The Great Hall of Hogwarts School



  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I just put in my info to join Slytherin! This is a FANTASTIC idea. Kudos to you all! I don't think I've ever been so excited for a challenge!! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey there - Ravenclaw Head of House here! How about starting the first inter-house challenge September 1 so we don't lose momentum. Just something easy to get us going.

    Another thought - in the original HP challenge, I would use the group weekly challenges for my house to earn house points with - it was easier than having group challenges AND Ravenclaw challenges. Why don't we set weekly challenges for all of us here - rotating which house sets the challenge each week. We can earn house points individually in each house and then in total for the group each week.

    The ceiling is still bright and sunny here - always sunny - every day in AZ.... (we could use some rain!!)

    September 1st works for me as well. I just thought you all were finishing up previous challenges.

    But you're right, awarding House Points for in-House challenges AND inter-House competitions doesn't make sense, but I still like the idea of each House being it's own entity to an extent.

    What if we award Galleons or O.W.Ls (just another name for points) to our individual members for our in-House challenges (I'll be using a point system to select my Prefects), and award House Points to the Houses after our monthly competitions? Keep them a standard number for each competition, 100 for first place, 50 for second, 25 for third, something like that. After three inter-House competitions, we can award a House Cup (just bragging rights and a little thing to add to the signature).

    Gryffindors were having a goal to be October 1st, but we could move to Sept 1 just as easily!

    I didn't mean having 2 seperate challenges, I mean having the challenges we set for the whole thing, but having each House check in in their common room, then the Heads of House tallying the scores as a whole and posting them here.
    Does that make sense? Sorry to be unclear.

    I pick Prefects every week, and Head Girl/Boy at the end of each goal date, so picking the Head Boy/Girl out of all of us sounds perfect! So at the end we can each post our top scorer and then the best 2 out of those will be Head Boy/Girl (no matter the gender).

    I think we could have OWLs and NEWTs be just little parts of the challenge that if you complete them individually you get them. OWLs would be easier than NEWTs, maybe they could be the food challenges and we can leave exercise related things to be rewarded with House Points?

    I think it would keep the momentum more easily if we just nominated the winner of the House Cup at the end of each monthly challenge (and each month would be like starting a new year at Hogwarts). I also think we could give bonus points at the end for OWLs and NEWTs (1st, 2nd, 3rd according to how many each House earned overall).

    We can play for a House Cup every month, that's fine.

    Maybe I was unclear as well. LOL. Let me try to clarify this...

    To break it down... my vision of this has each House having their OWN little challenges weekly, AS WELL AS a Monthly inter-House competition (of a slightly bigger scale than in-House competitions).

    For example, my House is doing Jumping Jacks (chosen by a vote) this week to accumulate points (not called House Points anymore, that gets confusing, as we've learned) that I'll use to pick my Prefects after four weeks of in-House challenges.

    While that's going on, we will also work toward the monthly inter-House competition for HOUSE POINTS.

    That way, the Houses operate on their own, as well as a part of the Four Houses.

    That's why I suggested calling points accumulated in-House something different (O.W.L.s).

    Does that make sense?

    I hope so. LOL. :laugh:

    That makes sense, but I find it more complicated than necessary...Hm.
    Maybe we could compromise and do something like this:

    We have one big challenge each month we have an Inter-House Challenge. This challenge will be something like miles traveled, or minutes exercised, or calories burned, and we could earn House Points for each mile/minute/calorie. It will be for all four Houses to compete in for the House Cup at the end of the month. The House Points would also decide Head Boy/Girl.

    Houses can individually set weekly challenges to earn OWLs or NEWTs (maybe one easy activity and one hard activity? or one food challenge and one exercise challenge?), which will add up to add the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bonus points accordingly to the corresponding Houses at the end of the month. These could decide Prefects, maybe?

    I'm not sure how the Quidditch matches could fit in without being too confusing tho...
    Oh, wait! The Quidditch matches could be the weigh-ins/percentages lost! and the biggest percentage lost (per House) gets the Quidditch Cup!
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey there - Ravenclaw Head of House here! How about starting the first inter-house challenge September 1 so we don't lose momentum. Just something easy to get us going.

    Another thought - in the original HP challenge, I would use the group weekly challenges for my house to earn house points with - it was easier than having group challenges AND Ravenclaw challenges. Why don't we set weekly challenges for all of us here - rotating which house sets the challenge each week. We can earn house points individually in each house and then in total for the group each week.

    The ceiling is still bright and sunny here - always sunny - every day in AZ.... (we could use some rain!!)

    September 1st works for me as well. I just thought you all were finishing up previous challenges.

