September Challenge - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP)



  • cath1717
    Okay, I have to admit, this challenge is not motivating me this month like it did last month. I think we had more active group members last month, and I think more people were really sticking with it. I used to feel like I didn't want to be letting the group down, but this month I feel like the group is already losing the team points so why bother? Is it just me? It could be, and I admit it.

    Maybe I just need a break. :(

    Sarah, I SOOOO feel the same thing! It's kind of "boring" to do the same exercices 3 times/week. Last month was really motivating and had some variety. MAYBE, for next week, we have to motivate more ourself and each other to do the exercices on scheduall :D
  • cath1717
    Amazing, is it possible to have a new thread for week 3? Maybe starting a new thread will motivate more people to start from schratch and do the exercices? GO PEOPLE, WE CAN DO THIS :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Okay, I have to admit, this challenge is not motivating me this month like it did last month. I think we had more active group members last month, and I think more people were really sticking with it. I used to feel like I didn't want to be letting the group down, but this month I feel like the group is already losing the team points so why bother? Is it just me? It could be, and I admit it.

    Maybe I just need a break. :(

    No it's definitely not just you, because I feel the same way. I don't see everyone even checking in. If someone has a legitimate reason not to be tracking I can understand that...but when people just say "oh went over cals today"'s not motivating to me, because like you said, we are already not getting the bonus points for the week, so why bother.

    But...I need to stay motivated for myself, so I guess that's why I keep at it!!!

    LOL...but with that said (typed), I didn't do day 1 exercises yesterday LOL. I will get them done though!!!


    I will apologize to everyone.... I am one of those not checking in. I actually thought about sitting this months challenge out. I decided to join when I saw that Gary changed it to points only on weightloss. I knew that will my plans for the month of September I was going to be super busy and not have time for all the challenges. I also knew that work was going to get crazy and I wouldn't have the time during the day to pay attention to the threads like before. Right after I told Amazing_Grace that I would join Gary changed it back. I didn't want to feel even worse for backing out. I am working hard to stay under my calories and get all my water in for the team, but I know that doesn't help much :cry:

    If you would like to replace me for a more motivational member, I understand. There are three weeks left in the month and I am sure with the right person it would help greatly. Regardless of how this challenge plays out, I am going to follow this thread and everyones progress.

    Next week I start school and I am coming down with my biannual post nasal drip so I am not going to be doing much to train for my half marathon. :grumble:
  • cath1717

    As I said, this week, it's gonna be my week! So today, I did DAY 1 + DAY 2 of the Pygmy, since I have Boxe lessons also later tonight.

    For the ABS CHALLENGE, I will do 500 no problemes, count me in :smile:

    Water = CHECK
    Under calories = CHECK

    DAY 1
    10 Globe Jumps = CHECK
    10 Burpees = CHECK
    25 Toe Touches = CHECK
    25 Squat Kicks = CHECK
    2 mile walk = CHECK

    DAY 2
    2 X 15 swimmer = CHECK
    2 X 15 wood chops = CHECK
    2 X 21’s = CHECK
    2 X 15 lawnmowers = CHECK


    Have a nice day :flowerforyou:
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Everything is done for today! :-D That includes water and being under calories. Feels good to be on track.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Ok Team.... sorry for the delay, I wasn't able to get online until tonight.

    I started a NEW THREAD FOR WEEK 3 - you can find it below....
  • sbrown44
    Hi All,

    Thank you for letting me take time to grieve. I now have to kick this challenge into high gear since I have been emotional eating for the past five days. Not surprising is my weight gain of 2.6 lbs. (it could have been worse!) I will update my accomplishments tonight when I return from work.

    To all of those discouraged....this does work! I have alot of making up to do and now my mind is ready for the challenge!