Hubba Hubba for the Holidays (CLOSED GRP)



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Updating our daily challenge :
    My exercise Is now 1286/1500
    I drank 170+ oz of water today.
    last night i didnt get to bed as early as i wanted. only 6-6.5hrs - headed to bed now so hopefully tomorrow i can report i got at least 7.5hrs.....
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:

  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Hi everyone! I just have to thank gr8grl68 for the "Awesome" post. It's been on my mind ever since I read it, especially during my Girl Scout meeting the other night. Twice a month I have 10-8th grade girls at my house for their Cadette meeting. I feed them dinner since most of them have after-school activities and don't have time to eat before coming to my house for the meeting. This is the 9th year I'm a leader for these girls...and, yes.....these girls are "awesome." When they were younger, they all felt that way about themselves. But just like what was said in the "awesome" posting, sometime around 6th grade you could see some of these girls beginning to doubt just how awesome they are.

    So, at yesterday's meetingg I was in the kitchen getting ready to feed my troop, and the girls were all sitting around my dining room table talking amongst themselves, and here are some of the things I heard. One girl was asking the others if they thought her boobs hang down too low. Another girl asked the troop if they thought her butt was big and if it stuck out too far. One girl said she would like to be on student council, but wasn't going to run because she doubted she could get enough votes to win. Still yet another girl said she wishes she could be with some of the other girls in their classes, but she can't because she's in all the "dumb" classes because she's not smart enough. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

    Well, change of plans for our meeting! The girls ate dinner and we talked about self-esteem and negative body image. We talked about how unique and awesome they were as individuals, and I had them make lists of all the things that they are good at, and the things they liked the best about themselves.

    You can be sure I will be devoting more time this year to making sure my girls remember just how "awesome" they are. Oh, and the girl who didn't think she would run for student council, announced her candidacy today in school. Awesome!

    THANK YOU !!!!! for your awesomeness and your dedication to our future.....may they be blessed to have more "leaders" in their lives.......
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    Awesome post, the girls are lucky to have someone like you as their leader. They need something in the schools to build the self-esteem of girls.

    Hi everyone! I just have to thank gr8grl68 for the "Awesome" post. It's been on my mind ever since I read it, especially during my Girl Scout meeting the other night. Twice a month I have 10-8th grade girls at my house for their Cadette meeting. I feed them dinner since most of them have after-school activities and don't have time to eat before coming to my house for the meeting. This is the 9th year I'm a leader for these girls...and, yes.....these girls are "awesome." When they were younger, they all felt that way about themselves. But just like what was said in the "awesome" posting, sometime around 6th grade you could see some of these girls beginning to doubt just how awesome they are.

    So, at yesterday's meetingg I was in the kitchen getting ready to feed my troop, and the girls were all sitting around my dining room table talking amongst themselves, and here are some of the things I heard. One girl was asking the others if they thought her boobs hang down too low. Another girl asked the troop if they thought her butt was big and if it stuck out too far. One girl said she would like to be on student council, but wasn't going to run because she doubted she could get enough votes to win. Still yet another girl said she wishes she could be with some of the other girls in their classes, but she can't because she's in all the "dumb" classes because she's not smart enough. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

    Well, change of plans for our meeting! The girls ate dinner and we talked about self-esteem and negative body image. We talked about how unique and awesome they were as individuals, and I had them make lists of all the things that they are good at, and the things they liked the best about themselves.

    You can be sure I will be devoting more time this year to making sure my girls remember just how "awesome" they are. Oh, and the girl who didn't think she would run for student council, announced her candidacy today in school. Awesome!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    gmomlyn - "Awesome Leader of the Day" award goes to you! Warmed my heart to read your post. Wonderful!

    Yesterday I finally entered ONEderland for the first time in years! YAY! And now I'm only 3.7 lbs from getting out of the Obese BMI level and entering the Overweight BMI level. Haven't been there in forever! I think all of my MFP friends' support has made the biggest difference in reaching ONEderland. I believe that support will guide me to meeting my next goal, too! Hope you know I'm always here cheering YOU on, too...on this rollercoaster ride to better health and fitness!

