"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! K-box this morning and then a client. Then later lunch with some friends.

    Cardio: kickboxing- 60 min (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Retaining some major water this morning.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member

    Strength Training:

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 5x5x20lb, tricep dips 4x8.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x15 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.


    40 minutes light jog.

    Food: on target.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Thinking about the tough mudder and how to train for it. Probably need a lot more cardio and general conditioning.

    I set up a training circuit on Saturday, using the new Spartacus workout format from Mens Health. But I substituted crossfit-style barbell exercises in the first phase.

    Phase 1 has four circuits, max reps in 40 seconds, then 20 seconds rest. Have to use light weight for these! But I did increase the weight each circuit:

    Overhead barbell reverse lunge
    Hang clean & squat
    Barbell on shoulders lunge
    Power clean and press
    Sumo deadlift

    Man I was dying in the fourth circuit! And I was only using 65 lbs!

    For phase two (another four circuits) I did bodyweight exercises, again max reps for 40 seconds:

    Pullups (unassisted!)
    Mountain Climbers
    Bicycle Crunches

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member

    Strength Training:

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 5x5x20lb, tricep dips 4x8.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x15 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.


    40 minutes light jog.

    Food: on target.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Thinking about the tough mudder and how to train for it. Probably need a lot more cardio and general conditioning.

    I set up a training circuit on Saturday, using the new Spartacus workout format from Mens Health. But I substituted crossfit-style barbell exercises in the first phase.

    Phase 1 has four circuits, max reps in 40 seconds, then 20 seconds rest. Have to use light weight for these! But I did increase the weight each circuit:

    Overhead barbell reverse lunge
    Hang clean & squat
    Barbell on shoulders lunge
    Power clean and press
    Sumo deadlift

    Man I was dying in the fourth circuit! And I was only using 65 lbs!

    For phase two (another four circuits) I did bodyweight exercises, again max reps for 40 seconds:

    Pullups (unassisted!)
    Mountain Climbers
    Bicycle Crunches

    Train in circuits and learn Tabata protocol. This will up your VO2 max.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Client and TKO this morning. Have some house chores to do and pretty much just kick back today.

    Cardio: walking- 30 min (189 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Ate out lunch yesterday so calories up a little.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Sunday! What a nice weekend it's been.

    Lower Body:

    Squats: 3x10x40lb.
    Squats - Frog: 3x10.
    Squats with calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    Forward lunges: 3x10.
    Reverse lunges: 3x10.
    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.
    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.
    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    One-legged squat: 3x10.

    Food: Should be on target.

    Assessment: Argh. PMS bloating still around. Should be better in a couple days.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Train in circuits and learn Tabata protocol. This will up your VO2 max.

    Do you do Tabata on strength day, or as an add-on to cardio day?


    1. Built a PVC run-through water sprinkler toy for the kids, like this one:

    2. Repaired the lattice under my deck; long overdue.

    3. One hour boxing, ~450 calories.

    4. Came home and did the crossfit bear complex. Dang!

    5. BBQ and swimming tonight with friends. Thankfully I'm way under on calories so far today.

    6. Great weekend, as brandi said!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Memorial Monday! Because of the holiday, the gym closes at 2pm so my TKO class was switched to this morning at 10am. Good thing my other clients are out of town so I wouldn't impede on their session. Later I'm going to my MIL to hang out. Had a good weekend and it's showing up as my belt notch went down.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (560 calories)

    Strength: quads- squats, leg press, leg extensions. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Great weekend with food water and exercise.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Stats first:
    Start- 189
    Last- 185
    Today- 184.8

    Happy Tuesday! MIL food is always good so glad that I didn't super indulge and had a slight loss today. TKO this morning and 2 clients tonight. Plan on resting today, so no big stuff going on.

    Cardio:Tabata protocol Arc Trainer- 12 minutes (4 minute warm up, Tabata, 4 minute cool down) 236 calories.

    Strength:hamstrings and shoulders- seated leg curl, lying leg curl, shoulder press, side lateral, reverse flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Ate home cook food and of course is raged with sodium.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Congrats on the weight drop Niner!

    As you suggested I tried a tabata routine (squat press with dumbbells) yesterday after my chest & back workout. Wow! 20 seconds of hell, 8 times. I had to pause after round 4 and grab a lighter set of dumbbells. I'll try it on the spin bike next time, not that I'm expecting it to be any easier ...
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Deads & Arms.

    10 min calisthenic warmup.
    Deadlifts/BIcep Curls/Tricep Extension supersets.

    Increased the deadlifts to 215x5 for the last set! A true 215, adjusted for the bar's lower weight, so 20 lbs more than last week. It was a bigger jump than I was planning, but I was feeling good midway through so I upped each of the working sets.

