Atkins? Anyone?? Am I the only one doing this?I feel alone.



  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Ok, your first link is about how low carb is better than low fat diets. I didn't argue that, it's not the 90's anymore SnackWells don't work. We know that.
    Then you go on to say how it helps diabetes and arthritis? And losing weight in any fashion doesn't help those diseases???
    And who said anything about eating white carbs, and processed sugar? I wouldn't consider those part of a healthy balanced diet, because they aren't healthy. There are carbs that aren't white, I hope you know that.
    For the few that have some allergy to carbs, or something that makes it so they shouldn't eat carbs, then fine. They obviously aren't included in this. But be honest, the majority of people on low carb diets are on them because they want to lose weight fast. Which is fine as I said in my first post. Just don't argue to me that it is a sustainable diet for the rest of your life. It is unhealthy in the long term, and most of all why would you punish yourself for the rest of your life and not eat good carbs?

    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you to those of you who answered my question. I will def check into your suggestion. Thanks for being nice!

    Thoses of you who oppose Atkins... you should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. People do not post topics on here to be ridiculed or made fun of. They are simply looking for support. . I joined MFP to find others that would support my lifestyle. As did you, im sure. You should not be poking fun at others for there lifestlye choices. I dont make fun of your diet. Sorry you have nothing better to do with lives.

    Ok I want to get it straight that I'm not poking fun at your diet. What I do have a problem with is people ignoring science. Your body needs carbs.
    If I was to get on here and say "is anyone on here doing the olive oil diet, I drink 1000 calories of olive oil everyday, and its working" I hope somebody informed would get on and tell me that it's not healthy, and I'm not going to be able to do that the rest of my life.
    And I do apologize to anyone I offended. I mean no harm, my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents have all done atkins and lost significant amounts of weight. They all gained every pound back and more. It wasn't until my dad got on a balanced diet that he lost weight and kept it off.
    Any person trying to better themselves is fine with me.

    I don't think your being rude. I also am just defending my balance diet. Please define your balance diet. Also, be sure you actually look up the principles of Atkins before comparing the too. Atkins allows carbs...yes I said that LOL. The carbs it allows are HEALTHY carbs. Not white fake processed carbs. Even potatoes are allowed when your closer to goal. I love a potato every now and then. But do I need one every day to survive no..but I do need food and my balanced diet includes protein/fat/carbs ..carbs coming from good whole grains and great healthy veggies.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Been on Atkins for a week. Its freakin awesome. I cant believe its really working!!! But i never see any of my friends doing it too. Am i the only crazy person that is doing atkins right now???? I just want others to talk to about my atkins journey. Add me if you are on it please. we can help eachother =D

    There are lots of low carbers here.................

    I was on Atkins for 8 years and maintained my weightloss easily until I had a near fatal car accident in 2008. Not being able to cook and relying on a hospital and hubby once home to cook the way I was used to eating was my downfall.

    My advice is to read, read, read the book and keep the food whole foods. It is balanced nutrition and anyone that says otherwise has not read, researched the plan.

    Climb the carb ladder and keep adding in the veggies, fruits, dairy, and even whole grains as it tells you too.

    Most importantly follow all 4 phases by the book and you will have a complete lifestyle that is easy to follow and you will know how many carbs YOUR individual body requires to lose weight, maintain weight and gain weight.

    And remember that exercise is non-negotiable!!!

    Here is the Atkins support group thread!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Thank you to those of you who answered my question. I will def check into your suggestion. Thanks for being nice!

    Thoses of you who oppose Atkins... you should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. People do not post topics on here to be ridiculed or made fun of. They are simply looking for support. . I joined MFP to find others that would support my lifestyle. As did you, im sure. You should not be poking fun at others for there lifestlye choices. I dont make fun of your diet. Sorry you have nothing better to do with lives.

    Ok I want to get it straight that I'm not poking fun at your diet. What I do have a problem with is people ignoring science. Your body needs carbs.
    If I was to get on here and say "is anyone on here doing the olive oil diet, I drink 1000 calories of olive oil everyday, and its working" I hope somebody informed would get on and tell me that it's not healthy, and I'm not going to be able to do that the rest of my life.
    And I do apologize to anyone I offended. I mean no harm, my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents have all done atkins and lost significant amounts of weight. They all gained every pound back and more. It wasn't until my dad got on a balanced diet that he lost weight and kept it off.
    Any person trying to better themselves is fine with me.

    Dude, you have no idea as to what you are talking about. Pick up the book and read it. You will be surprised at what you will learn.

    There is solid science behind the Atkins plan - the one that Dr Atkins himself wrote. Not that new plan that has been changed to fit in processed foods.

    If the plan is followed from start to finish and all 4 phases from Induction to Maintenance you can't get any more "balanced" than the Atkins plan.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Thats because ATkins isnt a healthy diet to follow. Works for weight loss yes....for long term health. no.

    I wonder why I am so healthy now. I wonder why I don't take 7 meds (3 blood pressure, 1 fluid, and 3 anxiety/ depression) meds. I wonder why it's been over 5 yrs and I haven't gained it back..hmmm.

    I wonder if anyone can tell me that they have actually read the book? and then say it's not healthy. NO I don't think so.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You might consider paleo or primal eating in lieu of Atkins.

    I switched from Atkins to a more Paleo / Primal approach and let me tell you it is much stricter than Atkins.

    Atkins allows for the addition of dairy, beans, lentils, and grains. paleo / primal do not. Someone has to be willing to give up said foods forever to be successful.

    And since Atkins is an elimination plan and then add foods back in as you move up the carb ladder you learn what foods YOUR individual body can handle and foods it doesn't tolerate well - hence my reason for moving over to the paleo lifestyle.

    With Atkins you will find the number of carbs your body can tolerate to lose weight and maintain your weight if done by the book and if you go over your maintenance number consistently - Yes, you will begin to gain weight.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    When sitting down to meals like these becomes unhealthy - I will go back to eating "everything in moderation."



  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)

    135 Carbs to me is not a balanced diet, unless your total calories for the day are around 1000 calories. I believe, along with most nutritionists that carbs should be around 60% of your daily calories. Not 30% or 40%. Carbs are not something to be afraid of, the first couple weeks you lose so much weight because you deplete all your glycogen, you gain all that weight back as soon as you start eating carbs again.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)

    135 Carbs to me is not a balanced diet, unless your total calories for the day are around 1000 calories. I believe, along with most nutritionists that carbs should be around 60% of your daily calories. Not 30% or 40%. Carbs are not something to be afraid of, the first couple weeks you lose so much weight because you deplete all your glycogen, you gain all that weight back as soon as you start eating carbs again.

    Ok my calories range from 1200 to 1400. I realize that "most" nutritionists say this but there are more diabetics than ever. There are more obese children then ever. Now Dr's and nutritionists are saying stay away from processed white carbs. So, My carbs come from whole grains and healthy veggies. I eat lean meats and healthy fats. The last sentence is what confuses me. I am eating carbs. I haven't gained it's been over 5 yrs explain that?

    What carbs do you think we HAVE to have to LIVE?
    What a serving size? Do I need white rice? Do I need white pasta??
    I am eating whole grains...nutrionists push this
    I am eating fruits.
    I am eating veggies
    I am eating lean meats
    what's unhealthy about this?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)

    135 Carbs to me is not a balanced diet, unless your total calories for the day are around 1000 calories. I believe, along with most nutritionists that carbs should be around 60% of your daily calories. Not 30% or 40%. Carbs are not something to be afraid of, the first couple weeks you lose so much weight because you deplete all your glycogen, you gain all that weight back as soon as you start eating carbs again.

    It is funny that I was able to keep 100 pound weight loss off for 8 years on Atkins and I ate plenty of carbs - all until that fateful day when I had a near fatal car accident.

