Half Marathon training support group?



  • KimertRuns13_1
    bjb- Your weekend runs sound awesome! I would love to run along the shore. Enjoy!

    Gownley - great job getting started! Keep up the great work and good luck!
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks Kimert. I plan to make a life change!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    Exactly 5 weeks until my first 13.1!!!

    Long run this weekend in Maine, along the shore so hopefully my 10 miler will be flat and fast!! Hoping to squeeze in 2 shorter runs tomorrow and Sunday if time allows :)

    Kimert-- I think you're going to do well, and there's a good chance you'll get that medal. :)

    Kristi-- congrats on the 6.7!! The long runs do get easier. Check out runners world for tops on fueling, because you'll have to start thinking about that soon. Good luck with training!

    Thanks! I need to start thinking about it NOW. I didnt eat before I ran Thursday and almost fainted in the shower. Lesson learned for sure. It doesn't help that I ate dinner at 5pm the night before.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I started trainning October 5th for my first half marathon that is April 29th. I can use support! I am up to 3 miles and 18min miles. I have a long way to go!!

    You Can DO It! Back in July, I was barely able to run for 2 minutes straight.

    Awesome job!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Just finished running my longest run to date...7 miles @ 10:20 pace!!!! Woo Hoo!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great progress everyone.

    My half is tomorrow - when do I get to start to Panic?! I found out yesterday it's a field of a whopping 300 - I've never ran a race of less than a field of 15K peole before. I like getting lost in the mix. This is a local race, which I've never done either - so I may end up with people I know - UGH! I checked the weather a gorgeous 70 (too warm for my liking) but a cool AM, should be OK, BUT... BUT - 15-20 mph winds expected. On top of the 400 ft gain in elevation over 1 mile and the last 4 miles being all up hill - with over 50% of the race being up hill - what was I thinking! FINISH is my goal :) My type A personality wants a time goal but I'm tempted to not even time myself, I doubt I can do that, but it's a good idea in theory.

    Trying to rest today - however work is a big day and stressful. I'll be out of the office working with clients most of the day and it's been a stressful week overall at the office. I'm trying to figure out what to eat - I never "carb load" but try to stick with very healthy - unfortunately, when I stress food is the LAST thing I want.

    OK - thanks....now that I typed that all out - I feel better already :)
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Just finished running my longest run to date...7 miles @ 10:20 pace!!!! Woo Hoo!

    Way to go!! Hitting new distances feels AMAZING! Great job :D
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck to all the race runners this weekend! I'm doing a 5k on Sunday, calling for a high of 68 and sunny...I'll take it for Chicago!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Signed up for another 4 mile adventure race for this weekend. Must be a glutton for punishment :)
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Great progress everyone.

    My half is tomorrow - when do I get to start to Panic?! I found out yesterday it's a field of a whopping 300 - I've never ran a race of less than a field of 15K peole before. I like getting lost in the mix. This is a local race, which I've never done either - so I may end up with people I know - UGH! I checked the weather a gorgeous 70 (too warm for my liking) but a cool AM, should be OK, BUT... BUT - 15-20 mph winds expected. On top of the 400 ft gain in elevation over 1 mile and the last 4 miles being all up hill - with over 50% of the race being up hill - what was I thinking! FINISH is my goal :) My type A personality wants a time goal but I'm tempted to not even time myself, I doubt I can do that, but it's a good idea in theory.

    Trying to rest today - however work is a big day and stressful. I'll be out of the office working with clients most of the day and it's been a stressful week overall at the office. I'm trying to figure out what to eat - I never "carb load" but try to stick with very healthy - unfortunately, when I stress food is the LAST thing I want.

