Atkins? Anyone?? Am I the only one doing this?I feel alone.



  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    The USDA and the FDA have based their diet recommendations on a hypothesis (not a proven fact) that fat is bad for you. How do I know this? I've read the actual studies they based these recommendations on. They have NO backbone. Scientists have spent years and years trying to prove it, and they couldn't do it, and when they came across data that actually showed that fat is good for us (hmph imagine that) they dusted it under the rug and tried to explain it away. Why? Because they based their ENTIRE career on proving fat, especially saturated fat, as being what is killing Americans.

    The USDA and the government in general knew it would take too long to "prove" that fat was bad, so they went ahead and made the recommendations before it was actually proven in the hopes it would get people to start eating healthier. In all actuality, they made us more unhealthy. Imagine my horror when I found this out. I'd been following what I thought was a healthy diet for months and IT WAS NOT WORKING. No wonder I was so frustrated and almost quit.

    I found the Paleo/Primal lifestyle BECAUSE I was trying to find out why what I was doing was not working. I honestly thought I had tried everything. I'm a scientist by trade. Everything I do / believe is based on actual science. I don't just believe some article, written by someone who probably doesn't have a clue about the actual scientific method, I read the freakin' studies on my own and formulate my own opinion!

    The high carbohydrate diet most of our country follows is what is making us sick. We don't need grains to survive. That's just not true. And before coming on here to be rude to someone who actually found something that works for her, do some actual research. Quit spewing what you think you know is correct. Just because we have heard since birth that saturated fat is bad for us and whole grains are good, it doesn't mean it's true. I do understand where you are coming from, as I used to be one of you - but then again, I never got on the forum and pretended to be something I'm not (an expert).

    I've never read the Adkins book. I might eventually. I actually used to tease my mom for following adkins when she would diet. "It's the only thing that ever works for me" she would say. I made sure to call her and apologize when I found out for myself. Mamma always knows best.

    Everything we could possibly need comes in the form of animal protein, animal fat, vegetables and fruit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The one problem I've always had with Adkin's is the elimination of carrots. I LOVE carrots. I know the reason for it, carrots have a high glycemic index and GI was the thing to measure food by at the time the diet was originated. But carrots actually have very little sugar and have a low glycemic load making them a really healthy addition to a low-carb diet. I saw mentioned on here that there was a new book. Does anyone know if the changes have to do with GI vs. GL?

    Just curious.
    Carrots are only off limits during the first two phases. By phase three, they're allowed again along with white potatoes, acorn squash and yams as well as beans, many fruits, pasta, brown rice and oatmeal.

    Oh, I did not know that. My friend did the Adkins thing many years ago and told me no carrots, but she must not have made it to phase three. She didn't stick with it. Or any other healthy diet, unfortunately.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The USDA and the FDA have based their diet recommendations on a hypothesis (not a proven fact) that fat is bad for you. How do I know this? I've read the actual studies they based these recommendations on. They have NO backbone. Scientists have spent years and years trying to prove it, and they couldn't do it, and when they came across data that actually showed that fat is good for us (hmph imagine that) they dusted it under the rug and tried to explain it away. Why? Because they based their ENTIRE career on proving fat, especially saturated fat, as being what is killing Americans.

    The USDA and the government in general knew it would take too long to "prove" that fat was bad, so they went ahead and made the recommendations before it was actually proven in the hopes it would get people to start eating healthier. In all actuality, they made us more unhealthy. Imagine my horror when I found this out. I'd been following what I thought was a healthy diet for months and IT WAS NOT WORKING. No wonder I was so frustrated and almost quit.

    I found the Paleo/Primal lifestyle BECAUSE I was trying to find out why what I was doing was not working. I honestly thought I had tried everything. I'm a scientist by trade. Everything I do / believe is based on actual science. I don't just believe some article, written by someone who probably doesn't have a clue about the actual scientific method, I read the freakin' studies on my own and formulate my own opinion!

