Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF everyone:flowerforyou: . I’ve been lurking but not gone.:happy: Trying to branch out into the Wii world so have been doing a lot of research in my spare time. This time of the year depresses me,:ohwell: I don’t know why because I LOVE Fall!:bigsmile: I’m really tired and getting on the treadmill just seems to wear me out and make me more tired.:yawn: BUT I still do it!:bigsmile:
    Hope everyone is well... as I haven’t had time to read the posts. Just sending hugs to all!!!!!:love:

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Sneaker Ladies:

    I was blocked out of the program yesterday and had to change my password. Never happened before. :noway:

    My girlfriend called last night and her mother in law passed away so we will be going
    to the Funeral Home today at 2:00pm.:brokenheart:
    My hubby got up this morning bent over to brush his teeth and his back went into a spasm.
    He is at the chiropractor as we speak. :cry:
    My daughter's in laws are coming today and we still don't know what time. So our evening dinner
    plans are up in the air.
    I hope food doesn't get me in trouble today because anxious is my middle name today. :cry:

    Sorry I didn't have time to read all your posts, I have to get off here and clean the downstairs bathroom
    and put my laundry away.

    Will catch up later gals.

    Have a good weeken
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Good morning shirley, Have a great day..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: Beautiful day with lots to do. :tongue: Had dinner with them last night then we went back to their hotel to shoot a little pool. Today they are planning to visit their old high school where my 16 year old granddaughter attends. Today is homecoming so the school should be in good spirits. :laugh: I will be going to the football game while my son and his wife meet up with some friends for dinner. Tomorrow we will be visiting his Grandma Donna (95) and tomorrow night is their reunion as well as my granddaughters homecoming dance which she going with a boy from school. :noway: It is like the first date type thing so mom, dad and I are all excited for her. :blushing: To be young again and know what I know now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Didn't do too good on calories last night but I did walk a lot at the hotel so I didn't gain anything. I am hoping to get some exercise in today before I meet up with the Portland couple, so I better get moving. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Hello Sandy, have a great day with the kids.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    hello becky Great day today the first day of spring. a a good one.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Friday!!!

    Today I played Pickleball with a great group of women, ages from 55 to 85, was so much fun and great exercise, burned a few calories, we played doubles and everyone had a super time, when we got done the lady that is 80, told us,its time for my nap:wink::wink: :wink: we play twice a week.

    Hope I can keep my calories intake under control, tonight going out with friends and tomorrow to the U of I game for tail gating (FOOD):wink::noway: :noway: :noway: DRINKS AND FUN:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mom still doing well, hoping for the best.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great friday and a super wekend:happy: :happy: :happy:

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Marie, you have been busy today, pretty letters. Hope you are enjoying your 'cool down' days.

    They say it is the first day of fall, feels like it to me already.
    Birdie, I know a similar feeling,, I call it melancholy. When the heat and humidity are leaving the air, its like we are losing something,but, we soon settle into fall with the holidays around the corner and then we have plans to make and we are out of the blue moodys again. Is that what it feels like for you?

    They have not decided yet if we are going west east north or south! So I had a great nap after breakfast at a favorite restaurant. (They serve good vegetables)

    Sandy, congrats on staying focused on your weight loss even while you are so busy and so tempted to endulge. I agree with Marie, have fun with the 'kids'.
    Judy, thanks for checking in with the sneakers board, we missed you!
    now that I am off of weight watchers,
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Birdie, I know a similar feeling,, I call it melancholy. When the heat and humidity are leaving the air, its like we are losing something,but, we soon settle into fall with the holidays around the corner and then we have plans to make and we are out of the blue moodys again. Is that what it feels like for you?


    I think "melancholy" is a good word for it.:ohwell: Also, it's the first year my daughter's not around and things seem so quiet.:frown: I do love the Fall though, and the crisp air and foliage. The Holidays have a way of picking things up, it's true.:happy:
    Today I ordered a Nintendo Wii console, with all the gadgets and the Wii Sports & Wii Resort Sports programs. :bigsmile:My husband can set up a wireless internet receiver near the TV. It's a start to prepare for when I get Wii Fit Plus. Can't afford both right now but that's OK. Now I can streamline movies from Netflix, too.....although I don't want to be sitting on my butt doing that toooo much:laugh: .

    Thanks again for your input about WiiFi and Wii Fit. It helped me to understand the termonology better.:flowerforyou:

    Take care ....wherever your going.....north, south east or west!!!:wink:

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I had to end without finishing my sentence. Now that I am not logging on weight watchers, I have more time for mfp. I will begin logging food on mfp around oct 1.

