"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Looks like we're all having a great week!!!

    Cardio: 3.25 mile walk/run with the dog on the bike path again. Planned on going to the gym but it rained so hard last night that the streets were flooded this morning and so I waited and went for a walk instead once the roads here cleared. Gym tomorrow! A little more running than yesterday............trying to get back into the groove!

    Strength: Zip

    Assessment: Still haven't really increased my calories but will by next week. I need to be in the 1750 range and right now I'm still around 1600 which isn't enough for my goals. Working on it!
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Shoot. Forgot to star this thread and forgot about it after vacation. This is the 3rd workout since being back.

    Cardio: none

    531 Cycle 7, week 1

    235x9 (5+) <--so wanted 10 but wasn't happening. Still 9 reps at 235 is a rep pr for me
    185x7 <-- had nothing left

    125xF <- big fail. Barely got the last 2 reps on set 4. Set 5 was not happening today.

    T-bar rows

    Assessment: A lot weaker today. Chalking it up to first week back in the gym for almost 2 weeks and getting used to the higher weight. Had to be saved on the attempted 10 rep at 235. Luckily there was someone in there to help out, otherwise would have been the roll of shame...lol
    3000 cals a day has been awesome but I've got to closely monitor my weight as there has been a slight downward trend. If it continues, time to add an extra 100 cals for a couple weeks and see if that starts bumping my weight back up.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Awesome work piperdown!

    235x9! I can't wait for 235x1. lol
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Thursday! Welcome @fiddletime

    @robertw486 I heard that you lifted the tiger up, spun it in circles by its tail then it walked drunkenly away fearfully of the He-man that tackled it!

    Cardio: 2.5 mile jog easy pace

    Barbell military press 6x3 65 lbs
    Barbell front squat 5x5 115 lbs
    Pull-ups 5 x 2
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    @fiddletime , it's nice to see you here!

    Cardio: almost 5700 steps. Managed to get my 1+ mile walk in today, in hospital corridors, while mom was in surgery.

    Strength: nothing

    Food/calories: Under my goal. My weight loss has stalled for several days. Not sure why, but I keep reading about people eating more to get the weight loss restarted. I may try that if things don't change in a few more days. I'm eating 1200-1400 now. Any advice on that?

    (I'm doing 101% of the amount of cardio and strength I can handle every day)
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Mmmmmm seems we have an amazing bunch of strength training story tellers here! WTG peeps!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Strength: body beast bulk chest: incline fly reps 15,12,8- 8/12/15#, incline press drop set reps 15,12,8,8- 10/15/20/15#, force set chest press with rotation 5 reps x 20 # (had to drop to 15#). Progressive set incline press- reps 15,12,8,8,12,15-weight 12#/15/20 (failed)/15/10/8#
    Combo set close grip press to fly 3 sets reps- 15,12,8 @ 10/12/15#
    Decline push up 3 sets reps- 15,12,8
    Cobra to airplane 1x10
    Russian twist- 30 sec w/10#

    Cardio- 1 hour stationary bike 13 miles varying resistance- 320 cal

    Food/calories- under.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Hmmm, there needs to be some sort of cardio story in here. Ahem: I ran faster than a speeding train once, briefly (actual true story, depending on how one defines "speeding" train).

    Cardio: 6 mile run, mix of easy, race pace, and tempo. 65 minutes.

    Food: on target.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Late Happy Thursday everyone. Glad the thread is busy!

    I had to do a whole lotta late in the day eating today!

    Strength: none, giving the arm another day or two to be safe

    Cardio: some pace work on the elliptical, just over 6 miles, 855 calories, 1 hour

    Assessment: On track with food, made a slight adjustment to my intake goals.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning and Happy Friday people!

    @brandiuntz WOW!!!!! i saw the dust and was wondering what the heck! didn't know you were racing the train!!!!!

    Rest day today, how boring is THAT???? so, I got nothing to report!

    Oh, except, I purchased a new workout program, it's called Hammer and Chisel, will be delivered this weekend. can't wait! I will be adding it here and there to this round of Body Beast that I'm currently doing. so excited!

    Nutrition: protein intake was decent enough, but fat too low, Carb? that's the only one I should try to keep it from creeping up!
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Its Friday!

    Cardio-Eh, that's for tomorrow

    Strength- squat: 10,10,10,6,5,3,2,2
    drag curls 10,7
    swiss ball situps 50x2
    pull ups- 8,7,5
    decline sit-ups 15 with 10lbs behind my head

    Assessment- chili last night and some chips. Did good on my macros and slightly under my target calories which is fine as tonight we're going to Old Chicago. lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy LCW and TGIF! 3 clients this morning then I'm off the rest of the day. I'll be working on rehabbing my knee with some of the exercises I'd use for clients. Ugh.

