Half Marathon training support group?



  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    back in the swing of it...finished 4.1 miles today with a 5k run and 15 minutes brisk walk. Feeling good! Have a great weekend and run for those racing this weekend! :)
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Good luck with your long runs Kristi and Alice!

    Did 5 miles today, which was the first time I exercised since Sunday because of a cold/sinus infection thing. I was going nuts not being able to workout, but I knew that my body needed rest. I had zero energy.

    I wish I could run with my husband, but he is way too fast for me. So I know that I would be holding him back. My sister is the best running buddy for me. We have the same pace and we have so much fun together. But I just need her to live a little closer!

    Good luck to everyone with a race this weekend!!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    So... I'm kind of afraid to run today. My last run felt AWFUL. I'd really like to have a nice, slow heartrate tonight and run 4-6 miles but I dunno...
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So... I'm kind of afraid to run today. My last run felt AWFUL. I'd really like to have a nice, slow heartrate tonight and run 4-6 miles but I dunno...

    My worst runs have always been followed by great runs. You will do super.

    I ran my fastest 12 mile run ever this am. My knee is hurting now for some reason. So icing it and will use massage thumper down my leg later.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I ran 6 miles today, tapering down my runs getting for this upcoming weekend. It was a miserable run, cold and windy. I guess they can't all be good runs. I'm only going to run 3 mile runs this week and I'm going do them easy and slow. I plan running mon thru thurs then well be leaving after work on Friday to head to the race. Is that enough of a taper for the last week or too much? I'm really not sure. So some advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Can I still join? Just did my first 10K today and I'm doing my first half marathon in March.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    10.5ish miles and I lived to tell about it!

    Things I learned:; I need to start testing out those power bars or power shot things to have during these long runs. I hit a wall (or what I think was a wall) around mile 8. My body just ran out of gas in an instant. I walked for about 5 minutes, and felt a bit better and kept going.

    I need some cold weather running gear. I live in L.A., so cold weather is never a problem,.. but this morning was particular cold. I wore a regular sweatshirt with a tech tee under. After about mile 5, it felt like it weighed 50 lbs. I took it off and left it right on the path. Since I was running a loop, I was glad to see it was still there when I came back around at Mile 9 :)

    My new hydration belt sucks. It was bouncing/jiggling no matter how I adjusted. I think I might look into one of those smaller hand held bottles.

    Hopefully, everyone had good running today,. I'm off to do a bit of stretching before bed :)
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Alice, I find the hand-held water bottles kind of a pain. They're heavy and they tend to alter your gait. I did find a hydration belt that fit -- it only has two water bottles, instead of 4-6, which most belts have. It really stays put. I also don't bring water with me on anything under 10 miles unless it is warm outside. But that's me.

    Ran 11 miles today. First 8 by myself and last 3 with my dog, Beau. He is great but I hate running with a leash in one hand.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Today is going to be cloudy, low sixties and gusty winds. I guess I should take this as a hint to run again! I'm trying for a five and change miler. Wish me luck!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    10.5ish miles and I lived to tell about it!

    Things I learned:; I need to start testing out those power bars or power shot things to have during these long runs. I hit a wall (or what I think was a wall) around mile 8. My body just ran out of gas in an instant. I walked for about 5 minutes, and felt a bit better and kept going.

    I need some cold weather running gear. I live in L.A., so cold weather is never a problem,.. but this morning was particular cold. I wore a regular sweatshirt with a tech tee under. After about mile 5, it felt like it weighed 50 lbs. I took it off and left it right on the path. Since I was running a loop, I was glad to see it was still there when I came back around at Mile 9 :)

    My new hydration belt sucks. It was bouncing/jiggling no matter how I adjusted. I think I might look into one of those smaller hand held bottles.

    Hopefully, everyone had good running today,. I'm off to do a bit of stretching before bed :)

    I found arm sleeves - LOVE them, the can come off if you get hot w/o having to stop and strip.

    I have hand held bottles, and found that I have to have two - one for each hand. They still mess with my form and I found I"m faster when I use a belt.

    I just bought a new hydration belt and love it. It's the Nathan Trail Hydration Belt, came in several colors, which made it fun too. I had Ampiphod bottles to hook on my belt, but they leak, I have to put Vaseline on the screw part to get them to seal. The Nathan Trail has a larger pocket which allows me to carry a bit more. I can adjust it for my hips or my waist depending on how I feel that day. I also have a small camel pack for very long runs on hotter days which works but took some getting used to.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My knees is not super. It's feeling a little better than yesterday, but there is a tender spot to the touch. I"m a little concerned. As I've been only running one day a week, we'll see how it feels next weekend I may skip my long run this week and go next week giving it a week to heal up.

    I'm currently doing the Asylum program, it was a back to core workout this AM, different from anything I've ever done, but a great workout. Went So fast too.

