


  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've been doing the Lean program, too, and am going to switch to Classic once I hit my Phase 2. I think that I could really benefit from doing Plyometrics... Which isn't in any of the Lean's phases. I have my rest week starting in 4 days(YIPPEEEE!!!!) and am planning on making the switch. As for yoga... It's definitely getting better, but I can really start to have mean feelings towards Tony for doing everything and making it look easy...:explode:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess... I saw you got a polar f6 for your Valentine's day present... Do you have to wear a chest strap, or does it work with just a watch feature? And how do you like it? I want to get a HRM with a calories burned feature, but have no idea what to look for...

    Yep, I sure did! It has a chest strap and then the watch displays your heart rate, time, calories burned, etc. I LOVE it!!! :heart: Then you can use it to see how many calories you burn per workout, per day, per week, etc. It has all of the options that I wanted! Let me know if you have any more questions about it!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've seen some advertised without the chest strap-but I'm not too sure if they're as accurate as the one you have... I really don't think I want one that you need a strap for-I hate having anything rub against my skin while working out... But I definitely will check it out next time I go shopping.:tongue:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I've seen some advertised without the chest strap-but I'm not too sure if they're as accurate as the one you have... I really don't think I want one that you need a strap for-I hate having anything rub against my skin while working out... But I definitely will check it out next time I go shopping.:tongue:

    This one really just feels like the band of a bra (sorry, guys! :laugh: ), it fits right under your chest. I got it at http://www.polardiscount.com and it was free 2 day shipping. Cheaper than anywhere else I looked! HTH!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    How big is the chest strap? I'm not as teeny as you:sad: :sad:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    How big is the chest strap? I'm not as teeny as you:sad: :sad:

    :laugh: Aren't you sweet? They are adjustable and you can order a small, medium, large, etc. :wink:
  • jersygirl09
    I had trouble getting my diet in line. I started by doing the program with a group a the gym 3 days a week. Finally ordered my own copy and started the full program. I didn't really see any results with my weight until I got my calories under control. I worked with a coach from the P90X website and once we figured things out, I started to see results immediately. I lost 9# in 5 weeks and have 21 to go. Work with the diet from the P90X nutrition guide and if there are things you don't like try to find things you do and go with those. I found that the more variety I have, the easier it is for me to stick to my new lifestyle. Good luck!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    How big is the chest strap? I'm not as teeny as you:sad: :sad:

    :laugh: Aren't you sweet? They are adjustable and you can order a small, medium, large, etc. :wink:

    Thanks, Jess!!! I checked out the website, and I think I'm leaning more towards the version in black-I like guy's watches more then women because I tend to destroy any watch that I get my hands on... But this watch looks more durable than others I've seen. And the warranty isn't bad, either!!! Thanks a bunch for answering my questions. Where I live, it's hard to find anything unless you drive to a city about 3 hours away... We're kinda disconnected from any "real" shopping...:sad:
  • jtomlinson
    Today is my frist day with P90X and I can't wait to start seeing results. I watched all of the workouts this weekend to get a feel for what I would be doing and I am very excited about starting. My husband and I did Kempo X last night just for fun and had an amazing workout.
  • cjbranson
    Today is my frist day with P90X and I can't wait to start seeing results. I watched all of the workouts this weekend to get a feel for what I would be doing and I am very excited about starting. My husband and I did Kempo X last night just for fun and had an amazing workout.

    Congrats to you for deciding to do P90X!! You won't regret it! It is for sure one of the toughest things I've ever done but it has been well worth it. It's awesome that you and your hubby are doing it together because you will have instant accountability and support. My husband and I do it together and I don't think I could have made it this far on my own. We have been going strong for 45 days now and we plan on seeing this til the end. Nutrition has been key and we have really stuck to it. We both lost around 10lbs so far plus lots of inches and have gained muscle definition.

    I look forward to getting to know you better on here! Good luck and keep pushing play!!
  • cjbranson
    I had trouble getting my diet in line. I started by doing the program with a group a the gym 3 days a week. Finally ordered my own copy and started the full program. I didn't really see any results with my weight until I got my calories under control. I worked with a coach from the P90X website and once we figured things out, I started to see results immediately. I lost 9# in 5 weeks and have 21 to go. Work with the diet from the P90X nutrition guide and if there are things you don't like try to find things you do and go with those. I found that the more variety I have, the easier it is for me to stick to my new lifestyle. Good luck!

