"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 2 clients this morning and a client later tonight and then TKO. Nothing special to do today but probably fill out Father's Day cards.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 miles (590 calories)

    Strength: back- pullups, t-bar rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pressdowns. 5x5

    Assessment: Lowest weight of the year.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! TKO this morning then my workout and later 2 clients. Have been working out with a female partner now for the week and it's been going good. She's a former client who doesn't have much money and I told her if she wanted to she could workout with me when I workout, but no BSing! She's been working out just as hard as me, so it's been cool to have a partner since forever.

    Cardio:Arc Trainer- level 100 12 min Tabata protocol (150 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 5x5

    Assessment: Lowest weight of the year now that I'm under 180.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Wednesday: rest day; food excellent.

    Thursday: strength - deadlifts and arms supersets. Didn't have much energy but pumped out the same weights/reps as last time. Bonus 10 mins of intervals on the spinner.

    Made a point of not hitting the scab on my shin while doing the deads. No blood this time, lol.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    That's cool about the former client, niner. Glad you're able to help her out plus she's working hard.

    spartacus: glad there's no new injuries to report! :)

    Wednesday, Thursday: week has not gone as expected, no exercise. My stomach is still messed up from salmonella poisoning, so food/energy is low. On the good side, I met a woman and am going on my first date in eons on Saturday. I'm very excited.

    Assessment: Weight back down to 164.4. If this shows up again tomorrow, I'm going to record it at MFP.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Wednesday: rest day; food excellent.

    Thursday: strength - deadlifts and arms supersets. Didn't have much energy but pumped out the same weights/reps as last time. Bonus 10 mins of intervals on the spinner.

    Made a point of not hitting the scab on my shin while doing the deads. No blood this time, lol.
    Lol, have done that many times. My shins look like a whittling board.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    That's cool about the former client, niner. Glad you're able to help her out plus she's working hard.

    spartacus: glad there's no new injuries to report! :)

    Wednesday, Thursday: week has not gone as expected, no exercise. My stomach is still messed up from salmonella poisoning, so food/energy is low. On the good side, I met a woman and am going on my first date in eons on Saturday. I'm very excited.

    Assessment: Weight back down to 164.4. If this shows up again tomorrow, I'm going to record it at MFP.
    Sorry about the salmonella. Hope it passes soon. And have a great date, but don't eat too much!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! Stats first:

    Well half way through the month and another 15 more to go! Needless to say I wanted a bit better results. I was under 180 yesterday, but I think soy sauce did me in yesterday. Oh well. Still shooting for at least 175 by end of the month.
    One new client today and TKO later tonight. Also am doing lawn today with the possibility of washing the van too. We'll see.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (600 calories)

    Strength: biceps and triceps- preacher curls, alternate curls, rope pressdowns, lying tricep extensions. 5x5

    Assessment: I was within calorie range, but my marinade has soy sauce in it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! K-box this morning and 2 clients. Not sure what I want to do since my DW and DD want to take me out for Father's day today.

    Cardio: kickboxing- 60 min (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Had a little too much yesterday, but still a little less in weight compared to last week.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Saturday, all!

    Friday: no exercise. Food: under. Between the salmonella poisoning and my excitement for my date tonight, I haven't had an appetite this week.

    Weight: Was at 162.6 this morning. I know this won't hold, but I haven't seen that number in over 10 years.

    Saturday: Cardio


    1. 2 minute warm up - light jog.
    2. Sprint 15 seconds and recover jog for 45 seconds. 20 sets (20 minutes total).
    3. 20 minutes jog.
    4. 5 minutes stretching.

    Food: I expect it to be under. The date's tonight, but I don't think I'll be overeating. Just plan to enjoy myself.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Hope the date went well Brandi! And congrats on the new weight!

    I think your food poisoning may have crept through the internet wires and snagged me ... rough Friday and Saturday for me. Seems to be getting better; still not 100% though. Ugh.

    No workouts Fri/Sat. Club soda and crackers.

    Sunday: My family got me a new oly bar for father's day! A very cool black Rogue bar. I am really impressed by the quality compared to the cheap 35lb bar that came with my weight set. The finish, the knurling, the way the ends spin ... I never realized the bars could be so different.

    Legs & Shoulders routine. Found a good training video for snatch technique and did that as my warmup, first with a broom stick, then with the 35lb bar, then with the 20kg Rogue.

    Then, instead of the full crossfit bear complex, I did 5 rounds, 7 sets per round, of power cleans, front squats and push presses. Don't know if the crossfitters have a name for that ... baby bear, maybe?

    Also, instead of kettlebell swings, I did one-arm kettlebell snatches, 10 per side.

    The rest of the workout was the same as last time; squats, upright rows, lunges, flyes, etc.

    Felt good!

    Food: will start tracking again tomorrow.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Happy Saturday, all!

    Friday: no exercise. Food: under. Between the salmonella poisoning and my excitement for my date tonight, I haven't had an appetite this week.

    Weight: Was at 162.6 this morning. I know this won't hold, but I haven't seen that number in over 10 years.

    Saturday: Cardio


    1. 2 minute warm up - light jog.
    2. Sprint 15 seconds and recover jog for 45 seconds. 20 sets (20 minutes total).
    3. 20 minutes jog.
    4. 5 minutes stretching.

    Food: I expect it to be under. The date's tonight, but I don't think I'll be overeating. Just plan to enjoy myself.
    Hey that's great to hear! Just hitting it is an accomplishment! And let us know how the date went!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hope the date went well Brandi! And congrats on the new weight!

