Stay-At-Home Moms 1/5-1/11



  • andrewamym
    Hi Everyone!

    I just joined this morning. I'm hoping and praying that 2009 will finally be my year of success in losing weight and KEEPING it off! My husband is on board this time, so that should help! I can't "be good" on my own...he's the heaviest he's ever been and he's ready to get it off for good also.
    I stay at home with Kindyl (4) and Kade (2)...I just started watching my best friends' kids, Avary (4) and Sloan (1), I'm really busy! I'm hoping that connecting with some people like me will help me to stay motivated :wink:

    I turn 29 on Leap Year and will be the big 3-0 in 2010!! So, I REALLY am motivated to be foxy by 30!!!
    Wish me luck!

  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Welcome aboard Amy:flowerforyou: This is a great group of women and they are all here to help. It does sound like you have your hands full during the day.

  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi Amy!! Welcome, I am a newbie to and so far this is the best thing I have found!!! Everyone is super great and so motivating.. Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • supermom1114
    Welcome Amy!! You're going to love this site and this board, lots of support and motivation.
  • TanyaH
    TanyaH Posts: 23

    Started the 30 day shred yesterday and the 100 push up challenge....boy am I sore!!! I don't know how I'm gonna make it thru my workout today but I'm going to do my best. Must go get it done while daughter is sleeping...then I have to go shovel more snow....I don't know why they say we have another storm coming...I love winter :grumble:

    Ok what is the 30 day shred?????
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    I don't personally have it but it is a work out dvd with Jillian Michaels, I hear the ladies talk about it and it sounds really good but I can't convince my husband to let me get it when I just bought the BL carido max with bob and the sculpting dvd with Jillian so I am stuck with those for now.

    Tanya by the way how are the roads doing? Are they getting any better? Ours are getting worse actually cause the sun is melting what is on top and then when it gets cooler in the afternoon it makes it icy again:grumble: Very glad to see the sun out toady though.:happy:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    30 day shred is a workout dvd with Jillian from the biggest loser. it's a 20 minute workout in circuit form. It's a good workout. I got mine for Christmas but I'm pretty sure you can get them at Walmart or Target or online.

    Welcome Amy.
  • CPascoe2519
    CPascoe2519 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all so much!
    I'm sure to find motivation and support around you ladies!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Drevans_mom---I'm playing the waiting game on my dvd..It was shipped out yesterday..WOO HOO now I just have to watch the mail box..I hate waiting...:angry: Yeah thats what Draven means..I love it..His name is actually Henry Draven but we call him Draven..Henry is after my granfather who passed away 9 yrs ago...Draven cracks me up when he tells ppl his name..Its like "I'm Henry Draven Harrison, but you have to call me Draven"...Its so cute when he says it..Hes 5...
    I like unique names to..My parents crused me with the name Dana..A flippin boys name, I know its also a girls name but when u look it up its under a boys...I like odd names also...But I have a Joshua Paul (9) , Henry "Draven" (5) and a Ayona Lenece(3) aka Bean.....
    I'm still feelin a lil like crap..I have to get off here n do nothing for a minute lol..I'll check in tomorrow..Later ladies..OHHH n WELCOME ALL YOU NEW MOMMIES....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I bought the 30 day shred today at walmart for only $9. So it really is cheap.
  • TanyaH
    TanyaH Posts: 23

    Tanya by the way how are the roads doing? Are they getting any better? Ours are getting worse actually cause the sun is melting what is on top and then when it gets cooler in the afternoon it makes it icy again:grumble: Very glad to see the sun out toady though.:happy:

    The main roads are fine.... they finally sanded our alley. Usually we dont get that because it is not a "city" street...but when the garbage truck is a big roller skate they finally do something... LOL

    I might have to check out that 30 day shred... how hard is it does anyone know??? I am a wuss... :blushing:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member

    Tanya by the way how are the roads doing? Are they getting any better? Ours are getting worse actually cause the sun is melting what is on top and then when it gets cooler in the afternoon it makes it icy again:grumble: Very glad to see the sun out toady though.:happy:

    The main roads are fine.... they finally sanded our alley. Usually we dont get that because it is not a "city" street...but when the garbage truck is a big roller skate they finally do something... LOL

    I might have to check out that 30 day shred... how hard is it does anyone know??? I am a wuss... :blushing:

    I am a wuss too! I haven't been able to do my dvds because I don't have the muscle strength yet. I went to walmart to get the 30 day shred but they didn't have so I bought other ones so far I can't do the one, so tomorrow I will try the next one. If its easy I am all over it
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. While 2 of the 3 kiddos were napping I did the BL Cardio Max for 40 minutes and then 20 minutes of pilates. WooHoo! Have a great night everyone:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. While 2 of the 3 kiddos were napping I did the BL Cardio Max for 40 minutes and then 20 minutes of pilates. WooHoo! Have a great night everyone:flowerforyou:

    Awesome Job!!! I hope I can do a good workout way to many calories!!! Need to stay focused, but night time is hard for me!!!
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. While 2 of the 3 kiddos were napping I did the BL Cardio Max for 40 minutes and then 20 minutes of pilates. WooHoo! Have a great night everyone:flowerforyou:

    Awesome Job!!! I hope I can do a good workout way to many calories!!! Need to stay focused, but night time is hard for me!!!

