Hating on implants?



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well the top answer seems to be "envy". But I don't think that's it at all.

    I think a lot of people are annoyed by someone who is so dissatisfied with the way their body looks that the would pay a lot of money for a medial procedure that is completely unnecessary and based solely on vanity.

    Personally, I think if you have the money and it makes you feel better about yourself, why not?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Envy about someone else having plastic fun bags.... I think no! LOL
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I am grateful for all breasts. Enhanced or Natural.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Maybe thye hate on the implants cause they don't see the need, but really, its not anyone elses business... You do or you don't and what ever reason for them is theirs, no one elses...

    Though i do see hating on way to big or grossly disproportionate... Not exactly flattering a figure...
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I don't hate.. If they're a proportionate size for the individual, I say good for them! I hope to get them after I have kids (to repair the damage that follows all of that stretching).

    I don't really like seeing inflated basketball-sized balloons stuck on girls because it can look so unnatural, but I still don't hate.. That's their choice, and if it makes them feel better about themselves, I support it. :)

    I don't know a guy's input on this... I hear they can feel hard? I have never felt them, but I hope that my future boobs feel more natural.. Or doesn't that matter to men? Are boobs just boobs?
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If someone hates you for having implants, they aren't worth your time anyways lol.

    I see nothing wrong with implants NOR plastic surgery. If it makes a person feel better about themselves, then why not?

    The only thing I dislike about breast implants, is when lingerie models have obvious ones. ^^ I would like to see what a push up bra looks like on someone who...actually needs it ^^
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    and, what happens to implants when you get old



    who's hating now?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    and, what happens to implants when you get old

    That's.... Rather disgusting. Perhaps if she had more than 2% body fat, they wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb? lol
  • kmorrison21
    kmorrison21 Posts: 24 Member
    "See, we don't need men to make us feel like ****, for years we have excelled at doing it to each other. Yay us!"

    Best, and most legitimate comment in this whole conversation.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    If they are done well, then I don't see the problem with them! Personally, I'm not a fan of the super huge, ill-proportioned ones. They look painful popping out of the sides.
  • kmorrison21
    kmorrison21 Posts: 24 Member
    I think when I got mine, I became even more modest than before, because I did not want to be "that girl", which, apparently is a very busy girl, because many of you have come into contact with her. Most people dont even know that I have them, because I dress modestly, and even though they're a 34DD, they're not oversized for my frame.

    I get that its obnoxious when they're flaunted, natural or "fake". But let's be honest, we criticize other women who have any kind of attractive feature that we may or may not have, and it all points to insecurity. People say they'd never do that and they just hate the girls that have fake ones because of (insert argument here).. but you never hear two girls with fake boobs criticizing eachother for having fake boobs.. haha.. I'm just sayin'. We can always find fault in another woman, and sadly, its kinda become instinct because of the culture we're in.. Before I had mine, I envied and hated girlst that had them, because they triggered that insecurity in me. I said the same crap some other people are sayin on here.

    Yes, I had insecurities about the proportions of my body, so I paid to have it.. reproportioned. :) I don't regret it, I don't feel bad about it, and I'm glad that I did. I did that with the right heart - for me, and for my future husband's enjoyment. ;) I love Jesus, He doesn't care if I have 'em or not, because what He cares about is my heart. If I were being "that girl", it would be different.

    Bottom line is, everyone's gonna have an opinion, but what is the point of expressing it, if it throws a dagger at someone? I think we need to be less concerned about "foreign objects" in someonen's body and more concerned about our own character.

    Ha.. you know what changed my whole life? The revelation that my opinion.. really, and truly.. when it all comes down to it, doesnt really mean anything.. but the way that I treat and respect people does.

    Just my perspective. :wink:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I don't hate on anyone who has implants. A couple of my friends do, and they look very natural and have given them self esteem boosts. One of those friends is now a modest B-cup, and they honestly don't even look the tiniest bit fake. The technology has come a long way!

    What I hate about implants is that a woman's value is so based on the size and shape of her boobs that we are in a society where it's considered perfectly normal to shell out thousands of dollars, go into surgery and get padding inserted into the body to give the illusion of that ideal size and shape. I hate that as our society gets more and more used to this, the enhanced look is becoming the new norm, the new standard of beauty for women to be measured against, and I fear that eventually the "natural" look will be considered unappealling. I feel this way about most plastic surgery. When I was younger and more judgemental, I must confess that I used to think that gals who got implants for cosmetic reasons were "part of the problem." Ugh, that sounds so horrible now... I have grown up and learned that it's not my place to judge what others choose to do with *their* bodies. I've also learned that any one person is never an "ambassador" for their gender/race/whatever, so no one is letting anyone down by making a choice that I wouldn't make for myself. I suspect that some folks haven't reached this conclusion yet and are still making judgements based on this reasoning.

    Anyway, in spite of my reservations about plastic surgery in general, I judge myself based on size/shape as well, and the older I get and the more mine sag, the more I consider the surgery myself. So, I understand why people choose to get them.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I don't know a guy's input on this... I hear they can feel hard? I have never felt them, but I hope that my future boobs feel more natural.. Or doesn't that matter to men? Are boobs just boobs?

