


  • laobgyn
    Today is Day 85 for me---- I am very frustrated. I have been faithful with the exercise and definitely have gotten stronger, but have only lost 2 pounds!!! Why?? I have been super strict with the diet for the past month ( 1200-1400 cal per day) and still can't get the "ripped" look like in the commercials. I am 5'2" and weigh 114 now. I don't care about the weight # per se, but I I want to get rid of my belly and back pooch. Is this what happens after having 2 kids and being 46?? I'm hoping to wake up on day 90 and be transformed!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Today is Day 85 for me---- I am very frustrated. I have been faithful with the exercise and definitely have gotten stronger, but have only lost 2 pounds!!! Why?? I have been super strict with the diet for the past month ( 1200-1400 cal per day) and still can't get the "ripped" look like in the commercials. I am 5'2" and weigh 114 now. I don't care about the weight # per se, but I I want to get rid of my belly and back pooch. Is this what happens after having 2 kids and being 46?? I'm hoping to wake up on day 90 and be transformed!!!

    Ok, first of all. the diet plan is NOT for 1,200 cals. You should not be eating that low with workout out hard. Send me a message if you need more suggestions!

  • jokerrn
    Cruising right along through the first week of Phase 2...did legs and back and ARx tonight. I'm on the rode, so had to do everything with a resistance band. Actually was a nice change of pace.

    I really hit a wall tonight for some reason...toward the end of the workout and all the way through ARx, I started to get really fatiqued and actually started yawning! :yawn: Crazy. Now I am trying to recover, but just feel really worn down. It's possible I didn't have enough calories today to fuel the engine.

    Well, Monday I have to start training for the MS150 bike ride here in Texas. It is a two day, 182 mile ride from Houston to Austin. I have 10 weeks to get ready. Since starting P90X, I have been faithful to the program, but have only been on my bike once. I am hoping some of the working out I have been doing will translate to the bike. My plan is to start taking relatively short rides in the morning (15 miles or so) and then do my p90x workouts in the evening. I'll have to go for longer rides (25-65 miles) on the weekends. Hope I can handle it. Otherwise, I'll be the ripped guy walking my bike down I-10 in April. :sad:

    Wish me luck!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    182 miles?!!! Jokerrn, you're an animal!!! I hope everything goes well for ya, and best of luck!!!
  • erikhutson
    erikhutson Posts: 8 Member
    I can tell you if you stick with p90x you will get stronger, I made ti through the first phase before falling off the wagon.....I went from 0 dive bombers to doing 6-7 in just 4 weeks.....really is a great program....I'm going to start it again but am going to do regular p90 first so Im not as sore as I was before.
  • cjbranson
    Cruising right along through the first week of Phase 2...did legs and back and ARx tonight. I'm on the rode, so had to do everything with a resistance band. Actually was a nice change of pace.

    I really hit a wall tonight for some reason...toward the end of the workout and all the way through ARx, I started to get really fatiqued and actually started yawning! :yawn: Crazy. Now I am trying to recover, but just feel really worn down. It's possible I didn't have enough calories today to fuel the engine.

    Well, Monday I have to start training for the MS150 bike ride here in Texas. It is a two day, 182 mile ride from Houston to Austin. I have 10 weeks to get ready. Since starting P90X, I have been faithful to the program, but have only been on my bike once. I am hoping some of the working out I have been doing will translate to the bike. My plan is to start taking relatively short rides in the morning (15 miles or so) and then do my p90x workouts in the evening. I'll have to go for longer rides (25-65 miles) on the weekends. Hope I can handle it. Otherwise, I'll be the ripped guy walking my bike down I-10 in April. :sad:

    Wish me luck!

    I've hit that wall quite a few times during this whole thing. This first week of phase 2 was especially tough on me and today we have chest, shoulders & triceps which I am completely dreading.

    -Ripped guy walking my bike down 1-0 in April... too funny! I'm sure you'll do great and I can't see how you wouldn't be a powerhouse on the bike after going through P90X. Keep up the great work!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I hosted a slumber party last night... 6 girls and three dogs in my little house!!! The kids didn't get to bed until really late, so I didn't get to do my evening workout, which was YogaX... Not that I can say I am too sad about it:devil: . I still can't get excited about doing yoga. Since I missed it last night, I have to double up and do legs & back, ARX, and yoga today-I will be feeling it tomorrow.:sad:
  • geo1177
    Hey guys. Returning back to the routine tomorrow. Doing all the prep work, like getting the food ready, retaking my weight and measurements, recalculating my calorie intake, before photos, ect. I'm ready to get back to business.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Welcome back, Geo!:happy:
  • geo1177
    Welcome back, Geo!:happy:
    Thanks! Feels good to be back.
  • cjbranson
    Hey guys. Returning back to the routine tomorrow. Doing all the prep work, like getting the food ready, retaking my weight and measurements, recalculating my calorie intake, before photos, ect. I'm ready to get back to business.

    So you're starting at Day 1?
  • cjbranson
    I hosted a slumber party last night... 6 girls and three dogs in my little house!!! The kids didn't get to bed until really late, so I didn't get to do my evening workout, which was YogaX... Not that I can say I am too sad about it:devil: . I still can't get excited about doing yoga. Since I missed it last night, I have to double up and do legs & back, ARX, and yoga today-I will be feeling it tomorrow.:sad:

    I'm sure having the slumber party was a workout in itself!! Did you make it today doubling up? That seems like A LOT to do!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have to wait until my girls go to bed tonight before I'm even going to attempt to do my workout. Luckily for me, both of them are so worn out from the slumber party that bedtime should be early for them. I plan on doing ARX first-I learned from the first time doing legs and back that I was so worn out I could barely keep my legs up for ARX. I figure that if I save YogaX for last, I'll be okay and it'll be like a longer cool down. Yeah, right:ohwell:
  • geo1177
    So you're starting at Day 1?
    Yeah I am CJ. I missed X amount of days due to multiple setbacks. If I have to restart it 10 times I'm gonna do it until I complete it. This time I'm going to do things smarter and control what I can control and let life handle the rest.

    A string of pushbacks came at me big time.:laugh:
    I'm Buddhist and in Buddhism they call that 'Sanchichima'. That's when life's obstacles work against you for one reason or another and tries to prevent you from taking action on your goals.
    So yeah... big time Sanchichima.:happy:
  • erikhutson
    erikhutson Posts: 8 Member
    So you're starting at Day 1?
    Yeah I am CJ. I missed X amount of days due to multiple setbacks. If I have to restart it 10 times I'm gonna do it until I complete it. This time I'm going to do things smarter and control what I can control and let life handle the rest.

    A string of pushbacks came at me big time.:laugh:
    I'm Buddhist and in Buddhism they call that 'Sanchichima'. That's when life's obstacles work against you for one reason or another and tries to prevent you from taking action on your goals.
    So yeah... big time Sanchichima.:happy:

    Very cool, my girlfriend and I are reading about buddhism and find it very interesting. Are you strict or lenant towards its teachings?
  • geo1177
    So you're starting at Day 1?
    Yeah I am CJ. I missed X amount of days due to multiple setbacks. If I have to restart it 10 times I'm gonna do it until I complete it. This time I'm going to do things smarter and control what I can control and let life handle the rest.

    A string of pushbacks came at me big time.:laugh:
    I'm Buddhist and in Buddhism they call that 'Sanchichima'. That's when life's obstacles work against you for one reason or another and tries to prevent you from taking action on your goals.
    So yeah... big time Sanchichima.:happy:

    Very cool, my girlfriend and I are reading about buddhism and find it very interesting. Are you strict or lenant towards its teachings?
    I don't believe, at least for me, that you have to be strict about Buddhism's teachings to the point where you get wrapped up in dogma and rituals and forget what the fundamental teaching of Buddhism is, which is become aware of suffering in your life, and in the lives of others, and help yourself and others overcome it through compassion, prayer and action. Life is many things to different people but the main thing that all people can agree on is to be happy and live a happy life.

    You can say I'm flexible with Buddhist philosophy, because isn't that what it's all about, to go the middle way? That's why you're probably wondering why I'm doing an 'Xtreme' training program? Well I think it's extreme not to do it! If you stop to think about it isn't it extreme to be always taking it easy, and never challenging yourself? I'm not saying to kill yourself at everything, but life is about growth. Facing challenges helps us grow. Thanks Erik for your interest in Buddhism. I love all religions, philosophies and teachings, and feel good practicing Buddhism.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm still here, happy I made it past 2 weeks. I'm on day 2 of week 3 and am about to do my cardio. This weeks goal is to do Kenpo harder without getting mad at it.
    I get frustrated with the first half because we spend so much time doing those punches and they just don't do it for me. Every time I try to get my hips and pivoting in there harder and faster I get confused and just mess everything up. This week I'm going to give myself extra time at the beginning to practice slowly and get it just right then rewind and do it for real. I only burnt 397 calories last week and I can do that in 30 min on my elliptical so that alone makes me not want to waste time doing Kenpo.
  • laobgyn
    Thanks, Jess. I alternate more ( healthy) calories and less calories and I can't seem to budge the scale. Besides almost finishing P90X, what else can I do to shake things up?? LA
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I practiced the 4 punch combo slowly during cardio because my heart rate was already way up from kicking. I should be okay for Kenpo later this week, yay.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    If I have a hard time with the kempo routines, I'll rewind it and try it again, but slower-just so that I can figure out the sequencing. I had the same problem with a step aerobics class... I felt like the village idiot because while everyone was going one direction, I was heading in the opposite. Don't get too discouraged, though. It does get better the more ya do it!!!:happy: