Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Incredible responses today!! Took me a bit to go back and catch up with everyone! I want to commend everyone for their daily goal they sound fantastic!! And as Heather stated even if you don't get to do every single one on the list, just remember as long as you keep moving that is what counts!! Heather thank you for this reminder of the website, we an all get side tracked with everything else going on with our bodies. :flowerforyou:

    Question for the day: How are all you ladies managing to drink so much WATER!?!?? Seriously!!

    My goals this week are going to be short since I have a doc apt on Wed and I'm going to plead that he lets me start working out-Today- Nothing; business dinner meeting
    Tuesday- take Neena on a walk 30 min
    Wed - Doc apt (fingers crossed)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Question for the day: How are all you ladies managing to drink so much WATER!?!?? Seriously!!

    I have a desk job so I fill up a thermal 32 oz. cup first thing and sip it throughout the day. Typically I drink at least 1 (which = 4 glasses) so that is a good start. If I work out, I drink at least 2-3 more and it's easy to get 2 more in before bed time since I drink water with dinner and lunch as well. I'd say drinking water with meals helps too as I have at least 1 if not 2 glasses of water with lunch and dinner. I started the water habit as a teenager so am lucky in that respect. I try to check my glass during the day and if I haven't had much, I literally chug a few times. Speaking of water....I'm thirsty!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for all the responses about the DS screening test. I’ve been battling both sides of the spectrum and what’s worse is my husband is even less decisive about the matter. My appointment for that test is next week, so I’ll hopefully have decided in the next couple days if I want to go through with it.

    Rosannabarbaroflores, it took over a year of me fighting with my husband over healthy options before he came around and finally joined me in the healthy lifestyle. Oh and when I say fight I mean bicker over whole wheat bread or white, 2% milk or skim, etc… I was always able to deal with working out on my own, but hated that all my hard work would be sabotaged by me coming home to a pizza (because he didn’t feel like cooking himself something while I was at the gym). But because I stuck it out and kept loosing weight and toning and he was having less and less unhealthy food options in the house, he finally decided to stop fighting me on it and join me. I did however mention to him that I wanted both our eating habits to be in good order before we got pregnant so that we wouldn’t teach our child to eat junk and this did resonate with him (he admitted this to me not long ago). But he came to it on his own, I made it easy for him of course, he’d already been eating healthy meals at home, all he then needed to do change was what he did outside the house. Now, he’s the first one to look at labels in the grocery store, and suggest active outings for us. I say, keep your home a healthy zone and keep up the good work, he’ll come around eventually.

    Babeed, as for your question of the day, well I haven’t! That’s why it’s a huge priority this week! I’ve been feeling really bloated the past couple weeks and it seemed to hurt to drink more than a couple glasses of water a day, but the bloat is down and so I’m trying.

  • taldie01
    Hey Ladies, still pretty new to this forum. I am 8 weeks and already my belly is showing :(. They they say you show sooner with your second boy were 'they' right. I also havent been eating well lately, and over induldging. I have tapered my work outs dramatically because of nausea and having a terrible cold, which is finally going away. I did manage to run a slow 5kms on Saturday, and I was happy to have done that. Running is so much harder for me already. Im starting an aquatics class next week, which will be different for me, at least its a work out!

    Goals this week, limit fast food, increase fruits and veg, run 3x this week and try to cut out late night snacking!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    had my 16 week anatomy scan today, and everything is well!

    .... and...

    ITS A BOY!!!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    had my 16 week anatomy scan today, and everything is well!

    .... and...

    ITS A BOY!!!!!

    Awwe!! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you and your DH!! Glad to hear everything is well and that it's a boy!! Any names picked out??
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Sabrinafaith!!!! That is so exciting! Congratulations on your exciting news! A boy! YAY :bigsmile:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    CONGRATULATIONS sabrinafaith !!!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Congrats Sabrina!!!!!! That's exciting. You will be one busy mama with two lil' boys to keep up with!!!! Congrats again!!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hey Ladies! My eggo is preggo! Got my BFP today!! ETA of Baby - T May 29, 2012!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Alisa CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm soooo happy for you! I guess a Hawaiian vacay was the magic touch! ;) (I've been stalking the other board lol) Well I'm so glad for another FFFF gal to join the group! Well welcome and jump right in.

    Sabrina congrats on the boy!

    I manage to drink tons of water cause that is ALL I drink. I have a 32oz water bottle that doesn't leave my side. I fill it up several times a day. The closer proximity you keep your water, the more likely you will be drink it! :)

    Rosanna I plan on making my own baby food. I ordered this: and it has tons of great recipes. But how hard is it to take a banana and mash it up or to bake a sweet potato and throw it in the food processor? I'm pretty excited about making my own.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Thanks Heather! I will look into it. I agree about the level of difficulty. After reading a few recipes online, it seems to be pretty basic. There were a few with more steps and/or things mixed in, but overall not anything I wasn't expecting.
    I did order a nutrition/recipe book for babies this afternoon. I think my biggest concern at this point is just making sure that I'm rounding out the baby's nutrition when they start needing it.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Weird question since I'm already a mom, but I can't remember....

    When do you start feeling movement on the outside??

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Misti of course it is different for everybody but I felt movement on the outside at 16/17 weeks.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Rosanna - I made a lot of baby food with my boys. I just used the magic bullet, super easy.

    As for water, I drink tons because I constantly feel thirsty. I've also always carried a large water bottle with me everywhere I go and keep it filled. I don't normally drink anything other than water and hot tea. Although lately I've been craving orange juice in the morning.