    Birdie, i want wii fit plus too, someday. Sandy says it counts your steps while you are watching tv. I like that. Even though the little wii people on wii fit are cute.we dont have it on the internet.

    So now we know we are heading home til Sunday Morning. Then we leave for California. So I get to see the kitties, yay!
    Sandy, I think you asked about their names. Dh usually names our adopted ones, but I got in on these. They are
    Tina and Shadows(Shad for short)- the two indoors right now.
    Sonny is the only other boy, he is yellow or orange in color.
    Dolly is like Tina but darker. Sophie is a long hair calico, she is the most shy, but getting better.
    mama baby is the mother cat. Dh didnt like her named just Mama, so I said how about Baby and he said ok. I forget and call her our two trucker cats are Budda, pronounced butta, and Possum. They are grumpy about the newcomers but not fighting about to you later
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Almost paralyzed tonight from all the cleaning and furniture moving we have been doing for 2 days, but our new sofa looks just great and in a soft silvery green our den looks very inviting. However, although the coffee table looks lovely, it is too large to allow us to enjoy the leg supports which work automatically on 2 of the sections, so we're returning it and getting a smaller higher table. But we had to move a huge bookcase (the kind that has 4 sides and turns) out of the den or the sofa wouldn't fit! Right now, my living room looks like a stuffed wharehouse with all the furniture we are giving to the sweet young lady who cleans for us every 2 weeks. Then she leaves and I clean what she didn't. I never know if it's worth it! (Gayla, take note!)...Anyway the place sparkled, and then the delivery men came in! I had to clean everything all over again,...and Mike cut himself on a sharp edge and bled all over the new sofa! Fortunately, leather cleans right off, so now I love it! I never had time for lunch...or actually, I had breakfast at noon, since we were first on the delivery list, so I'm about to collapse, and I think I'll go to bed instead!
    Down 5 pounds this week, but probably it's mostly the bloat I've been carrying around. South Beach diet is very effective for doing that.
    :yawn: ...Happy Saturday, y'all!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Buzz, it sounds like you two overdid it.. maybe you should have hired a couple of helpers for the day.. are they hard to find where you are? Bless your hearts.. hope you will feel better tomorrow. I loved the recipes you posted.. going to print them while we are here at home, and I might make the almond coconut maccaroons soon. I love eggplant cooked any way possible, but dh does not like it at all.. so thats a good recipe for a "me" weekend!!

    Well the kitties are fine.. two in the house have played since we got home. purring and under foot every step I took for the first half hour. The other three kitties are fine, still in the backyard, peeking in. Sorry to go on about them, I just get so attached to them!

    I'm only on the computer tonight because of a credit card scare we had during our trip. So, I needed to get online and do some things. We had an email and a voicemail from one credit card issuer telling us they suspected some activity as fraudulent, and they were right!! It was 255.00 at an online store. They stopped that, supposedly, we are not responsible for it. Then they turned that card number off, and issued a new one. When I got on the computer here, I went to Experian and had a fraud alert put on my account. They will send it on to Transunion and Equifax. I have set up a 90 day reminder to reset the alerts. I also checked the credit card account to see if any other activity was fraudulent on there. These days, you just cant be too careful, and when you think you have been careful enough, thats when they sneak up on you!! What bothers me the most is that the last place I used that card was for our mail order pharmacy prescriptions. The only other recent usage was for lol- a credit protection service, similar to Lifelock. LOL- wouldn't that be the fox in the hen house.. if the credit protector stole my card number!!

    GIGI' we have pickleball here too.. I want to play, but I'm not at home long enough. hope you enjoyed it and will keep it up.

    have a great night
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    Phyllis, we wish the same for you! you are in such a volatile area of the world.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Buzz congrats on your five lb/ You take it easy. you are no spring chick anymore.
    Gonna have to come to Florida and spank you hiney. If you don't behave.

    I weigh in next Friday. My month is almost up . boy did it fly by.

    I bake Jerry a Peach cobbler today. And would you beieve I stay out of it. Jerry said it was so good.
    My faverite cobbler. Glad you caught the credit cards before it got out of hand.



    Phoebe glad you are home with them babies. You said you are not posting on WW anymore are you on that
    Mayo diet now?Drinking that grapefruit. Ugh.

    Have a good night all. See you tomorrow
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    OK - a few green faces here with us just starting to enjoy Spring - daylight saving starrs tonight so hope I remember to set the clocks forward...does that make most of you18 hours behind??

