So.. What's behind your screen name ?



  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I got mine from the TV programme Blackadder. Seemed appropriate - she had a 'Pie Shoppe' and I like pies!
  • thenewnatalie18
    thenewnatalie- because after losing 74 pounds i feel like a new person...
  • Whatareherthings711
    The things what i'm referring to in my screen name are on The list includes stuff like having children, graduating college, sky diving, etc. 711 is my friends address down in DE. I miss and love her, she's like my sister that I can only hold in my heart as I do not get the chance to see her very often.
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Adynata is the plural for adynaton, which is a grammatical term that is essentially an extreme hyperbole. I think it's a pretty word, plus I am a total grammar nazi, so it works out =P.
  • eggmcg
    Egg - my hubby reckons my head is as smooth as an that's his nickname for me
    McG - start of my surname
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm a Southern Belle from the Eastern Shore of Virginia...ESVABelle <3
  • paintitblack
    The Rolling Stones. That is all.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I have had this username since 97.
    While in marching band my section leader said i was a crazy girl and I didn't have a username yet so that has stuck.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I was named Maryland TOPS KING for 2010. TOPS is a weight loss support group with chapters in every state and Canada.

    The man who lose the most weight to reach their goal in a calendar year is name King.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    ---Great question! I had to change a password on an account the other day, and, this is what I happened to come up with. Later that same day, I decided to join MFP, and without any careful thought at all, this was the first thing that came to mind. My last name isn't Spicoli, I don't live anywhere near the ocean, I don't swim, I certainly can't surf, swimming suit is in mothballs, I hate sharks, but I do think the ocean is pretty!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    The Rolling Stones. That is all.
    BEST Stones song EVER!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Bobby because that is what my parents named me and Daniel because my parent's last name was Daniel...BobbyDaniel. Glad I could try to make it seem more interesting!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 42, and I'm a hockey mom. I know, really original. But, other than Sara Palin giving us a bad rep, hockey moms are a force to be reckoned with! My daughter is playing volley ball for the first time, and I warned everyone I cheer and I cheer like a hockey mom. I guess they didn't take me seriously. They found out on Thursday what I meant. Oh and I don't just cheer for just my daughter, I may cheer a little more for her, but when I'm rooting for a team I root for the WHOLE DAMN TEAM! I don't think they've ever met anyone like me. Oh well. Time to see how hockey mom's roll!
  • HansTied
    HansTied Posts: 81 Member
    It is a modified version of Hands Tied. I thought the only way I could stop eating so much is if ...... "my hands were tied".
  • Iwillshyne
    simply becuz deep inside there's a Skinty (skinny) 1 in me.... :glasses:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    The Rolling Stones. That is all.
    BEST Stones song EVER!

    I can get on board with that easily...though, I do like most of their music =D.

    Mine is simple, my name (spelled correctly), and my birthday...which is also pretty much the number I've used for everything since it got tossed to me randomly as my jersey number for high school football.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    my nickname since i was little (because i'm so short) and the year i was born
  • CanadianChic
    I think my name is self explanatory.... :drinker:
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member

    My original web design/graphic designing company.
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    my son came up with this one while helping make an account for xbox live