Clean Eating Club ~ January 2009



  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm going from discouraged to ecstatic!!! :happy: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I'm eating more :noway: , the scale is going down :noway: (although that's relative because I want to gain muscle) , I'm in love with my new printed copy of BFFM (I had it printed and bound, and received it yesterday), I have some new knowledge, new goals, and a new direction. For so long now I've been focused on cardio and being a runner, and strength training has been secondary -- a way to improve my body shape and improve my running. Until I can run again (if I ever seriously run again), I am going to focus on strength and weight lifting. I love running, but now I'm going to see exactly how ripped I can get. LOL!!! :laugh: (Who'd have ever thought I'd be saying or attempting such a thing at 40?!)

    I also just finished reading Venuto's new Body Fat Solution. I'm realizing how far I am beyond "beginner," or wanting or needing the information that the average person wants or needs. I was so disappointed in BFS because I didn't need that pep talk. I'm already doing just about everything in that book -- eating well, doing cardio and strength training, and sticking with it. I am beyond doing Cathe's workouts as designed and need to start designing my own workouts that are tailored to my personal needs, and/or making more use of the Mix and Match function of her videos. I have been plateaued for a quite a while, and it's time to shake things up and take them to the next level! With that in mind, my new strength training rotation begins today!

    Yesterday's meals (and I ate ALL my calories):

    1) Oatmeal, apple, skim milk, egg whites, trail mix, flax
    2) Baked potato, hommus, sour cream, broccoli, coffee with cream
    3) Garden salad, tuna, Drew's dressing
    4) Yogurt, cottage cheese, banana, cashews, almonds
    5) Whole wheat spaghetti, sauce with vegetables and tempeh, skim milk, coffee and cream
    6) Simply Natural popcorn

    Cals: 1926
    Protein: 109
    Carbs: 265
    Fat: 61

    I was a little high on fat and a little low on protein, so today I'm going to concentrate on adding fewer calories with nuts and increasing my protein portions instead.
  • jawaria
    jawaria Posts: 86
    Thanks Jess! the profile pic is my motivation to get up and workout again! and yes ur right hubbies have their days! I'm starting to like him again! lol!
    Ok question for u guys...i did not reach my calories yesterday for the first time!!! Yay! i was actually under 300 calories! But today i'm that normal? and what do u guys do in this situation?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Great day! I got on the scale and lost 3lbs since lastweigh in on 1/5/09. I wsas like whoo hoo! Clean eating is truly the way to go!

    Jess How are you liking Chalean Extreme? I received mines yesterday! I will begin my rotation March 2! I can't wait. :smile:

    AM- 1) P 90 X Plyometrics 2)10 mins Pilates for Abs
    PM 45 Mins Air Climber


    Great job, girl!!! YEAH for 3# down! I am loving CLX!!! It is awesome and I am happily seeing results already! Woohoo! :bigsmile: Great job on the workouts y'day, girl! :noway:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm going from discouraged to ecstatic!!! :happy: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I'm eating more :noway: , the scale is going down :noway: (although that's relative because I want to gain muscle) , I'm in love with my new printed copy of BFFM (I had it printed and bound, and received it yesterday), I have some new knowledge, new goals, and a new direction. For so long now I've been focused on cardio and being a runner, and strength training has been secondary -- a way to improve my body shape and improve my running. Until I can run again (if I ever seriously run again), I am going to focus on strength and weight lifting. I love running, but now I'm going to see exactly how ripped I can get. LOL!!! :laugh: (Who'd have ever thought I'd be saying or attempting such a thing at 40?!)

    I also just finished reading Venuto's new Body Fat Solution. I'm realizing how far I am beyond "beginner," or wanting or needing the information that the average person wants or needs. I was so disappointed in BFS because I didn't need that pep talk. I'm already doing just about everything in that book -- eating well, doing cardio and strength training, and sticking with it. I am beyond doing Cathe's workouts as designed and need to start designing my own workouts that are tailored to my personal needs, and/or making more use of the Mix and Match function of her videos. I have been plateaued for a quite a while, and it's time to shake things up and take them to the next level! With that in mind, my new strength training rotation begins today!

    You know, I was the same way. Soooo focused on running and cardio that I never really gave strength training a try. It wasn't until after I ran my marathon and had a severe IT band injury that I really got into weight training. I can NOT believe the difference in my body from then. I had NO upper body strength, seriously. Those muscles in my profile picture were NOT there, instead there were rolls. (I can dig out a before pic if you are interested). Muscle burns FAT, that's what Chalene keeps saying in the ChaLean Extreme. If you want to try some different ways to use Cathe workouts, let me know. Lift heavy, try to fail between 8-10 reps where you can't do one more rep. You can do it, get ripped! :bigsmile:
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    Cheryl! Isn't that book just the best! I started reading it 2 weeks ago and fell head over heels! I was like wow I was doing it wrong for such a long time. It def sheds light on what one has to do to get in the best shape ever. Truly one of the best books I read in a long time!

    My Eats for today:

    1) Designer Whey Protein Shake w. Bananna, Blueberries
    2) Pear
    3) Smart Ones- Picante Chicken & Pasta w. Steamed Brocolli and Califlower
    4) Morning Star Garden Burger w. Brocolli & Califlower
    5) Fiber One Honey Almond Cluster w. Bananna & Blueberries

    AM- P 90 X Shoulders & Arms (55 Mins), Results Fitness Lower Body ( 30 Mins)& Pilates for Flexibility (10 Mins)

    PM- AirClimber (40mins)

  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    My Goal is to get to 15% Body fat! Im Currently at 19% body Fat!!! The scale is moving finally So I am really happy about that.:smile:

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm here!! Snowed in today and kiddos are home from school!! It's COLD out there!

    Breakfast: (usual)
    Power oatmeal (460)

    1 c. Meijer NF plain yogurt (140)
    1 T. NM PB (85)
    1/2 c. Nature's Path Pomegran Plus cereal (167)
    Fuji Apple (80) = (472)

    Not sure yet

    Chili, already simmering in the crock pot! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    My Goal is to get to 15% Body fat! Im Currently at 19% body Fat!!! The scale is moving finally So I am really happy about that.:smile:


    Good for you!! You will hit that goal, I know you will! :bigsmile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    My Goal is to get to 15% Body fat! Im Currently at 19% body Fat!!! The scale is moving finally So I am really happy about that.:smile:


    Steph, how are you measuring your BF? I have a scale that measures it and it's way off. It says 27.2% today!!! I *know* I'm not that high. Over a year ago I had my BF measured at a running race. They also used a scale and it said 18%, so for now I am taking an average of those two and using it to calculate my calories, but I really think I am even lover than that figure (22%). I need to get myself some calipers. I'd love to shoot for 15%! We can do it!

    I can't believe I waited so long to buy BFFM. I just didn't realize that I was ready for it, and now the fact that I'm ready is practically hitting me over the head, LOL! :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    The rest of my day...

    1/2 c. Kashi GoLean cereal (70)
    1/2 c. Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal (95)
    1 c. Light vanilla soymilk (80) = 245

    1 c. homemade chili (285, just figured out the cal count)
    1/4 c. Fat-free Cheddar (45)
    1/4 c. cottage cheese (40)
    Jello SF choc. pudding (60) = 430

    SF hot cocoa (144)

    Total: 1,751
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    If you want to try some different ways to use Cathe workouts, let me know. Lift heavy, try to fail between 8-10 reps where you can't do one more rep. You can do it, get ripped! :bigsmile:

    I've been realizing that if I don't follow Cathe's videos and do my strength training on my own, I *will* lift heavier! She goes crazy with high reps, so it makes me use lighter weights than I would if I'm shooting for just 8-12 reps. So that's my new tactic -- to do my own lifting without the videos, shoot for failure at 8-12 reps and see how it affects my physique. It feels so good to have a change in routine.

    Today I did chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Today's meals:

    1) Oatmeal, apple, egg whites, skim milk, flax, cashews
    2) Yogurt, cottage cheese, banana, almonds
    3) Whole wheat spaghetti, sauce with veggies and tempeh
    4) Skim milk, egg whites, cocoa powder, an orange, grapes
    5) Turkey burger, English muffin, baked fries, homemade ketchup

    It's time to start being accountable for my water. I got my 8 cups in today! :drinker: (I know that's peanuts for some of you, but it's a success for me. :tongue: )

    I went a little over in my calories, but I got all my nutrients in, almost on the nose.

    Cals: 1882
    Protein: 107
    Carbs: 306
    Fat: 43
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I've been realizing that if I don't follow Cathe's videos and do my strength training on my own, I *will* lift heavier! She goes crazy with high reps, so it makes me use lighter weights than I would if I'm shooting for just 8-12 reps. So that's my new tactic -- to do my own lifting without the videos, shoot for failure at 8-12 reps and see how it affects my physique. It feels so good to have a change in routine.

    Today I did chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs.
    Did you do the Gym Styles?? I like the premix of the Supersets for that one and just do 8 reps. A change in your routine is always good too! :bigsmile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Did you do the Gym Styles?? I like the premix of the Supersets for that one and just do 8 reps. A change in your routine is always good too! :bigsmile:

    No, I started to do Gym Styles, but i knew she was going to do more reps and sets than I wanted to do, which would cause me to grab lighter weights, so I turned her off and put on some of my own music and followed the intermediate routine suggested in BFFM. (I'm going to start there for a week or two, and then I may move to advanced.)

    I used to have her Pyramid Upper and Lower DVD, but it wasn't one of my favorites, so I got rid of it. Now I'm kind of kicking myself because she did higher weights, lower reps, and sets of three in that one! Oh well. I don't really need her to tell me what to do anymore. :bigsmile: But I still have hope for STS.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    No, I started to do Gym Styles, but i knew she was going to do more reps and sets than I wanted to do, which would cause me to grab lighter weights, so I turned her off and put on some of my own music and followed the intermediate routine suggested in BFFM. (I'm going to start there for a week or two, and then I may move to advanced.)

    I used to have her Pyramid Upper and Lower DVD, but it wasn't one of my favorites, so I got rid of it. Now I'm kind of kicking myself because she did higher weights, lower reps, and sets of three in that one! Oh well. I don't really need her to tell me what to do anymore. :bigsmile: But I still have hope for STS.

    Yeah, I was doing the Gym Styles heavy before I started P90X. I couldn't believe the difference in the weight training and how much heavier I could lift after a round of P90X!! I'm a firm believer in lower reps/ heavier weights now! :bigsmile: I do have PUB, and it's a good one, but I honestly don't do it much anymore. I am sure STS will be great for you!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm butting in for a minute to ask a question about weight training.

    I'm doing Denise Austin and it says the recommended weights are 5 & 7. I was wondering how high can you go with certain exercises for example when you are working your triceps with overhead extentions? Also can I jump from 8 lb to 15 or should I go in increments of two lbs?
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    My Goal is to get to 15% Body fat! Im Currently at 19% body Fat!!! The scale is moving finally So I am really happy about that.:smile:


    Good for you!! You will hit that goal, I know you will! :bigsmile:

    Thanks Jess!! I am keeping positive thoughts!!!
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    My Goal is to get to 15% Body fat! Im Currently at 19% body Fat!!! The scale is moving finally So I am really happy about that.:smile:


    Steph, how are you measuring your BF? I have a scale that measures it and it's way off. It says 27.2% today!!! I *know* I'm not that high. Over a year ago I had my BF measured at a running race. They also used a scale and it said 18%, so for now I am taking an average of those two and using it to calculate my calories, but I really think I am even lover than that figure (22%). I need to get myself some calipers. I'd love to shoot for 15%! We can do it!

    I can't believe I waited so long to buy BFFM. I just didn't realize that I was ready for it, and now the fact that I'm ready is practically hitting me over the head, LOL! :laugh:

    Cheryl. i have a scale made by Taylor. It measures not only your weight but Body fat and also water weight. I also have the calipers. Both are saying similar readings. My calipers say 18 % the scale says 19 %. I am still high in pounds on the scale but at least I know I have mostly lean muscle. I know that muscle burns fat so therfore I am gonna start lifiting heavier. That should burn off the balance of fat left on my legs.:bigsmile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm butting in for a minute to ask a question about weight training.

    I'm doing Denise Austin and it says the recommended weights are 5 & 7. I was wondering how high can you go with certain exercises for example when you are working your triceps with overhead extentions? Also can I jump from 8 lb to 15 or should I go in increments of two lbs?

    I don't know where you are in your weight lifting experience, but Denise Austin videos are geared toward beginners. A lot of people believe that women need to lift weights differently than men -- lighter weights and higher reps -- but it's just not true. You won't add muscle that way, and when you DO add muscle, most women don't need to worry about bulking up too much. We don't have enough testosterone to look like men. Weight lifting will make your body smaller and tighter in most areas, not bigger.

    If you really want to add muscle and increase your metabolism, you need to lift the heaviest weight with which you can complete 8-12 reps in good form. You should always be working toward muscle failure, the point at which you can't do any more reps. But don't hurt yourself by jumping to too heavy weights too quickly! (I've done that!)

    All that being said, the triceps are small muscles, so you will use lighter weights there than you would on larger muscle groups like legs -- and I'm a tricep wimp! :laugh: I've always tended to use lower weights on my triceps, but that's going to change now, I think! :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I don't know where you are in your weight lifting experience, but Denise Austin videos are geared toward beginners. A lot of people believe that women need to lift weights differently than men -- lighter weights and higher reps -- but it's just not true. You won't add muscle that way, and when you DO add muscle, most women don't need to worry about bulking up too much. We don't have enough testosterone to look like men. Weight lifting will make your body smaller and tighter in most areas, not bigger.

    If you really want to add muscle and increase your metabolism, you need to lift the heaviest weight with which you can complete 8-12 reps in good form. You should always be working toward muscle failure, the point at which you can't do any more reps. But don't hurt yourself by jumping to too heavy weights too quickly! (I've done that!)

    All that being said, the triceps are small muscles, so you will use lighter weights there than you would on larger muscle groups like legs -- and I'm a tricep wimp! :laugh: I've always tended to use lower weights on my triceps, but that's going to change now, I think! :wink:

    Great response, Cheryl!! I think Denise is great for starting out, but she does a lot of reps with lighter weight which really won't help you build muscle. And yes, as Cheryl said you will NOT bulk up or look like a man. I can lift very heavy but do not look manly. :laugh: But work your way up to it to prevent injuries. And I LOVE to work the triceps now! (I used to hate it before too!)