    We have the rugby world cup games on at the moment and the All Blacks are playing France tonight which will be close...don't know whether I'll see it out as hubby is away for the weekend (again) and it will be exactly the same result when I wake up in the morning!!!!!! If it's a gripping game then maybe i'll stay up..

    I seem to be so busy lately administring drops to eyes, ears etc - hubby has had a catarract op and Jake has had major ear operation which has left him totally deaf which is hard for a 17 year old and now has to have a prosthetic bone inserted as his has been totally eaten away .. I feel so sorry for him going off to school every day to do his exams with dark circles under his eyes and so pale...he never abolute inspiration to me....should I not be the role model?????

    I have read about a lot of you having cleaniing ladies...I love doing it mysetf but not happy after cleaning all of my windows and then the pollen from the pines nearbly coating everything with a fine yelllow film....grrrrrrr

    I actually got down to my goal weight the day before we went to thailand but now after being home again for 5 weeks have to lose another 2 lb...I seem to lose a bit of motivation knowing thatI I've been there,. done that - oh well. it's lovely to keep talking to you lovely ladies so another 2 lb is a small price to pay fot that.

    PS Phobe - love hearing about all your kitties...I just love them - I had 4 at one time and am actually a registered breeder of persians so know how you feel - i would love to do volunteering at the animal rescue centre but know I would want to bring them all home...might actually do that one day. And I also have one called Possum...he's 16 now and just arrived at our place as a stray so has shifted into the city with us and absolutely loves it...he doesn't travel far these days.

    Buzz - you sure were busy cleaning but your furniture sounds lovely - enjoy

    My special Ma - you did so well baking for Jerry and not indulging...don't know how you do it - just love your shines through.

    Sorry to all of you I;ve mised but my computer is going to sleep so will check in later - have a grear day everyone.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    WOW so much going on in everyones life I can't even catch up with you all. so I'll just say WAY TO GO!

    I love all the color and animation that goes on in and I envy all you smart techy people and wonder HOw the HECK to you make those letters and colors and everything all the time. Do I need a special program or what do make my letters dance?

    I love that it is Saturday today and wish that we didn't have school on Sunday but we do. I do have Friday off so it is a two day week end but it always goes too quickly.

    I am going to the kitchen to try out that Veggie Moussaka recipe. Thanks for the idea!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hi Sneakers ~ checking in to see if everyone is alright and behaving. I'm afraid it's still a busy time for me and also have a poorly cat that has had 3 visits to the vet already since Tuesday so no time to catch up properly. I do have a quick look every now and then to see what's going on and will be back properly once things calm down. I was supposed to go away next week to visit a friend but because of the injured cat situation she will probably be coming here instead and I have promised to introduce her to MFP so will have another check in then.

    Love to everyone and keep doing what you're doing!!:heart:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    This is the honest truth!
    Boy, if this doesn't hit the nail on the head, I don't know what does!
    Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint.
    Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement.

    The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has
    a time booked for surgery the following week.
    The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment,
    then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn't reviewed for
    another week and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.

    Why the different treatment for the two patients?

    The FIRST is a Golden Retriever.
    The SECOND is a Senior Citizen.
    Next time take me to a vet!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Gloomy day with chance of showers. :grumble: We are going to visit Grandma Donna this afternoon and meet up with some of the family to play dominoes. John and Laurie have their reunion tonight so we won't be staying too long.
    When they went to tour their old high school yesterday the principal invited them to the pep rally and they invited me. :tongue: My granddaughter was a little embarrassed to have us there but it all worked out. They went for dinner with friends and I went to the football game to watch her perform in Poms. It is a busy weekend and there doesn't seem to be much time for exercise or recording meals but I am still being careful

    I don't have time to respond to everyone individually so have a nice day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Judy. what a nice treat to get a nice post from you.
    sorry to hear about Jake. What a rotton thing to happen to s teensger. Has he alway been hard of hearing. I have always been hard of hearing all my life. I can't un'sderstand a thing without my hearing aids. They did not have them when I was young. In fact I never got a pair untill I was in my 60's They sent me to take lip reading class. and told me to get out of typing class for I could never be able to hear what the boss wanted me to type. Little did they know back then computers would come along. I could really need that class now.
    So spring has arrive in your neck of the woods what a wonderful time of the year . But fall is not bad either in fact quite pleasant.. Love these crisp mornings.

    take care of them guys..

    I have been up to tend to a pumpkin and lost my post twice
    so i am going to sign off and finish my job and be back latter.