    Food: excellent today; macros almost perfect.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Nice workout, spartacus!

    And niner, congrats on the weight drop.

    Tuesday: going back to morning workouts so I feel I have time to myself at night to get other *kitten* done.

    Strength training:

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 5x5x20lb (new weight-up from 15lb)
    Tricep dips 3x8.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x15 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.

    This routine kicked my butt the other day. Liking the adjustments I made. Feels like progress.

    Food: on target.

    Assessment: Hoping to get back to what May started as. PMS and a little inconsistency this month has cost me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Congrats on the weight drop Niner!

    As you suggested I tried a tabata routine (squat press with dumbbells) yesterday after my chest & back workout. Wow! 20 seconds of hell, 8 times. I had to pause after round 4 and grab a lighter set of dumbbells. I'll try it on the spin bike next time, not that I'm expecting it to be any easier ...
    Tabata is tough. Can't wait to hear how the biking goes.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Nice workout, spartacus!

    And niner, congrats on the weight drop.

    Tuesday: going back to morning workouts so I feel I have time to myself at night to get other *kitten* done.

    Strength training:

    Upper body:

    Push ups: 5x5
    Spiderman push-ups: 5x5
    Diamond pushups: 5x5
    Bicep curls: 5x5x20lb
    Triceps: skullcrushers 5x5x20lb (new weight-up from 15lb)
    Tricep dips 3x8.
    Abs/back: 3x20 scissor kicks, 3x15 abdominal raises, 2x30sec superman, 2x30sec plank, 2x30sec side planks.
    Shoulders: 5x5x15lb lateral raise, 5x8x20lb shoulder fly, 5x5x15lb front lateral raise.

    This routine kicked my butt the other day. Liking the adjustments I made. Feels like progress.

    Food: on target.

    Assessment: Hoping to get back to what May started as. PMS and a little inconsistency this month has cost me.
    Consistency always wins. You're pretty consistent.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Couple of days left in the month and I'm close to the goal I set at the beginning. See how today and tomorrow go.
    My DD has a "hoedown" this morning at school then after that I run then hit the gym later. Have one client tonight, then TKO.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 miles (590 calories)

    Strength: back- pullups, t-bar rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pressdowns. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Lowest weight this year so far.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Thanks, niner. The encouragement is appreciated.

    Is it Wednesday already?? Fast week!

    Strength training:

    Lower Body:
    Squats: 3x10x40lb.
    Squats - Frog: 3x10.
    Squats with calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    Forward lunges: 3x10.
    Reverse lunges: 3x10.
    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.
    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.
    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.
    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    One-legged squat: 3x10.

    Food: on target.

    Assessment: Have already dropped 3lbs of bloat since Sunday. We'll see what tomorrow's month tally looks like.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Thanks, niner. The encouragement is appreciated.

    Is it Wednesday already?? Fast week!

    Strength training:

    Lower Body:
    Squats: 3x10x40lb.
    Squats - Frog: 3x10.
    Squats with calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    Forward lunges: 3x10.
    Reverse lunges: 3x10.
    Glute Kickbacks: 3x10.
    Glute Flutter Kicks: 3x10.
    One-legged Hip Bridges: 3x10.
    Calf raises: 3x10x40lb.
    One-legged squat: 3x10.

    Food: on target.

    Assessment: Have already dropped 3lbs of bloat since Sunday. We'll see what tomorrow's month tally looks like.
    Pleasure. And today is the last day of the month! New goals for June coming up!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! TKO this morning then my workout and later 2 clients. Last day of the month and looking forward to June! I'm almost at goal, but will probably end up short. We'll see, but all in all I should be in the 170's for sure by the beginning of next week.

    Cardio:Arc Trainer- level 100 12 min Tabata protocol (150 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Another good day with food and water!
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Congrats on the weight drop Niner!

    As you suggested I tried a tabata routine (squat press with dumbbells) yesterday after my chest & back workout. Wow! 20 seconds of hell, 8 times. I had to pause after round 4 and grab a lighter set of dumbbells. I'll try it on the spin bike next time, not that I'm expecting it to be any easier ...
    Tabata is tough. Can't wait to hear how the biking goes.

    Tabata on the spin bike last night.

    First I did some ab work (hanging leg raises, 5x10.)

    Then I did a light 4 mins warmup on the bike before starting the intervals.

    The first 20 seconds was not too bad. The second was tough.

    After that, I'd just shut my eyes, crank up the resistance, spin the pedals as hard as possible, try to breath, and pray for the timer to ring.

    It actually felt very different from using the dumbbells. Not better or worse, just different. I could feel each gasp more in my lungs.
