Stay-At-Home Moms 1/5-1/11



  • supermom1114
    Welcome DaniellaAnn and Jackobean29!!! Glad you've chosen to get healthy!!

    allenhm- I'm glad you've finally figured out it wasnt you it was your feet! Now you can push farther than ever! Hope things start looking up fincancially and hubby can find another job.

    lenece- Way to go on cleaning! I wish my LO let me have time to clean lol. Sorry I dont know any websites with printable exercises, only ones with videos.

    ok once again Ayden is waking up before I have time to post about my day.. ugh.. be back later
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    quick hey-- just so I don't lose the link--

    gotta run-- later!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    My first day keeping track of the my calories and it works. I mean I put in what I will be eating for dinner and now I know what kind of snacking I can do. I put in for dinner to have a glass of my favorite beverage "pepsi". I still ahve 200 for the rest of the night. I although not sure I did my dinner right. We are trying to new T.G.I. F chicken fajitas for dinner and it is in strips and not sure what that means. Does that include shell and peppers and chicken?? confused on that part. I did good today I think. I had a good lunch and it tasted great about 350 in calories!!! Hope this high on losing weight will last.

    Hi to all the newbies like me!!! Good luck and hope we can motivate ourselves to losing weight.:flowerforyou:
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    another mom with 6 kids....sooo good to hear, there should be a support group just for us!! whole new dynamic to fitting in exercise and healthy eating, when you have sooo many children!'s that many more plates I can eat off of.....shhhhhh! ;p
  • supermom1114
    Welcome fitchick!

    Ok Ok, Ayden just went to sleep so I can finally write lol. So Ayden for the past couple of nights has fallen asleep around 10 and then woken up again around 11 to eat a lot of food and then he falls back asleep for 3-4 hours, then the rest of the night hes up about every 2 1/2 hours, so its been nice to get longer stretches of sleep. Hes awake a bit more during the day but he does take naps often, they're just not lasting as long. Hes growing SO fast!!

    I've gotten my pushup work out in today and I re-did my situp initial test since I was doing them wrong, but I'm still confused about how high I'm supposed to go up, ugh I dunno. I'm going to do my first work out for that tonight so it stays on track with the push up work outs. I still need to do some strength training but I think I'm going to wait for Ayden to wake back up, feed him, and then use him as a weight/have play time with him. Then he'll prob fall asleep for a bit again, then I plan on napping, and when he wakes back up again, feed him and then give him a bath and then put him in his Ohio State onesie for the Fiesta Bowl tonight! Then hopefully he'll fall asleep again or hubby will be home to take him so I can cook sloppy joes for the game tonight. Then during tduring each commercial break of the game I plan on doing either, lunges, squats, calf raises, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, or w/e else I can think of lol

    I've been SO tempted to weigh myself today!! but I'm trying to wait for tomorrow when I weigh in for the biggest loser. Well, I'm going to go eat my afternoon snack and then maybe get a 15-20min power nap if Ayden stays asleep, X fingers crossed X

    oh yea and GO BUCKEYES!!! lol even though I live in Texas my dads from Ohio and all my fam is up there
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wowzers...okay here is my best attempt at catching up. If I miss someone I apologize.

    Welcome to the Newbies-gottaluvboys, Amanda, MrsBuzz, Tanya, Connie, mommabuzz, daniella, Jackobean and fitchick.

    Sorry to all of you that have sick kids right now. I totally understand, DD is cutting teeth and has a cold so she is super stuffy and not sleeping well. We've raised her matteress a little so she's sleeping on an incline but it doesn't help much. Nap was in her car seat, it worked :smile:

    Supermom-good for you for joining the challenges. My hubby and I are starting the 100 push up challenge today. I'm not sure I'm ready :noway: I'm sorry your little one still isn't sleeping well. It does get better for a while and then they get mobile and moving is WAY more important than sleeping.

    Dana-sorry you aren't feeling well. My son's name is Drevan (duh hence the screen name)...can I ask how you came up with that name? I know of 2 other Draven's, one in my son's school and a friend of a friend of a friend etc etc. By the way you are not nutz about cleaning...I'm not a neat freak by any means but my house must be in order. Everything has it's place and if its outta place aaaahhhhh FIX IT!!! :wink:

    Sara-baseball has never been my thing....doesn't hold my interest. Football however WAHOO!!! and I cheer for the losingest (is that a word??) team ever....the Raiders!! I agree with you about babies...LOVE babies until they turn 3 and then look out. My son didn't do terrible 2s but he certainly had the terrible 3s and oddly enough hasn't grown out of them 3 years later UGH

    MM-I hope you are giving yourself time to heal. I'm sure that getting back to your normal routine will help you feel better but dont over do it. I too would like to see pics of Alexs bed

    Amanda-What part of ID are you in? We woke up to about 2 inches and it's continued to snow all day. Next time I shovel I'm wearing my HRM so I know how many calories I burn.

