Sept. Going Tribal Challenge: Team Hakuna Matata's (Closed G



  • Macka123
    Got up today and although I am still very sore I managed to do at least pygmy series for W3 Day4. I will let you know about calories and water later.

    I am so proud of everybody's hard work :flowerforyou: you are all amazing :smokin:

    Week 4 Day 4 and not week 3 as previously stated :blushing:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    week four days 4,&5 completed. I have to be ahead of schedule this week because im not going to have much time fri or sat to do much. will be under cals and over water for sure. already completed 5 extra miles for team. and currently have 600 crunches done.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Completed Day 5 September 22, 2011
    Day 5 - 3 minute bear walk,
    Day 5 - 3 100 Toe Touches,
    Day 5 - 3 100 Crunches,
    Day 5 - 3100 Jumping Jacks,
    Day 5 - 3 50 Burpees,
    Day 5 - 340 Windshield Wipers,
    Day 5 - 3 50 Split Squats
    Completed 72 oz of water as of 2:58PM
  • Macka123
    under calories and over water ........
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    day 4 DONE...calories under, water over and 200 crunches !!!!
    total crunches - 1000 ..I think..300 on Mon and Wed and 200 Tue and today..
    WOW that looks impressive when totaled up !!!
    annnnnnd tomorrow is my B'DAY ..what an awesome gift.
    A healthier ME !!!!!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    W4D1 daily exercises = DONE
    W4D2 daily exercises = DONE
    W4D3 daily exercises = DONE
    W4D4 daily exercises = DONE
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Completed W3 day 3 and 4 complete day three over water under calories
    day four over water! another 40 crunches!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member

    W4D1 daily exercises = DONE; over water
    W4D2 daily exercises = DONE; over water
    W4D3 daily exercises = DONE; over water; under calories + 5k done
    W4D4 daily exercises = DONE; over water; under calories
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Completed Day 6 September 23, 2011
    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses,
    Day 6 - 3 sets of 21’s,
    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s
    Day 6 - 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers,
    Day 6 - 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks,
    Day 6 - 3 sets of Woodchops,
    Day 6 - 30 Pushups
    Completed 42 oz water
  • cohawk11
    Here are my catch up posts for the week, sorry!!

    W4D2 Pygmy exercises complete plus under cals and over water. 100 crunches done toward team challenge (100/200).

    W4D3 Pygmy exercises/walking complete plus under cals and over water.

    W4D4 Pygmy exercises complete plus under cals and over water. 100 crunches done toward team challenge (200/200).

    W4D5 Pygmy exercises/walking complete. I will log in later tonight or tomorrow about calories and water consumption for today. So far, I have 56oz done and am under cals by quite a bit and I plan on staying in tonight so should be good to go...

    Do I need to do extra crunches for Team 2? If so, please let me know and I'll knock some out. My stomach muscles are already sore so what's a bit more pain? ;)
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know if I posted this or not W3D3 done water over cal under
    W3D4 done water over calories over but in my defense i was so weak when i worked out i made a conscientious choice to eat a little more last night to avoid that again. I woke up to do my work out and realized that I had to drop down from my normal to a lower weight when doing reps. has anyone else had this happen? it is a first for me.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    5k done today...
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    w4d4 and w4d5 done (i think those are the right days...). under cals and over water for both. i've done everyday this week, under cals and over water too. i may have forgotten to record a day or two but i did them.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bushmen Week 4 day 6 complete. Also done with my extra miles for the week. Got a total of 7 miles. 600 crunches done. Over water and under cals every day this week. I will PM to weigh in. Weighing in SUNDAY morning. good luck everyone!:happy:
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    I have completed all of my daily challenges for the week, plus the bonus 200 crunches for the week. I have been under calories and over water everyday this week as well.
  • scgma
    scgma Posts: 185 Member
    all done !!whoooo hoooo!!!
    Calories under, water over and all exercises complete !!!
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    W3D5 & D6 Done done and done!! 200 extra crunches done! Water over and cals under last two days as well! This week sucked!! need better motivation next week :P
  • cohawk11
    W4D6 Pygmy exercises complete plus under cals and over water. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    w4d6 done. under cals and water good.
  • ms_blonde_2008
    w4d1= exercise completed, water 64 ounces under calories by 80
    w4d2= exercise completed water 101 ounces under calories by 14
    w4d3= exercise completed water 64 ounces calories under by 24
    w4d4= exercise completed water 64 ounces under calories by 43

    w4d5 and d6 was not completed due to a death in the family. To my teammates, I'm sorry I haven't had the time to complete the last two days challenges I will be back on to the challenges on Monday. I believe i have been having drinking all the water because I've been drinking it like crazy and i haven't had much of an appetite since receiving the news.

    also, 150/200 weekly crunches were completed