Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    My vice principal has a dog named PHYLLIS.
    Buzz You work TO HARD. Your house much shine like the sun!
    Sandy: Your jokes always give me a good little chuckle. I'll think I'll go to the vet too if I have a bad hip.
    Well I am tired and going to bed. Seems like I have done school work all DAY! :angry:
    Love ya Phyllis
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors,

    My computer got a virus on it right after Webroot did its scanning and a box came up to buy another computer protection. Well I didn't know and just x's out of it and when I x's out the virus came. I know now to just control, alt, delete. I was able to do a recovery but when I tried to get this link, I couldn't until now.

    Swissmiss, thanks for listening to me and finally I got on.

    Barbie, I really wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the line dancing and can't wait for next week. I was sweating the whole time as it is a great workout. I think I am going to try and keep doing it as much as possible. Do you have a DVD or go to a class? I would like to get a DVD so I could do this more oftern.

    Got up this morning and went to the mall for a blood draw. The hospital I worked at does this 2 times per year. When I came in the door they all rushed to me and greet me with hugs and good stories. I was so surprised they all missed me. I plan to be a volunteer there soon. Love my old work buddies.

    Went for a mile walk.

    Went for coffee with friends and came home to work on the computer. We had a salad for lunch and weight watchers crustless pumpkin pie with cool whip (82 calories for the pie).

    Going for a 2 mile walk when I finish here. Someone is suppose to come look to buy the house today, but they haven;t called.

    Ok if you don't hear from me its my computers fault.


    PS lost a pound this week.:drinker:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from sunny Saskatchewan. We are having lovely temperatures and no more frost for awhile. I need to get outside today to clean up my flower beds and planters. There is a big curling bonspiel going on this weekend and I really hope to get there. My cousins son is on a very good team and hope to catch them. I am sure there will be family there which would be a nice bonus. But first I need to get some work done.

    Judy -- prayers for Jake. I hope the next surgery brings back some hearing.

    Marie -- you amaze me! How tough it would be to stay away from fresh peach cobbler! You will be rewarded.

    I must run. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hey Chris, glad that you got on here. Do you know what the problem was?

    :flowerforyou: Marie, what are you doing with the pumpkin?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, that is funny and sad. It is actually a true story?:noway:

    It has gotten downright chilly here. Brrrr.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My posted was here two times. I don't know how that happened. I had to edit one and delete it. Do you know that you can not leave a post blank? I had to put something here.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member

    I still have work to do on my internet but I need some help. I will wait for my friend to help me, for now I can get on here tricky.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    evening everyone!!
    Chris sorry you are having pc woes, a virus, oh my, well they are like the identity thieves, getting smarter every day. Hope you get it worked out. I used to go to norton's website to get help.. you start searching and go deeper and deeper, lol, like a quagmire!!
    Judy, I too hope for the best for Jake, it is just awful, having that much hearing loss and still a teenager. I'm glad you are a critter lover too. I think that affection we get from them gives us a real boost up in this crazy mixed up world.
    Jackie, so glad you could jump on here for a quick post.. sorry about your cat being sick, is this Jasper? I get the names mixed up.
    Marie, I didn't know you had hearing loss. Jim has it too.. getting worse as he gets older.. he doesn't think he is old yet, and he always said that when he got old like his father, he wouldn't wait to get hearing aides.. ha ha.. I'll be deaf before he gets them!!
    Hi Becky, hope you are having a good weekend.

    Phyllis, tell your Shad that I consider it an hnorable name for my cat. :laugh: There was a pretty yellow labrador at the vet the other day, her name was Phoebe :happy: When she was leaving, her owner said, bye Phoebe to me..

    This day went by like it was only 12 hours long.. just zipped right thru it. Went to Staples today to get a no smoking sign for the truck. I think it helps to remind the temporary drivers that we prefer them to refrain from smoking in there. Of course, I found a few more things while I was browsing, I love clearance racks!! Isn't there a song.. I Love a Sale.. ?? or I'm dreaming.

    Who was it mentioned the WW crustless pumpkin pie.. was it homemade? if so, can we have the recipe? I buy wal marts no sugar added pumpkin pie and try to avoid the crust.

    Gayla, enjoy your fall weather, I know your warm season is much shorter than down below.. hope your eyes are better, and that you protect them while outdoors. Thanks for letting us know about the curling event, that way we won't worry if we don't hear from you, we'll know where you are:wink:

    I found out that the radio in the new truck won't play MP3 cds. I have a lot of MP3 cd audiobooks. So I'm trying some workarounds by putting them on my computer and then onto my MP3 player or, as I did this evening onto a usb flash drive. I hope it will play on there. It has a usb port. All these things get confusing, and if you don't use them regularly, the features are easy to forget.. so it's like starting all over again.. uggg.. but I love my audiobooks, so I will keep at it.