    Lisa-Welcome Back!

    MrsBuzz and Tanya-Here's your kick in the butt!!! Motivation has to come from within. Find the reasons you want to workout and eat healthy and then DO IT! Whether its superficial like wanting to wear skinny jeans or a bikini or what have you or if its health related, figure out what your motivator is and get moving.

    MrsBuzz-Like 3BB said Turbo Jam is amazing. I love the workouts, they are fun and "dance" like and the time goes by quickly. Look on Amazon or craigslist if you are worried about cost, but if you want to buy in a set, get them thru

    allenhm-Welcome back. When my son learned to crawl he started with an army crawl (all arms no legs). When he finally figured out how to use his knees, he would crawl for a minute or two and then fall to his tummy and army crawl again because it was much quicker. As your son figures out walking he will do it more. Kids use the fastest way they know and for him right now it's crawling.

    I did it!!! I made it through everyone. Now I have to go shovel more snow.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Okay here's the bed pictures. Thomas is the foot board:

    Here is the bed base (standing up on end). There will be three drawers on each side:

    And on each drawer will be a wheel with a black knob for him to pull them open:

    And the headboard will basically be half of the cab. Well, this picture is actually a side rail.I still have to paint this and put a yellow "1" on it, but it gives you an idea. There will be a shelf (roof) on the top of the cab.

    It's been a lot of fun to paint. My DH enjoyed cutting the pieces and will enjoy putting it together. It will be big and probably heavy. I still have quite a bit of work to do, but I really hope we can get it done in February!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    ok, well its been day 1 and I am already starting to think about giving up. My awesome hubby is so great, he's like don't give up honey you have tomorrow. I just want to go eat everything and anything. I am trying to be strong, but who knows. I am hoping I can stick it out and be strong!!! I just need to vent!! thanks
  • supermom1114
    Mrsbuzz, try chewing cinnamon gum when you get a craving I read somewhere its supposed to suppress appetite and it works for me,

    MM- That bed is AMAZING! Good Job!

    Ok so My dad me n hubby are all sittin around watchin the fiesta bowl and eating dinner. Hubby was feeding Ayden while I was eating and when I got done I took him and fed him so hubby could eat. Then Ayden was done eating, I burped him and then he was content to sit in my lap and watch the football gane. All the sudden I feel something warm through my pants... yep I'm sure you guessed it, poo was leaking all over my pant leg and even all the way down it to the couch. Unbelievable!! Hes never had a blowout this bad. I guess since his growth spurt is over and my breasts are producing more and so hes eating more his poop is going to be way bigger now, ugh it was a mess but quite funny lol

    Well I hope ya'lls night is going better than mine :bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    ok, well its been day 1 and I am already starting to think about giving up. My awesome hubby is so great, he's like don't give up honey you have tomorrow. I just want to go eat everything and anything. I am trying to be strong, but who knows. I am hoping I can stick it out and be strong!!! I just need to vent!! thanks

    In the end, is all up to you. But think about this: Next Christmas you could be where you want to be. You could take those Christmas pictures with pride, and buy some new sexy lingere! :love: OR you could be exactly where you are now, still unhappy with your weight. Choose to be healthy. :flowerforyou: All the wonderful, sucessful women on this site are MUCH happier being thinner than they were eatting poorly.

    Some ideas to combat craving anything and everything:

    Chew Big Red or similar gum
    Brush your teeth
    Drink water! {Do this anyway} :wink:
    Eat a pickle
    Have several small meals instead of a few big ones - then you can aways look forward to eating!
    Log the calories BEFORE you eat them. See if you still want it as badly.
    Calculate how much you COULD loose in 5 weeks if you ate right {use that nifty MFP daily log button}
    Visualize your body being healthier. This one in particular works for me. Its like they do with cancer patients - they ask them to visualize the cancer cells disappearing and their body healing. It helps the process. Think about whats REALLY going on in your body when you eat poorly as opposed to when you eat well and exercise!

    Just a few thoughts. I really want you to make it. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • supermom1114
    Some ideas to combat craving anything and everything:

    Chew Big Red or similar gum
    Brush your teeth

    Those two work wonderfully for me!!

    Ok well ladies, I'm off to bed, Ayden did the same routine hes been doing, asleep at 10, awake a bit later eat a lot, then off to bed by 11!! Yay!! I hope this habit sticks around as well as the sleeping 4 hours first then 3ish then 2 1/2, its made such a difference to get just a bit more sleep!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Mrsbuzz, try chewing cinnamon gum when you get a craving I read somewhere its supposed to suppress appetite and it works for me,

    MM- That bed is AMAZING! Good Job!

    Ok so My dad me n hubby are all sittin around watchin the fiesta bowl and eating dinner. Hubby was feeding Ayden while I was eating and when I got done I took him and fed him so hubby could eat. Then Ayden was done eating, I burped him and then he was content to sit in my lap and watch the football gane. All the sudden I feel something warm through my pants... yep I'm sure you guessed it, poo was leaking all over my pant leg and even all the way down it to the couch. Unbelievable!! Hes never had a blowout this bad. I guess since his growth spurt is over and my breasts are producing more and so hes eating more his poop is going to be way bigger now, ugh it was a mess but quite funny lol

    Well I hope ya'lls night is going better than mine :bigsmile:

    Ahhh-- the breast milk blowouts-- they're classic, supermom-- get used to them. Blechhh. You're pretty much stuck with them until you start him on some cereal.
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone. I need to rant, so pardon me for a minute.

    I think I may understand why some women choose careers. At least they get rewarded and acknowledged for their efforts. Let me explain.

    My husband is about to finish his last semester for his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. During this time, although he is a full-time Dad and has a small business in the summer, our main, steady income comes from me working. But to work from home and raise a family, I get up at 3 a.m. six days a week and work until kids get up and I get them out the door. Then I try and find a couple more hours throughout the day to work in between errands, housework, and volunteering at the school. My day usually ends at about 10:30-11 o'clock at night. I haven't minded supporting my husband's efforts at all because I'm excited for him (Did I mention that he only went back to school at 29).

    Here is my rant. He wants to go back to school for his Masters AND PhD. :mad: Seriously? I mean, I think alot of my weight gain has occurred because of lack of sleep and stress. He said he would work part-time, go to school. When will he have time for the family? Last semester, he was the most unreliable person around because he was so bogged down with school.

    On Sunday night, I voiced my concern about him going back to school any time soon and basically begged him to just work full time for awhile so that I can recharge. To him, I am being unsupportive of his dreams. He says to me, "I'm not unsupportive of your dreams and goals". I thought maybe he was referring to the fact that I take an hour a day when my family is otherwise occupied in school and go to the gym, so I asked him what my dreams and goals are. He says to me "you know, like your job". Are you for real? The job I do so that we have food on the table, a house over our head? The job I do at 3 a.m. in the morning so that it does not take away time from my family and then push myself through the rest of my day? Needless to say, I called him some not nice names and just started bawling. I told him that if he could go to school at 3 o'clock in the morning and it wouldn't take away any time from the family or his full-time job (he doesn't acknowledge that being a SAHM is actually my full-time job), then I'd be fine with it.

    Anyway, I haven't really been able to talk to him since, I am so hurt and angry. He is really is a wonderful man, but :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: It doesn't help that yesterday was the five year anniversary of my wonderful father's death, a man that would take my mom flowers almost every week and coffee every day while she worked at H&R Block because he appreciated how hard she was working for them. I guess I didn't marry my Dad.

    Anyway, thank you for listening. Been holding it in for two days, but when the feeling was there this morning, I decided I would use your guys to let it out and hopefully get past it. Have a great day!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Now for something completely different:

    Good morning everyone.

    Amanda, I looked up some stuff about Rett Syndrome. I can only imagine how difficult is must be to have a child with limitations when you no doubt see the constant potential and inspiration inside them. Your child is very fortunate to have a mother who stays at home to do home schooling to give all three of them the special time and attention they need.

    Daniella, glutten for punishment? Just kidding. Your own and someone else's kids? Wow. You work more than a career woman from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and that's not including when the other kids go home. Hopefully when the weather is better you can get everyone outside.

    Supermom, here's hoping Ayden was peacefully sleeping for you last night and giving you a chance to catch up (do we ever really catch up) on some much needed rest.

    MM- Thinking about you and hoping you're doing okay.

    Good morning 3babybeans. Hope your morning started off well.

    Good morning to all I have missed. And welcome to all the newbies. Great to have support and encouragement.

    I hope everyone has a great day. Back to the grind of work until the first pitter-patter of feet. :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    iftcheiaf - I have BEEN there. My husband & I went around & around & around for a good couple years about going to grad school after he finished his bachelor's degree. His final semester, I finally talked him out of it. I seriously just couldn't handle another 3+ years of having a husband/father non-existant. The last semester, he didn't see the kids Mon-Thur for pete's sake! I so understand. *hugs* I hope your husband sees your side of things quickly. It is so difficult, and I didn't even work at all! I couldn't imagine what you're going through!

    Supermom - Yum! Poop blow outs! Zeke had those until he was nearly 2. Didn't met a diaper he didn't abuse.

    Allenhm - Good advice! Glad to see you back! What are you doing working from home? I hope dh finds a job very soon!

    Mrsbuzz - Hang in there! It was just one day. It might not click overnight for you, but you can do this! You have a great support network on here if you ever fall backwards. I hope to see you posting again today!

    MM - That bed ROCKS! You are very talented! Can't wait to see it put together!

    Hello, Marla! :flowerforyou:

    Lyn - WTG keeping up with everyone! The only way I managed yesterday was posting as they posted. LOL

    Hope to see everyone back this morning!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin ladies...I got my house cleaned but didnt I am not feelin to good again today..I ate n feel like crap..I feel like I'm shaking on the inside and its not my blood sugar I checked so its good..I ahve a massive headache again...I dont know I just want to go back to bed and thats where I'm goin when I get done with this..UGHHHHHHHHHH

    Dravens_mom---My ex husband n I came up with the name kinda on our own we was researching names and he found it liked it cuz Draven is a latin form for dragons and he loved dragons so we came up with Draven..Now our daughter too has a unquie name..Ayona---means eternal bloom of a flower and u pronounce it A-On-ya and its Cherroke Indian..Then her middle name is Lenece which is also mine Ayona is the fourth generation of Lenece and its prnounced Lanece but splet great grandmother picked that name out of the air many years ago..
    Welcome all you new moms to our thread..I love this group of ladies, they are all so helpfull here..Also once again I dont know if anyone seen it in my last post but I am looking for a site to print off excercises for a friend of mine who has no access to the net..If anyone could help I would appericate it...
    Well I'm off of here..I'm goin to go back to bed..I dont feel well..Talk to you all later..
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning (not so sure about the good part)...the little guy is definitely sick. I got about 30 minutes of sleep last night and a few hours the night before. It has been such a long winter already:grumble:

    Allenhm...wonderful advice-you rock!

    Mrsbuzz...we can do this together. I'm just starting off too. This board seems great and the motivation is awesome:smile:

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone!! Well my son is back in school, so now its just me and my lil guy who is 2. I am thinking about working out today. I am still struggling with my food for the day. I already have my dinner in and it's a lot of calories for dinner. Then as I was ready some messages today, I thought about my lunch time and how I was trying to eat to much. I can eat half at a earlier time then the rest later and make my calories go further. So I am so thankful for you all and all your tips. I don't have to do this alone and I praise God for this site!!

    Thanks all!!!! xoxoxoxo:flowerforyou:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Hey everyone, and especially to all the new joiners on our little thread.

    I was busy yesterday, and I've been dealing with the worst case of sore boobs for the past week (I know, I know, TMI) which has left me with paranoia about the P (and I don't mean period) word. And then this morning, I had some debilitating nausea that only lasted an hour. So I don't know. I've been trying to find a bigger house to buy than the one we were dead set on, because it only had 700 square feet. Not enough for 2 adults AND 2 kiddies. Might have found one yesterday, so keep your fingers crossed.

    I don't have time right now to respond to everybody (you guys went crazy yesterday!!!! :bigsmile: ) but I'll try sometime soon. All I can remember from what I read is the CUTE Thomas the tank engine bed. Did you paint that yourself, MM?

    Have a good day ladies!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    I pray for all the sick babies! That is so hard to deal with! I pray for strength and grace for the mommies to get through it!
    Thanks for the comments on the bed! I will post pictures when I am done.
    I haven't had time to read all the posts, but I hope everyone is well, and well vented, and on the way up!
    I am sore today! Yipee! Not really sore but sore I don't know why the back of my thighs are sore. Hmm. Today will either be a walk or Shred level 1. Depends on the weather.
    I need to get us breakfast, so talk to you all later!