    But you're right, awarding House Points for in-House challenges AND inter-House competitions doesn't make sense, but I still like the idea of each House being it's own entity to an extent.

    What if we award Galleons or O.W.Ls (just another name for points) to our individual members for our in-House challenges (I'll be using a point system to select my Prefects), and award House Points to the Houses after our monthly competitions? Keep them a standard number for each competition, 100 for first place, 50 for second, 25 for third, something like that. After three inter-House competitions, we can award a House Cup (just bragging rights and a little thing to add to the signature).

    Gryffindors were having a goal to be October 1st, but we could move to Sept 1 just as easily!

    I didn't mean having 2 seperate challenges, I mean having the challenges we set for the whole thing, but having each House check in in their common room, then the Heads of House tallying the scores as a whole and posting them here.
    Does that make sense? Sorry to be unclear.

    I pick Prefects every week, and Head Girl/Boy at the end of each goal date, so picking the Head Boy/Girl out of all of us sounds perfect! So at the end we can each post our top scorer and then the best 2 out of those will be Head Boy/Girl (no matter the gender).

    I think we could have OWLs and NEWTs be just little parts of the challenge that if you complete them individually you get them. OWLs would be easier than NEWTs, maybe they could be the food challenges and we can leave exercise related things to be rewarded with House Points?

    I think it would keep the momentum more easily if we just nominated the winner of the House Cup at the end of each monthly challenge (and each month would be like starting a new year at Hogwarts). I also think we could give bonus points at the end for OWLs and NEWTs (1st, 2nd, 3rd according to how many each House earned overall).

    We can play for a House Cup every month, that's fine.

    Maybe I was unclear as well. LOL. Let me try to clarify this...

    To break it down... my vision of this has each House having their OWN little challenges weekly, AS WELL AS a Monthly inter-House competition (of a slightly bigger scale than in-House competitions).

    For example, my House is doing Jumping Jacks (chosen by a vote) this week to accumulate points (not called House Points anymore, that gets confusing, as we've learned) that I'll use to pick my Prefects after four weeks of in-House challenges.

    While that's going on, we will also work toward the monthly inter-House competition for HOUSE POINTS.

    That way, the Houses operate on their own, as well as a part of the Four Houses.

    That's why I suggested calling points accumulated in-House something different (O.W.L.s).

    Does that make sense?

    I hope so. LOL. :laugh:

    That makes sense, but I find it more complicated than necessary...Hm.
    Maybe we could compromise and do something like this:

    We have one big challenge each month we have an Inter-House Challenge. This challenge will be something like miles traveled, or minutes exercised, or calories burned, and we could earn House Points for each mile/minute/calorie. It will be for all four Houses to compete in for the House Cup at the end of the month. The House Points would also decide Head Boy/Girl.

    Houses can individually set weekly challenges to earn OWLs or NEWTs (maybe one easy activity and one hard activity? or one food challenge and one exercise challenge?), which will add up to add the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bonus points accordingly to the corresponding Houses at the end of the month. These could decide Prefects, maybe?

    I'm not sure how the Quidditch matches could fit in without being too confusing tho...

    Quidditch matches would definitely be too confusing.

    I think we're on the same page without releasing it though! Haha!

    House Points for inter-House challenges, O.W.Ls for exercise challenges, N.E.W.T.S. for food challenges.

    O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s each House has accumulated gets factored into House points at the end of it all or the House Cup at the end of the month.

    Good? :bigsmile:

    We'll just have to work out in-House OWL and NEWT guidelines. We have to have a similar scoring system.

    Hufflepuffs are doing jumping jacks from tomorrow until Sunday. Our weekly challenge will reset every Sunday), so I was thinking 1 OWL per 1 set of 20 jumping jacks.

    Basically, 1 OWL per 1 set of whatever the exercise challenge is.

    And maybe 1 NEWT for every day the food challenge is adhered to?

    NEWTs and OWLs should count for the same, though... just for simplicity's sake.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Another idea for a Quidditch Match - each month each House picks 7 members to represent them, and those members are in the Quidditch Match for the month. These 7 people then have a specific monthly challenge that they need to complete, and each day they complete it, they get 1 point. If they double the challenge, they get 2 points, triple - 3 pts, etc. This way, it rotates each month and everyone gets a chance for an extra challenge. Then at the end of the month, the House with the most points wins! Then every 6 months, the House with the most wins, wins the Quidditch cup!

    IDK - just an idea.
  • hufflepuffin
    "Oh, wait! The Quidditch matches could be the weigh-ins/percentages lost! and the biggest percentage lost (per House) gets the Quidditch Cup!"

