Do you obey the speed limit?



  • Im a brand new driver so yes!! Though I have noticed after gaining experience I am going about 5 miles over, until I see the police of course :)
  • I usually go 15 over lol..
  • Well, after 6 points and one of those stupid speed seminars, I am clearly hopeless at spotting the cameras so no, I don't speed!!

    Seriously, I don't. I really can't spot the damn things (yep, even with all the flourescent hoohar) so I am a very well behaved driver :p
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    You are all a bunch of ****ing wankers, seriously, the limit is there for a reason! If you think speeding is cool you clearly just need to buy some car games on xbox to act out your deluded car chase fantasies. 10 year old boys think speeding is cool, grown ups should be able to appreiate the need for the rules. And yknow, if you need to get somewhere fast, just leave earlier, simple! It's not about "oh but there so much space in the road I can take over easily" half of these rules are in place because you have a better chance of survival in crashes at some speeds than others.

    It won't kill you to follow the speed limits, it might kill you not to.

    I think it's cute how you would change your mind if I let you drive my car.

    And you don't even know it! Oh, it's so adorable!

    I could just pinch your perky little cheeks!
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    No. My father taught me that I'm driving a little faster than the average traffic speed, you have less people coming up on you. So I'm usually 10mph over or more.

    In Atlanta, ESP on 400, staying under 80 is impossible in the two left lanes
  • I have a lead in my foot... I easily go 80 MPH on the freeway but that's easy to do here in AZ especially on the 202 in the Gilbert area.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    hellz to the no except when i see a cop around. if it's a 65, i'll go 80 so not too shabby. i do weave in and out a bit in my little bitty car as it's easy to do so.
    with that said, i'm a careful driver and am considerate. i have no road rage issues. :heart:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if this was posted on a UK board, the answers would be quite different. While of course people still speed, you wouldnt get people gloating about it etc mim sure, or even really admitting it as much
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Huh, I wish some of you lived in my part of the world.
    The police don't just give you a fine here, they impound the car for 30 days if you are 45km over the limit (or for other idiotic "hoon" driving offences). Even if it's not your car, they will seize it and you have to pay to get it back after 30 days.
    I think it's a great idea to have a real and immediate consequence for hoon drivers. Just like you would do for a misbehaving toddler, you take their toy away!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I realise that most of you who have posted on this thread don't care about the possible consequences of speeding, or consider yourself immune to the possiblity... but some of you might find this information from WA Police interesting:

    The impact of serious injury on our community goes well beyond the statistics reported in the media. It is an extremely sad fact that the effects of serious injuries in road crashes are very far reaching and long term, not only for those directly involved, but also for their loved ones. Serious injuries often lead to ongoing medical problems for the individuals injured. They can also have significant impacts on the injured person’s family and friends.
    Of course, the consequences of serious injuries are not only physical and emotional. It is estimated that each serious injury has a financial cost of about $425,000.

    Even if the primary cause of a crash is not speed, a crash in a slower vehicle will be less severe. Your chances of surviving and avoiding injury are greater the slower you are driving. The chances of being in a crash approximately doubles for every 5km/h over the limit in a 60km/h zone. For every 1% reduction in average speed, there is on average a 3% cent reduction in casualty crashes.

    In a crash, it is the amount of kinetic energy that is imparted which causes injuries or death. This kinetic energy increases exponentially with speed.
    A doubling of speed is not equal to twice as much kinetic energy, but rather a substantial increase much beyond that and it is much more lethal. A 20% increase in speed is roughly a 45% increase in kinetic energy.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I don't speed and I have NO respect for people who do. There are reasons why those limits are there and if you don't care about your own safety, please think of other people. You are not alone on the road!
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I never go faster then my car will let me
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    You are all a bunch of ****ing wankers, seriously, the limit is there for a reason! If you think speeding is cool you clearly just need to buy some car games on xbox to act out your deluded car chase fantasies. 10 year old boys think speeding is cool, grown ups should be able to appreiate the need for the rules. And yknow, if you need to get somewhere fast, just leave earlier, simple! It's not about "oh but there so much space in the road I can take over easily" half of these rules are in place because you have a better chance of survival in crashes at some speeds than others.

    It won't kill you to follow the speed limits, it might kill you not to.

    I think it's cute how you would change your mind if I let you drive my car.

    And you don't even know it! Oh, it's so adorable!

    I could just pinch your perky little cheeks!

    ok, One, ew. Two, you're a tit. Three I'd never speed because I'm not a massive **** and I don't want to endanger people's lives Four ...I don't get in creepy peoples cars (:
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I am a total led foot, left lane driver and borderline road rage-a-holic at times.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I tend to have a lead foot