"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF! Full schedule. Thank god I don't have to do retail BF anymore. And the 9ers kick the *kitten* out of the Seahawks!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: triceps- pressdowns, lying tricep extensions, cable kickbacks, machine dips 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment Party food for dinner. Not sure of the damage yet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Leg day!!! With ex and daughter out of the house, I'm going to do a thorough cleaning today.

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: Quads- leg press, front squats, hack squats, walking lunges. 4x15

    Assessment: Popeye's chicken sandwich for dinner.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Didn't intend to take the week off from the gym, but it just happened. Lifted Monday, but was sick Tues/Wed, then Thanksgiving Thursday, and a 12-hr shift Friday. Hopefully a normal routine next week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Didn't intend to take the week off from the gym, but it just happened. Lifted Monday, but was sick Tues/Wed, then Thanksgiving Thursday, and a 12-hr shift Friday. Hopefully a normal routine next week.

    Get well brother. How bout them Broncos!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Full schedule today. No 9ers and my FFL team is about to be eliminated officially from an playoff contention if I lose this week.

    Cardio Walking/jog- 30min (260 calories)

    Strength: Hamstrings- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Panera for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Full schedule and kickboxing class tonight. Weekend was relaxing for me and I got a lot of cleaning done. Ready for a new week!

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: shoulders- shoulder press, dumbbell side laterals, high elbow rear pulls, facepulls, cable side laterals 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: McDonald's for dinner.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Weights: Upper Power

    Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Row 5x5
    DB Press <superset> DB Row 5x5
    Seated BB OHP 5x5

    Analysis: Couple pleasant surprises at the gym today. At the DB rack, the jump from 100# to 110# always seemed daunting, but my gym just got 105# to bridge the gap. And the lady who was still lifting until literally days before giving birth is now back in the gym 3-months post delivery, saying that her commitment to lifting made the labor SOOO much easier than her first kid.

    Food: Last night was crock pot honey chicken

    NFL: Five wins in a row...winning record after week 12...only two games back from Chiefs for division lead, and Chiefs are looking very vulnerable right now...only half game out of a playoff spot. Broncos country is going absolutely INSANE right now!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Full schedule and kickboxing class this morning. Got in early today at work cause I slept early last night.

    Cardio: Walking/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: chest- incline chest press, machine flat bench, dips, machine flyes, cable crossovers. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and salad for dinner.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Weights: Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 5x5 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 5x15
    Cable Crunch 3x10

    Analysis: Added two more warmup sets to my rack pull, made all the difference in the world. Not only did first couple sets NOT feel like a grind, but had to resist the impulse to add weight. Maybe next time...

    Food: Last night was spaghetti with side salad
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    FF: Have a feeling if I ever finish a week with something other than a 2-2 record, that'll be a sign of the apocalypse.

    Team 1: L (8-4) (lost, but so did rival...magic number is 1 to get a first-round bye)
    Team 2: L (7-5) (gotta love losing with the #2 high score of the week...one of FIVE teams at 7-5 competing for TWO playoff spots)
    Team 3: W (5-7) (theoretically can still make playoffs)
    Team 4: W (6-6) (still one game back of playoffs)

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Full schedule and my long day. Rained last night and suppose to rain today. So gym may get packed.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (300 calories)

    Strength: biceps- barbell curls, preacher curls, cable curls 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Carne Asada burrito for dinner.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Church choir concert is this Friday, so was out late doing rehearsal last night. Ended up taking my nightly melatonin sleep aid about two hours later than normal, consequently slept right through my gym alarm this morning. Made it to work only a little late, but no workout for me. Feel better for having gotten sleep, think I need to get to bed earlier in the future. Spending 3+ hours each day just in commute means something has to give if I want to get my workouts in, and usually it's sleep.
  • 95km90
    95km90 Posts: 45 Member
    Finding it hard to stick to a program when I have some nagging injuries, my workout routine just depends on the day where I don’t feel pain or the pain is lower,can’t wait to go back full force when everything heals up I took a rest day since things were hurting today lol.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    95km90 wrote: »
    Finding it hard to stick to a program when I have some nagging injuries, my workout routine just depends on the day where I don’t feel pain or the pain is lower,can’t wait to go back full force when everything heals up I took a rest day since things were hurting today lol.
    Injuries are tough to deal with, but there are always ways around them. Hit me up with what they are and I can suggest alternative exercises.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! Full schedule and kickboxing class. Can't wait for tonight's game because I really don't care what team wins and hope that they both just beat the *kitten* out of each other.

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pulldowns, 4x12,10, 8, 6.

    Assessment: Pizza for dinner.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Weights: Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 3x10
    Machine Fly 3x10
    BB Row 3x10
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    Machine Lateral Raise 3x10
    Machine Curl <superset> Machine Pushdown 3x10 (both 3-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec

    Food: Last night was homemade fried chicken
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF! Full schedule. So busy today.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: triceps- pressdowns, lying tricep extensions, cable kickbacks, machine dips 4x12,10,8,6.

    AssessmentChicken adobo for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Leg day!!! Rainy today so I'll just clean house and do laudry. Don't want any interruptions for tomorrow's game!!!!

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: Quads- leg press, front squats, hack squats, walking lunges. 4x15

    Assessment: Carne Asada super burrito for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Full schedule today. This is it!!! Gonna find out today if my team is good enough to beat the Eggles!

    Cardio Walking/jog- 30min (260 calories)

    Strength: Hamstrings- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts 4x12,10,8,6.

    Assessment: Panda Express for dinner last night. Ate chicken and vegetables.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Full schedule and kickboxing class tonight. That's right!!! We're the best team in the NFL regardless of what the rankings say! Kick the crap out of the Eggles yesterday! What a great win!!

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: shoulders- shoulder press, dumbbell side laterals, high elbow rear pulls, facepulls, cable side laterals 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Thai food for dinner.