    I'm starting my new Tai Chi class tomorrow - really looking forward to it.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I have a pair of Moeben arm sleeves I love for chilly, long runs. They have a small pocket on each side which comes in handy for the iPod or even my fuel (gels, chews). I also use a handheld water bottle on long runs.

    I ran another long run today ... 10 miles with friends... it went well. I am amazed at how much my running has changed in a year. Last year when I met my running group I could barely run a mile before I needed a walk break and we ran slow 11-12 min miles. This year I am a whole different runner. We ranged from 9 -10:30 min miles the entire run with only one short break at mile 5 to refuel.

    I don't have any races coming up but have decided to start training for a full marathon with one of my running friends who is training for an ultra. My next half is not until April and I am looking to PR that race. So, that's my plan.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Ran a 3.7 mile trail race yesterday. Or I should say, I ran about 2.7 miles, then because I got a text, looked at my phone, I tripped, fell, smashed my knee, and limped the last mile. I tried riding today, and that made it ache. Currently its propped up on a pillow, wrapped, and iced. I'm a idiot. No texting and running!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ran a 3.7 mile trail race yesterday. Or I should say, I ran about 2.7 miles, then because I got a text, looked at my phone, I tripped, fell, smashed my knee, and limped the last mile. I tried riding today, and that made it ache. Currently its propped up on a pillow, wrapped, and iced. I'm a idiot. No texting and running!

    Oh man, that just stinks! I fell once running, no texting involved at all. It happens to all of us. I took a few days off to scab over and hurt a little less and was back at it, now I have a pretty scar on my knee as my running war wound :) Hope you feel better soon.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I don't have any races coming up but have decided to start training for a full marathon with one of my running friends who is training for an ultra. My next half is not until April and I am looking to PR that race. So, that's my plan.

    You'll enjoy training for a full marathon. It's SO much more commitment tho. I debated running another full and decided to wait until my kids were a bit older and I could run long w/o worrying about them being cared for in the process. There are so many different training options out there, when I do it again, I will be the run less train more so I didn't get running related muscle imbalances like I did. Best of luck! When do you think you will run it?
  • wackynunu
    Ran 8.8 miles tonight and it was AWESOME! I am so excited to go 10 miles on Sunday morning. Question: Do you guys run the same routes every time or try to change it up? I am fine running through my neighborhood for my short runs, but long runs seem easier when I can get distracted by something different to look at along the way. I have been driving 20 minutes away from my house to run through some quirky historic neighborhoods and parks.
  • adhillman01
    So, I haven't posted in a while. Two weeks ago was a wash. Just didn't get done what I wanted. That seems to be my story lately. I think it's because I'm not signed up for any races (other than a beach 5k on the 19th). Think I need to commit to one of these upcoming races. I feel like I'm still in pretty good shape from my last one and could run it fine. Last week was a little better. I managed to run some on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Sunday was supposed to be 8 miles, but the weather was crappy and my husband joined me for the last push so I only made it 7. Oh well. Really committing to doing 8 this weekend on Saturday with a recovery run on Sunday. Trying to decide which race to sign up for. There's one Thanksgiving Day and one on December 3rd. The one on the third would be great as it's really close to my house, but having those extra calories on Thanksgiving would be awesome!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Ran 8.8 miles tonight and it was AWESOME! I am so excited to go 10 miles on Sunday morning. Question: Do you guys run the same routes every time or try to change it up? I am fine running through my neighborhood for my short runs, but long runs seem easier when I can get distracted by something different to look at along the way. I have been driving 20 minutes away from my house to run through some quirky historic neighborhoods and parks.

    Great run! I know you will have no problem doing the 10 miles! I run the state park we have in town, I get bored with it but at least I don't have to worry about someone running me over while they are texting. LOL. I'll go different directions to try to change it up a bit.
  • wackynunu
    Great run! I know you will have no problem doing the 10 miles! I run the state park we have in town, I get bored with it but at least I don't have to worry about someone running me over while they are texting. LOL. I'll go different directions to try to change it up a bit.

    Thanks! I get so anxious over my long runs. I can't even imagine how I will be for the actual race. I stay on the sidewalk so I dont worry too much about texters, but last night I had this guy asking me for directions and trying to get me to come up to his car. I yelled over to him "Sorry, I don't talk to strangers". Next time I will have my husband follow me on the bike.
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    Ran 8.8 miles tonight and it was AWESOME! I am so excited to go 10 miles on Sunday morning. Question: Do you guys run the same routes every time or try to change it up? I am fine running through my neighborhood for my short runs, but long runs seem easier when I can get distracted by something different to look at along the way. I have been driving 20 minutes away from my house to run through some quirky historic neighborhoods and parks.

    I am always looking at different routes. i have a mapping program on the computer and save each route i do in a folder and name it. I used to just keep the same route and add on to it as my distance increased but found myself getting bored. Now i spend time mapping out different ones on my off days, interesting what you see when you run places you never have before. Last saturday i thought i got lost because i couldnt remember the road names where i was suppose to turn.