    I think your food poisoning may have crept through the internet wires and snagged me ... rough Friday and Saturday for me. Seems to be getting better; still not 100% though. Ugh.

    No workouts Fri/Sat. Club soda and crackers.

    Sunday: My family got me a new oly bar for father's day! A very cool black Rogue bar. I am really impressed by the quality compared to the cheap 35lb bar that came with my weight set. The finish, the knurling, the way the ends spin ... I never realized the bars could be so different.

    Legs & Shoulders routine. Found a good training video for snatch technique and did that as my warmup, first with a broom stick, then with the 35lb bar, then with the 20kg Rogue.

    Then, instead of the full crossfit bear complex, I did 5 rounds, 7 sets per round, of power cleans, front squats and push presses. Don't know if the crossfitters have a name for that ... baby bear, maybe?

    Also, instead of kettlebell swings, I did one-arm kettlebell snatches, 10 per side.

    The rest of the workout was the same as last time; squats, upright rows, lunges, flyes, etc.

    Felt good!

    Food: will start tracking again tomorrow.
    Nothing like having a good Oly bar to workout with! Nice workout BTW too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 2 clients this morning and just one tonight then TKO. Spent yesterday at my FIL's and watched the Giants and the NBA finals before kicking it back at home again. There was a lot of food, but I kept in good form and didn't eat the way I usually would. And it paid off since I'm a pound less today than last week at the same time.
    Will probably train with a friend this morning on legs.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (560 calories)

    Strength: quads- squats, leg press, leg extensions. 5x5

    Assessment: Out all day yesterday but was good on eating.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Monday, all!

    Date was fantastic. More dates will be happening! :love:

    Monday: Strength training

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Hammer curls: 4x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 4x5x20lb.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x20 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.

    Food: a little under, but much closer to my usual.

    Assessment: Weight was 161.4 this morning. And this while I'm TOM, when I'm usually up some pounds. Since I under-ate all of last week, I don't expect to easily maintain this, but I'm going to work at it.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Sounds like good news for you Brandi!

    Monday - cardio (45 mins spinning intervals) and abs (5x20 variety of sit-ups and crunches)

    Tuesday - strength - chest & back, plus snatch training (bar only; going to work on the technicals for a while - may even pay an oly lifting coach for a training session.) Felt a little nauseous toward the end of the workout today; also fell a couple reps short of target during flat bench.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Happy Monday, all!

    Date was fantastic. More dates will be happening! :love:

    Monday: Strength training

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Hammer curls: 4x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 4x5x20lb.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x20 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.

    Food: a little under, but much closer to my usual.

    Assessment: Weight was 161.4 this morning. And this while I'm TOM, when I'm usually up some pounds. Since I under-ate all of last week, I don't expect to easily maintain this, but I'm going to work at it.
    Yea for the date!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Sounds like good news for you Brandi!

    Monday - cardio (45 mins spinning intervals) and abs (5x20 variety of sit-ups and crunches)

    Tuesday - strength - chest & back, plus snatch training (bar only; going to work on the technicals for a while - may even pay an oly lifting coach for a training session.) Felt a little nauseous toward the end of the workout today; also fell a couple reps short of target during flat bench.
    Sounds like you trained hard!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! TKO this morning and 2 clients tonight. Weight is up, but I'm sure that's due to eating out 2 times yesterday at Asian restaurants! Anyway I need to get back on track today!

    Cardio:Tabata protocol Arc Trainer- 12 minutes (4 minute warm up, Tabata, 4 minute cool down) 236 calories.

    Strength:hamstrings and shoulders- seated leg curl, lying leg curl, shoulder press, side lateral, reverse flyes. 5x5

    Assessment: Weight is up so have to tighten diet up today.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Strength training:

    Lower Body:

    Squats: 3x10x40lb.
    Squats - Frog: 3x10.
    Squats with calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    Forward lunges: 3x10.
    Reverse lunges: 3x10.
    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.
    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.
    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    One-legged squat: 3x10.

    Food: a little under again.

    Assessment: Weight held again at 161.4. Decided to log it here at MFP. Went ahead and set myself for maintenance calories. My general goal is 160lbs. I could also see myself maybe getting to 155, but looking in the mirror, I know the weight is not an issue anymore. Any improvement I want in my body is fitness and general composition.

    So, going to keep tracking with maintenance numbers in mind. I'll probably eat at a deficit for awhile and use maintenance as the upper limit. This is a good place for me to be at. 3 years of hard work.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Strength training:

    Lower Body:

    Squats: 3x10x40lb.
    Squats - Frog: 3x10.
    Squats with calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    Forward lunges: 3x10.
    Reverse lunges: 3x10.
    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.
    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.
    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    One-legged squat: 3x10.

    Food: a little under again.

    Assessment: Weight held again at 161.4. Decided to log it here at MFP. Went ahead and set myself for maintenance calories. My general goal is 160lbs. I could also see myself maybe getting to 155, but looking in the mirror, I know the weight is not an issue anymore. Any improvement I want in my body is fitness and general composition.

    So, going to keep tracking with maintenance numbers in mind. I'll probably eat at a deficit for awhile and use maintenance as the upper limit. This is a good place for me to be at. 3 years of hard work.
    Great for you Brandi. The real test for anyone reaching goal is maintenance.