    DIDN'T SEE THIS!!! I like that idea!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Another idea for a Quidditch Match - each month each House picks 7 members to represent them, and those members are in the Quidditch Match for the month. These 7 people then have a specific monthly challenge that they need to complete, and each day they complete it, they get 1 point. If they double the challenge, they get 2 points, triple - 3 pts, etc. This way, it rotates each month and everyone gets a chance for an extra challenge. Then at the end of the month, the House with the most points wins! Then every 6 months, the House with the most wins, wins the Quidditch cup!

    IDK - just an idea.

    I think that's a cool idea, but it's kind of a bummer in between for those that aren't on the 'team' to not be able to participate...we'll see what people think tho.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    "Oh, wait! The Quidditch matches could be the weigh-ins/percentages lost! and the biggest percentage lost (per House) gets the Quidditch Cup!"

    DIDN'T SEE THIS!!! I like that idea!!!

    I know, right? We've been so excited about the exercise we forgot about the weights! I think it will be fun to have all the major aspects of Hogwarts to look forward to. Now, if only we could get some House Elves to do our cooking and cleaning...
  • hufflepuffin
    "Oh, wait! The Quidditch matches could be the weigh-ins/percentages lost! and the biggest percentage lost (per House) gets the Quidditch Cup!"

    DIDN'T SEE THIS!!! I like that idea!!!

    I know, right? We've been so excited about the exercise we forgot about the weights! I think it will be fun to have all the major aspects of Hogwarts to look forward to. Now, if only we could get some House Elves to do our cooking and cleaning...

    Is it decided then? Where's Ravenclaw? :( I'd like to go ahead and give my Hufflepuffs the specifics of their challenge this week!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Another idea for a Quidditch Match - each month each House picks 7 members to represent them, and those members are in the Quidditch Match for the month. These 7 people then have a specific monthly challenge that they need to complete, and each day they complete it, they get 1 point. If they double the challenge, they get 2 points, triple - 3 pts, etc. This way, it rotates each month and everyone gets a chance for an extra challenge. Then at the end of the month, the House with the most points wins! Then every 6 months, the House with the most wins, wins the Quidditch cup!

    IDK - just an idea.

    I think that's a cool idea, but it's kind of a bummer in between for those that aren't on the 'team' to not be able to participate...we'll see what people think tho.

    I'm not sure of how many people will be in each House, but that's why I thought to rotate who was on the "team" each month. Other members can do the challenge, but only the House members selected for the "team" will count for the points earned.

    Like I said, just an idea. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey there - Ravenclaw Head of House here! How about starting the first inter-house challenge September 1 so we don't lose momentum. Just something easy to get us going.

    Another thought - in the original HP challenge, I would use the group weekly challenges for my house to earn house points with - it was easier than having group challenges AND Ravenclaw challenges. Why don't we set weekly challenges for all of us here - rotating which house sets the challenge each week. We can earn house points individually in each house and then in total for the group each week.

    The ceiling is still bright and sunny here - always sunny - every day in AZ.... (we could use some rain!!)

    September 1st works for me as well. I just thought you all were finishing up previous challenges.

    But you're right, awarding House Points for in-House challenges AND inter-House competitions doesn't make sense, but I still like the idea of each House being it's own entity to an extent.

    What if we award Galleons or O.W.Ls (just another name for points) to our individual members for our in-House challenges (I'll be using a point system to select my Prefects), and award House Points to the Houses after our monthly competitions? Keep them a standard number for each competition, 100 for first place, 50 for second, 25 for third, something like that. After three inter-House competitions, we can award a House Cup (just bragging rights and a little thing to add to the signature).

    Gryffindors were having a goal to be October 1st, but we could move to Sept 1 just as easily!

    I didn't mean having 2 seperate challenges, I mean having the challenges we set for the whole thing, but having each House check in in their common room, then the Heads of House tallying the scores as a whole and posting them here.
    Does that make sense? Sorry to be unclear.

    I pick Prefects every week, and Head Girl/Boy at the end of each goal date, so picking the Head Boy/Girl out of all of us sounds perfect! So at the end we can each post our top scorer and then the best 2 out of those will be Head Boy/Girl (no matter the gender).

    I think we could have OWLs and NEWTs be just little parts of the challenge that if you complete them individually you get them. OWLs would be easier than NEWTs, maybe they could be the food challenges and we can leave exercise related things to be rewarded with House Points?

    I think it would keep the momentum more easily if we just nominated the winner of the House Cup at the end of each monthly challenge (and each month would be like starting a new year at Hogwarts). I also think we could give bonus points at the end for OWLs and NEWTs (1st, 2nd, 3rd according to how many each House earned overall).

