


  • geo1177
    geo1177 Posts: 32

    That's awesome that you've decided to give P90X another go. I know this time you'll see it all the way through! I totally agree that ARX is a killer... I feel like I'm going to die every time I do it! Good luck in your journey!

    Thanks! Good luck to you too!

    Welcome back and good luck! Ab Ripper is a killer at first... but it does get better (not easier! :laugh: ) But if you ever do want to make it tougher, just add ankle weights to your legs. Fifer scissors even tougher!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    You're xtreme as P90x gets! And thanks!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Is it okay to do other activities the same day as doing your P90x? I play volleyball 4-5 hours a week, and am not sure if I should do a workout the same day... Cardio X really kicked my butt, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle both at the same time.

    Do what works best for you. I am a runner so at times I do doubles. I will usually run first thing in the AM and then lift weights late afternoon to give my body some rest time. If you are feeling exhausted or overworked, then cut back a bit. HTH!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    Welcome back and good luck! Ab Ripper is a killer at first... but it does get better (not easier! :laugh: ) But if you ever do want to make it tougher, just add ankle weights to your legs. Fifer scissors even tougher!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    You're xtreme as P90x gets! And thanks!

    Thanks! Just want people to know that it does get better if you keep at it! Keep pushing play and you will have great results too! :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thanks for the info... I'll definitely keep going. Hopefully I'll be able to move tomorrow!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Thanks for the info... I'll definitely keep going. Hopefully I'll be able to move tomorrow!!!

    Sometimes just moving those sore muscles will get the blood pumping and help work the soreness out! :wink:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have volleyball again tomorrow night, so I'll definitely be moving those sore muscles-I just don't think I'll be moving very FAST...:tongue:
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    Yesterday was day 60 for me and the results are astounding. I have always been pear shaped let's just say that is drastically changing. Keep at it everyone you will see results. I am camera shy but will post a before and after at day 90.
  • cjbranson
    cjbranson Posts: 121
    Yesterday was day 60 for me and the results are astounding. I have always been pear shaped let's just say that is drastically changing. Keep at it everyone you will see results. I am camera shy but will post a before and after at day 90.

    Day 60!! That's AWESOME! :drinker: So glad you're bringing it and seeing great results. Keep it up and I'm right there with ya about being camera shy!:embarassed:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, so last night I did core synergistics... Let me just say that all of you P90X'ers are awesome for being where you are at right now!!! My one thought the entire time I was doing it was
    "Holy CRAAAAAAAAAAP"!!! In all seriousness, I loved the routine, but felt like a real wiennie because I couldn't do everything. Things that I need to work on...

    Push ups... I couldn't do everything (like the walking push ups)
    Dreya Rolls... I found myself getting "stuck" more often than not
    Rock the Boat to Banana... I felt like a beached whale

    I know things will get better as I continue on, and I think this program makes you WANT to keep on pushing. Anyway, you guys are all big inspirations for sticking with it!:tongue:
  • jokerrn
    jokerrn Posts: 51
    Um, yeah...recovery week, my *kitten*.

    Core Syn is brutal! Awesome, but brutal. I don't know what I was expecting, but I thought 'Recovery week' meant I would be chilling out, stretching, taking it easy, etc. Maybe a DVD of Tony just sitting and drinking some coffee, eating a few oreos. Not so.

    This is a great workout with some very unique moves. One of the greatest things about this program for me is that you generally tend to perform a lift/pose/exercise for 10-30 seconds which seems so do-able most of the time. The same is true for Core Syn.

    Can't wait to do this one again...day 24 today. Kenpo.

    Btw, weighed in last night...228...down from starting weight of 240...and I'm not starving myself!
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    I agree. Core syn is a great workout. It is one of those workouts you can do once you are through with P90X that hits almost all of your body parts. It will help to maintain your body until you start another workout routine.

    I have completed the 90 days and still can't do the Dreya Roll. I can't get my feet close enough to my rearend to stand up without pushing off. I don't know that I will ever be able to do that move!

    The only part about recovery week that is exciting is not doing the Plyo workout. I just did it again yesterday for fun, to burn a few extra calories and to see what my hr got up to since I have a new hrm (didn't have one during P90X). I was not surprised to see it way up there most of the time, around 170 or so.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble doing the Dreya Roll. I'm trying the P90X Lean, not the Classic, so I think It's a little less intensive... But boy, it sure doesn't FEEL that way. Noticed a lot of Texans are on this thread. I have family in Houston... How are ya'll doin?!!:tongue:
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble doing the Dreya Roll. I'm trying the P90X Lean, not the Classic, so I think It's a little less intensive... But boy, it sure doesn't FEEL that way. Noticed a lot of Texans are on this thread. I have family in Houston... How are ya'll doin?!!:tongue:

    Keep up the hard work. It definately takes will power, and dedication to make it through any P90X routine, but it is worth it. The results speak for themselves. Not only will you look better, but you will feel much better!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Question for everyone who logs in their exercise... What do you put your routines under? I put the core synergistics under circuit training, but it really didn't seem right when it said I burned around 800 calories for the time alloted.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sorry, found a previous post on this thread about my calories burned question:blushing: ... Around 600 still seems insanely high, but it makes sense when you feel as sore as I do right now!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Sorry, found a previous post on this thread about my calories burned question:blushing: ... Around 600 still seems insanely high, but it makes sense when you feel as sore as I do right now!

    I think it depends on the workout. Plyo you will be burning 600 cals. Shoulders & Arms not quite as many (even though I love it!). I love that soreness of a great workout! :bigsmile: How was volleyball?? :wink:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I played for 2 hours... Very fun, very competitive. We play coed on a men's height net... I am so sore after doing that Monday and then Core Synergistics last night. I have another 2+ hours of volleyball tonight... I don't know if I'll be able to move very well:smile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I played for 2 hours... Very fun, very competitive. We play coed on a men's height net... I am so sore after doing that Monday and then Core Synergistics last night. I have another 2+ hours of volleyball tonight... I don't know if I'll be able to move very well:smile:

    That sounds great! I love volleyball, it is so much fun! Great workout too. :bigsmile:
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm on day 6 of lean and am getting ready for Kenpo. It seems odd that I only exercised 2-3 days per week before this and can't imagine taking a break tomorrow so I'll definitely do Stretch.
    The 50% protein in phase 1 is still not something I'm mastering very well. I can do about 40%, one day was 45%.
    Should I be forcing protein bars or shakes into myself to get this up to the 50%?
    I'm so happy that I found P90X and I'm glad that I just plunged into it instead of worrying about being too overweight (the fitness test wasn't hard for me so I guess I'm okay underneath all of this fat). I used to diet and restrict calories. Realistically I could never be a low calorie forever eater to just be skinny. This fitness approach is so much better, I haven't felt this good in a long time.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, so I played volleyball last night and got laughed at because I was so sore... I tried to nudge the ball to someone with my foot and had to kinda side-step to do it... After all those lunges and floor sweeps(?) it really did not feel all that great... Can't wait until tonight's workout... Already sleeping better with all the new activities!!!