Half Marathon training support group?



  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    So i'm trying to decide if i should run my long run this saturday which is 11 miles or do a free race at a local state park. The race is a trail run and is 4.3 miles. I have been wanting to run a 5 k lately just to see how i can do time wise on it. I havnt ran a 5k in a while and have been able to keep my long runs just shy of a 9 minute mile pace. I would be nervouse of doing the race because i have never ran on trails before and dont know what i will be getting myself into. Thought about moving my long run to thursday and doing the race on saturday to. Thoughts?
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I'm constantly changing my routes. I have a few set routes for particular mileages, which I'll run in a pinch, but I LOVE planning new routes and seeing new parts of my area. Also, I love when I travel getting to plan a route for a run. Doesn't alsways go perfectly because some roads are hillier than expected, or busy, or no shoulder... but it makes it a challlenge.
    In fact, this week I'm visiting family in my hometown, and will be doing my 12 miles along the beach road/national seashore.

    Also, sometimes I just invent new routes on the fly, using my runkeeper app to help me track my distance/progress. :o)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I love planning new routes. There's certain bits of my area that I find particularly pleasant to run through - one gorgeous bit which has a lovely view of the sea - so I try to connect these bits up in different ways. Not matter how much I like somewhere, running it too often or doing laps of it just takes the fun out of it for me.
  • I am fairly new to running in fact I ran my 1st 5k September 8th...34:39 and will be running my next this Sat.with my son who is 16...my dream is to run a half marathon but I have never run more than 3-4 miles...my knees get sore but only for a day after I run 3-4 miles..I ice and rest but would like to push past this...any thoughts from you more seasoned runners is welcome...blessings, and friend me if you'd like.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I am fairly new to running in fact I ran my 1st 5k September 8th...34:39 and will be running my next this Sat.with my son who is 16...my dream is to run a half marathon but I have never run more than 3-4 miles...my knees get sore but only for a day after I run 3-4 miles..I ice and rest but would like to push past this...any thoughts from you more seasoned runners is welcome...blessings, and friend me if you'd like.

    For knee pain, work on hip strengtheners and core strength. And shoes. I run in a minimalist shoe which really made a difference for those aches and pains. Also, I found knee pain was really connected in me to stretching.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Great run! I know you will have no problem doing the 10 miles! I run the state park we have in town, I get bored with it but at least I don't have to worry about someone running me over while they are texting. LOL. I'll go different directions to try to change it up a bit.

    Thanks! I get so anxious over my long runs. I can't even imagine how I will be for the actual race. I stay on the sidewalk so I dont worry too much about texters, but last night I had this guy asking me for directions and trying to get me to come up to his car. I yelled over to him "Sorry, I don't talk to strangers". Next time I will have my husband follow me on the bike.

    Thats a scary!! I've had my husband follow me on his bike when I ran a long run on a service road a few years ago. People don't bother you when you have a man with you!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Signed up for my first 10k for this Saturday!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Good luck linnea!!

    I hate that it gets dark so early now! I run by myself, but that was always in the daylight. I don't feel as comfortable running by myself in the dark :( I think I'm going to need to find a running buddy or run on the awful dreadmill....

    Hope everyone's runs are going well!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Signed up for my first 10k for this Saturday!

    Good luck!!
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I'm pretty stoked to have found this thread.

    I'm training for my first 1/2 in January 2012. I've been training since August, I started by following Galloway's training schedule because it was right there on the race website, but with 12 weeks left (and a bicep injury) I switched over to Higdon's plan.

    I track my miles manually in this retro runners log I got for my birthday. It has space for me to record different loops and runs I've created, so I re-use my long runs maybe every other month.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    I'm pretty stoked to have found this thread.

    I'm training for my first 1/2 in January 2012. I've been training since August, I started by following Galloway's training schedule because it was right there on the race website, but with 12 weeks left (and a bicep injury) I switched over to Higdon's plan.

    I track my miles manually in this retro runners log I got for my birthday. It has space for me to record different loops and runs I've created, so I re-use my long runs maybe every other month.

    I'm doing my first 1/2 in January AND I'm following Galloway's plan too! Funny, I was soo star-struck when I met him an Expo last month.

    Keep up the good work!
  • My husband joined me for my 5 mile run last night. He pushes me to go so much faster. (At least it feels that way, I didn't time last nights run since my phone was DEAD) He didn't have any ankle issues this time. Good run!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am fairly new to running in fact I ran my 1st 5k September 8th...34:39 and will be running my next this Sat.with my son who is 16...my dream is to run a half marathon but I have never run more than 3-4 miles...my knees get sore but only for a day after I run 3-4 miles..I ice and rest but would like to push past this...any thoughts from you more seasoned runners is welcome...blessings, and friend me if you'd like.

    For knee pain, work on hip strengtheners and core strength. And shoes. I run in a minimalist shoe which really made a difference for those aches and pains. Also, I found knee pain was really connected in me to stretching.

    I agree with the stretching, hip strengthening and core strength comment.. As far as shoes go, that is a much more individual recommendation. I get more sore in a minimalist shoe, and need some stability and cushioning. Best bet is to go to a good running store where they can video you run on a treadmill and make recommendations for shoes based on your foot type, gait and weight. But yes, the right shoe can make all the difference.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    My 1st 10k tomorrow, very excited it should be a great run it starts at Navy Pier and goes along the Chicago lakefront and loops back. I only did JM30DS yesterday and feel like I need a 3-4 mile run.

    What's everyone's thoughts on running today?
  • What's everyone's thoughts on running today?

    Easy 3 miles tonight. Long run Sunday morning will be 10 miles. I decided to make only my weekend runs in the AM so I won't be under any time pressure before work. I have been running every other day this month alternating between short (3 mile) medium (5 mile) and long (adding 1 mile each time now up to 10 miles) I plan on being up to 12 miles in 2 weeks and hopefully I will be ready for the half on Dec 3rd. I decided to pay the extra $5 and sign up on race day. (again, I don't work well under pressure)

    Thanks everyone for listening and for supporting me.
  • My 1st 10k tomorrow, very excited it should be a great run it starts at Navy Pier and goes along the Chicago lakefront and loops back. I only did JM30DS yesterday and feel like I need a 3-4 mile run.

  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    My 1st 10k tomorrow, very excited it should be a great run it starts at Navy Pier and goes along the Chicago lakefront and loops back. I only did JM30DS yesterday and feel like I need a 3-4 mile run.

    What's everyone's thoughts on running today?

    I usually don't run the day before any race, I'll walk but I usually won't run. Good luck on your 10K!! I'm doing my 1st half Sunday and I'm really excited.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member

    What's everyone's thoughts on running today?

    I don't have time for much of a run today, and since I need to lift, I'm going to shoot for an easy 3 miles. *hopes*
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hey all

    Don't know if anyone could advise, but since starting training for my half marathon, I've had pain in mostly my left ankle (which I put down to a strain I had a few months back), and quite often in my left hip. Not sure if this is just general wear and tear - my long run is about 15km at the mo, and I'm doing maybe another 15 throughout the week (sorry, I find miles massively confusing!)? Other thought I had is that maybe I'm compensating for some kind of gait abnormality, but I don't know anywhere near me to have it checked. It's more just an irritance as opposed to agony - just a shifting throbbing pain. Not when I run or even immediately after. Usually the next day when I walk to class. Sorry, rambling a bit. Any ideas what it might be? Or anything I could do about it other than take ibuprofen and whinge, lol? I do a circuit training class for strength training, and I swim and go on the elliptical one day a week each as well. Thanks for any ideas!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Hey all, wondering if it makes more sense to move this thread to the Long Distance Runners group? I think many, if not all, are already members.

    Working up the motivation to go run right now. I've already done an hour of pilates and a half hour of P90X, but I know I need to run. I've been slacking big time in runs of any distance since I joined the gym. I've been doing only 2-3 miles max, then doing a class. I need to do both!