    OK - thanks....now that I typed that all out - I feel better already :)

    You're going to do great!! Sorry work is so stressful. Hopefully you can unwind some before tomorrow. My race had the biggest hills in the second half, which allowed me to warm up and get into my stride before I had to deal with them. I think it made it easier even though I was more tired. You're prepared so I think you'll kick butt!! Good luck!!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Way to go!! Hitting new distances feels AMAZING! Great job :D

    Thanks, it does feel AMAZING and a little surreal. :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Whew - got my 1/2 done today. It turned out to be a very challenging and rewarding course. My time wasn't great - not disapponted but not pleased either, I could have done better. At much of the course, I was totally alone, no other runners in sight. I was happy to see someone pass me so that I knew I wasn't last yet :)

    I don't have my official time yet - but my watch had me at just over 10 mpm - 10 is always my goal. I did end up walking part of the last hill. I stopped 2 times to call so my youngest child could stand on the back deck and watch for me. He was able to recognize me, I had on bright pink and told him where to look. I didn't see many people I knew - a few locals since it was a local race, but at least I like these. I had fun on the course, talking to the volunteers on my way thru (knew them), joked with the security (knew most of them too), waved at the semi's on the freeway we ran next too, they all honked for me. So overall, it was enjoyable.

    I jumped straight into an ice bath, then shower, then a nap. My stomach after long runs is never good, so I'm hungry, but queazy too. Told my husband, I'll make dinner at some point tonight, but at this point, food doesn't sound good at all.

    I'm going to take a minor 2 week break from training before 1. deciding my next race and 2. deciding if I will sign up for the full marathon. I'm going to do a detox diet for 10 days which requires just minor exercise. The kids have REALLY been begging to run with me, so maybe this will give them the opportunity to build up some miles. My oldest has been doing 5K at 6 MPM, so I'd like to see him get some distance into that speed, he wants to run xcountry in HS, he's got a couple of years to train :)

    Thanks everyone for the support here - it's great to be able to talk through like challenges and adventures with others doing the same, you all have been great!!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Mlb - Congrats on you half finish!!!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Great job mlb!! Congratulations on finishing such a tough course!! I always feel nauseous after my long runs. My stomach felt queazy for almost two hours after my half! Enjoy your break and have fun running with your family :)
  • adhillman01
    Mlb - Congrats on the half. Sounds like it went well!

    Today was my long run, 7 miles. It went really well other than having jello legs from strength training yesterday. Felt great after and went out for a HUGE breakfast and drinks. I'm feeling better about my running, getting back into the groove after my last half. Also had a great run on Thursday. Really pushed and improved my time by about 30 sec per mile. Now that it's cooling off my times are getting better. Overall was a good day. So, there's two half marathons in the next two months that I could sign up for. There's one on Thanksgiving day and on on December 3rd. The one on the third I'm pretty sure I'm going to do, I found a friend that will do it with me. It's also going through historic Fernandina Beach Florida, so I think it will be a great course. Still pondering the one on Thanksgiving. LOL can I do both?
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I ran 10 miles today in 1 hr and 43 mins. Average pace was 10.22 min mile, I'm pretty pleased with that. I had to ice both knees and right calf after the run. But I feel great now!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Sharon - sounds like a great run! Great pace for the long run!!!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I did a six mile run yesterday, a few hours after lifting for an hour. It boggles my mind since up until this point my longest run was about four miles, on a track inside and here I managed to run around my college for 6 miles. I guess it was all in my head, eh? I'm feeling a little stiff today and, as per usual, my left calf is giving me a time of it, but I feel good considering.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did a six mile run yesterday, a few hours after lifting for an hour. It boggles my mind since up until this point my longest run was about four miles, on a track inside and here I managed to run around my college for 6 miles. I guess it was all in my head, eh? I'm feeling a little stiff today and, as per usual, my left calf is giving me a time of it, but I feel good considering.

    Good job on the 6 miles! I injured my calf muscle in June before my half marathon - I ran on it anyway, which was OK for me to get over it at the time. But I had to take the full 6 weeks off of running for recovery. It worked for me since I was off for surgery at the same time, but just remember that with the calves and running - you are basically reinjuring it each time your run. Massage is really really important on sore calves to avoid just constant reinjury of the scar tissue balling up and being torn again and again.

    My quads are super tender today. More than I expected. Must have been really pushing up those hills more than I thought. I came into the office so have spent most of my day sitting at my desk. I hope to do a easy recovery walk tonight. Plan on upper body work this week of lifting
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I just ran my first half on October 15 in Baltimore. What an awesome experience and it was worth the training.