    That's exciting to hear that I can jog with the baby that early! I was worried that it would be too bumpy for him that young.

    My doc did an internal exam today. This whole time they've been worried about me having an incompetent cervix, but it looks like my surgery caused almost the opposite problem. The scar tissue has created has caused some kind of band that may prevent me from dilating. ugh
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Gave birth to my baby boy 9/18 at 10:41 am. Total weight gain was 30 lbs, baby boy was 9 lbs 5 oz! Planned for a natural unmedicated `birth and the whole point of me being healthy during pregnancy was to avoid preE because I was already at high risk for getting it, but I got diagnosed with it the LAST WEEK of my pregnancy, when I became symptomatic. I was stuck in the bed on magnesium and pitocin because I had premature rupture of membranes, where my water broke but contractions didn't start within a few hrs. My BP was up, so the doctor said baby had to come out. Blood pressure was still up even on magnesium so they were a little bit worried about that. Was on bedrest and still going strong on my natural plan so I endured pitocin contractions from 10 till about 3, ctx were coming in every 2-3 mins at 70+ secs and I got the epidural. After that, I took a nap, woke up and pushed my baby - Had NO IDEA he was gonna be so BIG! Everyone kept telling me how small I looked and how little my baby was gonna be but obviously not! As soon as the mag was off 12 hrs after birth I was getting up, walking around. I was discharged another 12 hrs after mag so total hospital stay was 24 hrs. Still recovering, but birth wasn't as bad as I expected.
  • BelgianLady
    SmileGirl wow you are doing so well with little Ellie, take care and fingers crossed for the breast feeding to continue well.

    Kittycatsss - I do experience the same pattern as you: I started pregnancy at a normal weight at 112 pounds (5'4), gained not an ounce until week 20 then I slightly increased calories (by the recommended amount) and gained 6.5 pounds per MONTH in both July and August. Big gain from one day to the next then plateau for a few days then big gain again.

    I had managed to stabilize my weight in September but 3 days ago I gained 3 pounds in 1 day and havent lost them since. So it seems I'm on track for another 6.5 pounds this month argh. On the other hand the twins are healthy and in the top percentile for their weight so I cannot complain :-).

    But the pattern of a big gain then plateau is weird.....and I always have my weight checked in the same conditions, same machine, same time... Maybe the big jumps are partly due to water retention
  • millionsofpeaches

    Question for the day: How are all you ladies managing to drink so much WATER!?!?? Seriously!!

    I am sooooo tired of peeing... I am trying to drink lots of water. I usually do... I pee about a gazillion times a day now.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Sabrina, Congrats! Boy oh boy!

    OMG Alisa Congrats!!!!!! I’m so happy for you guys! The stress of conceiving at the right time when your DH is around is finally over! Does this mean he’ll be back in time for the birth? Did it get planned right?

    DMcohee, Sorry to hear about the possible problem with the scar tissue. Is there anything they can do if that does indeed happen?

    Lexijohnson, Congrats on your healthy baby boy! And wow, yes that is a big boy! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get to have the natural birth you had wanted, but am happy to hear that both mommy and baby are safe and healthy!

    So it looks like it’ll be another hungry day for me! Up until this point I would get bouts of extreme hunger (to the point it would make me nauseous) then would eat a little and feel sick to my stomach with nausea. Now I’m glad to see the nausea has somewhat subsided, but I’m always starving! I eat something, then 30minutes later I’m starving again (not just hungry, but starving!). Does anyone have suggestions? I’ve tried making sure I had protein in every snack/meal but carbs seem to actually fill me up better. I’m trying to eat every 2 hours (sometimes its more often because I cant help it) but something small, and am running out of ideas for snacks. So far I’ve been doing; yogurt, nuts & seeds, fresh fruit, dried fruit, homemade granola bars, cottage cheese, raw veggies with hummus, and a few others. Any other healthy snack options you girls could send my way would be much appreciated!

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Congrats Lexi! I can't believe your little man was not so little! Good for you and glad labor wasn't as bad as expected. And hello new peeps!

    Misti - I thought I felt movement from the outside a couple weeks ago when I pressed in where the baby just happened to be kicking/punching/moving, but haven't been able to feel it since. I've been feeling movement since probably week 16 or so but lots of fluttering. In the last week or so I have been feeling more movement although it is not regular. Over the weekend it seemed she was moving pretty regularly in mornings and evenings when I was laying in bed and I thought maybe she was getting into a pattern as I have heard babies can. But then start of the week I didn't feel her as much. Still some movements while sitting at my desk; usualy after I eat, so who knows. I'll be excited when my husband can feel her.

    Even though I wanted to go home and curl up on the couch yesterday b/c of the rain and gloom, I made it to the gym. I did 35 minuutes of strength and 30 on the elliptical. I know even light lifting is beneficial, but I just don't feel like I'm getting that much from my strength training these days. I'm barely sore today and I haven't done upper body in probably a month. It did feel good to do some lower back stuff as my lower back bothers me and just to move and stretch my joints and muscles. I tried to do some crunches on the ball but it was uncomfotable so cut that short. Does anyone have any ab exercises that are good and can be done throughout pregnancy? I did some oblique stuff standing with weights, but that was about it.

    I'm getting a 75 minute facial today so probably won't be working out today unless I walk at lunch. May take a short one if it's nice out. Happy Tuesday everyone!