"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Happy New Year's everyone!! Keep up the good work in 2016 and we'll all be that much closer to our fitness goals. From what I see, this is a super motivated and energetic group, so I have faith that we'll all be that much closer one year from today!!

    Cardio: Still feeling the effects of this cold but did get a 30 min walk in with the dog, not fast, but not slow. Will probably duplicate that tomorrow and then hopefully back to the gym on Saturday.

    Assessment: I've been staying about 150-200 calories below my normal maintenance because I just haven't been burning as many calories as I normally do but that should change next week. All in all a successful holiday season food-wise. I enjoyed the treats and some adult beverages but didn't go overboard and compensated where I could. It looks like I'm a pound or two down from Thanksgiving but that might just be because I've been sick.

    I don't do resolutions but I do have a few goals for next year. I've set MFP to lose another 5 lbs, I'm hoping to increase the amount of weight I can lift and continue to change my body composition, and I also think I could probably eat a little bit healthier.........LOL. Otherwise, I'm hoping to survive both of our daughters' weddings, one in March and one in September................not very good planning but it is what it is...... <3<3;)
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy New Years Eve!

    Circuit 1 4 sets:
    Ladder inverted 7
    25 lb resistance band 1 leg & 1 arm row w/hip flexion 10 reps/side
    25 lb resistance band 1 arm chest press w/step 10 reps/side
    Bosu lateral step w/lat arm raise 8 lb. dumbbell 6 reps/side

    Circuit 2 2 reps:
    Ladder 1 leg lateral step crossover in rung 1 leg lateral step out
    Bosu T 10 reps
    EZ bar walking lunge 60 lbs 40 steps
    Cone figure 8 10 reps

    2 sets of:
    Donkey kick 10 lb dumbbell 20 reps/side
    Fire hydrant 10 lb dumbbell 20 reps/side

    Assessment: cabbage rolls for dinner & 2 glasses of wine...definitely well within calories
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy New Year!! New year, new aspirations and another great start to improve and better physically and mentally. I look forward to meeting new people and working on creating get inspiration to those that want to take the ride with me!!!
    2 clients this morning and getting my own workout in.

    Cardio: bike- 60 minutes (500 calories)

    Strength: Stronglifts

    Assessment: Party to the max. Now onto getting back to routine!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy New Year!!

    Cardio: 2 runs today. 2 mile run with some friends this morning to motivate them, very easy pace. Later, 4 mile on treadmill, easy pace.

    Food: on target.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Wishing 2016 will be the year all your dreams become reality!

    Strength: Body Beast, Bulk Shoulders done! I can hear my shoulders screaming still!

    Cardio: Zumba Activate, 55 minutes of fun cardio in the book.

    Nutrition: This girl, not only can workout like a beast, she could eat like one too! Wow! And didn't even get in a carb coma either! Well, that was so 2015!
    2016 has been spotlessly clean so far. :)
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Nice to see so many of us out and about doing our thing on Day 1 of the New Year!!!!

    Cardio: Put in a fast paced 3.58 mile walk with the dog this morning then went to a movie and a pizza lunch.....LOL

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy 2016 all!

    Congrats on getting active today! Not me though, just had a lazy day at home! Managed 18k+ steps, nothing else.

    Assessment: meatballs & salad for dinner. Protein far too low, might get some Greek yogurt later if I'm hungry.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    Cardio: Walked a mile outside this morning (27 minutes), and another 16 minutes walking in place inside tonight. 178 calories burned.

    Strength: nothing today

    Assessment: Stayed under my calorie goal, drank plenty of water. Feeling good.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Glad to see a good showing on the 1st. And good to see you in here @64crayons !

    My late entry for the 1st, Friday

    I like New Years Eve parties, except cleaning up!

    Strength: None

    Cardio: 40 minutes on the elliptical, 4.35 calculated miles, 615 calculated calories. Making the time count!

    Assessment: Didn't figure out the total damage for the party, but lower than expected. Easy to work it off regardless!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Almost back to normal now! Just taking down Christmas stuff and the lights, then later it's my cousin's B day party today.

