Do you obey the speed limit?



  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I go 5-10 miles over on average... pretty much standard in town or out on the open road. If I'm really in a hurry to get somewhere I will push the pedal a little to make up some time and keep my "cop eyes" open a little wider. LOL
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm on island time. I have nowhere to be in a hurry. I give myself enough time to take it easy and jam out to the Bobs (Marley and Dylan).

    hehe this is me!!! I also have gotten a speeding ticket, but that's probably because i got a speeding ticket when I was 17, so it kinda taught me right away that there really is no need to go faster. I prefer passing people in with my fitness in actual races than on the freeway ;P !
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I speed. I don't remember the last time I ever went the speed limit, or even paid attention to it. I weave, speed, tailgate, you name it. I'm scary to drive with lol. But I fit right in with the rest of the drivers in Kentucky. Compared to them, I drive like a granny
  • Funny you ask this. I just got a speeding ticket (my first ticket :'( ) yesterday. I was going 63 in a 45. It was on a back road so I was so mad and thought the cop was just going to give me a warning becasue he pulled up beside me instead of pulling over but no I have a ticket now.
  • In the city, I tend to go up to 5 over the limit unless I'm in a school zone or residential neighborhood. When it comes to the highway... I have a need for speed... but I slow down when I start approaching an area where I know the cops like to hang out and catch people in speed traps. Never gotten a speeding ticket. *knock on wood*
    The only time I'll intentionally drive slower then the speed limit is if someone starts to tailgate me.. it annoys them.. hehe xD
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I tend to try out the max speed in each of my vehicles. However, I only do this on open highway roads when others are not around. I also test out vehicles on ice (when we lived where there was)... Also when others are not around so that I know how each of my vehicles handle.

    I also am slower when other peoples kids are in my car or my pets (i dont have kids). But if i do drive a little faster in the city I ensure I am paying attention and know where all the cars around me are and anticipate their moves. If it looks like one is going to cut me off or doesn't see me (happens a lot when not in a big ole pickup) then I put myself in a position to let them or get out of their way.

    So for those who are knocking on the ones who drive fast 'putting others in danger'... well if you pay attention and anticipate its not really putting others in danger... Its staying away from the others who don't pay attention.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i usually don't, save for school zones and places i know the cops hide!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    My p.o.s. can barely even get to the speed limit, let alone surpass it >:(
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I set the cruise control at 65 on the freeway, 70 if the limit allows like on some parts of highway 5. I do not drive in the fast lane unless i am passing, and I do speed up to pass because I don't like being in someones blind spot too long, and I hate when people do that to me. So ya, I obey the speed limit, I did not always but after I became a parent I really did change a lot of habits. If i am running late, I set the cruise control for 5 miles above the limit! But I never make people go around, I hate that!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    It depends on where I am. I do NOT speed in Wichita. However, I will go 4 over. They don't start ticketing until 5 over. Base rate of $90 for 5 over and $5 for every additional mile over. Yes. I learned this the hard way. Hence why I don't speed in Wichita.

    Interstate? Uhm...don't look at my speedometer or my GPS. My car becomes interstate aircraft...
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I also am slower when other peoples kids are in my car or my pets (i dont have kids).

    Haha. This. I drive like a grandma if my babies (bullmastiff and daniff) are in the car.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Do what you want in the right lane, but if you're in the left lane, and you have cars behind you, you're in the way. You're just being a **** if you're holding up other people. Move over--they shouldn't have to pass on the right because you have no sense of etiquette or common courtesy on the road. (I have a 1.5 hour commute each way, so things like this REALLY irritate me).
  • I drive a gas guzzling no I don't speed, can't afford the gas bill!!!:tongue:
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    You are all a bunch of ****ing wankers, seriously, the limit is there for a reason! If you think speeding is cool you clearly just need to buy some car games on xbox to act out your deluded car chase fantasies. 10 year old boys think speeding is cool, grown ups should be able to appreiate the need for the rules. And yknow, if you need to get somewhere fast, just leave earlier, simple! It's not about "oh but there so much space in the road I can take over easily" half of these rules are in place because you have a better chance of survival in crashes at some speeds than others.

    It won't kill you to follow the speed limits, it might kill you not to.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    You are all a bunch of ****ing wankers, seriously, the limit is there for a reason! If you think speeding is cool you clearly just need to buy some car games on xbox to act out your deluded car chase fantasies. 10 year old boys think speeding is cool, grown ups should be able to appreiate the need for the rules. And yknow, if you need to get somewhere fast, just leave earlier, simple! It's not about "oh but there so much space in the road I can take over easily" half of these rules are in place because you have a better chance of survival in crashes at some speeds than others.

    It won't kill you to follow the speed limits, it might kill you not to.

    well said
  • in a simple answer : no
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    My job is 50 miles away, been doing the drive 5 days a week for 8 years now, and it usually takes me about an hour to get there. So on the highway, I am always speeding. Speed limit is 70, I do 85 - 90. I noticed that it keeps me alert, because when I drive slower, I notice the things on the side of the road and get distracted. I don't weave in and out, or cut people off, unless there is an idiot in the left lane cruising who refuses to get over in front of me. I am known for my fast driving in the family. So far no accidents, no tickets in several years (the only ones were for 65 in a 55 and running a stop sign that was blocked by tree branches smh). Counting my blessings, but since I'm a careful speeder, I don't feel bad about it.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    do they not have speed cameras in the US?
  • TrefG
    TrefG Posts: 112 Member
    I seem to collect points quicker than Man Utd, so yes I guess I do, although I am a much more careful driver since the birth of my daughter.