


  • earltonmurphys
    Hi - iIve been thinking of buying P90X - did you buy it from BB? or ebay? It sounds like it's really worth it. Are the workouts each an hour long? Thanks - any help or advice you can give is appreciated.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Hi - iIve been thinking of buying P90X - did you buy it from BB? or ebay? It sounds like it's really worth it. Are the workouts each an hour long? Thanks - any help or advice you can give is appreciated.

    I am also thinking in doing P90x and interested in the answer...looks like $160 or so? is it worth it?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I actually bought it from-don't laugh at me-QVC... Tony Horton was actually a guest there, and they had a pretty good deal. It was the first purchase I've ever made from there, and they did a pretty good job of getting it to me quickly. I think I'd recommend ordering from BB, though, because they have more promotional offers. I wouldn't get it from Ebay, though, because someone on one of these threads already talked about one disk not working, and BB will not replace it because it wasn't purchased through them...

    There are a couple of people on this thread that are BB coaches... Jessmomof3 is one of them, the other gfr3228. They would be the people to talk to about buying the program... And the workouts are mostly 1 hr. long with the exception of yoga, which is a grueling 90 minutes:laugh: . Hope it helps!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Oh, and I bought mine for around 120...:tongue:
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    What is P90X?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi - iIve been thinking of buying P90X - did you buy it from BB? or ebay? It sounds like it's really worth it. Are the workouts each an hour long? Thanks - any help or advice you can give is appreciated.

    Yep, I bought from BB. Be careful buying from ebay or other sources, a lot of them are just burned copies and no manuals. If anyone is interested, I am a Team Beachbody coach (check my profile for my info). P90X is $120 but is a FULL workout program w/ 12 DVD's, manual, and nutrition guidelines. It is WELL worth the money spent, I've had mine almost 2 years now and it has gotten a LOT of use!

    Feel free to send me a msg or email if you have any questions!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    What is P90X?

    A 90 day home fitness program that will get you in awesome shape! Check the rest of the thread, there's lots of great info here! Let me know if you have questions!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    I am also thinking in doing P90x and interested in the answer...looks like $160 or so? is it worth it?

    It is $120, and YES it is well worth it! As I've stated before, it is an awesome program! It took me from not having much upper body strength (I was mainly just a runner before) to doing full pullups! And my hubby has lost 19# and is looking totally buff now!!

    I now have lots of relatives and friends that use P90X and ALL of them have seen results from it! You have to be ready to work hard and give yourself 90 days... you'll be glad you did! (summer is coming soon, I hope! :wink: )

  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey guys, wow what alot of interest!

    Like Jess said, it is WELL WORTH the money. It is alot of money up front, but if you consider the number of dvd's, all different workouts, it really not as much as it seems. It is by far the single best purchase I have made, and the only one that actually gave me the results I was looking. I'm on day 41 of my first round so I'm still fairly new, especially to repeaters like Jess (she's one of my roll models!)

    p90x is just one of many programs produced by beachbody.com. http://www.beachbody.com/category/id/27.do?code=KICKER_COMPARISONCHART#1 is a link to a comparison chart that compares each and every program they have. You can also review the success stories, which gives testimonials with real pics of people just like you and me that have used this program to change their lives!

    What ever you choose, do something! Visit the forums (for free!) and talk with others who are right now going through the program and see how great their results are. I can honestly say there is nobody in my forum (East Coast thread) that is pushing play that isn't seeing amazing results. Stop in and say hi. We've got people from repeaters all the way to some still waiting for their program, so you can get insight from every stage of the program.

    Make the decision to change your life, you will not regret it. We are always here to help if you need it, or email any questions you may have. Good luck, and always push play!
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Just ordered mine today, it's on it's way, my husband and I are doing this together, and I'm very excited. Thanks Jess for your support and info, here we go!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Just ordered mine today, it's on it's way, my husband and I are doing this together, and I'm very excited. Thanks Jess for your support and info, here we go!

    Yippeeeeee!!! I think it's awesome when you can get your spouse to do it with you-that extra accountability really helps to push things along!!! My husband is going to do it, but has a completely opposite schedule from me... So we can't do it at the same time:sad:

    You'll definitely feel the soreness, but if you ever think you're alone, start reading the earlier pages from this thread-you'll get some good insight on how people usually feel with this program, and we're all pretty good for a laugh, too.:bigsmile:
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Congratulations! You both are on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to go to the message boards and get to know some of the people there. You've got a wonderful opportunity doing this with a spouse, mine absolutely refuses, but the boards are more like entire families doing it together.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I can understand your wife's point of view... There are some things I can't do with my husband, either!!! Like running-he can run 6 miles without a problem(military man), but I'd have to have an ambulance pacing me if I even thought of attempting it... So I refuse to run with him:laugh: . Maybe after I complete this program a couple of times, I'll feel more comfortable:bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Just ordered mine today, it's on it's way, my husband and I are doing this together, and I'm very excited. Thanks Jess for your support and info, here we go!

    YEAH!!!!! I'm thrilled for you! It is awesome to work out with your spouse. For those of you that are wanting your spouse to join you, just start it and wait til they start seeing the results. They'll join in eventually. My hubby did and now he LOVES it! We just finished up Ab Ripper X together... woohoo! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I can understand your wife's point of view... There are some things I can't do with my husband, either!!! Like running-he can run 6 miles without a problem(military man), but I'd have to have an ambulance pacing me if I even thought of attempting it... So I refuse to run with him:laugh: . Maybe after I completely this program a couple of times, I'll feel more comfortable:bigsmile:

    Girl, you crack me up!!! I'm a runner but my hubby is not! I ran my 8 miles this morning... training for a half marathon in May!! :bigsmile: I'm feeling GREAT too! But... my hubby did say he might think about a 5K this summer... that would be so awesome to do together! Just keep at it! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Congratulations! You both are on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to go to the message boards and get to know some of the people there. You've got a wonderful opportunity doing this with a spouse, mine absolutely refuses, but the boards are more like entire families doing it together.

    I hope your wife joins you eventually! If not, you know there are lots of other great programs too. :bigsmile: Maybe she might like ChaLean Extreme better? I am loving it!
  • gfr3228
    gfr3228 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks Jess, that's what I'm hoping for a couple of reasons. Of course the main reason is her health. But I'd love for us to both go to the pool this summer and all of our old friends see the change in us both. What better sells pitch than a family of walking billboards!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Girl, you crack me up!!! I'm a runner but my hubby is not! I ran my 8 miles this morning... training for a half marathon in May!! :bigsmile: I'm feeling GREAT too! But... my hubby did say he might think about a 5K this summer... that would be so awesome to do together! Just keep at it! :bigsmile:

    Maybe that could be a goal for me... Same time next year, I could do a (short) marathon... I'd love to be a runner again-not since highschool-but have sprained both ankles twice, and feel every inch and pound when I start up again... But I was challenged to run on my treadmill by a friend, and was able to stay on it for twice as long without any breaks than I could six months ago... I honestly think that p90x has helped with my cardio that much...

    Jess-have you always been such an over-achiever?!! :laugh: Keep it up, chicky, you're making me feel lazy!!! Maybe I'll push harder the more I read your posts!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    Maybe that could be a goal for me... Same time next year, I could do a (short) marathon... I'd love to be a runner again-not since highschool-but have sprained both ankles twice, and feel every inch and pound when I start up again... But I was challenged to run on my treadmill by a friend, and was able to stay on it for twice as long without any breaks than I could six months ago... I honestly think that p90x has helped with my cardio that much...

    Jess-have you always been such an over-achiever?!! :laugh: Keep it up, chicky, you're making me feel lazy!!! Maybe I'll push harder the more I read your posts!!!

    Oh, no!! I was about 45# heavier than I am now in high school and couldn't even run a mile!! No joke!! So yeah, it was fun to go back to my HS reunion!! :laugh: Now I LOVE fitness and working out. It makes me feel great and I love training for races now. It keeps me motivated and gives me something to shoot for! It's amazing how P90X will get you in shape in so many ways you never thought possible! :bigsmile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    Maybe that could be a goal for me... Same time next year, I could do a (short) marathon... I'd love to be a runner again-not since highschool-but have sprained both ankles twice, and feel every inch and pound when I start up again... But I was challenged to run on my treadmill by a friend, and was able to stay on it for twice as long without any breaks than I could six months ago... I honestly think that p90x has helped with my cardio that much...

    Jess-have you always been such an over-achiever?!! :laugh: Keep it up, chicky, you're making me feel lazy!!! Maybe I'll push harder the more I read your posts!!!

    Oh, no!! I was about 45# heavier than I am now in high school and couldn't even run a mile!! No joke!! So yeah, it was fun to go back to my HS reunion!! :laugh: Now I LOVE fitness and working out. It makes me feel great and I love training for races now. It keeps me motivated and gives me something to shoot for! It's amazing how P90X will get you in shape in so many ways you never thought possible! :bigsmile:

    does P90x advocate clean eating? or does P90x concern anything with the nutrtion aspect? or is it just working out?