    Oh my dear mrsbuzz, I hear you loud and clear on the NIGHT TIME!!! I can do so great all day b/c I'm busy going here and there. But at night I put baby Mack down and then I feel like a little kid ready to munch away!

    Mack had his 4 month doctor appt today and they did another round of shots. It's the WORST. Mack did awesome. He cried super hard, but only for a short time and then he was fine. I gave him tylenol before we went in and maybe that helped. The doctor said he's in the 90th percentile for weight! HA HA! I laughed so hard because he was only 5 pound when he was born. I'm on the thinner side but my husband is a really big guy (played college football), so it was awesome to hear that he's such a big boy. My father in law is 6'5" and he's the shortest of 4 boys! Mack is just shy of 18 pounds at 4 months and he was 5 weeks early! I'm only breast feeding him and my girlfriend who is a midwife said that most of the time breast fed babies gain a lot of weight early on. I just feel so blessed that he's doing great! The doctor kept saying "my he's so strong! He's so sturdy for only 4 months!" I was just as proud as a girl could be!

    Anyway, just bragging about my little man. Everything with me is good. We went to Montana for Christmas. It was COLD! We had a great time, though. My mom was all over Mack and the only time I got to hold him was to nurse him, I swear! It was kind of nice, though, because my husband and I got to go out and about each day without worrying about anything. We live in FL, so it's a long ways from Montana... it sure was great hanging out with family. Mack did awesome on the plane, too. He slept the entire time! I was worried about it, but he was just a champ.

    Happy 2009 everyone! It's going to be a great year!!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Katie-Hooray for fat babies!!! My DD will go in for her 6 month appt next week. I know she has gained a ton since her 4 month appt because we have gone from 0-3 month clothes to 6-9 month clothes in just 2 months!!!! I love chubby cheeked babies they are so dang cute. Glad that Mack did good on the plane and that you had a great time with your family. I love going to grandma's cuz I don't have to do anything...grandma takes care of the kids and grandpa supervises :smile:

    Going to watch BL!!! I'm an addict! Hooray for the new season!!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm back!! Thank you all so much for keeping up our SAHM on a MIssion group!!!
    I have missed you ladies so much!!

    So to get ya'll caught up on my life!!!

    At the end of October I took a couple months break....mostly to see if I could keep of the wieght I had lose! And when I stopped I wieghed 164 and today I wiegh 165 SOOOOO I am able to keep off the extra wieght so that means when I get to my goal I will be able to keep it off!!!!

    My girls are growing so fast!!! Karolina is speaking in sentences now and Dakota is now 7 months and is holding her own bottle and finally taking naps on the floor or in her bed!!!!

    I turned 26 in (in my eyes) I am officially makes me feel really old when my mom tells me that the little kids that I used to babysit are having babies! It's just crazyness!!!

    I am getting back on my workout rutine - Turbo Jam here I come!!!!!
    Oh I also got a couple of Jillian Michael's dvds too!!!!
    Watch out skinny people I'm gonna "eat" you!!!!


    have a great week!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bumpin your thread for Casey who's looking to start a 'stay at home thread'.... left the link in her thread and figured I'd bump ya all up so she'd see this if nothing else.

    Sorry for trespassing:wink::bigsmile:

  • hleighb
    I am not sure how old your children are, but you need a jogger stroller! when you get up in the morning before you do anything else, get dressed for a run/walk. THEN take care of the kids get the oldest off to school and HIT THE ROAD! you will be more energized for the rest of the day! I have 3 kids ages 4, 2 and 6 months and they won't let me sit for too long so, I have found that a morning workout routine is best to get me going!
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Here I am! Thanks Fitness Chick!

    Stay at home mom of 4, ages 8, 6, 4, and 2. Have lost 10 lbs after baby and need to lose 20 more. I love running and listening to my ipod! Maniac from Flashdance has become a good friend during rough parts of a run! I got a new treadmill from Santa and I love it! I can stay home and workout now instead of going to the gym. No makeup and no dragging kids with me! woo hoo!