Half Marathon training support group?



  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Hmm, I ran 4.8 miles in 50 minutes last night. my foot feels pretty good; I was smart for once and iced it right after the run so I think I minimized the twinge I felt right afterward. I am not really enjoying the 40 degree temps though, it really pulverized my lungs because I didn't even think to take my inhaler. Ah, well, next time!
  • suja1983
    suja1983 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I have just signed up for the Adidas Half marathon in March, and I'm running for Mind, the mental health charity. Looking for some tips as to how I can progress, and how much you think I can literally do in the next 4 months.


  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I ran 4.7 in 42.53 min, that's a 9.06 min pace. It was a really good run and the weather was beautiful. I couldnt have asked for better.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Back, finally! No power, heat, hot water, etc. since Friday! So no running or gym, either, as well as eating takeout food. Back on the wagon today :)
  • Back, finally! No power, heat, hot water, etc. since Friday! So no running or gym, either, as well as eating takeout food. Back on the wagon today :)

    Wow! What a weekend!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hiya! Just seeing how everyone is doing with their training. My next isn't until May (as long as my foot doesn't act up again). It is still sore, but hopefully I see things turning around soon so I can run again.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    I registered yesterda for the race so I am even more excited and nerous than I was before. OMG! I think I'm going to drive my husband and co-workers crazy!

    I'm so excited I guess I can't spell anymore either! LOL

    LOL!! I get REALLY excited when my races get close too :) I've got less than 3 weeks till my next one!
  • I ran 8 miles today. Longest run yet for me. I drove downtown to get a change of scenery. I used usatf.org to search for the distance I wanted to run so I would know the distance of my route before I started. Last mile was a struggle because my calves were in pain. My pace was about a 13:00 mile until then. I am so proud of myself.
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    I ran 8 miles today. Longest run yet for me. I drove downtown to get a change of scenery. I used usatf.org to search for the distance I wanted to run so I would know the distance of my route before I started. Last mile was a struggle because my calves were in pain. My pace was about a 13:00 mile until then. I am so proud of myself.

    Congrats and great job. Its always a great feeling to set a new distance like that. Keep it up
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I registered yesterda for the race so I am even more excited and nerous than I was before. OMG! I think I'm going to drive my husband and co-workers crazy!

    I'm so excited I guess I can't spell anymore either! LOL

    LOL!! I get REALLY excited when my races get close too :) I've got less than 3 weeks till my next one!

    Do you get just as excited and nervous on each race or does it get better after you have already done one.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    I registered yesterda for the race so I am even more excited and nerous than I was before. OMG! I think I'm going to drive my husband and co-workers crazy!

    I'm so excited I guess I can't spell anymore either! LOL

    LOL!! I get REALLY excited when my races get close too :) I've got less than 3 weeks till my next one!

    Do you get just as excited and nervous on each race or does it get better after you have already done one.

    I get just as excited with each one! This half coming up will only be my second, but I've done a bunch of 5Ks and I always feel that way. Part of it, is that I almost always run races with my family. So I get super excited about that! I'm running this half with my dad, so I think I'm most excited about seeing him! As far as the nerves, (and I can only speak for the 5Ks at this point) they get less and less each time :)
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone! Can I join this group?

    I'm currently training for the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon at Disneyland in January 2012 and I'm having a blast!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hello everyone! Can I join this group?

    I'm currently training for the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon at Disneyland in January 2012 and I'm having a blast!

    Of course ! Welcome :)

    I have SO many friends that want me to do that one. I think it would be fun, but expensive for me for travel purposes.

    I started Insanity: Asylum today. I've worked really hard these past two weeks to get down a few lbs, I have about 5 more to go. I'm really hoping to get ahead of myself in speed. I'm reading the book Racing Weight by Scott FItzgerald. It's very interesting and worth the time to read. Great information on nutrition.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I registered yesterda for the race so I am even more excited and nerous than I was before. OMG! I think I'm going to drive my husband and co-workers crazy!

    I'm so excited I guess I can't spell anymore either! LOL

    LOL!! I get REALLY excited when my races get close too :) I've got less than 3 weeks till my next one!

    Do you get just as excited and nervous on each race or does it get better after you have already done one.

    I get just as excited with each one! This half coming up will only be my second, but I've done a bunch of 5Ks and I always feel that way. Part of it, is that I almost always run races with my family. So I get super excited about that! I'm running this half with my dad, so I think I'm most excited about seeing him! As far as the nerves, (and I can only speak for the 5Ks at this point) they get less and less each time :)

    Thats so great that you get to run with your dad! I'm running with my husband, its his first too. Of course he's not nervous or excited. Thats a man for you. LOL
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    There is nothing better then running with family. Enjoy it everyone who is. my wife and i ran together for a long time, she actually got me started running. But due to having our second child on the way she had to give up running with me. Makes for a lot of long runs by myself. Still enjoy them though.
  • There is nothing better then running with family. Enjoy it everyone who is. my wife and i ran together for a long time, she actually got me started running. But due to having our second child on the way she had to give up running with me. Makes for a lot of long runs by myself. Still enjoy them though.

    My husband started running with me a few months ago and I am so proud of him. We work opposite shifts at work and our time is limited together. I can't tell him enough how much him running too encourgages me to keep going.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    There is nothing better then running with family. Enjoy it everyone who is. my wife and i ran together for a long time, she actually got me started running. But due to having our second child on the way she had to give up running with me. Makes for a lot of long runs by myself. Still enjoy them though.

    My husband started running with me a few months ago and I am so proud of him. We work opposite shifts at work and our time is limited together. I can't tell him enough how much him running too encourgages me to keep going.

    My husband would never run, but both my boys love to run and workout with me. My 10 did Asylum with me this AM, and they both took off yesterday on their own 2 mile run w/o me.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm planning a long run tomorrow, it will be my first real run - other than just short fast runs, since my half marathon two weeks ago. I'm hoping for 10 miles, but really should do 13, worried about time constraints and getting to work not too late. I'm still looking for another half to sign up for in the next couple of months, haven't found anything yet, so may just do my own runs. Working to maintain 15 weekly.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    5.25 miles today. Still no long runs outdoors though. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm better suited to shorter runs. :frown:
  • I'm planning a long run tomorrow, it will be my first real run - other than just short fast runs, since my half marathon two weeks ago. I'm hoping for 10 miles, but really should do 13, worried about time constraints and getting to work not too late. I'm still looking for another half to sign up for in the next couple of months, haven't found anything yet, so may just do my own runs. Working to maintain 15 weekly.

    Time constraints are my biggest obstacle too. Finding a 1 hour block of time is hard enough, much less 2 hours. I also spin 2 hours a week, kick-box 2 hours, strength train 3 hours a week and fit in a yoga and pilates class. 15 is a reasonable amount of miles per week for me but I would like to work up to 20. Please tell me how some of you guys find time.

    Oh, and I would like to have a day off too. Where is the time fairy? :) (Sorry! Rant over)