    Cardio: stationary bike- 30 minutes (200 calories)

    Strength: core

    Assessment: Had ribs and rice last night. Finished off the rest of the holiday cookies too.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks @ovidnine
    Vid is here youtu.be/eH8j5V8ISA4
    If you watch it you'll see I lost all tightness about rep 7, which impacted getting 10.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited January 2016
    Had a nice workout this morning and even added the treadmill back in.

    Cardio: 6 laps running around the basketball court at the gym and 15 minutes on the treadmill.

    Strength: 35 min circuit training including 2 sets each of 15 goblet squats w/25 lbs, 12 good mornings w/20/20 lbs, 10 each arm uneven pushups, planks, prone jumping jacks on bosu, 30 physio ball bridges, 10 physio ball pikes, 15 decline situps w/10 lbs, 10 decline leg lifts and 5 min rowing machine level 10/30 spm. 60 min weights and strength training including 4X5 OHP w/45 lbs and 1X5 w/50 lbs, squats <2X5 w/65 lbs, 2X5 w/105 lbs and 2X5 w/125 lbs>, deadlifts <1X5 w/115 lbs and 1X5 w/135 lbs>, 2X20 box stepups, 2X16 single leg bridges w/30 lbs, 2X16 side lunges w/22.5/22.5 lbs and 3X10 inner thigh w/90 lbs.

    Assessment: Still working on increasing calories slowly and balancing macros a bit better.

    Happy Friday everyone......have a great weekend!
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks @ovidnine
    Vid is here youtu.be/eH8j5V8ISA4
    If you watch it you'll see I lost all tightness about rep 7, which impacted getting 10.

    Yeah, you were rolling right along and it seems after the pause you couldn't get tight again. You'll have #10 before long though.
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    TGIF....yeah being on the weekend

    Ran a basic full body group exercise class today a basic full body at work after being off for 3 weeks. It felt good to get back at it.

    Krav Maga class tonight.

    Assessment: I've been writing down my hunger/satiety daily this week. Increased awareness of how I'm feeling & being in touch with my body has been interesting & has increased my awareness of the importance of fuelling my body correcting for optimal health & fitness. Calories & macros on track. Butterfly Pork chops & rice with red chard, celery, spinach, asparagus & pasta sauce for lunch.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    Cardio: 30 minutes (4.78 miles) on the recumbent bike. (followed by a soak in the hot tub, it really helps!). Also walked over 6200 steps.

    Strength: Nothing. Going to do that tomorrow though.

    Went out for dinner with friends. Checked the online menu first and stuck with my choice. Didn't have dessert (everyone else did), and I didn't even miss it. I just had coffee while everyone else was downing massive calories.

    I ate almost exactly my goal (not including exercise calories), so a few hundred more than I usually do. Still trying to wrap my head around eating more and losing more, and trying to figure out whether I should also eat back some of the exercise calories. It's counter-intuitive, at least for me.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Happy Saturday all! I'm stuck at work all day but hit the gym before coming in.

    Cardilol- jogged 2 miles @ 6.5mph Planned on 5k but grinding on a treadmill is just mentally exhausting for me so I gave up at 2 miles.

    Strength- Bench 10,8,6,4,4,3,3,1,1,1,1,2,2 face pulls 3x10 Dumbbell OHP- 7,10,10

    Assessment- Old Chicago so beer, pizza and a couple fingers of scotch at home afterwards. Calories blown. But I'd prepared for it so didn't go horrifically far over as I've been pretty good the rest of the week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! So it's been a week since I fell and most of the fluid in my leg has been reduced. I can get up and down and don't feel any real pain when I bend it except where the MCL is. I'll likely have to wait another week to see if I tore my menicus, but I can do some light pedal work (I have a portable pedal machine) just to keep movement.

    Cardio: stationary pedaling- 30 minutes (80 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Sushi last night.
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    @ninerbuff glad to hear you're on the mend!

    Happy Saturday!

    No workout today at all just done stretching & put in 20k+ steps. May hit the gym tomorrow for some strength work.

    Assessment: wasn't really feeling great earlier today, had a good dinner of pork loin, sweet potato & cabbage, greens & Bok Choy. Hungry after dinner & had some unsalted peanuts, raisins & sunflower seeds. Well under macros & calories.