Why we need carbs.



  • hbmcracer
    hbmcracer Posts: 105 Member
    I have found that very low carbs actually make people depressed.

    I've never been happier!!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    carbs make you fat!

    The dietary fiber that is found in complex carbs actually curbs your appetite, and prevents crashes in blood sugar levels.
    Low-carb may provide immediate results, but it is hard to sustain in the long run. I don't think it's healthy to put your body in a prolonged state of ketosis.
    But if it works for you, great!

    This is not true. Carbs regardless cause blood sugar to raise, which in turn causes insulin to be released. Does not matter if it is whole grain whatever or white, bleached flour whatever................

    Carbs other than vegetables and a few fruits here and there are all we should be eating. The rest is a WANT.

    Thank you for your opinion!

    It is not an opinion, it is a fact.

    Sorry, the opinion was you saying it is a WANT. Everyone controls their mouth and hands. You want to eat something, you have to know how it affects you. I learned it the hard way and am still learning.

    For someone to come in and give blanket statements is becoming ego-centric. I did it when I first came to MFP and I regret it. I have no business telling others they should do this or that. I have my own principles and I will share if someone asks but I learned that support on the forums is pretty weak because everyone has a contrary opinion.

    I respect your opinion. It works for you. Lets be friends now.

    The fact is - carbs are not a necessity. They are a want. We don't need carbs for proper body function. I am not giving a blanket statement, here is some of my research.

    There are people such as the Eskimos and the Inuits that have never eaten carbohydrates and are healthier than the rest of us.

    And the ones that started eating a westernized diet soon developed obesity, diabetes, heart disease - all the chronic illness that went along with the westernized diet.

    :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Okay, so you want to discuss dietary population. Asians, Europeans, and Native Indians all ate starchy foods prior to the western diet. They did not develop the huge amounts of chronic disease until other macronutrients became readily accessible. The research I am quoting is The China Study, and the fact that I eat nothing but potatoes, brown rice and vegetables, oatmeal and b12 supplements (because I won't eat meat and seafood) and rice protein powder. I reverted to an all starch diet (to the best of my ability), and I am no longer worried about my diabetes. And, I lost a ton of weight, you can see my before and after picture in my signature.

    In Okinawa, Japan and rural parts of China, the folks there over 100 years of age do not eat a lot of meat, if any. They mostly consist of starches, vegetables and legumes.

    Ireland, doubled its population with the introduction of the potato, the Peruvians ate sweet potatoes and the Natives of North America ate various forms of starch.

    These, are more highly populated than the Eskimos and I would say that the Asian population, with the introduction of the western diet (access to other macronutrients) are eating excessively because of various reasons, unique to their own individual health needs.

    So, fact is fact, as you would say.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    ummm, sorry to get involved but Ireland doubled it's population because people were actually living long enough to survive childhood and childbirth. The potato allowed them to live that long but it didn't keep them from slowly starving themselves due to lack of nutrients. That was why they started creating foods like Dulce (dried seaweed).
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Grokette, your attitude during this discussion will continue focused on what you believe and you will not even consider any other points of view.

    Therefore, thanks for the conversation. We can agree to disagree.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    ummm, sorry to get involved but Ireland doubled it's population because people were actually living long enough to survive childhood and childbirth. The potato allowed them to live that long but it didn't keep them from slowly starving themselves due to lack of nutrients. That was why they started creating foods like Dulce (dried seaweed).

    My point being that the potato gave them the chance. I think we are in general agreement. There were of course other factors but I believe the potato gave them the best chance to grow.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    This is going to turn into another low carb vs. high carb debate. Perhaps all the sensible, MODERATE carb folks are all outside, enjoying their active lives. With that said, it's time for me to go do some afternoon rollerblading at the beach... Hope you guys have fun fighting with each other over a completely meaningless argument. :smile:
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    This is going to turn into another low carb vs. high carb debate. Perhaps all the sensible, moderate carb folks are all outside, enjoying their active lives. With that said, it's time for me to go do some afternoon rollerblading at the beach... Hope you guys have fun fighting with each other over a completely meaningless argument. :smile:

    I never said anything like that TK. She was pointing to the Eskimos as her proof. I was trying to prove a point by asking her to consider other facts by talking about other populations.

    Then I thought like you and said I best stay out of it.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I'm just here for the show.

    *eating popcorn*

    Not much of a show right now.

    so your purpose was to create a flaming war eh?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    People who don't eat enough carbs will fail.

    and who defines what is enough for any given person?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I don't think it's healthy to put your body in a prolonged state of ketosis.


    Because your breath will stink, you will get fired from your job for being repugnant, you will spend all your money on bacon, go broke and die alone and hungry on the street.

    Ketosis: It kills.

    thats actually the most intelligent argument against it i have heard lately
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    A lot of people (not just the people here on MFP), think that completely cutting out carbohydrates is the way to go. I beg to differ. WE NEED CARBS! It's just a matter of choosing the right ones. Complex carbohydrates provide fiber, which is necessary for stabilizing blood sugar levels.
    Also, if you have suggestions for incorporating complex carbs into my diet, please tell me! I've been eating primarily simple carbs.
    Your responses are appreciated!

    Thank you! Too many people don't understand simple carbs vs. complex carbs. For me, I buy nothing but whole grain breads, brown rice, pastas, and tortillas. It will provide you with extra fiber and will help you stay fuller longer.

    The future dietitian says YES! Make sure that WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR is one of the first ingredients in your items, sometimes they try to fake you out. :bigsmile:
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't anyone who is losing fat from whatever method in a state of ketosis? I think what you want to beware of is ketoacidosis, but I may be wrong. I'll take my steak medium please.

    I don't think so. If you eat at your caloric deficit you'll burn muscle and fat. But again, I'm no expert.

    why would you want to burn muscle, i wll just take the burning fat please,
    let me build my muscle which oddly enought takes protien
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I have found that very low carbs actually make people depressed.

    I've never been happier!!

    yep yep
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I have found that very low carbs actually make people depressed.

    I've never been happier!!

    yep yep

    Side effects of too much bacon!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have found that very low carbs actually make people depressed.

    I've never been happier!!

    yep yep

    Actually low fat eating is more likely to make people depressed than those who eat high fat and low carb.

    I have so much more energy, stable moods and happier when i am eating low carb and high fat.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    brown rice with eggs and chicken is my bff :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I have found that very low carbs actually make people depressed.

    I've never been happier!!

    yep yep

    Actually low fat eating is more likely to make people depressed than those who eat high fat and low carb.

    I have so much more energy, stable moods and happier when i am eating low carb and high fat.

    i so much have more energy with low carb eating, and less tummy aches and bloating, and les ibs flare up

    could be why i am happy
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    From the blog of Dr Michael Eades

    The metabolic system could solve its problem by a coming up with a way to reduce the glucose-dependent tissues’ need for glucose so that the protein could be spared as long as possible.

    Ketones to the rescue.

    The liver requires energy to convert the protein to glucose. The energy comes from fat. As the liver breaks down the fat to release its energy to power gluconeogenesis, the conversion of protein to sugar, it produces ketones as a byproduct. And what a byproduct they are. Ketones are basically water soluble (meaning they dissolve in blood) fats that are a source of energy for many tissues including the muscles, brain and heart. In fact, ketones act as a stand in for sugar in the brain. Although ketones can’t totally replace all the sugar required by the brain, they can replace a pretty good chunk of it. By reducing the body’s need for sugar, less protein is required, allowing the muscle mass (the protein reservoir) to last a lot longer before it is depleted. And ketones are the preferred fuel for the heart, making that organ operate at about 28 percent greater efficiency.

    Fat is the perfect fuel. Part of it provides energy to the liver so that the liver can convert protein to glucose. The unusable part of the fat then converts to ketones, which reduce the need for glucose and spare the muscle in the process.

    If, instead of starving, you’re following a low-carb diet, it gets even better. The protein you eat is converted to glucose instead of the protein in your muscles. If you keep the carbs low enough so that the liver still has to make some sugar, then you will be in fat-burning mode while maintaining your muscle mass, the best of all worlds. How low is low enough? Well, when the ketosis process is humming along nicely and the brain and other tissues have converted to ketones for fuel, the requirement for glucose drops to about 120-130 gm per day. If you keep your carbs below that at, say, 60 grams per day, you’re liver will have to produce at least 60-70 grams of glucose to make up the deficit, so you will generate ketones that entire time.

    So, on a low-carb diet you can feast and starve all at the same time. Is it any wonder it’s so effective for weight.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Grokette, your attitude during this discussion will continue focused on what you believe and you will not even consider any other points of view.

    Therefore, thanks for the conversation. We can agree to disagree.

    I have been down the road of other points of view to only end up sicker and fatter than I previously was.

    I have went vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, low fat high carb and then the doctor at first forced me onto low carb. Once I started feeling better and started researching - I was led down the right path.

    I highly doubt you will continue to have such great results on a high carb, starchy plan with diabetes. Even doctors now days are telling those who are Diabetic to go with a low carb, moderate protein and higher fat approach to control blood sugars.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I don't think it's healthy to put your body in a prolonged state of ketosis.


    Sorry if I am being ignorant, but ketosis burns your fat storage, instead of the carbs that are needed to fuel your vital organs. It's good for rapid weight loss, but that's it.

    Which organs can't be fueled via ketoneogenisis?