..........252 calories (5k for the Sept. Team Challenge)
    Giving a massage at my second job.........262 calories

    @Amazing_grace / Question: What's C25K for???

    @cath - that's my own personal "next goal"....... its not in the challenge anywhere..... :noway: