Stay-At-Home Moms 1/5-1/11



  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Okay, so I am a little discouraged!! I tried to workout today to Denise Austin's bootcamp, so not ready for that yet. It really shows you how out of shape you are. I couldn't even finish the 20min workout. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do other then walking to get my muscles stronger so I can eventually do the bigger workouts.
  • CPascoe2519
    CPascoe2519 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Everyone.
    My name is Cyndi.
    I am a stay at home mom, and fairly new to MFP.
    I have a 2 year old little girl, and a would be 7 Month Old Baby Boy who passed away a few months ago.
    I hope to get to know you ladies better soon!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member

    I am so frustrated. Dummy me thought that walking around not talking to your husband was a bad thing, so I explain to him why I was so hurt. His next comment was "so what are you hurt about?". When I was a kid, this poem went through my mind alot. Sucks that I'm thinking of it now as an adult.

    I'm Nobody! Who are you?
    Are you-Nobody-too?
    Then there's a pair of us!
    Dont tell! they'd banish us-you know!

    How dreary-to be-Somebody!
    How public-like a Frog-
    To tell your name-the livelong June
    To an admiring Bog!

    askl;dfjasklwefjrasl;kdfjaskl;dfjkl;asefjasklefjaskl;efj :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Good news is, I am so upset, my appetite is non-existent. No binging here.

    Sorry guys. Just didn't know where else to go.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi Baysmom!! I am new here to. This is my second day here and I love it. There is a lot of support and great tips to get you going. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    Sorry to hear about the lose of your little one.

    iftcheiaf- sorry to hear your day is going bad.!!! I hope things work out fo u!!!:flowerforyou:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Welcome Baysmom, this is a wonderful site and there is a lot of support here:flowerforyou: Sorry to hear about the lose of your son.

    mrsbuzz--I have been doing Walk Away The Pounds, I don't feel like it is just walking cause she adds some stretchy bands to it and other movements then just walking. Just and idea.

    mm--I love that Thomas bed, I have a few boys that would love it also:happy:

    iftcheiaf-- sorry to hear about the arguement between you and your husband, I do pray for you that it will be resolved sooner than later.

    Not remember what else I read but I hope all of you mommies that were up during the night with sick babies or even just up feeding babies I hope you can get some rest during the day today. HUGS to all.

    I had a good first day and now I am waiting for Elizabeth to finish watching her movie so I can get my workout in, so I suppose while she is watching that I will have breakfast. I had my ff cappuccino and a banana while milking the cows this morning so now I need to get something else. Hope everyone has a great day:flowerforyou:

    Lisa:drinker: (morning cup of coffee)
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Sorry I am posting like a mad house. I am addicted I guess!! I was wondering how to add my cardio time in with a dvd, any ideas???
  • supermom1114
    oh man I've got to catch up again....

    Marla- Thanks so much for the info lol ugh I'm so not looking forward to more blowouts, yuck :sick: :sad: :sick:

    iftcheiaf- Sorry about hubby, hope things get better. My hubby right now works full time and when he complains about not having enough money and I tell him to stop eating out for lunch and stop buying little crap for his motorcycle he just says "Well I work, I should be able to eat out" ugh it ticks me off that he has this mindset that he deserves a little extra play money because hes the one earning it when I'm at home with Ayden all day and as of Jan 14 will be starting online classes too. Ugh, it makes me want to get a part time job in the evenings when my mom can watch Ayden so that I can have a little money for myself to maybe get my nails or my hair done, or be able to run and get a starbucks when I'd like to, ugh I hate having to ask him for money... but someday I'll be a geneticist making 6 digits and he'll be an air traffic controller making 6 digits and we wont have to argue over money or be so stressed about it. I just have to keep in mind that he is very supportive of me going to school and med schoo eventually so I guess I should be thankful for that:ohwell:

    3BB- Great more good news, you and Marla are really lifting my spirits about this whole getting pooped on thing lol I just gotta get through two more years of it, yay..... haha:laugh:

    lenece- I LOVE your daughters name... I may have to steal it someday if I ever have a little girl. I'm part Cherokee Indian and I wish I could've found a boys name in Cherokee that I liked but I found one in Sioux Indian for his middle name, Takoda, it means friend to all and I really want all of my children to have Native American middle names. OK now get yourself to bed and rest for awhile! I hope you start feeling better:flowerforyou:

    gottaluvboyz- I'm right there with yaon the lack of sleep, Ayden got to sleep about the same time as always and slept for about 3 hours but after that he was up what seems like every hour, maybe hour n a half, ugh I havent had a night like this in a while, its just wiped me out. I hope your little boy starts feeling better soon and you can get some rest!:flowerforyou:

    mrsbuzz-Stay on track with your calories! Diet really is the most important component of losing weight! And just keep trying to keep up with the work out video, take breaks if you need to, eventually you'll be able to do the whole thing.

    Loki- I hope you get the house you want!! And good luck with the P word, hope it works out which ever way you'd like

    MM- YAY for being sore and still wanting to get a work out in, good job! Hope your feeling well and your day goes good:happy:

    Cyndi- Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one. I hope you find encouragment and support from this board its a group of wonderful ladies:happy:

    Lisa- Hope you enjoy your breakfast and work-out, have a great day!

    Ok SO was up a lot last night, ugh I barely got to sleep n the sleep that I did get wasnt great. I hope he naps a lot today so I can get some rest! But on the upside I've lost another 3lbs!!!! And I'm over half way to my goal, only 2lbs over but w/e!! I'm so glad i'm losing weight even though the intensities of my workouts arent as hard as I'd like, but i'm following the heart rate zones my Polar F6 gives me so hopefully I'll be working harder soon! I'm so excited I lost another 3 lbs! woo-hoo!! That just made my day, even if I am tired lol. Well today is my cardio day so I'll be going for a powerwalk and I've already got my cals planned out today too so I'm set. Yay! ok I cant stop smiling because of those 3lbs!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good morning all you moms. I went and did my work out this morning and I am sore now. To much weights, and pushups and planks but I am happy I did them. I think my daughter wants a BOSU... Lol she saw one in the hallway at the rec center and she kept poking at it and looking at me and saying something ( she is only 17 mths so cant quite understand her yet). I was like yes we are going to get one soon.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! Glad you are here! More posts to keep up with! :laugh:
    Loki, My husband did all the cutting for the bed and I am doing the painting. We've never done anything like this before so I am really pleased with how it's turning out! Alex is pretty "whatever" about everything so it would be nice if he showed some kind of excitement for it when we get it done and set up. lol. Oh well, it's fun anyway. I think after it's done, if we like it and want to do more then we might make a bookcase for his room or something.

    Ok, here's something for you all to be praying about for us. We are seriously looking into adopting a child or two from Russia. We were talking about it before we found out about our pregnancy and it kind of went on the back burner. But now that we aren't not expecting anymore, we are really looking into it. It's something we feel the Lord has laid on our hearts to do. We still want to try again in 4-6 months to get pregnant again. We haven't given up on that. My husband is building a website for donations and to tell people our story and keep them up to date on our progress in the adoption process. As you all probably know, it is very expensive to adopt ($20k-40k) and there's no way we can come up with the money ourselves to do it. I know if it's the Lord's will He will provide every last penny to make this happen. It could take anywhere from 4 months to over a year, so it also requires patience on my part. We are considering an older girl (maybe around 5) so I will need to learn Russian, so I can communicate with her. I am open to two children, one older than Alex and one younger. I could write a whole bunch on this, but I will stop there. I just want to get our prayer request out there. There are grants out there that I imagine we will apply for too. We'll see what the Lord wants to do and where He wants to lead us. It's kind of exciting and gets my mind wrapped around something other than our loss.
    I've written enough for now. BBL!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Does anyone have a problem falling asleep at night. My hubby used to work 3rd so I had the bet to myself, but now he is on 1st and is in my bed. I have always had a hard time going to sleep, but the last few nights its up to 2 hour. I have this problem where my brain doesn't shut off and I think of everything and anything. From things I have to do, to stupid stuff. Any one have ideas to help me sleep. I dont' want to take meds because I want to be able to wake up if the children need me, but I want to sleep. I havent' sleep solid in a long time. Even when the kids are gone to grandma's overnight, I can never sleep a night straigh through!!! Help is needed!! Thanks!!!:yawn:
  • TanyaH
    TanyaH Posts: 23
    Does anyone have a problem falling asleep at night. My hubby used to work 3rd so I had the bet to myself, but now he is on 1st and is in my bed. I have always had a hard time going to sleep, but the last few nights its up to 2 hour. I have this problem where my brain doesn't shut off and I think of everything and anything. From things I have to do, to stupid stuff. Any one have ideas to help me sleep. I dont' want to take meds because I want to be able to wake up if the children need me, but I want to sleep. I havent' sleep solid in a long time. Even when the kids are gone to grandma's overnight, I can never sleep a night straigh through!!! Help is needed!! Thanks!!!:yawn:

    Mrsbuzz -- I have had that problem too... I just think and think and think... I find wine helps - LOL no seriously. My husband tells me that if I would get more active that would help my sleeping. So there is another reason to "Walk Away the pounds: -

    Well Ladies... I didnt look at this since yesterday and man I missed a lot. Reading to catch up. All great stuff here and I thank you!! My husband did one of the P 90 X videos last night. It was chest and abs... MAN OH MAN. I am a long way off from that - I may just try to do the girly push ups... I dont want the bye bye arms - :wink:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    MM...prayers coming your way! Wishing you the very best...what an incredible journey that will be:flowerforyou:
  • TanyaH
    TanyaH Posts: 23
    MM -- You will be on my prayer list... what a great example of faith in the Lord... if it is His will he will make a way.
  • supermom1114
    Does anyone have a problem falling asleep at night. My hubby used to work 3rd so I had the bet to myself, but now he is on 1st and is in my bed. I have always had a hard time going to sleep, but the last few nights its up to 2 hour. I have this problem where my brain doesn't shut off and I think of everything and anything. From things I have to do, to stupid stuff. Any one have ideas to help me sleep. I dont' want to take meds because I want to be able to wake up if the children need me, but I want to sleep. I havent' sleep solid in a long time. Even when the kids are gone to grandma's overnight, I can never sleep a night straigh through!!! Help is needed!! Thanks!!!:yawn:

    I used to have this problem back in highschool, I was an overacheiver and so worried about everything I had to get done. So I started writing everything down in a "Poo-to-Doo" List lol, I dunno I just made a silly name. Basically I had things split up into categories like School, Home, Church, JROTC, CAP, all of my activities n stuff and wrote down under each one what I needed to do in that field. If there was a deadline i'd write that down too. I'd keep the paper on my desk and cross off stuff when I got them done and jot new stuff down and eventually you have to sit down again and rewrite it with new stuff. Hope that helps, now I still randomly make these lists and usually lose them but it just takes the stuff out of my mind enough to destress me. Hope that helps!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    4 pgs and it's only Tuesday hahaha what a wonderful group!

    Loki-P word....hope it turns out that it is or isn't depending on your wishes :flowerforyou:

    MM-the bed is wonderful. You and your hubby have done a wonderful job. I think it's wonderful that you are considering adoption. Learning Russian should be interesting, but what a wonderful gift you could give two children. Good luck in that journey.

    Supermom-Blowouts hahaha oh the fun has just begun. I found the worst thing for blowouts is a diaper that is too big or not on properly cuz then the stuff just has more room to escape. Congrats on your 3 lbs. That's amazing. Keep up the good work.

    MrsBuzz-glad to see your still posting. Don't give up. If you need some motivation find Tam's story and look at before and after pics in the success threads. As for suggestions on how to fall asleep faster, I have the same problem. My brain just spins in circles when I lay down. Some nights if its really really bad I get up and write it all down. That way if any of it is truely important, I'll have it to look at in the morning. Maybe exercising an hour or so before bed will help you.

    Baysmom-welcome and sorry to hear about your loss (hugs)

    Dana-I didn't know that it meant dragons. I actually picked it up from the movie The Crow. the main characters name is Eric Draven...but I decided to switch the vowels around so that we could call him Dre for short. My daughters name is Adara (dar not dare). I like uncommon names, I think it helps build character. My son is correcting people all the time and then he spells it for them (he's 6). I think because my name is different and I was continually correcting people it made me proud of my name and myself, so I wanted to bestow that curse/pride in my kids as well. My name is Lyn'l (like Lynelle, but without all the letters). Because of the apostrophe people are constantly saying it wrong. Lyn L it's not that difficult hahaha.
    By the way did you get your Shred DVD yet? or is it coming THIS Thurs?? I started yesterday and boy am I sore today!!

    Marla nice to see you.

    Other Newbies-it's nice to see you return. Stick with it. You will see results.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Back for the 10th time today, lol!!! I am to the point where I feel hungry all the time. I am trying to eat small and little, but I just want to eat. Today I had/...

    Weight watcher-blueberry muffin
    ocean spray craizians(spelling)

    worked out:tried to

    Triscuit -reduced fat (7 crackers)
    w/ american single sliced cheese Melted on them

    now I am hungry again so I guess I will eat my lunch which will be a whole wheat tortilla wrap with lettuce, spanish, red and green pepper, salsa, and ranch dressing. yes is the orignal but I use like a Tablespoon. Yummy!!!!

    So my question is what do you all eat so when you get to dinner and it's not the healthiest you don't go over your calories??? Need suggestions.

    Sorry to have this long reply, just gettin discouraged!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Does anyone have a problem falling asleep at night. My hubby used to work 3rd so I had the bet to myself, but now he is on 1st and is in my bed. I have always had a hard time going to sleep, but the last few nights its up to 2 hour. I have this problem where my brain doesn't shut off and I think of everything and anything. From things I have to do, to stupid stuff. Any one have ideas to help me sleep. I dont' want to take meds because I want to be able to wake up if the children need me, but I want to sleep. I havent' sleep solid in a long time. Even when the kids are gone to grandma's overnight, I can never sleep a night straigh through!!! Help is needed!! Thanks!!!:yawn:

    You need to have seven more children-- :wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sorry 2nd part...I knew I was forgetting someone...oh yes the one that brought me to tears....

    iftcheiaf-I literally broke into tears reading your post. I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time right now. I can't imagine working from home. I've thought about it several times but I know myself and I know that I just wouldn't find the time or motivation to do it. You have some amazing dedication and strength to do that. I'm sure your kids have no idea how great they have it right now, but when they get older they will see all the sacrifices you made to be there for them and still keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. As for your hubby....why is it that men dont dive into the family/supporter/parental role like us women do??? When my daughter was born my hubby and I argued for months because he wasn't here or he didn't help around the house or whatever. We sacrifice everything to be EVERYTHING for our family and our hubbys. They think that just cuz they go to work/go to school/have a plan for the future etc etc nothing else matters. Right now doesn't matter. UGH!!! I think it is a never ending battle between hubs and wifes. I hope that you and your hubby can work things out. Hopefully he will see your need for a break and put off his plans for a bit so that you can destress....even if its only for 6 months or a year. I think you've earned it.

    Started the 30 day shred yesterday and the 100 push up challenge....boy am I sore!!! I don't know how I'm gonna make it thru my workout today but I'm going to do my best. Must go get it done while daughter is sleeping...then I have to go shovel more snow....I don't know why they say we have another storm coming...I love winter :grumble:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MrsBuzz I don't know what your calorie intake is for the day but this is what I do: I have never been able to do small meals thru out the day. I'm a 3 squares a day kinda person. So I divide my calories almost equally between my meals. So if you are on 1200 cals a day, eat 400 cals per meal. If you don't eat that many then you have more for the next meal. Eat a big breakfast! Your body needs fuel after not having anything since dinner. Drink water. Exercise. The more calories you burn the more you can eat. I love burning over 500 cals in a workout cuz I know I can add those into dinner or even better DESSERT!!!!! Read the "educational" posts on here about eating your calories and exercise calories. Educate yourself about how your body burns calories and find more efficient foods to eat. Don't beat yourself up, you are just getting started. The weight didn't show up over night, it's not gonna come off that way either.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Sorry 2nd part...I knew I was forgetting someone...oh yes the one that brought me to tears....

    iftcheiaf-I literally broke into tears reading your post. I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time right now. I can't imagine working from home. I've thought about it several times but I know myself and I know that I just wouldn't find the time or motivation to do it. You have some amazing dedication and strength to do that. I'm sure your kids have no idea how great they have it right now, but when they get older they will see all the sacrifices you made to be there for them and still keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. As for your hubby....why is it that men dont dive into the family/supporter/parental role like us women do??? When my daughter was born my hubby and I argued for months because he wasn't here or he didn't help around the house or whatever. We sacrifice everything to be EVERYTHING for our family and our hubbys. They think that just cuz they go to work/go to school/have a plan for the future etc etc nothing else matters. Right now doesn't matter. UGH!!! I think it is a never ending battle between hubs and wifes. I hope that you and your hubby can work things out. Hopefully he will see your need for a break and put off his plans for a bit so that you can destress....even if its only for 6 months or a year. I think you've earned it.

    Started the 30 day shred yesterday and the 100 push up challenge....boy am I sore!!! I don't know how I'm gonna make it thru my workout today but I'm going to do my best. Must go get it done while daughter is sleeping...then I have to go shovel more snow....I don't know why they say we have another storm coming...I love winter :grumble:

    I tried to find the 30 day shred but couldn't find it, where did you get yours??