    Special thanks to DENISE for dragging me back to MFP when I wanted to quit earlier this year! She's a bulldog!
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:


    So what's awesome about me? Lot's of things! I've got the best hair.....thick, straight, and dirty blonde with highlights (just ask my hairdresser, lol! She'll swear to it that I don't have a single gray hair on my head.....cough, cough!!!!). I'm creative in an artsy-craftsy kind of way and I'm great at coming up with good ideas for things (2 good things to be when you are a grandmother and a GS leader). I'm not shy. I"m a take charge person (my sister would probably call that being bossy, lol, but I still love her!) I have a good sense of humor and appreciate that in others. And.....even though I am here to lose weight, I still looked awesome even at my highest weight because with the right clothes for your body, and the way you carry yourself, you can still look awesome!

    Oh, and Sharon, I can't write forward and backward at the same time....that is awesome....but I have beautiful penmanship. Also, if I did a split I WOULD be in the ER....LOL.....and I didn't grow anything from seed and my garden sucked this year but only because we had a little too much rain here in NJ and it was too wet in the location it was in. On the otherhand, my planters and stacking pots on my deck looked awesome this year. I made great choices in what to plant in them.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:


    I'm awesome because my mind set is if there is a will there is a way. If you really want to do something or get it done you will find a way no matter what anyone else says or thinks.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    double post sorry....
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:


    So what's awesome about me? Lot's of things! I've got the best hair.....thick, straight, and dirty blonde with highlights (just ask my hairdresser, lol! She'll swear to it that I don't have a single gray hair on my head.....cough, cough!!!!). I'm creative in an artsy-craftsy kind of way and I'm great at coming up with good ideas for things (2 good things to be when you are a grandmother and a GS leader). I'm not shy. I"m a take charge person (my sister would probably call that being bossy, lol, but I still love her!) I have a good sense of humor and appreciate that in others. And.....even though I am here to lose weight, I still looked awesome even at my highest weight because with the right clothes for your body, and the way you carry yourself, you can still look awesome!

    Oh, and Sharon, I can't write forward and backward at the same time....that is awesome....but I have beautiful penmanship. Also, if I did a split I WOULD be in the ER....LOL.....and I didn't grow anything from seed and my garden sucked this year but only because we had a little too much rain here in NJ and it was too wet in the location it was in. On the otherhand, my planters and stacking pots on my deck looked awesome this year. I made great choices in what to plant in them.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Lyn--I LOVE it! Bossy IS awesome (and have been dubbed this in my household as well :tongue: ) BUT, we always get it done and keep everyone on track--they'd be LOST without us! heehee. I think I have a good sense of humor too--and love when others do to--it just makes life so much more. . . .AWESOME. Congrats to you on your journey to this point and keep that great outlook on life--it's contagious!
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134

    Yesterday I finally entered ONEderland for the first time in years! YAY! And now I'm only 3.7 lbs from getting out of the Obese BMI level and entering the Overweight BMI level. Haven't been there in forever! I think all of my MFP friends' support has made the biggest difference in reaching ONEderland. I believe that support will guide me to meeting my next goal, too! Hope you know I'm always here cheering YOU on, too...on this rollercoaster ride to better health and fitness!

    Congrats, jklm, on entering ONEderland! According to the BMI charts I'm 4.4 lbs away from entering the "overweight" level. But here's the thing.....most of my adult life I was 5'7.25 inches tall. Then about 4 years ago at my yearly physical, the nurse who was weighing me and checking my height told me I was 5'6.5 inches tall. I told her that I wasn't, that I was 5'7.25 inches. So she checked my height again and even took me to a different scale in another part of the building and yes.....I am now 5'6.25 inches. All I could think was "What the heck!!!!!" First it was noticing that all my weight seems to be going to my belly, then I found I couldn't see anymore and had to start wearing glasses, and now I'm SHRINKING! Too bad I'm shrinking, because if I was still 5'7.25 inches, I would only have to lose .2 pounds as of this AM to be "overweight" instead of obese. Oh well. But, lol, I would have never thought years ago that someday I would be looking forward to being "overweight"!

    So jklm, let's do it! Let's make it to the point where we both can say we are "overweight"! Good luck!
  • Amandajean1105
    Amandajean1105 Posts: 53 Member
    Although i've been batteling a cold most of the week, and have been unable (or unwilling) to work out the last 3 days, I still managed to get in most of my 'goal' minutes in the first part of the week! Lets hope by tomorrow or Sunday, I can finish it up! I also have been lucky enough to keep dropping weight! Eating all that soup with the sodium hasn't put a damper on my goals! :)

    Just wanted to post and wish everyone well this weekend! Remember what you are striving for!
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:


    I'm awesome because my mind set is if there is a will there is a way. If you really want to do something or get it done you will find a way no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

    I LOVE it! Can I ask you something though? What do you find awesome about yourself when you look in the mirror? Is it your sparkling eyes? perfect nose? dimples when you smile? or perhaps you have the world's sexiest kneecaps :) You have an awesome attitude . . .but you are also physically awesome--I just know it! :flowerforyou:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm awesome cause i will continue on this journey until i get to my goal...i dont care how long it takes....i have never had the mindset that i could actually get wherever it is i want to end up....i have always just been on a diet to lose the weight and added some exercise to help me get there.....something clicked after i had my 2nd child and i just knew it was time to put myself, my body and my health at the top of my priority list and get the job done..

    i'd be lying if i said it didnt matter to me that i havent reached my goal yet after almost 4 years but seriously, who friggin cares in the end??? every change i have made has been something i can live with for the rest of my life and that is wayyyyyyy more important to me that getting the weight off quickly.....i know i'm gonna be "done" this time when i get there....and honestly getting there this time has been fun....i enjoy fitness, i have a hard time being idle now, i look forward to finding healthy yummy easy meals to make my family....i love love love love fruit and i have come to ADORE lol water.....i still have my diet coke occasionally but not nearly as much as i ever did in the past....i love being able to shop in the "regular" stores and can pretty much buy whatever the hell i want since i wear a size 10 or 12 now and that is the "norm" and most stores have sooooo many selections in my size....i am awesome because well, i just am lol.....i never felt this way about myself before and i absolutely love it.....

    i wish you all a wonderful weekend....we have a busy weekend planned with cheering, workouts, tae kwan do, grocery shopping, menu planning, laundry, house cleaning, maybe date night with hubby???? and my son's 7th bday party at chuck e cheese on sunday thing is that even though i have all this STUFF planned, i know i can still get in my workouts and make good food choices and I WILL HAVE A LESS THAN 181LB weighin on monday....i would love to see 175.4 like i saw on wednesday but i've had some sodium filled meals in the last few days so i'll just accept what i have and do the best i can to get down for monday....sorry for the damn book, i just realized as i got a cramp in my fingers i have been typing for a loooooonnnnnnngggggg time lol.....have a great weekend friends....
  • runningmom1977
    Just wanted to check in here- I've had a really rough week and have fallen a lot, but am back on track today. A very close family member had an accident on Sunday that left him parapalegic, and I headed out of town to stay with his wife (who is my cousin) and the combination of a long drive, little sleep, skipped meals and hospital cafeteria and vending machine food really did a number on me. Thankfully when I got back home, the scale hadn't climbed up much at all. Didn't go down either, but I'm ok with it. I'm back on track today and am shooting for a great weekend so I can still log a loss on Monday!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: runningmom: Sorry to hear about your week. I hope everything goes well for u
    the next few days. You will get back on track!!

    This group of women here are really awesome and very supportivie of one another.
    I feel good just being here and sharing.

    To the Girlscout leader, you are a sensitive and caring person, I hope you put that down
    for your awesomeness. Those girls are very lucky to have you as their leader.

    So why am I awesome? I have nice hair, blue eyes and thin legs. I am an organized person,
    love to read, garden and shop. Not a shopaholic just like to browse and look around.
    I sail with my husband in the summer and ski in the winter. I love to be busy.
    I would like to be more creative but I am not the artsy type and admire those who are.:ohwell:

    My goal on this site is to get healthy and get back to a BMI normal and not obese. So far
    I am over weight and still working on it.
    I enjoy all the support here with you ladies. Keep it up and we can overcome.
  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    It's that time of the week again, weigh day! I lost 0.9 pounds this week, which puts me just 0.4 from my first mini goal, two weeks ahead of schedule WOO-HOO! And puts my total MFP weight loss at 20 pounds!

    For the challenge this week, I met the water requirements, I lacked slightly in the sleep area (It's always a problem area) and with exercise I only burned 309 calories. I really need to make sure I focus on getting my exercise in.