    Hospital food is among the worst as far as healthy and then my hubby isn't the greatest cook so it was a lot of take out until I could get back on my feet again to take back over.

    135 grams of carbs is more than plenty to eat balanced or what you want to say is balanced.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You want to see an awesome success story on Atkins???????????

    Check out Sugar Free Sheila!!! She Rocks.

    Atkins is one of the most sustainable plans out here that really focuses on Teaching people about eating whole foods.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Ok we are talking about Atkins. NOT just some LOW CARB quick fix. If you are following Atkins you are cutting out white processed carbs. Who said anything about cutting out all carbs? That is not Atkins. I am currently eating up to 150 gms (usually 135) carbs a day and still losing. 86 lbs gone forever. Yes all weightloss can cure those illnesses. Some "diets" are easier than others some work for one set of people others work for another set. I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months and never lost. I was on 7 meds. My Dr. told me about Atkins. I read the book number one! and I did what he said to do. Do I feel deprived when I can eat such good food? No I don't I haven't. I eat in moderation like any "diet" says to. I have my ups and downs. I am not perfect but I can tell you that after over 5 yrs. I for one say it's sustainable. If you do it right. If anyone says they are doing Atkins and are doing "no" carbs. then we aren't talking about the same eating plan. Your only restricted in the beginning. And oh yea Dr Atkins tells you to eat your veggies..those are carbs too :)

    135 Carbs to me is not a balanced diet, unless your total calories for the day are around 1000 calories. I believe, along with most nutritionists that carbs should be around 60% of your daily calories. Not 30% or 40%. Carbs are not something to be afraid of, the first couple weeks you lose so much weight because you deplete all your glycogen, you gain all that weight back as soon as you start eating carbs again.

    Wow, just wow. Really, 60% carbs is the only way to have a balanced diet? Never mind that it its perfectly possible to get all your micro nutrients without ever touching a single grain, and by doing that you are easily doing low carb. Please if you can tell me one single thing a body needs that can only be found in grains I will gladly eat my words. And if you can then explain to me why it is that research shows replacing carbohydrates with unsaturated fats reduces cholesterol and heart disease, maybe you can change my mind. Heck if you can find me even a single peer reviewed research article that enumerates any real benefits of this oft repeated but unproven high carb diet theory, there might be room to talk.

    Otherwise read a few articles:

    Howard BV, Manson JE, Stefanick ML, et al. Low-fat dietary pattern and weight change over 7 years: the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial. JAMA. 2006; 295:39-49.

    Howard BV, Van Horn L, Hsia J, et al. Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial. JAMA. 2006; 295:655-66.

    Mensink RP, Zock PL, Kester AD, Katan MB. Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003; 77:1146-55.

    Appel LJ, Sacks FM, Carey VJ, et al. Effects of protein, monounsaturated fat, and carbohydrate intake on blood pressure and serum lipids: results of the OmniHeart randomized trial. JAMA. 2005; 294:2455-64.

    Mozaffarian D, Pischon T, Hankinson SE, et al. Dietary intake of trans fatty acids and systemic inflammation in women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004; 79:606-12.

    Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354:1601-13.

    Kratz M. Dietary cholesterol, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Handb Exp Pharmacol 2005:195-213.

    Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, et al. A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. JAMA. 1999; 281:1387-94.

    Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, et al. Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary heart disease in women. N Engl J Med. 1997; 337:1491-99

    Hu FB, Manson JE, Willett WC. Types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: a critical review. J Am Coll Nutr. 2001; 20:5-1
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    Ok, your first link is about how low carb is better than low fat diets. I didn't argue that, it's not the 90's anymore SnackWells don't work. We know that.
    Then you go on to say how it helps diabetes and arthritis? And losing weight in any fashion doesn't help those diseases???
    And who said anything about eating white carbs, and processed sugar? I wouldn't consider those part of a healthy balanced diet, because they aren't healthy. There are carbs that aren't white, I hope you know that.
    For the few that have some allergy to carbs, or something that makes it so they shouldn't eat carbs, then fine. They obviously aren't included in this. But be honest, the majority of people on low carb diets are on them because they want to lose weight fast. Which is fine as I said in my first post. Just don't argue to me that it is a sustainable diet for the rest of your life. It is unhealthy in the long term, and most of all why would you punish yourself for the rest of your life and not eat good carbs?

  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member

    135 Carbs to me is not a balanced diet, unless your total calories for the day are around 1000 calories. I believe, along with most nutritionists that carbs should be around 60% of your daily calories. Not 30% or 40%. Carbs are not something to be afraid of, the first couple weeks you lose so much weight because you deplete all your glycogen, you gain all that weight back as soon as you start eating carbs again.

  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    When I did Atkins 10 years ago, I got so sick of the food, I couldn't get myself to eat another bite of meat, fish, cheese, etc.
    Eating healthy, balanced meals and capping your calories makes so much more sense.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    also. i'd just like to throw this out there.. people aren't "MEAN!!!!" or "RUDE!!!" or "JUDGMENTAL!!" for stating facts.

    atkins sucks. that's all there is to it.

    it's an unhealthy unbalanced F A D diet . trust me, i know. sure it's great to lose 15 lbs of water weight in two weeks. yay!! but what'll happen once you can't handle it anymore? once you feel like eating some potatoes or black beans or a slice of whole wheat bread? you'll gain everything back.

    depriving yourself of stuff you need to function, and especially exercise.. is a bit ridiculous. it's a sure way to fail and gain everything back. no ones being rude, no ones being "mean". ... stop getting so ****ing defensive over something so ridiculous.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    also. i'd just like to throw this out there.. people aren't "MEAN!!!!" or "RUDE!!!" or "JUDGMENTAL!!" for stating facts.

    atkins sucks. that's all there is to it.

    it's an unhealthy unbalanced F A D diet . trust me, i know. sure it's great to lose 15 lbs of water weight in two weeks. yay!! but what'll happen once you can't handle it anymore? once you feel like eating some potatoes or black beans or a slice of whole wheat bread? you'll gain everything back.

    depriving yourself of stuff you need to function, and especially exercise.. is a bit ridiculous. it's a sure way to fail and gain everything back. no ones being rude, no ones being "mean". ... stop getting so ****ing defensive over something so ridiculous.

    I eat potatoes, I eat black beans, I eat whole wheat bread ..wanna know why? It's part of the Atkins On going weightloss (OWL) phase.
    86 lbs gone forever. I haven't gained it back.
    In every eating plan the people who don't work the plan will gain it back. Tell me one single eating plan "balanced" as you call it that you can stop and go back to your old eating habits and not gain back the weight.
    I eat whole grains, fruits, lean meats, healthy fats and I don't eat white sugar, white rice, white flour. Do I need those "processed" carbs? I don't take 7 meds any longer. Oh and it's been over 5 yrs. So ..what's wrong with me? Like every eating plan it takes some WANT TO and some WILL POWER.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member

    OH by the way, your food diary is Atkins OWL friendly too :)
    except for the ice cream which isn't so bad in moderation...but..I choose the no sugar added.

    good job
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    also. i'd just like to throw this out there.. people aren't "MEAN!!!!" or "RUDE!!!" or "JUDGMENTAL!!" for stating facts.

    atkins sucks. that's all there is to it.

    it's an unhealthy unbalanced F A D diet . trust me, i know. sure it's great to lose 15 lbs of water weight in two weeks. yay!! but what'll happen once you can't handle it anymore? once you feel like eating some potatoes or black beans or a slice of whole wheat bread? you'll gain everything back.

    depriving yourself of stuff you need to function, and especially exercise.. is a bit ridiculous. it's a sure way to fail and gain everything back. no ones being rude, no ones being "mean". ... stop getting so ****ing defensive over something so ridiculous.

    You have no idea as to what your talking about.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Everyone just repeat after me:

    "Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still."