New Rules of Lifting (for Women) Group - Part 2



  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    bump for reading later! I'm thinking about starting this strength training program
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
  • persistenttiger
    persistenttiger Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah, my butt is sooooooooo sore after doing Workout B, stage 1 for the first time. I don't think it's ever been so sore. Wow.
    Mine is still recovering and I have rested for 2 days since my second workout A, lol! Workout B, 2 tomorrow.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Hi ladies -

    I started Stage 2 yesterday. I did take the week off in between because my gym was closed for a week for maintenance, so I didn't have a choice - Perfect timing!

    Although I still felt challenged at times during Stage 1, I was never noticeably sore. Well, I'm sore this morning! I think it's from the squat push press. Holy cow. Those were tough at the end of the AMRAP. I did 55 lbs and was struggling during the push press part. But, I really loved the horizontal wood chop! I can definitely see how it's a good all around ab/core toner. I've always seen people doing it in the gym, but didn't have the confidence to just try it. I also watched a video online that explained the form like you're swinging a bat in front of you - arms straight, moving at the hips and waist. That helped a lot.

    Overall, I don't know if it's because it's fun to start something new, but I really enjoyed this workout. BUT, I do think it's more challenging than Stage 1. What are others thoughts?

    idauria - did you start yet?
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I just got my copy of Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength and it is such a comprehensive detailed instructional tool for how to safely and effectively lift heavy weights! I really recommend it to anybody who struggled with bars hurting backs during squats, deadlift anxiety, etc. I am not allowing myself to truly dive in until after finals week but I can already see it being life-changing. (I'm a nerd.)

    Kensky - I bought the Starting Strength DVD in addition to the book. I highly recommend it! It shows men and women performing the exercises so you can get a better feel for how it should look. Pics are good, but video is better (IMO).
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Well I start stage 1 this week and can't wait. I started my new calorie intake last week and straight away it kick started my weight loss again. Excited for the results once I add in the training. I'm going to do at least one day of cardio as well just because I like it lol.

    Hopefully next week will report more losses :D
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Re: Stage 1. I think, in retrospect, that Stage 1 is to basically just introduce you to the lifts and get people moving who may not have ever moved quite that way. I don't remember waking up sore from NROLFW until well-into Stage 2 or maybe 3. I wouldn't want anybody to bail on the program because of reservations based on Stage 1.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi ladies -

    I started Stage 2 yesterday. I did take the week off in between because my gym was closed for a week for maintenance, so I didn't have a choice - Perfect timing!

    Although I still felt challenged at times during Stage 1, I was never noticeably sore. Well, I'm sore this morning! I think it's from the squat push press. Holy cow. Those were tough at the end of the AMRAP. I did 55 lbs and was struggling during the push press part. But, I really loved the horizontal wood chop! I can definitely see how it's a good all around ab/core toner. I've always seen people doing it in the gym, but didn't have the confidence to just try it. I also watched a video online that explained the form like you're swinging a bat in front of you - arms straight, moving at the hips and waist. That helped a lot.

    Overall, I don't know if it's because it's fun to start something new, but I really enjoyed this workout. BUT, I do think it's more challenging than Stage 1. What are others thoughts?

    idauria - did you start yet?

    I'm going to be doing the bonus workouts for stage 1 this week and then I'll start stage 2 next week. I'll try to do more cardio this week because I ate like a slob this weekend. Ugh I hate hating myself.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Re: Stage 1. I think, in retrospect, that Stage 1 is to basically just introduce you to the lifts and get people moving who may not have ever moved quite that way. I don't remember waking up sore from NROLFW until well-into Stage 2 or maybe 3. I wouldn't want anybody to bail on the program because of reservations based on Stage 1.

    Just curious why you think someone would have reservations from Stage 1?
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Hi ladies -

    I started Stage 2 yesterday. I did take the week off in between because my gym was closed for a week for maintenance, so I didn't have a choice - Perfect timing!

    Although I still felt challenged at times during Stage 1, I was never noticeably sore. Well, I'm sore this morning! I think it's from the squat push press. Holy cow. Those were tough at the end of the AMRAP. I did 55 lbs and was struggling during the push press part. But, I really loved the horizontal wood chop! I can definitely see how it's a good all around ab/core toner. I've always seen people doing it in the gym, but didn't have the confidence to just try it. I also watched a video online that explained the form like you're swinging a bat in front of you - arms straight, moving at the hips and waist. That helped a lot.

    Overall, I don't know if it's because it's fun to start something new, but I really enjoyed this workout. BUT, I do think it's more challenging than Stage 1. What are others thoughts?

    idauria - did you start yet?

    I'm going to be doing the bonus workouts for stage 1 this week and then I'll start stage 2 next week. I'll try to do more cardio this week because I ate like a slob this weekend. Ugh I hate hating myself.
    Don't hate yourself - just pick it back up this week. You'll keep moving and in no time you'll start feeling better. You have to have those days sometimes to remind yourself why you work so hard and to remember why those days are not the norm for you. Don't get down on yourself, it will only make it worse!

    I'm anxious to hear what you think about Stage 2, so let me know once you start!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Don't worry, you'll be hearing from me for sure!

    I have decided to do a 6 week sugar and wheat elimination diet. I am choosing 6 weeks because that's how far away Thanksgiving is! I am trying to get my mom and sis on board with me as they are both overweight and pretty sedentary. My mom in particular is a sugar junkie and my sister is a carboholic. I think we'll all feel tons better by cutting these things out. But if I had to choose I'd give sugar the boot. It's just not necessary. But it's so hard because I am a chocoholic and usually have a piece of it daily in some form.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did the first bonus challenge this morning. I was able to do 25 reps for just about every exercise. I don't know if that's good or not. I guess it's better than doing 15 reps. But I thought I'd be able to do more. I also added an AMRAP set of bicep curls and skull crushers(for triceps). I feel like my upper arms are being ignored and whatever gains I was making during my previous routines have been erased.

    How's Stage 2 treating everyone?
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Hi ladies -

    I started Stage 2 yesterday. I did take the week off in between because my gym was closed for a week for maintenance, so I didn't have a choice - Perfect timing!

    Although I still felt challenged at times during Stage 1, I was never noticeably sore. Well, I'm sore this morning! I think it's from the squat push press. Holy cow. Those were tough at the end of the AMRAP. I did 55 lbs and was struggling during the push press part. But, I really loved the horizontal wood chop! I can definitely see how it's a good all around ab/core toner. I've always seen people doing it in the gym, but didn't have the confidence to just try it. I also watched a video online that explained the form like you're swinging a bat in front of you - arms straight, moving at the hips and waist. That helped a lot.

    Overall, I don't know if it's because it's fun to start something new, but I really enjoyed this workout. BUT, I do think it's more challenging than Stage 1. What are others thoughts?

    idauria - did you start yet?

    I'm about halfway through with Stage 2 and defnitely think it's more challenging than Stage 1. I wasn't sure about this in the beginning, but the front squat push press kicks my butt every time (I'm finally up to a full ten reps) and by the end of every workout, I'm dripping with sweat. It's tough. It's great! I do miss some of the Stage 1 exercises, but I've subbed in prone jackknives for swiss ball crunches - I just think it's a better exercise.

    I'm hoping to complete Stage 2 before going on vacation in 9 days, so my vacation can be a "forced rest" between stages. I'll have to throw in an extra workout on the weekend, but I think I can do it. And actually, I'll be doing a lot of hiking on vacay, so it'll just be a break from weight lifting, which is good.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Don't worry, you'll be hearing from me for sure!

    I have decided to do a 6 week sugar and wheat elimination diet. I am choosing 6 weeks because that's how far away Thanksgiving is! I am trying to get my mom and sis on board with me as they are both overweight and pretty sedentary. My mom in particular is a sugar junkie and my sister is a carboholic. I think we'll all feel tons better by cutting these things out. But if I had to choose I'd give sugar the boot. It's just not necessary. But it's so hard because I am a chocoholic and usually have a piece of it daily in some form.

    Good idea! I bet you're going to feel great. Just don't eliminate your carbs, otherwise you will definitely be feeling the loss of them with all of the weight lifting you're doing. Low energy, etc.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Does someone have tips on how to get my head down and but up on the prone jackknives?

    This is the way I learned to do them and to me, it's the simplest way to learn... Put yourself into pushup position, with the stability ball underneath your shins. To do the jackknife, keep your arms stationary and bring your knees up toward your chest, return to starting position.

    Don't think about every other movement going on, if you do this, every movement happens naturally.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Does someone have tips on how to get my head down and but up on the prone jackknives?

    This is the way I learned to do them and to me, it's the simplest way to learn... Put yourself into pushup position, with the stability ball underneath your shins. To do the jackknife, keep your arms stationary and bring your knees up toward your chest, return to starting position.

    Don't think about every other movement going on, if you do this, every movement happens naturally.

    Thanks! I have hard time with bringing my head down and butt up-from the jackknife going into pike. I can do it sometimes and sometimes it isn't happening for me. I guess I need more arm strength.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Does someone have tips on how to get my head down and but up on the prone jackknives?

    This is the way I learned to do them and to me, it's the simplest way to learn... Put yourself into pushup position, with the stability ball underneath your shins. To do the jackknife, keep your arms stationary and bring your knees up toward your chest, return to starting position.

    Don't think about every other movement going on, if you do this, every movement happens naturally.

    Thanks! I have hard time with bringing my head down and butt up-from the jackknife going into pike. I can do it sometimes and sometimes it isn't happening for me. I guess I need more arm strength.

    I think that is something to build to. I just did them for the second time and was able to get my butt a little higher, but no, it's still not that high.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Don't worry, you'll be hearing from me for sure!

    I have decided to do a 6 week sugar and wheat elimination diet. I am choosing 6 weeks because that's how far away Thanksgiving is! I am trying to get my mom and sis on board with me as they are both overweight and pretty sedentary. My mom in particular is a sugar junkie and my sister is a carboholic. I think we'll all feel tons better by cutting these things out. But if I had to choose I'd give sugar the boot. It's just not necessary. But it's so hard because I am a chocoholic and usually have a piece of it daily in some form.

    Good idea! I bet you're going to feel great. Just don't eliminate your carbs, otherwise you will definitely be feeling the loss of them with all of the weight lifting you're doing. Low energy, etc.

    Yeah, I still eat carbs, just not a lot. I am trying to get them from vegetables and some grains. I don't have any real reason to cut out wheat but doing so forces me not to snack on the things that I love like crackers and pretzels. Plus I do believe that wheat bloats me. Mind you, this isn't gluten free so there are still plenty of options out there. I love quinoa and buckwheat.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Does someone have tips on how to get my head down and but up on the prone jackknives?

    This is the way I learned to do them and to me, it's the simplest way to learn... Put yourself into pushup position, with the stability ball underneath your shins. To do the jackknife, keep your arms stationary and bring your knees up toward your chest, return to starting position.

    Don't think about every other movement going on, if you do this, every movement happens naturally.

    Thanks! I have hard time with bringing my head down and butt up-from the jackknife going into pike. I can do it sometimes and sometimes it isn't happening for me. I guess I need more arm strength.

    I think that is something to build to. I just did them for the second time and was able to get my butt a little higher, but no, it's still not that high.

    Thanks! I hope to get there soon!
  • persistenttiger
    persistenttiger Posts: 25 Member
    Re: Stage 1. I think, in retrospect, that Stage 1 is to basically just introduce you to the lifts and get people moving who may not have ever moved quite that way. I don't remember waking up sore from NROLFW until well-into Stage 2 or maybe 3. I wouldn't want anybody to bail on the program because of reservations based on Stage 1.

    I see what you mean. I thought that too (I have been doing bodypump for nearly two years, so know how to squat, deadlift etc), but I have found now that I am using enough weight it's fine and I am noticing doms. The sessions are so short though that it feels weird. I feel like I could do more than what is in stage 1.