    Cardio: biking- 60 min (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Leftovers!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Welcome MJFS and 65crayons! 64crayons is my chosen "Adopt a noob" for 2016.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Welcome MJFS and 65crayons! 64crayons is my chosen "Adopt a noob" for 2016.

    Thanks, @ninerbuff

    Hi, @robertw486 and everyone else. Glad to be here.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Welcome to the group 64 Crayons!

    Finally got in a good workout as I'm over the cold.........yippee!!! I lowered the weights a bit on my lifts because I haven't done any lifting for a couple of weeks but felt good and I'm sure I'll be back up to normal in a week or two.

    Cardio: Just what's included below about 6 mins stairmaster and 5 mins elliptical. I'm not much interested in gym cardio, but my goal this year is to walk/run more with my dog! ;)

    Strength: 40 minutes circuit training including 2 sets each of 10 pushups, 12 goblet squats w/25 lbs, 15 good mornings w/40 lbs, 20 physio ball pikes and bridges, 2 min elevated leg plank, decline bench situps w/10 lbs, decline bench leg lifts and 3 min stairmaster. 65 min weight lifting including leg press <single leg warmup 10@ 130 lbs and 8@ 180 lbs, dbl leg 12@ 310 lbs, 10@ 400 lbs and 8@ 490 lbs>, OHP 4X5 w/45 lbs and 1X5 w/50 lbs, squats <2X6 w/65 lbs, 2X5 w/95 lbs and 2X5 w/115 lbs>, deadlifts <2X5 w/115 lbs and 1X5 w125 lbs>, 2X20 box step ups, 2X16 side lunges w/20/20 lbs and 3X10 inner thigh w/90 lbs. 5 min elliptical.

    Assessment: Will be adding calories back in this week since I'm back to my normal exercise routine but the past couple of weeks went well and I did a good job of just maintaining over the holidays. I'm reset my ticker to lose another 5 lbs but I'm in no hurry so just a slight deficit should do the trick.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Happy 2016! The gym was already showing around some fresh faces this morning. I hope it works out for them.

    Cardio: 1 mile @ ~9:30/mile pace + 6 minutes of walking.


    Squat- 10,10, 8, 5, 5, 2, 2
    Bench- 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1
    Standing DB Shoulder Press- 10, 8, 8
    T bar row- 5, 10, 10
    WG Lat Pull down- 3x10
    Pullups- 9, 8, 7

    Assessment- Yesterday was our last "PIG OUT" day and I ate/drank terribly. Just horrible. Today is easing back into proper eating and by Monday I'll be back at eating mostly right. :)
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »

    Good advice Niner..........thanks!
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    I joined a gym today.

    Cardio: 30 minutes (4.8 miles) on a recumbent bike. AND met my 5500 daily step goal.

    Strength: 15 Minute Beginner Weight Training - Easy Exercise - Hasfit (3 lb dumbbells)

    Stayed under my calorie limit.

    I have a feeling I'm going to sleep very well tonight!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    edited January 2016
    @64crayons welcome to the group & congrats on joining the gym!

    I hate missing a workout, I will have had 3 days off in a row & I'm getting restless. I look forward to Monday to getting into my regular routine!

    No workout today, 12k steps.

    Assessment: slightly over on my calories, chicken souvlaki for dinner.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Almost time to get back to reality!

    Strength: Body Beast Bulk Chest, didn't feel as strong, increasing the weight on 12,rep moves wiped me out! Had to decrease weight lifted on Chest Press to Fly's 8 rep to 25, from. 30. Wasn't impressed about the drop .
    Followed the workout by P90X2 Balance and Power, a 65 minutes workout, my body is tired now, but my mind is still asking for more!

    Nutrition: wasn't as expected last night, aiming for better macros tonight
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Welcome, @64crayons ! And, I think I missed someone else??

    Happy Sunday, all!

    No workout on Saturday, as was at the art market all day. A solid 6 hours of standing, plus all that setup/teardown.

    Sunday: Cardio: 7 mile run, easy pace. Running with my friend, her first time running 7 miles! Proud of her progress.

    Food: on target. Back down to my usual weight of 160lb. Now, to drop a few more. Would rather hover around 157.