What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm a teacher- one time in the same week I literally had 3 different students ask if I was having a baby!

    When I realized that my old "fat pants" were too tight to squeeze into at all.

    Looking in my closet full of clothes yet finding nothing to wear because nothing fits anymore- that is the WORST feeling.

    I have about 8-10 more pounds until the majority of my clothes should fit again...but it's really frustrating in the mean time! Also, I don't want to go out and buy new stuff when *I hope* my normal clothes will fit in 4-5 weeks. I've been making due with dresses and skirts for work since they're not as tight as my pants, but it's pretty much already winter here (snowed this week-boo) so I really should be wearing pants and sweater and things now...
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    Today. I was standing in the store with my family. My wife was looking at kids clothes, 1 kid in the shopping cart, and the other was in front of me...tapping my stomach...like a drum...and it sounded like it...and was loud...and drew attention. I know my son was playing as I play with him all the time. But it sure had me feeling like a horrible father setting such an example.
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    No one said anything to me when I was fat.
    But now they all tell me how much I used to eat and how big and huge I used to be.
  • lizhipwell
    i have a few...:

    1) Being offered seats cuz people thought I was expecting...this happened more than once...
    2) Being propositioned by strangers who said they liked big women
    3) Someone yelling "Fat Pig!" at me from their car
    4) My Ex-Husband (stress the Ex) yelling at me for being overweight and saying that my being "Effing Fat" was why I had not been able to get pregnant (little did he know that I was hypothyroid and I had fibroids in my uterus that eventually led to a full hysterectomy)
    5) Being yelled at by my Mom for eating; she'd also make faces at me every time I took a bite, would also kick me under the table with every bite, and would get excited when I was sick because then I wouldn't be able to eat
    6) My lowest point at my highest weight when I actually considered taking me own life...I felt like I was worthless and slowly dying anyway...
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    These happened in the same day! I was asked if I was expecting & I just stared at the lady in shock, I could tell she felt awful. Later I was eating a turkey leg & a guy walked by & grabbed my butt, grunted & said "Mm good job Juicy!". I was completely mortified! Thanks so much for sharing everyone, these stories are as motivating as before & after pics!!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I have a list. I go over these in my head so I can remember why I never want to go back.

    1. At an amusement park, I was told to exit the ride because the I could not be locked in. (The attendant was very kind, he tried his damnedest to force it in and never mentioned my weight)
    2. Any time I went to a party/function and people would automatically give me 2nds or 3rds.
    3. Nearly knocking an average sized person down because I had to scootch by her and my gut hit her hip. She did catch herself though.
    4. On a trip to Florida, I had to suck in really hard and my hubby buckled my seat belt on the plane. I had marks from the seatbelt digging into my flesh. (I refused to get an extender)
    5. Buying size 26/28 at fashion bug and having the pants actually almost not fit me!
    6. My niece was 4 when she laughed and said you are so big.
    I could go on and on but really, anyone who is/was fat surely understands how much it sucks. I think I am going to post some of these on my fridge if I ever feel a binge coming on!
  • trish2dope
    trish2dope Posts: 42 Member
    When people ask when I'm due! I feel like telling them WTF?! Can't a girl just be fat without being pregnant!!