Senior Golden Sneakers............September



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good Afternoon! Nate just left and I'm tiredddddddd! Still doing ok. I think I need food with more substance. I'll get it this week. SwissMiss...I do love the 50's 60's and Disco!!! I've been posting songs to get up and move to. The Marvin Gaye song was one of my favorites but every time I heard it, I didn't realize that it was his. 800O051Fiyn.gif

    Marie....a plan you can stick to...Way to Go...Congrats!!:drinker:

    Mama Buzz: I did SB before and I liked it. I don't know why I don't do it now/?????:huh:

    Irene: I think of you almost everyday. I hope you're feeling as good as you sound. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy: I burn a thousand calories just reading about all the things you do.......Boy, do I wish that were true!!! :laugh:

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Marie: I too eat a lot of beans with my diet. It seems to help with diabetics. I make a Bean & Kale soup all the time.
    You are doing great with your diet. I hope you can get your insulin down even further.

    :smile: Chris: I used to do canning, but not anymore. I don't seem to have the time since I am still working.
    Someday I will retire. :tongue:

    :smile: Buzz: I am glad to see your house is getting in order. Sounds like alot of work getting everything in place.
    I agree with not moving, we have been in our house for over 20 years now and the thought of
    starting all over:noway:

    :smile: Barbiecat: We have to get a new furnace and air conditioner too. Our furnace is over 30 years old and
    Dave doesn't want to wait until it dies in the winter time. So our trip to New York City will
    have to wait.

    :smile: Jeanne: Have fun on your quilting trip.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene so glad to see you pop in. Enjoy the nice visit with you. If quiltng is stressful it is the time to et rid of all of your stuff,I am trying to make me a Red , White and blue vest now It don't take too lont to do a few blocks.

    OK girls tomorrow I WI for my monthly WI. Wish me luck. Its been a month since I started this plan. Its been a rather plesant month. Thru all the hot weather and long dry spell.

    Gayla did not hear from you last night. Hope everything is going great with you.

    Phoebe how is those darling kitties. And how is your diet coming along.?

    Becky we must have been posting at te same time this morning but you were faster than me. For I posted last last night when i look it up. My mind must have wonder around some befor I hit the reply button.

    Maddie How is you day going, You are sounding great. Good to have you back.

    Shirley Beans are hard to beat. I have always like my beans . All kinds My bean container is all gone and just wondering what kind to cook tonight. My cold slaw is all gone to so got to stir up some more

    Becky Judy has been on the cabbage diet some. When she wanted to lose in a hurry. let us know how the girls at work do on it.

    sandy You do go at this dieting real well. ou have done amazing this past 3 Years.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What, again?


    Read only this page, so I hope everyone else is OK. MADDIE, note that I broke SBD last night and this morning, so I figure since Saturday is our 34th Anniversary, we'll likely go out to dinner, and I'll go back to SBD on Monday! I do prefer that way of eating, but my resistance fades after a week of housework (which I really hate!)

    Anyway, today was a total loss, as I had to "clean up before the cleaning gal came", of course! And worked along with her since she's new and I really like her and want her to want to continue with me. And since she'd broken away from a company of cleaning people and starting her own service, I want to be able to recommend her, so I'm showing her a few tricks I've picked up after lo! these many years of learning to keep house the way my Mother did! What a curse, since I never did succeed!

    So off to eat last night's salty leftovers 'cause I'm too tired and hungry to start from scratch, and tomorrow I will simply relax, enjoy, and come back to read what I've missed!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Becky, I found this site that tells about the cabbage soup diet. It tells how to make the soup and what to eat for the seven days of the diet. It is a short term food plan to “jump start” your weight loss, not an eating plan to live on for a lifetime.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I know that you’re a night owl. You post later than I do at night and you are two time zones later than I am. When I started MFP I walked the dogs first thing before breakfast and then used my morning for computer activities. It wasn’t for a long time that I started riding the exercise bike first thing instead of getting onto the computer, then when the exercise bike broke, I started walking the dogs after breakfast for exercise. It works well for me to exercise first thing so if there’s no time later, I’ve already burned a bunch of calories.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, we were very fortunate to be able take advantage of a rebate from the utility company and some financing with 0% interest to pay off the furnace and heat pump in 3 years with manageable payments. The installation will be on Tuesday.

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, keep on dancing.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I like your plan of getting rid of things you “should” do and only doing the things you want to do. I will aim toward that goal.