    We can play for a House Cup every month, that's fine.

    Maybe I was unclear as well. LOL. Let me try to clarify this...

    To break it down... my vision of this has each House having their OWN little challenges weekly, AS WELL AS a Monthly inter-House competition (of a slightly bigger scale than in-House competitions).

    For example, my House is doing Jumping Jacks (chosen by a vote) this week to accumulate points (not called House Points anymore, that gets confusing, as we've learned) that I'll use to pick my Prefects after four weeks of in-House challenges.

    While that's going on, we will also work toward the monthly inter-House competition for HOUSE POINTS.

    That way, the Houses operate on their own, as well as a part of the Four Houses.

    That's why I suggested calling points accumulated in-House something different (O.W.L.s).

    Does that make sense?

    I hope so. LOL. :laugh:

    That makes sense, but I find it more complicated than necessary...Hm.
    Maybe we could compromise and do something like this:

    We have one big challenge each month we have an Inter-House Challenge. This challenge will be something like miles traveled, or minutes exercised, or calories burned, and we could earn House Points for each mile/minute/calorie. It will be for all four Houses to compete in for the House Cup at the end of the month. The House Points would also decide Head Boy/Girl.

    Houses can individually set weekly challenges to earn OWLs or NEWTs (maybe one easy activity and one hard activity? or one food challenge and one exercise challenge?), which will add up to add the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bonus points accordingly to the corresponding Houses at the end of the month. These could decide Prefects, maybe?

    I'm not sure how the Quidditch matches could fit in without being too confusing tho...

    Quidditch matches would definitely be too confusing.

    I think we're on the same page without releasing it though! Haha!

    House Points for inter-House challenges, O.W.Ls for exercise challenges, N.E.W.T.S. for food challenges.

    O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s each House has accumulated gets factored into House points at the end of it all or the House Cup at the end of the month.

    Good? :bigsmile:

    We'll just have to work out in-House OWL and NEWT guidelines. We have to have a similar scoring system.

    Hufflepuffs are doing jumping jacks from tomorrow until Sunday. Our weekly challenge will reset every Sunday), so I was thinking 1 OWL per 1 set of 20 jumping jacks.

    Basically, 1 OWL per 1 set of whatever the exercise challenge is.

    And maybe 1 NEWT for every day the food challenge is adhered to?

    NEWTs and OWLs should count for the same, though... just for simplicity's sake.

    *relieved sigh* I think we've got it as long as Ravenclaw is on board :)

    Ok, so we earn House Points to count towards the House Cup at the end of the month. This is the same for all Houses, for the whole month. The House Points decide the Head Boy/Girl (the top 2 people regardless of gender, because we seem to have our men outweighed by our women).

    OWLs are exercise challenges and NEWTs are food challenges decided by each Head of House each week for that House. They are worth the same amount. OWLs will be given 1 for every set of an exercise (to be decided by each Head of House), and NEWTs will be given 1 for every day the challenge is completed. Each Head of House can name Prefects as often as they like based on the OWLs and NEWTs (I'd probably do one for each). At the end of the month, the Houses with the most OWLs and NEWTs combined will receive bonus House Points towards the House Cup (1st - 100, 2nd - 50, 3rd - 25).

    Quidditch matches will be decided by the total percentage lost for each House each week, and the most lost overall will get the Quidditch Cup.

    Are we missing anything?
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey there - Ravenclaw Head of House here! How about starting the first inter-house challenge September 1 so we don't lose momentum. Just something easy to get us going.

    Another thought - in the original HP challenge, I would use the group weekly challenges for my house to earn house points with - it was easier than having group challenges AND Ravenclaw challenges. Why don't we set weekly challenges for all of us here - rotating which house sets the challenge each week. We can earn house points individually in each house and then in total for the group each week.

    The ceiling is still bright and sunny here - always sunny - every day in AZ.... (we could use some rain!!)

    September 1st works for me as well. I just thought you all were finishing up previous challenges.

    But you're right, awarding House Points for in-House challenges AND inter-House competitions doesn't make sense, but I still like the idea of each House being it's own entity to an extent.

    What if we award Galleons or O.W.Ls (just another name for points) to our individual members for our in-House challenges (I'll be using a point system to select my Prefects), and award House Points to the Houses after our monthly competitions? Keep them a standard number for each competition, 100 for first place, 50 for second, 25 for third, something like that. After three inter-House competitions, we can award a House Cup (just bragging rights and a little thing to add to the signature).

    Gryffindors were having a goal to be October 1st, but we could move to Sept 1 just as easily!

    I didn't mean having 2 seperate challenges, I mean having the challenges we set for the whole thing, but having each House check in in their common room, then the Heads of House tallying the scores as a whole and posting them here.
    Does that make sense? Sorry to be unclear.

    I pick Prefects every week, and Head Girl/Boy at the end of each goal date, so picking the Head Boy/Girl out of all of us sounds perfect! So at the end we can each post our top scorer and then the best 2 out of those will be Head Boy/Girl (no matter the gender).

    I think we could have OWLs and NEWTs be just little parts of the challenge that if you complete them individually you get them. OWLs would be easier than NEWTs, maybe they could be the food challenges and we can leave exercise related things to be rewarded with House Points?

    I think it would keep the momentum more easily if we just nominated the winner of the House Cup at the end of each monthly challenge (and each month would be like starting a new year at Hogwarts). I also think we could give bonus points at the end for OWLs and NEWTs (1st, 2nd, 3rd according to how many each House earned overall).

    We can play for a House Cup every month, that's fine.

    Maybe I was unclear as well. LOL. Let me try to clarify this...

    To break it down... my vision of this has each House having their OWN little challenges weekly, AS WELL AS a Monthly inter-House competition (of a slightly bigger scale than in-House competitions).

    For example, my House is doing Jumping Jacks (chosen by a vote) this week to accumulate points (not called House Points anymore, that gets confusing, as we've learned) that I'll use to pick my Prefects after four weeks of in-House challenges.

    While that's going on, we will also work toward the monthly inter-House competition for HOUSE POINTS.

    That way, the Houses operate on their own, as well as a part of the Four Houses.

    That's why I suggested calling points accumulated in-House something different (O.W.L.s).

    Does that make sense?

    I hope so. LOL. :laugh:

    That makes sense, but I find it more complicated than necessary...Hm.
    Maybe we could compromise and do something like this:

    We have one big challenge each month we have an Inter-House Challenge. This challenge will be something like miles traveled, or minutes exercised, or calories burned, and we could earn House Points for each mile/minute/calorie. It will be for all four Houses to compete in for the House Cup at the end of the month. The House Points would also decide Head Boy/Girl.

    Houses can individually set weekly challenges to earn OWLs or NEWTs (maybe one easy activity and one hard activity? or one food challenge and one exercise challenge?), which will add up to add the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bonus points accordingly to the corresponding Houses at the end of the month. These could decide Prefects, maybe?

    I'm not sure how the Quidditch matches could fit in without being too confusing tho...

    Quidditch matches would definitely be too confusing.

    I think we're on the same page without releasing it though! Haha!

    House Points for inter-House challenges, O.W.Ls for exercise challenges, N.E.W.T.S. for food challenges.

    O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s each House has accumulated gets factored into House points at the end of it all or the House Cup at the end of the month.

    Good? :bigsmile:

    We'll just have to work out in-House OWL and NEWT guidelines. We have to have a similar scoring system.

    Hufflepuffs are doing jumping jacks from tomorrow until Sunday. Our weekly challenge will reset every Sunday), so I was thinking 1 OWL per 1 set of 20 jumping jacks.

    Basically, 1 OWL per 1 set of whatever the exercise challenge is.

    And maybe 1 NEWT for every day the food challenge is adhered to?

    NEWTs and OWLs should count for the same, though... just for simplicity's sake.

    *relieved sigh* I think we've got it as long as Ravenclaw is on board :)

    Ok, so we earn House Points to count towards the House Cup at the end of the month. This is the same for all Houses, for the whole month. The House Points decide the Head Boy/Girl (the top 2 people regardless of gender, because we seem to have our men outweighed by our women).

    OWLs are exercise challenges and NEWTs are food challenges decided by each Head of House each week for that House. They are worth the same amount. OWLs will be given 1 for every set of an exercise (to be decided by each Head of House), and NEWTs will be given 1 for every day the challenge is completed. Each Head of House can name Prefects as often as they like based on the OWLs and NEWTs (I'd probably do one for each). At the end of the month, the Houses with the most OWLs and NEWTs combined will receive bonus House Points towards the House Cup (1st - 100, 2nd - 50, 3rd - 25).

    Quidditch matches will be decided by the total percentage lost for each House each week, and the most lost overall will get the Quidditch Cup.

    Are we missing anything?

    Sounds Perfect! I think we need a Headmaster's Office or Faculty Lounge so we can hash out the finer details without overwhelming the students! lol
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey there - Ravenclaw Head of House here! How about starting the first inter-house challenge September 1 so we don't lose momentum. Just something easy to get us going.

    Another thought - in the original HP challenge, I would use the group weekly challenges for my house to earn house points with - it was easier than having group challenges AND Ravenclaw challenges. Why don't we set weekly challenges for all of us here - rotating which house sets the challenge each week. We can earn house points individually in each house and then in total for the group each week.

    The ceiling is still bright and sunny here - always sunny - every day in AZ.... (we could use some rain!!)

    September 1st works for me as well. I just thought you all were finishing up previous challenges.

    But you're right, awarding House Points for in-House challenges AND inter-House competitions doesn't make sense, but I still like the idea of each House being it's own entity to an extent.

    What if we award Galleons or O.W.Ls (just another name for points) to our individual members for our in-House challenges (I'll be using a point system to select my Prefects), and award House Points to the Houses after our monthly competitions? Keep them a standard number for each competition, 100 for first place, 50 for second, 25 for third, something like that. After three inter-House competitions, we can award a House Cup (just bragging rights and a little thing to add to the signature).

    Gryffindors were having a goal to be October 1st, but we could move to Sept 1 just as easily!

    I didn't mean having 2 seperate challenges, I mean having the challenges we set for the whole thing, but having each House check in in their common room, then the Heads of House tallying the scores as a whole and posting them here.
    Does that make sense? Sorry to be unclear.

    I pick Prefects every week, and Head Girl/Boy at the end of each goal date, so picking the Head Boy/Girl out of all of us sounds perfect! So at the end we can each post our top scorer and then the best 2 out of those will be Head Boy/Girl (no matter the gender).

    I think we could have OWLs and NEWTs be just little parts of the challenge that if you complete them individually you get them. OWLs would be easier than NEWTs, maybe they could be the food challenges and we can leave exercise related things to be rewarded with House Points?

    I think it would keep the momentum more easily if we just nominated the winner of the House Cup at the end of each monthly challenge (and each month would be like starting a new year at Hogwarts). I also think we could give bonus points at the end for OWLs and NEWTs (1st, 2nd, 3rd according to how many each House earned overall).

    We can play for a House Cup every month, that's fine.

    Maybe I was unclear as well. LOL. Let me try to clarify this...

    To break it down... my vision of this has each House having their OWN little challenges weekly, AS WELL AS a Monthly inter-House competition (of a slightly bigger scale than in-House competitions).

    For example, my House is doing Jumping Jacks (chosen by a vote) this week to accumulate points (not called House Points anymore, that gets confusing, as we've learned) that I'll use to pick my Prefects after four weeks of in-House challenges.

    While that's going on, we will also work toward the monthly inter-House competition for HOUSE POINTS.

    That way, the Houses operate on their own, as well as a part of the Four Houses.

    That's why I suggested calling points accumulated in-House something different (O.W.L.s).

    Does that make sense?

    I hope so. LOL. :laugh:

    That makes sense, but I find it more complicated than necessary...Hm.
    Maybe we could compromise and do something like this:

    We have one big challenge each month we have an Inter-House Challenge. This challenge will be something like miles traveled, or minutes exercised, or calories burned, and we could earn House Points for each mile/minute/calorie. It will be for all four Houses to compete in for the House Cup at the end of the month. The House Points would also decide Head Boy/Girl.

    Houses can individually set weekly challenges to earn OWLs or NEWTs (maybe one easy activity and one hard activity? or one food challenge and one exercise challenge?), which will add up to add the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bonus points accordingly to the corresponding Houses at the end of the month. These could decide Prefects, maybe?

    I'm not sure how the Quidditch matches could fit in without being too confusing tho...

    Quidditch matches would definitely be too confusing.

    I think we're on the same page without releasing it though! Haha!

    House Points for inter-House challenges, O.W.Ls for exercise challenges, N.E.W.T.S. for food challenges.

    O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s each House has accumulated gets factored into House points at the end of it all or the House Cup at the end of the month.

    Good? :bigsmile:

    We'll just have to work out in-House OWL and NEWT guidelines. We have to have a similar scoring system.

    Hufflepuffs are doing jumping jacks from tomorrow until Sunday. Our weekly challenge will reset every Sunday), so I was thinking 1 OWL per 1 set of 20 jumping jacks.

    Basically, 1 OWL per 1 set of whatever the exercise challenge is.

    And maybe 1 NEWT for every day the food challenge is adhered to?

    NEWTs and OWLs should count for the same, though... just for simplicity's sake.