    Diet is definitely key... thanks for reminding us all of that! Awesome job... keep up the great work!
  • nicolet04
    Hey everyone!!!! i am going to start p90x today...and i am very intimidated, but excited! i was just wondering how much weight all of u have lost since starting the program??
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I had trouble getting my diet in line. I started by doing the program with a group a the gym 3 days a week. Finally ordered my own copy and started the full program. I didn't really see any results with my weight until I got my calories under control. I worked with a coach from the P90X website and once we figured things out, I started to see results immediately. I lost 9# in 5 weeks and have 21 to go. Work with the diet from the P90X nutrition guide and if there are things you don't like try to find things you do and go with those. I found that the more variety I have, the easier it is for me to stick to my new lifestyle. Good luck!

    Diet is definitely key... thanks for reminding us all of that! Awesome job... keep up the great work!

    Yep, you can throw all of your hard work away from the workouts if you aren't eating well. Fuel your body every 3 hrs or so, keep it lean w/ protein, good carb, and good fat, and drink your water!! Diet is about 80% of the equation!! :wink:
  • jtomlinson
    I posted earlier that today is my first day with P90X. My husband and Ihave just decided to take our honeymoon for our 1 year anniversary next month (also because I work at a school and that is my spring break) the week we go will be our 5th week into it. The week before we go is the rest week. Should I not have the rest week and have the rest week the week we are supposed to be gone? Or should I just continue on the plan as scheduled and pick up right where i left off when we get home? Hope I see some good results in 5 weeks so I will look good for my honeymoon.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    You will see that the rest week isn't really "rest" as most people think of it. It is a rest from the heavy weight lifting, but you still hit the cardio hard with Core Syn. and yoga twice each. I would suggest staying on track.

    Even though it is your honeymoon, try to find 1 hour a day that you can dedicate to exercise. Even if it is not P90X, try doing something that will burn some calories so you don't lose too much of your progress.

    You should see some significant results by then, so maybe that will motivate you to exercise some on your trip!

    Good luck!
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    Hey everyone!!!! i am going to start p90x today...and i am very intimidated, but excited! i was just wondering how much weight all of u have lost since starting the program??

    I didn't really lose any weight, but I went from around 23% body fat down to 16%. So I gained some muscle and lost some fat, exactly what I wanted!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    In 3 weeks of clean eating and 21/2 weeks of P90X I dropped 12 lbs... My weigh in day is tomorrow, so I'll let you know if I've gone down any more than that. The biggest difference that I've seen is in clothing-I wore a pair of jeans today that were really snug a month ago, and they were falling off of me today.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    MissResa- great work! Believe in the power of the X. You are going to be sooo fit in another 60 days. Results like these are what motivates all of us. Keep posting your progress.
  • kenewayne
    kenewayne Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all! Just caught up on reading the post again. Glad that everyone's sticking with it!! :drinker:

    Just wanted to drop a word of encouragement: I was getting so dissapointed because I wasn't seeing any weight loss, or noticable change. I'm not almost 1/2 way through, and started noticing a little change in the way I looked. So, this morning I stepped on the scale for the first time in probably a month and a half. I started at 205, and am now down to 191.5! I'm pumped to see the final results of this program!! Stick with your diet everyone!! Keep pushing play! These 2 components alone, will give you results to keep yourself motivated!

    And, no. I can't keep up with ANY of them in the DVD's! Much less "Jess" here in this thread! :happy: Just keep "doing your best, and FORGET the rest!"...Have a great day everyone!
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey guys, I haven't posted in a while, but I've been very loyal to the program, diet not so much. Lots of chicken, fish, veggies, but not by the book.....

    I'm on day 37 of the classic, and down 8 lbs., 3 inches in the waist and nearly 5% BODYFAT!!!!

    I love the program sooo much, guess who's the newest coach! Best of luck to you all. Anyone just starting to thinking about starting and still having doubts, let them go, it is the real deal!