    :flowerforyou: It was 42 degrees when I walked the dogs this morning so I wore the wool hat with ear flaps that I knit last spring. It is a fair isle stitch so there is a double layer of wool yarn and it was very warm and comfy. By afternoon it was in the 60’s and I worked out in the yard for awhile without a hat and jacket.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello all,

    Just an update. I had my appointment with my oncologist today and it went well. He did a very thorough examination and explained things. He put my mind at ease over the swelling that has occured and tells me that it will go down -- slowly of course, but it will. His manner was good and he was easy to talk to. I have an appointment on Monday for a CT Scan to check out my breast and establish just where the radiation will focus on. Hopefully I will find out then when my radiation will start at that time. It should be within 3 weeks for sure. He tells me I will have a total of 16 treatments, 5 days a week - so just over 3 weeks in total.

    My dh and I went out for lunch afterwards. I treated myself to a very nice lunch. I have a hard time eating out as I don't eat dairy, gluten or eggs and believe me that makes dining out in a more casual restaurant difficult. We went to a more upscale restaurant that I knew made chicken with corn tacos and it was fine. Lunch was delicious and included a nice glass of wine.

    I was worried I'd eaten too much but after adding it all up, I was fine. It is just so important for me to record it all as I usually have eaten less calories than I thought.

    I'm now going to cuddle up to my sweetie and watch a bit of tv. Have a great evening.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi everyone, we are heading home, possibly for the weekend. (Yay!!)

    Irene, I believe you have given me a very good idea, there are several unfinished projects I can eliminate and feel much better for having done it. Thank you, wise woman!

    Jeri, a kind and easy to talk to oncologist is wonderful for you! My late mil had one that we all fell a little bit in love with, and mil always had a few volunteers to go with her to her appts. Lol, he never looked at any of us the way he looked at her, she was his focal point.

    Sandy, I just dont believe Daisy messed up the bed like that.. Babe maybe, and blamed it on Daisy, lol. Thx for your kind words. Im no angel, but I believe Ive met a few;-)

    Barbie, 8000 steps before 8am, wow! I feel wimpy.

    Maddie, id love to play the songs you send our way, but it doesnt seem very easy via my phone. I do like Marvin Gaye.
    Marie, I thought you were eating some meat each day.
    I'll see the kitties in a few hours. We start our eating plan on Saturday.
    Becky, glad you are feeling good and eating good stuff. Ive heard of the cabbage diet too, but only as a short term plan.
    Cabbage has adverse side effects for me, so I dont eat alot at one time. If ya know what I mean!
    yes Maddie, your husband is a brave soul, bet he likes your chili!

    How has your summer gone, fast like ours?
    now that cooler weather is here, we can miss summer!

    Chris, have you always had a big garden, and canned lots of food? My late mil was up til all hours canning, and then to work at 7am. They grew a huge garden. The food was wonderful, we haven't found corn like theirs,it was a barely sweet kind. It seems like so much work, to can food, but Im sure many people enjoy it and would preer to prepare their own foods. Me, with just two of us, I but the veggies frozen except when they are available fresh. No matter what anyone tells me, I am still afraid of pressure cookers, my mil's lid blew off and some kind of meat flew everywhere, even on the ceiling, so I dont have good feelings for them. I bought a microwave pressure cooker, it worked ok, and I liked have a door between me and the lid! I just noticed I wrote that my mils lid blew off, well, if her lid blew, I never saw it, but her cookers lid went! Lol
    take care all
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping in to say Hi. Life seems to keep moving along! Neil is happy to be coming home this weekend as he is scheduled for a massage, one of his favorite things. I had my hair cut yesterday as well as a manicure/pedicure. I think I deserve it once in awhile!! I am very tired and it is past bedtime. I hadn't been doing much on the comuputer for several days so spent a couple of hours just reading things tonight. Now I am falling asleep in the chair. I will try to catch up with you tomorrow.

    Thinking of you all. Take care. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It was really nice to see two of my oldest cyberspace friends this morning. They mean more to me than just cyberspace friends they are truly part of my family.

    Gayla i am so happy that Neil is so well adjusted to his new home. How long has he been there now?

    No Phoebe I am not a a general rule eating meat, But I have not rule it out I am happy eating my beans. and veggies. Which by the way I have been on this bean plan one month today and my lost for the month is 7.4 I am so please. Besides the bonus of getting off 3 injections shot a day. I hope and pray I never get off of this plan.Its is easy to prepared my foods which I was really having a problem with My new faverite breakfast is scramble egg with 1/4 c of chilli beans on top and 2 T. of gualomole [ wish I knew how to spell that.] a sprinkle of cheese some chopped fresh onions.,, 1/4 c cole slaw............ So lets see what this next month brings

    If I can lose another 7 lbs I will be in the 80's well 180's That sounds good to me. Taking it one month at a time.Alice and I have found out that one restaurant we like serve a veggie plate and have the best pinto beans around and great veggies. Also a great hot roll drizzle with sugar glazed. But they only bring one with your salad So that may be my one treat of the month Which I am giving myself.

    Got to go and find Becky. post this morning. I went looking for becky but did not find her. Where are you Becky?
    Have a great day everybody.