    The high carbohydrate diet most of our country follows is what is making us sick. We don't need grains to survive. That's just not true. And before coming on here to be rude to someone who actually found something that works for her, do some actual research. Quit spewing what you think you know is correct. Just because we have heard since birth that saturated fat is bad for us and whole grains are good, it doesn't mean it's true. I do understand where you are coming from, as I used to be one of you - but then again, I never got on the forum and pretended to be something I'm not (an expert).

    I've never read the Adkins book. I might eventually. I actually used to tease my mom for following adkins when she would diet. "It's the only thing that ever works for me" she would say. I made sure to call her and apologize when I found out for myself. Mamma always knows best.

    Everything we could possibly need comes in the form of animal protein, animal fat, vegetables and fruit.

    The USDA and FDA have not recommended a low fat diet since the 1980's. And the was based on research available at the time.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    The USDA and FDA have not recommended a low fat diet since the 1980's. And the was based on research available at the time.

    Excuse me - low SATURATED fat diet / high carb. And yes, 50-60% carb is too high. Anyone who has done the proper research would agree.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I'm currently on a protein shake, no food, no water diet. I see black spots and tend to get some dizzy spells. Is that normal?

    yes. keep doing it.

    Ok, good, becaise I was also going to push myself until I collapsed, but after the black spots, I figured I would consult with the people who know the most.

    Why are you all invading this post with ignorance and non-sense just to be smart allecks??? Please go somewhere else with that rubbish.

    Right. I forgot it is illegal.

    yes your frivolous idiocy take away from all the serious idiocy

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The USDA and FDA have not recommended a low fat diet since the 1980's. And the was based on research available at the time.

    Excuse me - low SATURATED fat diet / high carb. And yes, 50-60% carb is too high. Anyone who has done the proper research would agree.

    Prevailing medical evidence shows that for most people a diet low in saturated fat is healthiest.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    The USDA and FDA have not recommended a low fat diet since the 1980's. And the was based on research available at the time.

    Excuse me - low SATURATED fat diet / high carb. And yes, 50-60% carb is too high. Anyone who has done the proper research would agree.

    Prevailing medical evidence shows that for most people a diet low in saturated fat is healthiest.

    No it doesn't. I've spent a year doing my own research, filtering through study after study. You can't trust journalists. Most of them don't even read the whole article they are citing.

    I learned how to meticulously pick through journal articles in college - to find out how they conduced the experiment, see if their study is repeatable, and to see if their "conclusion" matched their actual results.

    I told you I used to be one of you. I had the same argument with my future father-in-law about butter and how I thought it was horrible. Now, I have to stick my foot in my mouth because I was flat out wrong. That sucks. I'm not a huge fan of the guy.

    I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I am simply just trying to help anyone I can to see that what we have been taught our whole life is wrong. I still feel sick when I think about it.

    I challenge you to do the research on your own. I promise you will be shocked.

    Oh and side note: fat tastes AWESOME! :tongue:
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    OP, this forum is not the place to find support.

    In the Food and Nutrition section, there is a support group for Atkins.

    I find it sad that in order to get some real info and support, we've had to segregate ourselves from the rest of the forums.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    The one problem I've always had with Adkin's is the elimination of carrots. I LOVE carrots. I know the reason for it, carrots have a high glycemic index and GI was the thing to measure food by at the time the diet was originated. But carrots actually have very little sugar and have a low glycemic load making them a really healthy addition to a low-carb diet. I saw mentioned on here that there was a new book. Does anyone know if the changes have to do with GI vs. GL?

    Just curious.

    I'm not bashing Atkins, I actually prefer the lower carb route, but...

    I was just curious if he wrote the new book immediately after his death or if he waited a while....?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The USDA and FDA have not recommended a low fat diet since the 1980's. And the was based on research available at the time.

    Excuse me - low SATURATED fat diet / high carb. And yes, 50-60% carb is too high. Anyone who has done the proper research would agree.

    Prevailing medical evidence shows that for most people a diet low in saturated fat is healthiest.

    No it doesn't. I've spent a year doing my own research, filtering through study after study. You can't trust journalists. Most of them don't even read the whole article they are citing.

    I learned how to meticulously pick through journal articles in college - to find out how they conduced the experiment, see if their study is repeatable, and to see if their "conclusion" matched their actual results.

    I told you I used to be one of you. I had the same argument with my future father-in-law about butter and how I thought it was horrible. Now, I have to stick my foot in my mouth because I was flat out wrong. That sucks. I'm not a huge fan of the guy.

    I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I am simply just trying to help anyone I can to see that what we have been taught our whole life is wrong. I still feel sick when I think about it.

    I challenge you to do the research on your own. I promise you will be shocked.

    Oh and side note: fat tastes AWESOME! :tongue:

    I've worked in public healthcare for a govt. contractor for almost 30 years. I know the study results. I have to study the recommendations and guidelines of CMS, JC, NQF, HEDIS, DoD, VHA and just about every other govt. health organization you can think of. I know how the recommendations are set and know why they are set. Now, that said, there is absolutely no reason you should believe any of what I've just typed since I'm just some shmo on a public web site who should be studying that latest update to the JC manual right now instead of playing online. But, this whole govt. consiracy nonsense is just that. Nonsense. There are a lot of people in this country (USA) and the recommendations have to be set for "the general public", which means people need to read the entire recommendations and see where they fit, not just look at a picture or read a healine and say "oh, I got it."
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Fine, believe what you want. I was just trying to help.

    For everyone else's reference: All those government agencies she listed out all got their "scientific proof" from the same pool of "scientist" (Keys and all of his protegees). Ancel Key's. Look him up people - he just spewed bad science and he is the basis behind the way we all still eat today. He should have been blackballed in the scientific/medical community. He threw out data just because it didn't line up with his theory.

    I do agree that everyone is different. Each population of people had to evolve differently to survive the climate/area they lived. That's probably the biggest problem with the American diet since we are so diverse. But 50% of our calories from carbohydrates? Now that's just not "good" for anyone. Sure, tons of people can eat them and live just fine. Most people probably. But is it's what's best for you? No.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fine, believe what you want. I was just trying to help.

    For everyone else's reference: All those government agencies she listed out all got their "scientific proof" from the same pool of "scientist" (Keys and all of his protegees). Ancel Key's. Look him up people - he just spewed bad science and he is the basis behind the way we all still eat today. He should have been blackballed in the scientific/medical community. He threw out data just because it didn't line up with his theory.

    I do agree that everyone is different. Each population of people had to evolve differently to survive the climate/area they lived. That's probably the biggest problem with the American diet since we are so diverse. But 50% of our calories from carbohydrates? Now that's just not "good" for anyone. Sure, tons of people can eat them and live just fine. Most people probably. But is it's what's best for you? No.

    Please, you sould ridiculous. Every bit of medical evidence in the world came from Ancel Keys?? Of course. One man did it all. And there have been no new studies since he died. Of course!! Anyone that's ever met a researcher knows how much they hate to be the one to find new results. They just hide them away like an ugly stepchild.

    Today's recommendations are based on things like the nurse's health studies and tens of thousands of other studies and years and years of research.

    One man? Seriously?
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Yes I have read the book. I am a nurse, and work with Diabetics all the time. My 2 best is a PHysio therapist..the other is our hospital nutritionist. When you mention Atkins..they GROAN. Just because a diet keeps you thin doesn't mean it's healthy. Also..nobody said you have to get your carbs from white sugar and rice. But Atkins is too high in saturated fat to be healthy. Any diet that forces your body to eat it's own muscle for fuel is NOT healthy.

    i'm sorry, but of course hospital nutritionalists groan. Most of the time they're so far behind the times on dieting that it makes my head hurt to think about it. Some hospital nutritionalists don't even know how to handle a bariatric diet. They will needlessly stick to the food pyramid because that was pounded into their head. Times, they are a'changin.
    If you want to compare brain pans, I've been a nurse for 22 years, I've worked with cardioligsts, rheumatologists, endocrinologists and dieticians. While in the beginning everyone was for the food pyramid, many are moving away from that and onto a low carb diet for their patients. It levels out insulin in the blood, helps lower triglicerides and cholesterol levels
    It does not cause you to eat your own muscle for fuel. Fat, yes. And isn't that what we want? Get rid of the fat!

    You may have read the book, but maybe you should read all of the research and studies done on the subject.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Yes I have read the book. I am a nurse, and work with Diabetics all the time. My 2 best is a PHysio therapist..the other is our hospital nutritionist. When you mention Atkins..they GROAN. Just because a diet keeps you thin doesn't mean it's healthy. Also..nobody said you have to get your carbs from white sugar and rice. But Atkins is too high in saturated fat to be healthy. Any diet that forces your body to eat it's own muscle for fuel is NOT healthy.

    i'm sorry, but of course hospital nutritionalists groan. Most of the time they're so far behind the times on dieting that it makes my head hurt to think about it. Some hospital nutritionalists don't even know how to handle a bariatric diet. They will needlessly stick to the food pyramid because that was pounded into their head. Times, they are a'changin.
    If you want to compare brain pans, I've been a nurse for 22 years, I've worked with cardioligsts, rheumatologists, endocrinologists and dieticians. While in the beginning everyone was for the food pyramid, many are moving away from that and onto a low carb diet for their patients. It levels out insulin in the blood, helps lower triglicerides and cholesterol levels
    It does not cause you to eat your own muscle for fuel. Fat, yes. And isn't that what we want? Get rid of the fat!

    You may have read the book, but maybe you should read all of the research and studies done on the subject.

    rough day to start atkins!! geez, i had no clue it was blackballed on mfp!! oh well....i will definitely stick to the support group!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    rough day to start atkins!! geez, i had no clue it was blackballed on mfp!! oh well....i will definitely stick to the support group!

    It's not blackballed, but the support group probably is a good idea. It's surprising how many people insist there is only one way to lose weight and be healthy.

    Good luck to you!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    rough day to start atkins!! geez, i had no clue it was blackballed on mfp!! oh well....i will definitely stick to the support group!

    It's not blackballed, but the support group probably is a good idea. It's surprising how many people insist there is only one way to lose weight and be healthy.

    Good luck to you!

    is that not what you are doing by constanly hounding that it is unhealthy, and bad, and you must eat carbs??????????
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Thats because ATkins isnt a healthy diet to follow. Works for weight loss yes....for long term health. no.

    I wonder why I am so healthy now. I wonder why I don't take 7 meds (3 blood pressure, 1 fluid, and 3 anxiety/ depression) meds. I wonder why it's been over 5 yrs and I haven't gained it back..hmmm.

    I wonder if anyone can tell me that they have actually read the book? and then say it's not healthy. NO I don't think so.

    Just because someone loses weight does not mean they are healthy nutrition wise. And remember that Dr. Atkins died of a heart attack.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    rough day to start atkins!! geez, i had no clue it was blackballed on mfp!! oh well....i will definitely stick to the support group!

    It's not blackballed, but the support group probably is a good idea. It's surprising how many people insist there is only one way to lose weight and be healthy.

    Good luck to you!

    is that not what you are doing by constanly hounding that it is unhealthy, and bad, and you must eat carbs??????????

    I never said that. I choose to eat carbs, but the Adkin's diet is healthy if followed. I posted that earlier.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    The one problem I've always had with Adkin's is the elimination of carrots. I LOVE carrots. I know the reason for it, carrots have a high glycemic index and GI was the thing to measure food by at the time the diet was originated. But carrots actually have very little sugar and have a low glycemic load making them a really healthy addition to a low-carb diet. I saw mentioned on here that there was a new book. Does anyone know if the changes have to do with GI vs. GL?

    Just curious.

    I don't do Atkins, but despite the sugar in carrots I consider them acceptable in my own version of low carb. I mean there is fiber and vitamin A and good stuff. Plus carrots, while I don't like them, they are one of the few vegetables I am not allergic to.