    Take care and have a great week.. Irene, we love hearing from you, and our other in and out sneakers as well.
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, rain and fog with cool Autumn temperatures, nice! Been on track with fasting in the mornings. Thus far all good things have come from it. Spent a day in Kingston yesterday really nice to get a way from the habit routine. Yes I spent the banks money again but it sure was worth it, nice dinner at Lone Star Restaraunt, not a bad price either. Nice to visit places off season, seems more space is available and the staff at different sights are less stressed, they will take more time with you. I enjoyed it so much I said to my friend we are going to save up and take a package deal to sight see somewhere next year. I drool at the though of someone else fretting over parking, traffic, and time schedules!:happy:

    I took Buttons (my papillion) with us. Buttons really enjoyed spending the day with us and away from our newest pup (Ben, 3 month old Golden Lab) part terrorist, wrestler, loud mouth, stupid, and down right undignified.:noway: So the cats and Buttons feel anyway. Yes it is a challenge for all at this point. We are crossing everything we can in hopes Ben will settle down a bit once the training starts, and he becomes more co-ordinated with his king sized feet.:laugh:

    Hope all is well here, miss being here. I'm back to my 110 hour work rotation, thus time is working me at home too. But as I can I will keep posting at least every weekend or what next best day I can. Please email me now and then, I can respond much faster and keep within my time limits.

    Missing you all....

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: Chance of rain, which is too bad since our village has an outside art fair today that I was hoping to take son and wife. We may end up at the Mall after we meet for breakfast and then come back here to relax before t;hey have to leave to catch their plane. :sad: Laurie, my DIL is afraid of dogs so not sure what to do with Daisy while they are here although I have a gated living room where Laurie will probably stay even though Daisy is harmless. :ohwell:

    I hope everyone is doing well and staying on track, I have been reading the posts and it sounds like you are all doing well.

    Chris, my advice for your computer is to go to and download the free version of Malwarebytes and scan your computer. Another great antivirus is Eset Nod32 which in my opinion is much better than Norton or McAfee since they just don't seem to catch all the virus'. Just my opinion so take it or leave it.

    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi all of you. I am waiting for Alice to make it out.
    I cook that pumpkin and plan to make a poumkin pie out of it I am just going to go by libby 's recipe only sub splenda for sugar canned coconut milk for the regular canned milk. No crust. Canned coconut milk does not have as many carbs as the other.and it is good.
    Sayso good hearing from you all this morning. Looks like all is off to a great day.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Sandy, thanks for the info. Is EsetNod32 a free site too? Hope your day goes as planned.

    Today we did some laundrY, read the paper, talked to a friend about a sale at Joann fabrics, and will go to church in an hour.

    I have been doing south beach and it's working, I lost the weight I recently gained and now I am going for the 25 lbs I have to lose to meet my goal. Ofcourse I have uped my exercise too. I have been taking my vitamins and aleve and I am feeling better than I have in a long time. I think I am starting to heal from all the surgeries, thank GOD.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings all on this lovely Sunday!:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is well! I just did the Leslie S's 3 mile walk aerobic tape (and yes, I mean tape.....I went digging for it from when I did it a long time ago :embarassed: ) and I wondered how you determin the calories? :huh: It is 45 min so I figure 5 min before and after for warm up (walking 3 MPH) and 35 min of intense exercise as walking 4 MPH briskly. Does anyone do it differently? Am I figuring too high? Hmmmmmm

    Still haven't caught up on the posts:embarassed: Hubby wants to go for a .....................

    Have a great Sunday all!!!:flowerforyou:

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Beautiful Sunday in central Illinois,
    Just got back from a walk, so great to be alive, the trees a turning an it's is so beautiful, my favorite time of the year.:love::love: :love:

    Buzz - Take care of yourself, that is a lot of weight to loose in a week, make sure your taking care of our girl.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Phyllis - I'm with you, loved the animations, they always make my day.:love::love: :love:

    Marie - Awesome staying away from the Peach Cobbler, what a will power!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Pheobe - so happy the kitties are fine, I can picture you with all of them:smile::smile: Happy Trails!!

    The football game Saturday was WOW! we won, a great day for football, no rain and a little sunshine.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: we had an awesome time.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hi all,
    I thought I would write a few lines, did laundry, went to church, went out to applebee's for lunch, had the paradise salad but only ate 1/2 of it. I will have the other half tomorrow. I had a 20 oz glass of water with it too. I am trying really hard to be good. When I got home I walked my 2 miles and then I canned some more zucchini relish. My neighbor came over and told us to come and pick all his tomatoe's so he can get rid of them. My husband went right over and got to grocery bags full. Also we picked the hot peppers too. You should see my counters with tons of tomatoes, and hubby picke some pears to eat. My neighbor has given us so much tomatoes that I made to batches of salsa, gave some to my son, and we eat at least 2 per day. I am really going to miss fresh veggies and fruits.

    Our apple and pear tree are almost ready to pick, that means canning applesauce, apple slices, and pears. Oh my son is bringing plum over, i guess I will be canning plums too.

    Did I tell you I made a ww crustless pie and with cool whip its so yummy and about 100 calories. Can't wait for dessert tonite.

    Tomorrow we have a meeting to go to and then swimming, I am going to pack a picnic lunch too. I hope it doesn't rain.

    Ok, have to put my canning stuff away.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Eyes closing, but today's efforts were worth the time and aches! Our Danish bookcase (shoulder high and about 3 ft square and turns all around with books on all 4 sides, 3 shelves each side) which we had to move for the new sofa to another area, was a daunting feat for me. Once we got it all empty, I became aware as I was dusting that the teak had not been oiled in years! Teak splinters when it dries out; ask any boat owner! Any way, I cleaned every bit of it, oiled till it shone, and then organized all the books we decided to keep and put them around only 3 sides so we could keep it next to the wall. We decided we should really give away so many of the beautiful books, but we have not looked through them in years! Art collections, photography around the world, outdated Medical books, and a number of huge novels I never got around to reading, and now they are in print too fine to read! Funny, I used to be able to read books that were NOT large print :noway: ! Now I just have to wait for the discarded furnishings to be picked up. Whew!

    CHRIS and GIGI, the South Beach Phase 1 is doing exactly what I was hoping it would, which was get rid of the bloat I have managed to add over the summer. I doubt the 5 pounds will continue to plummet, but I will stick with phase1 for 1 more week, and then start adding the allowed carbs, bit by bit. Once I reach the weight I had gone down to last June, I will try to lose only 1 pound per week, which is the appropriate loss for my age and activity level (almost zilch!). I just want to keep the joints lubricated and prevent the muscles from atrophying! Not much we can do about the arthritis, so I ignore my crooked fingers, and achy knees. And now that the house is cleaned up, I can resume a more normal schedule here and relax a bit more.

    Sorry I didn't get more in about each and every one of you, but surely thinking of you all.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Computer woes must be running amok. I have semi fixed my computer -- for how long, I don't know. I went on How to Geek and got some good advice from the Geeks there. However, in order to get a better handle on it all, they suggest opening it up. Too scary for me. At one time, I'd do such things, but not now. It will just have to hang in there until I get a new one. Fingers crossed.

    I've had a couple bad days eating wise. A birthday and then a trip out to the mountains today. Both days, I ate more than I wanted and I didn't record a thing. Hopefully tomorrow I will get myself back in the swing of things. Actually I am on edge because I see the oncologist on Thursday. We went to an information seminar last Thursday and I have been on edge ever since. When you can put breast cancer behind you and not think about it, it is easier. However, I am gearing up to radiation soon. That is how it always is when you have a disease, you come to grips with it and handle it just fine, but whenever you see a doctor or some other professional about it, it takes a few days to get yourself at ease with it all. I'll soon be handling it all fine again I know. But I am anxious to talk to the oncologist and find out when I start my treatments. Fingers crossed.

    We went for a wonderful drive to the mountains today. It is something we do every fall. There is a beautiful circle route out to the Kananaskis Country west of Calgary, then South over the Highwood Pass and then down Highway 40 and back up to Calgary. What a gorgeous drive. The weather was mixed. But it was beautiful everytime we needed it to be.

    Road to the Highwood Pass by FancyLady, on Flickr

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeri, will be praying that you receive wonderful news from your oncologist on Thursday. I can't pretend to understand what you are going through. I can only pray for you and try to be a friend. Your weekend sounds great. Glad that you enjoyed yourself.

    :flowerforyou: buzz, you are right and do you know that we can live longer and happier lives when we exercise.

    Chris, that is wonderful that you have fresh fruits right there in your yard. And, I will have to look up that recipe.

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, I love your positivity. So uplifting.

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM, I would imagine that the only way to really know how many calories you burned is to wear a HRM. I love mine.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Road to the Highwood Pass by FancyLady, on Flickr

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

    Jeri. you have got the most talent ways with photo. This one is just breath taking. Dearly love it. . It ought to be on a calander. I sure wpuld like a calander of yours photo Thanks so much for sharing.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris how was that pumpkin pie. I didn't get mine made yet. Maybe today,

    Becky up and off to work. Have a good day.

    Sandy I know you had a lovely time with your kids.

    My mind is blank this morning so I better get up and have breakfast and another cup of coffee.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well my weekend was jam packed. I am really tired today. On Thursday night we got a call
    from my girlfriend that her mother in law passed away. She was 88 and had cancer which
    was disagnosed only two months ago and she is gone now.:brokenheart: She did live a full life and
    was never sick.:heart: Then our daughter's in laws were arriving on Friday also so we thought we could do the 2-4 pm
    showing at the funeral home and get back in time for them. When we got back they were sitting
    in our driveway. Only five mintues. :tongue:
    We went out for dinner on Friday night and sailed with them and my daugher and husband on
    Saturday. Dinner Saturday night at another yacht club. Weather was fantastic.

    Sunday we went out for breakfast which they wanted to pay for. :drinker:
    They then left to see visit their grandchildren who were about an hour away.
    Dave and I packed up everything on the boat and now the boat is ready to be hauled out of
    the water. Another season done.:cry:

    Great time had by all. Lots of food and drink and now back to reality and losing again.