    09/05: 231.3
    09/12: 227.3
    09/19: 226.4
    10/03: Mini Goal 226
    10/31: Mini Goal 221
    11/28: Mini Goal 216
    12/24: Final Goal 210
  • shannonaufman
    I've been thinking about this "awesome" thing all day, and I think I've decided on what to say. This is, by the way, such a great prompt. I think everyone should have an "I'm awesome" mantra they tell themselves every day.

    I'm awesome because I care about everyone. I am the oldest child to two much younger siblings, so I took on the second mommy role when our mom went back to work full-time after my baby brother was born. This has taught me to care deeply about and for everyone I meet. If I consider you a friend, I consider you a close friend right off the bat; for this reason, I don't have many acquaintances -- only close friends. I'm also awesome because I'm an excellent cook (or at least, the people I cook for think so! :laugh: ). I love to try new food and new recipes, and I hoard recipe books like they're chunks of gold. I think that there's no greater way to show and give love than to feed someone, and it makes me feel so good to know that I have provided a great meal for someone.

    I'm also awesome because I have the perfect heart-shaped face. I have a lovely widows peak, wide mid-face and narrow chin. Although it makes haircuts kind of tricky, I think the shape of my face is absolutely beautiful.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Hi Ladies! Here is what's going on with me for the mini challenges...

    1277/1500 calories burned, so far
    4/4 days for the water
    4/4 nights for the sleep. BUT... Every night I have to get up to visit the bathroom (because of the water) and the last two nights I've gone to bed late. So... Even though I got at least 7 hours, I didn't feel rested. And I'm really draggin' today.

    Shirley61 - "Water also helps with joint pain" - I've noticed that!

    gmomlyn - I love what you did with the girl scouts!

    gr8grl68 - "what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you?" - Last night, I really had a hard time with this. Upon first reading it, I couldn't think of anything awesome about myself. Which led to me really feeling DOWN. I had a discussion with my 20 year old daughter about it. Upon reflection, I can think of things now (but definitely want to add to the list) but the thing that was the most moving about it last night? She told me that I had saved her life. And I had.

    jklm - "Yesterday I finally entered ONEderland for the first time in years! YAY! And now I'm only 3.7 lbs from getting out of the Obese BMI level and entering the Overweight BMI level. Haven't been there in forever! I think all of my MFP friends' support has made the biggest difference in reaching ONEderland. I believe that support will guide me to meeting my next goal, too! Hope you know I'm always here cheering YOU on, too...on this rollercoaster ride to better health and fitness!"

    I'm so happy for you! YAY for ONEderland!! The support of my MFP friends has helped me also! My supporting them has helped me too. It has also helped me to be a part of the long term challenges and have a place to be accountable for my actions.

    runningmom1977 - I'm sooo sorry about your cousin's husband. :-(

    nwohler - Yay for 20 lbs. down!

    The rest of the weekend, I won't be here much. I'll still be reading but Friday evening until Sunday evening is the only time that I see my husband.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    why am i awesome?....i AM awesome because i love my children more than my life, and they KNOW they are loved....
    along the way we as women do lose the awesomeness, it is a an older woman i try to remind younger women, friends, family or anyone how valuable we are......

    calories burned 2184 still have saturday and sunday
    water over 100oz a day
    sleep a good 8 hours a day
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Hello my fellow--Hubba Hubbas! I am so glad you enjoyed that awesome post . . . I think all of us forget, no matter how old we are, just how awesome we are! My DD is 4 and SO full of awesome, I pray she never loses it :)

    So in the spirit of our "awesomeness", what can you say RIGHT NOW is awesome about you? I like my eyes and smile, but I am working on making more parts of me awesome too! Some other things: I can write forward and backward at the same time, can still do the splits (without having to go to the ER) and for the first time ever, grew heirloom tomatoes from seed--and they were DELISH!

    Don't be shy--be AWESOME! What is awesome about YOU??? :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:


    I'm awesome because my mind set is if there is a will there is a way. If you really want to do something or get it done you will find a way no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

    I LOVE it! Can I ask you something though? What do you find awesome about yourself when you look in the mirror? Is it your sparkling eyes? perfect nose? dimples when you smile? or perhaps you have the world's sexiest kneecaps :) You have an awesome attitude . . .but you are also physically awesome--I just know it! :flowerforyou:
    What I find awsome about myself when I look in the mirror is my dimples when I smile.