    :heart: Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Ok Maddie, here's my contribution to the music tree..

    ALLLLLLRIGHT MARIE...!!!!!!! So proud of you!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have a few extra minutes this morning to spend on the computer. Jake had his annual visit with the medical professional who monitors his implanted cardiac defibrilator. She comes over to the Olympic Peninsula from Seattle twice a month and squeezes in a lot of patients in one day so his appointment was at 7:45. I got up at 4:30 so I'd be able to take the dogs for a proper walk before we went. I walked them individually, took my shower, ate breakfast and then walked them together for 45 minutes. It was dark when we started the walk so we started on the streets which are lighted because everyone has a light in front of their house. As dawn approached we were able to walk on some of the trails. The appointment went well and we got all our questions answered and the reassurance that Jake continues to do well:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I don't leave for line dance for a few minutes :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Marie, congratulations on your weight loss and sticking to your food plan for so long.

    :bigsmile: Jeri, that's good news from the doctor :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Gayla, I'm glad that Neil continues to do well

    :bigsmile: Phoebe, I canned green beans one year and it was a huge consumer of time but a lot of fun. I'd like to do it a again sometime. Maybe next year when we don't have moving or traveling filling August and September :laugh:

    :laugh: Sandy, my Sasha does something to the bed that I call "mix-master" where she goes around in circles so much on the bed and tangles all the bedding. She and Daisy could have a great time in bed together :laugh: :laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, glad that Jake is still doing well.

    :flowerforyou: Hey Marie. Congratulations on losing over 7 pounds. That is great news. You breakfast sounds great. I am going to make a copy of it. Oh, and I have been here on occasion. Been busy at work, doing my yearly report.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Woo Phoebe! Does your family know that you are a "rocker" :noway: I like that song, too. Words don't make a lot of sense as most of them don't but makes you feel like movin and I do have the music in me....:happy:

    I just popped in, I'll post later. I'm starving!!!! Or am I????? :ohwell:

    Maddie :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have just receive the group standings for the challenge at work. Out of 28 groups we are # 23. :ohwell: Three of us have lost more that 5 pound each and the fourth one has gained one. Going to continue. And, I need to stop by the 1st aid office to get my individual standing.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    :laugh: Sandy, my Sasha does something to the bed that I call "mix-master" where she goes around in circles so much on the bed and tangles all the bedding. She and Daisy could have a great time in bed together :laugh: :laugh:

    This just made me laugh Barbie, Daisy does the same thing as Sasha and as far as having a great time in bed........:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member

    Marie you are doing so good and I think you do a lot of exercise around the house too.

    Barbie, sorry I thought I had your name down when I said boy you do a lot of walking, I can only do 9000 steps on my very best day, usually 6000. Last nights line dancing we are trying to master the tush push and I am telling you none of us has accomplished it yet. I love it though.

    I was not brought up with a garden but as an adult I always had one, as I was a city girl from Chicago, but when I moved to Montana I became the country girl I always thought I was. I learned everything from my late sisters mother in law. The first thing she showed my how to have a large garden and then cann everything. When my 4 children were at home I would can 52 quarts of everything this way I could use 1 per week for the year. I worked at the time so I really had to be able to have the time involved too, it was hard but I enjoy it.
    I learned to butcher chickens next, I helped her do 25 one day. Then when I got chickens I raised 100 for eating and 21 for eggs. We had ducks, lambs,rabbits,and goats. My daughter had a lot of allergys so we had to have goats milk so we all drank it. We bought honey for a bee farmer. We bought beef from my sisters mother in lw.
    Then I use to sell eggs and goats milk and it paid for all the feed for the animals including the cat and dog.

    So that's a little about my country living. I have a small garden and people give me veggies from theirs and in return I give them some of my canning. I also share my apples and plums with friends and neighbors. My neighbor helped fix my computer and I gave her arms full of canning and she loved them.

    Well must go as the plums are calling me to can them.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan! Just a little FYI for the music lovers. Check out You Tube Marc Martel Somebody to Love especially if you were a Freddie Mercury fan in the day. You won't be sorry.
    Back later, just leaving to pick up Neil. Take care. Gayla :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan! Just a little FYI for the music lovers. Check out You Tube Marc Martel Somebody to Love especially if you were a Freddie Mercury fan in the day. You won't be sorry.
    Back later, just leaving to pick up Neil. Take care. Gayla :heart:

    Actually, I liked him better than Freddie....thanks for the hook up!!!
    Maddie :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh, darn, running out of time; overate at our favorite Italian restaurant, and actually , except for the soup, the chef used no salt on my food. I actualy did not realize I went over 1200 calories for the day, but I said I'd start Monday to eat right!
    JERI, good luck
    Everybody, have a great weekend! Back as soon as possible for posting! :drinker: