Embarassing Food Confessions!!



  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    One of my worst is buying the Big boxes of the King size candy bars and eat 2 to 3 of them at a setting tell the box was gone,,, There is like 24 in a box,,,, I my husband would eat a few out of the box but for the most part I eat it all! :(
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Ya'll know those Farmers Slams at Denny's??? I'd eat that and ANOTHER order of hash browns.
    Two large orders of fries from McDonalds and a double Quarter Pounder. Six pack of Coke a day. Every day.
  • CreativeRedhead
    So I remembered a few more. I used to eat the oddest things for breakfast. I'd eat a few chips, maybe a Little Debbie treat, and maybe a few spoons of ice cream to start and then I'd eat a regular breakfast which consisted of 2 pieces of toast, an egg, a bowl of cereal.

    Cereal was my favorite snack too and with four kids I'd "have" to buy a few boxes a week. LOL Not the healthy kind, the sweet, sugary kind like fruit loops, lucky charms, cocoa puffs. I'd sneak a bowl between meals or late at night before bed when I just had to have something small.

    Oh and I'd get into the habit of baking cookies all the time, convinced I was being a good mother baking treats for the little folk. The only problem is that I'd have like 5 or 6 at a time, chocolate chip cookies...yum.

    I used to be able to finish off an entire large veggie fried rice from the local chinese place. The large could easily feed 3 adults. I'd finish it off in one sitting and then complain later about how bloated I felt. LOL These days I stick to a small order and split that in half.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Holy crap, how did I miss this thread??!! These were some of my less-than-spectacular moments. Never ate all at the same time, thankfully...

    -An entire large pizza from Domino's

    -A family size bag of Cheetos and/or Potato chips, usually salt and vinegar

    and finally:

    -Those frosted sugar cookies from WalMart. I used to hide those in my food stash that I had in my bedroom during college. I didn't want my two roommates to see how much I ate, even though I was well over 200 pounds so it certainly showed.

    This thread is like porno....
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I used to be a binge eater. I'd go get fast food and order enough food for 2-3 people, and then sit in my car and eat it all.

    My worst binges were actually right after my son was born. I was so stressed out and was suffering from PPD and I'd leave after he went to bed (hubby was home with him) and just go gorge myself on fast food.
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I truly thought I was the ONLY person who had such food issues. I "invented" the buy 2 sodas to go with whatever snacks I was buying so it looked like there was someone else in the car or someone else I was buying for... many times I'd say to the counter person "Oh, you're out of that? Oh, crap, I don't know what she would want instead... what other flavors do you have?" And then of course, since it was for me I'd have to just "guess" at what she might like.

    I did that too. I was so paranoid. I used to get McDonald's coupons for buy one combo meal, get one free. So I'd order one meal and say "And I'll have the..." as if I was ordering for two separate people.
  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Family size bags of crisps to myself.
    Entire packets of biscuits in one sitting dunked into tea.
    Entire loaves of bread to myself, cut into slices - each with thick butter.
    Eating sugar cubes.

    So many more, but my worst was definitely:
    8 pints of cider and blackcurrent (2000kcals) followed by large fries from a kebab van (could have served 3 people) covered in ketchup. I did this nearly every day, on top of my 3 (unhealthy) meals and unhealthy snacks throughout the day. No wonder I ballooned...

    Kicking my drink habit was one of my first major steps to losing weight.
  • Juslisten
    Juslisten Posts: 2 Member
    Microwave Popcorn with two tablspoons of extra salty butter....
    I love lays chips, I eat them by the bag.
  • Behipped
    Cereal is a big trigger for me.... Any type of Mexican food.

    I used to go to different drive thrus because I didn't want any of them to think I was a regular. Hiding any type of eating behavior is usually not a good sign!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    For about six months I could eat an entire large bag of chips by myself 5 times a week or I'd leave 1/2 cup of small pieces in the bottom of the bag. It made my husband nut's to pick up a bag with just bits in the bottom. Just before I started this weight loss journey I overheard him talking to one of our adult children and he said that I had an addiction. This from a 330 pound guy. I decided that it was time to make some changes August 5th. I also gave up the 5 cans of Diet Coke a day too.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    KFC spicy chicken 22 pieces

    Family size fries

    Family size coleslaw

    I once ate a whole family sized order of the spicy wings at KFC, shame!
  • justaxletdown
    Oh, wow, let me just list them several terrible ones:
    1) pint of Ben & Jerry in a single serving (like every other day at the pit of my depression)
    2) whole bags of kettle chips at a time
    3) gallon of ice cream at a time. my mom couldn't trust to go to work that day because she knew when she came back, it'd be all gone
    4) can of frosting, delicious.
    5) make cookie dough/cake mix just to eat it without baking it.
    And that's seriously only a few. I'm just, ugh. I am honestly surprised that my weight never got over 155 pounds. It wasn't every day, but still.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    This thread makes me sad. I've always been over weight, but I've NEVER eat like that!! i never eat fast food. I've never been an over eater. :( Makes me think I'll never not be fat.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    A 20 nuggets from mds and a large order of fries...all for myself and i wuld sit down and eat the whole thing and still want dessert...:blushing: :noway:
  • allison_joan
    -three bacon, egg & cheese croissanwiches from Burger King
    -two chicken nacho cheese chalupas, chicken quesadilla (with a side of nacho cheese), & cheesy fiesta potatoes from Taco Bell
    -double cheeseburger, large fry, mcflurry from McDonalds
    -whole large pepperoni pizzas from most chains

    I used to be the WORST!
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    I've always been aware of what was good and bad, it suprises me the lack of knowledge people have. I learnt alot from my mum and taught myself. I use to eat a lot more junk I would have a whole block of chocolate in one or 2 days
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    I actually made myself sick not long ago by eating this from Taco Bell:

    chicken quesadilla
    side of nacho cheese
    2 soft tacos + quesadilla sauce
    4 chicken flatbread sandwiches with bacon ranch sauce
    5 cheesy gordita crunches + extra baja sauce
    1 nacho bell grande w/ double meat, cheese, and sour cream
    1 mexican pizza w/ double meat and beans
    2 cheesy fiesta potatoes
    1 diet Pepsi

    and when the order taker said "will that be all for you?" I actually had the audacity to reply with "well, not all for me, but yes, that is all." It was all for me, and though there were parts I didn't eat of several items I still ate about 97% of this, and it made me soooo miserable and sick. I swore I'd never do anything like it again. Then just within this last week I had another emotional break and ate a half gallon of ice cream and a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough, and also became miserable and sick.

    Monday I weighed in at over 400 pounds for the first time in my life. I'll be under 400 by this upcoming Monday, and I'll NEVER be over it again. Period. I am not going to let food be the death of me. I am surprised it hasn't killed me already.
  • coloradocuppiecake
    What do you mean a pint of icecream isnt a serving! Well now I know better. Candy, lots and lots of candy. I would buy it and hide it.
    whole bags of skittles in a sitting. Containers of chocolate frosting using pretzel sticks as a spoon. Half loaves of french bread at one sitting, along with butter. The list is shameful and long.
  • someonelikemyself
    sneaking to the store in the middle of the night and eating all that junk... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! how disgusting /...and thinking it was fun1!!1
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Large pizza to myself and either a family size chocolate bar or 1 liter of turtles ice cream. Ive come along way although I still love the pizza!!!! but I only eat 3 peices and no dessert.