    The ones I've felt were pretty much indistinguishable from real ones, just a wee bit firmer.
  • teresarking
    I dont hate on them I just dont want them. Personally I am happy with my body shape(except the weight of course). I have never longed for bigger breasts if you want them I dont care but please dont flaunt them for goodness sakes. I have friends that got the surgery done and then all the sudden they were wearing shirts that left nothing to the imagination. There are just things that I dont want to see and that much cleavage is one of them.
  • jase69
    What people need to realize is sometimes having them alone is considered flaunting them. My wife is a D/DD, and she can wear the exact same shirt as a girl that is an A....but who are they going to call the "slut" or who is "flaunting" them? Its ok for a girl with NO boobs to wear a super low cut shirt...because honestly there is nothing to see....but when a woman with large boobs does it she is immediately flaunting them or a *kitten*....very sad for someone with boobs and I see this happen all the time with my wife...dirty looks and such. Should she tape them down and hide them??? Its stupid....and it really is only the women doing it to themselves. So I must say its jealousy...probably caught their man catching a peek...or their own insecurity.

    Lets look at it the same scenario another way...Super ripped guy walks down the street without a shirt...no one say "oh look at that douche bag flaunting his muscles"...no one really cares or thinks of it in a negative way because that is his body. Why should it be any different for a woman with big boobs, or a nice butt, or a pretty face? Instant *kitten* to many people.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    What people need to realize is sometimes having them alone is considered flaunting them. My wife is a D/DD, and she can wear the exact same shirt as a girl that is an A....but who are they going to call the "slut" or who is "flaunting" them? Its ok for a girl with NO boobs to wear a super low cut shirt...because honestly there is nothing to see....but when a woman with large boobs does it she is immediately flaunting them or a *kitten*....very sad for someone with boobs and I see this happen all the time with my wife...dirty looks and such. Should she tape them down and hide them??? Its stupid....and it really is only the women doing it to themselves. So I must say its jealousy...probably caught their man catching a peek...or their own insecurity.

    Lets look at it the same scenario another way...Super ripped guy walks down the street without a shirt...no one say "oh look at that douche bag flaunting his muscles"...no one really cares or thinks of it in a negative way because that is his body. Why should it be any different for a woman with big boobs, or a nice butt, or a pretty face? Instant *kitten* to many people.

    Unless she covers it up
    then it's "look at that prude"
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    Don't know why- but my boobs cause me problems right now being a 38c, so I couldn't see going any bigger. They hurt when I run, bounce or lay on them plus tired of the back aches and not finding shirts that actually button up. I am too modest to be showing them off, so they would be covered all the time - so the only one that would see them would be my husband. I would rather spend my money on something that brings me joy instead of pain- so good for those ladies they want them or need them. I'm fine with what I have. Be of good cheer!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    What people need to realize is sometimes having them alone is considered flaunting them. My wife is a D/DD, and she can wear the exact same shirt as a girl that is an A....but who are they going to call the "slut" or who is "flaunting" them? Its ok for a girl with NO boobs to wear a super low cut shirt...because honestly there is nothing to see....but when a woman with large boobs does it she is immediately flaunting them or a *kitten*....very sad for someone with boobs and I see this happen all the time with my wife...dirty looks and such. Should she tape them down and hide them??? Its stupid....and it really is only the women doing it to themselves. So I must say its jealousy...probably caught their man catching a peek...or their own insecurity.

    Lets look at it the same scenario another way...Super ripped guy walks down the street without a shirt...no one say "oh look at that douche bag flaunting his muscles"...no one really cares or thinks of it in a negative way because that is his body. Why should it be any different for a woman with big boobs, or a nice butt, or a pretty face? Instant *kitten* to many people.

    I'm happy you have a hott wife AND that you defend her. I support you both 100%... just for that.


    If the guy with perfect abs walked down the street and DIDNT show them off, well... then he'd be a *kitten*. Hahhaa ;)
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I don't understand all the fuss. We as a society are supposed to accept people of all race, color and creed. I say we apply the same standards to boobs. I say we stop this intolerance towards big, firm breasts. In fact, we should encourage them via gov grants.

    Stop breastigotry today! No breast should ever go unloved or untouched, no matter how big or small. We as a society should do all we can to support them and make them feel accepted. We can do our part by lifting them up and together. Stand behind the women in our country and help support their friends. We must do all we can to lick this ignorance from this land.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    My husband was doing his AIT @ BAMC - San Antonio.

    One day they received a trauma. This 97 yr old lady fell down the stairs so as with any ER trauma they removed her clothes to make an assessment and make sure there was no bleeding and whatever else they do in the ER. My husband said that the sight of that lady was the most unnatural thing he has ever seen. He said the old lady had these huge breast implants just sitting there on her fragile body. The way he put it, her body looked like a sagging raisin except the boobs. They were just erected and firm. They were so unreal.


    wow. how very cruel to laugh at someone's injury and the fact that she had implants is irrelevant. Implants or not, no one who is 97 is going to look too hot naked and frankly I suspect most of us look a hell of a lot better in clothes than we would naked on a gurney after a traumatic injury. sheesh. just make sure you wear clean underwear because you too will be old someday, and likely in the hospital for something.