    *relieved sigh* I think we've got it as long as Ravenclaw is on board :)

    Ok, so we earn House Points to count towards the House Cup at the end of the month. This is the same for all Houses, for the whole month. The House Points decide the Head Boy/Girl (the top 2 people regardless of gender, because we seem to have our men outweighed by our women).

    OWLs are exercise challenges and NEWTs are food challenges decided by each Head of House each week for that House. They are worth the same amount. OWLs will be given 1 for every set of an exercise (to be decided by each Head of House), and NEWTs will be given 1 for every day the challenge is completed. Each Head of House can name Prefects as often as they like based on the OWLs and NEWTs (I'd probably do one for each). At the end of the month, the Houses with the most OWLs and NEWTs combined will receive bonus House Points towards the House Cup (1st - 100, 2nd - 50, 3rd - 25).

    Quidditch matches will be decided by the total percentage lost for each House each week, and the most lost overall will get the Quidditch Cup.

    Are we missing anything?

    Sounds Perfect! I think we need a Headmaster's Office or Faculty Lounge so we can hash out the finer details without overwhelming the students! lol

    Gah! That's perfect! I'm so overwhelmed with all the geekiness! Now we can make this thread just for checking in on the challenges :)
  • hufflepuffin
    The quotes are getting too long! LOL

    I agree though! Excitement all around!
  • hufflepuffin
    So... School Rules (Cleaned-up Version!)

    These are the rules across the board, for every House.

    1.) House Points are earned in a monthly competition in which ALL FOUR Houses compete.
    2.) The House Points decide the Head Boy/Girl (the top 2 people from all Houses, regardless of gender, because we seem to have our men outnumbered by our women).
    3.) OWLs are awarded for exercise challenges and NEWTs are for food challenges decided by each Head of House each week for that House. OWLs and NEWTs have the same point value. One OWL will be given for every set of an exercise (to be decided by each Head of House for their House), and one NEWT will be given for every day the food challenge is completed.
    4.) Each Head of House can name Prefects as often as they like based on the OWLs and NEWTs
    5.) At the end of the month, the Houses with the most OWLs and NEWTs combined will receive bonus House Points towards the House Cup (1st - 100, 2nd - 50, 3rd - 25).
    6.) Quidditch matches will be decided by the total percentage lost for each House each week, and the most lost overall will get the Quidditch Cup.

    Once we get a green-light on this from Ravenclaw, we're good to go. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well - you all have been busy! Sorry, I wasn't around to join in all the planning. We need to keep this simple for it to work since some of us work full time and some of us go to school full time - and some of us try to do both (like me :wink: ).

    Let's see - my thoughts on these ideas - and sorry if I'm raining on anyone's parade :laugh: :
    1) House Points for the inter-house competition: I'm good with that - but
    2) NEWTS and OWLS is where it starts getting muddy for me - its really a lot to keep track of. I've been using House Points for my in-house challenges - Ravenclaws earn 1 point each day they meet the food challenge, 1 point each day they meet the exercise challenge and 1 point for each day that they post on the thread. Is there anyway we can work this into the inter-house challenge so we don't have so many different things going at once?
    3) I vote for minutes of exercise - calories burned can vary as someone else pointed out and tracking miles traveled isn't always easy
    4) Weigh-ins = Quidditch match is fine

    I just know that by the time the last challenge ended, I was really burned out juggling everything. That's why I'm voting for simplicity. Just saying...

    I agree - it sounds like we need a Headmaster to sort it all out and take the lead. I wish there was a way to email more than one person at a time on here so we could have a staff meeting - LOL!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    sorry - double posted - MFP is acting up tonight
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    and triple posted :noway:
  • hufflepuffin
    Well - you all have been busy! Sorry, I wasn't around to join in all the planning. We need to keep this simple for it to work since some of us work full time and some of us go to school full time - and some of us try to do both (like me :wink: ).

    Let's see - my thoughts on these ideas - and sorry if I'm raining on anyone's parade :laugh: :
    1) House Points for the inter-house competition: I'm good with that - but
    2) NEWTS and OWLS is where it starts getting muddy for me - its really a lot to keep track of. I've been using House Points for my in-house challenges - Ravenclaws earn 1 point each day they meet the food challenge, 1 point each day they meet the exercise challenge and 1 point for each day that they post on the thread. Is there anyway we can work this into the inter-house challenge so we don't have so many different things going at once?
    3) I vote for minutes of exercise - calories burned can vary as someone else pointed out and tracking miles traveled isn't always easy
    4) Weigh-ins = Quidditch match is fine

    I just know that by the time the last challenge ended, I was really burned out juggling everything. That's why I'm voting for simplicity. Just saying...

    I agree - it sounds like we need a Headmaster to sort it all out and take the lead. I wish there was a way to email more than one person at a time on here so we could have a staff meeting - LOL!!

    That's an easy fix! If NEWTs and OWLs are too much, you don't have to separate them. That part can be House specific, since the points for in-House challenges are all worth the same.

    Say you give out 1 point for a set of exercises and 1 point for completing the food challenge, and someone does 3 sets and completes the food challenge, they report back with 4 points for the day. (instead of the more confusing version of (3 OWLs, 1 NEWT)

    Keep the total for everyone (food and exercise combined), and report it at the end of the inter-House competition (once a month).

    Gryff HOH and I will crunch the numbers from there if you like!

    Does that work? :smile:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Well - you all have been busy! Sorry, I wasn't around to join in all the planning. We need to keep this simple for it to work since some of us work full time and some of us go to school full time - and some of us try to do both (like me :wink: ).

    Let's see - my thoughts on these ideas - and sorry if I'm raining on anyone's parade :laugh: :
    1) House Points for the inter-house competition: I'm good with that - but
    2) NEWTS and OWLS is where it starts getting muddy for me - its really a lot to keep track of. I've been using House Points for my in-house challenges - Ravenclaws earn 1 point each day they meet the food challenge, 1 point each day they meet the exercise challenge and 1 point for each day that they post on the thread. Is there anyway we can work this into the inter-house challenge so we don't have so many different things going at once?
    3) I vote for minutes of exercise - calories burned can vary as someone else pointed out and tracking miles traveled isn't always easy
    4) Weigh-ins = Quidditch match is fine

    I just know that by the time the last challenge ended, I was really burned out juggling everything. That's why I'm voting for simplicity. Just saying...

    I agree - it sounds like we need a Headmaster to sort it all out and take the lead. I wish there was a way to email more than one person at a time on here so we could have a staff meeting - LOL!!

    That's an easy fix! If NEWTs and OWLs are too much, you don't have to separate them. That part can be House specific, since the points for in-House challenges are all worth the same.

    Say you give out 1 point for a set of exercises and 1 point for completing the food challenge, and someone does 3 sets and completes the food challenge, they report back with 4 points for the day. (instead of the more confusing version of (3 OWLs, 1 NEWT)

    Keep the total for everyone (food and exercise combined), and report it at the end of the inter-House competition (once a month).

    Gryff HOH and I will crunch the numbers from there if you like!

    Does that work? :smile:

    I'm sorry, azsuzi, we did get a little carried away, didn't we? Let's see if we can compromise even more :)

    The NEWTs and OWLs are basically just geeky name changes for the food and exercise weekly challenges. You don't have to keep track of them differently than you already do (because they are worth the same), as long as you also keep track of points earned from the big monthly challenge separately. So each week you keep track of the points everyone earns already, right? Those would all be lumped into OWLs/NEWTs, and as long as you know the difference between those points and the Inter-House points, it doesn't really matter what we call them. If it were me setting up a spreadsheet, I would just have a column for weight lost, OWL/NEWT, and House Points. Does that make sense?

    I do like how you Ravenclaws count your weekly points, I would be fine with changing the OWLs and NEWTs to one point for each day you complete them, and adding one daily point for checking in. So 3 points per day max. It would definitely make that part simpler, because you could assign whatever you want as a House to count for 1 day's worth of work.

    If you want it to be even simpler, I think we could drop the bonus points attached to them, and have them only count towards deciding Prefects within Houses, and not affect the School as a whole.

    What do you all think about those options?

    I also like just having house points for minutes of exercise (because everything you do will always take minutes, maybe not miles) as just a constant monthly Inter-House challenge. Maybe you get 1 point for every 5 or 10 minutes of exercise?

    As far as a Headmaster, I don't mind doing that because I know I'll have the flexibility in my schedule to set aside time to keep track of all the Houses' reporting, and I'm a little OCD so I love to be organized. If anyone else wants to do it really bad, tho, that's fine with me :)

    And with all of the awards possible, I'm just going to make badges and post the links here in the Great Hall. When people earn stuff, they can take them and use them or not--their choice. How does that sound? And as far as deciding the awards, the Prefects are House-specific, House Cup is the highest scoring House overall, Head Boy/Girl are just the 2 highest scorers, and all that really matters with the weigh ins is who lost the biggest percentage at the very end for the Quidditch Cup (I like to weigh in every week to keep people excited and motivated, but if not everyone wants to weigh in weekly, we'll just count it at the end. If we all do it weekly, we can just call each week a Quidditch match).

    We're getting closer, guys! ;)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    dear heads of houses,

    you rock my socks.

    that is all.
