What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I had so many. Not being able to fit in plane seats comfortably....roller coasters, etc.

    Not having any clothes fit. Constantly trying to hide in baggy clothes or behind tables.

    But worst of all..was avoiding life to avoid embarrassment....and seeing my then 9 month old son...and thinking "My God...I am missing out on LIFE because of food!!'

    I decided NO MORE. I wouldn't let it control me anymore.....and I took control. That son is now amost 5...and I have a 2 year old son too. I've been in "maintenance" since Jan of 2009.....and even kept in control through pregnany, a nasty divorce, etc.....I pray for continued strength and never take it for granted. :)
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Having to constantly hold my breath in order to bend over to tie my shoes :cry:

    Ohmygod YES! I'd actually forgotten about this.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    This is sort of a fat moment. I had just had my 4th baby and was buying underwear. The lady behind the counter tells me there is no way that size will fit you better get a bigger one. Well, for her information my baby was only 1 MONTH OLD, and I was buying the size I would wear a month or so from then. So I bought 5 pairs in the size I wanted.

    On a side note: Don't ever ask a woman when her baby is due unless you know for a solid fact that she is in fact pregnant!! What is with some people!?
  • malloriewebb
    Mine was definetly people asking when Im due. Because I have never been able to get pregnant! So especially when we were going through fertility treatments.

    I always wait until someone mentions somehow that they are expecting because you never know. And I honestly think the person asking is way more hurt and embarrassed when they find out youre just a little chunky and not pregnant. I try to keep that in mind too. LOL.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Getting on a ride with my daughters at an amusement park and then having to exit the ride because I was too big. I was so embarassed, but I felt even worse for my daughters. I was so ashamed. I'm only 20 pounds down, but next year we are going back and we will ride that ride together!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think mine was going to Frankie & Benny's and not being able to fit a a table. They have these awful round tables with fixed chairs and we tried three untill they finally offered a proper booth.

    Worth thing was... I wasn't even at my fattest then!!!
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    There have been so many...

    1.) Having to ask for a seat belt extender on a flight and then leaning over into the aisle so the person in the middle wasn't crowded by my fat.
    2.) The way I looked in pictures at a close friend's wedding in 2008.
    3.) Having to buy size 26 jeans.
    4.) Going out with my svelte, fit friends who like to go dancing and being self-concious about knocking someone over with my large self (this is going to take a while to get over...).

    And of course, there's the comments from kids you don't even know asking why you're so fat. Those hurt.
  • Scarletblue
    I was at work and we were all comparing our weights this guy who is over 6' says he's 182 and he's one of those really thin people and I said this sucks "I weigh the same as you" and I took a look at him and me together standing side by side we make the lower case b or d depending on which side I stand on, then as I was leaving I realized I am short of breathe trying to leave work, then I get in my car and notice I am and inch or two away from driving with my belly, I go to bed and laying down on my back nearly suffocates me, yes when I took a real look at myself and my weight that day I said oh hell no! That was my wake up call.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I think just after the birth of my son 9 months ago. I was expecting to lose some weight right after the birth--but I only lost 3 lbs due to all the fluids pumped in through my I.V.s. My husband's family showed up the day we got home from the hospital--nice to have their help, but we also had some photos taken. Yeah... the biggest I've ever been. They were all of us sitting down, and you could see how WIDE everything was. I know everyone looks at your body after you have a kid--I used to. I refuse to be one of those moms who keeps the baby weight on. Those photos were really depressing, at a moment that's supposed to be so beautiful. :cry:
  • Lotstoluv263
    I was at the Pharmacy and the Pharmasist asked me when I was due. I said 8 years ago and he squeamishly said , "Well you glow like you are, my girlfriend is pregnant and I just think everyone is, I am sorry." REALLY, the gull of some people!! I just kept going on with my buisness but inside I just wanted to hit him!! Ughhh I knew that day I had to do something.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Not one that changed my life, but I was asked a couple of years ago when the "happy event" was going to be. I said it was 2 years ago.......

    The things that made me decide to get a grip and get fit weren't weight related at all, just two very traumatic events that made me want to take control of my life.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I went to a birthday party for kids about 2 years ago, and one of the kids asked if they could use me........ "for a table"

  • cornerofgreystreet
    when i picked up a size 20 skirt off a rack at a store and the sales lady goes "i think you might want to try the 22" wtf?

    fyi i'm in an 8 now. so EFF YOU saleslady!!!!!

    I cannot believe somebody could be so rotten.

    Congrats on the size 8!!! What an accomplishment, you must feel awesome!
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    I was watching my rehearsal and wedding videos from this April and I noticed my stomach stuck out so much, my shirt flowed out a good 4-5 inches past my pants. I was mortified watching it just a few months later. I'm 75 pounds down and I have 39 left. Can't wait to get to my goal and really know what it feels like to be skinny!

    my husband wore his wedding suit to a dinner we went to wednesday night. we got married in early may. i was shocked at how COMPLETELY different it fits him now! it was awesome!
  • techymum
    We were at my husband's aunt and uncles cottage, and they were sending everyone out kayaking. Hubby and his sister were put in the cool kayaks to go off with cousin who has kayaked the Pacific Northwest. I was put in a paddleboat so not to "have to paddle so hard".

    At dinner the aunt talked about a friend, and described her by her weight. (very large). BUT she is very smart. I couldn't believe someone could think that way.

    Never went back to visit them. Told hubby they were his rellies and he could keep them :-)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My student hugged me around my fat stomach. With wide, innocent eyes, she looked up at me and asked, "does it keep you warm while you sleep, like a polar bear?" :noway:

    I cried. :sad:

    Then I got online and found MFP. Never again.
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you all for telling your worst "fat" moment. I can relate to so many. I've had quite a few in my 43 years but these are the ones that stick out.

    * Being 17 years old and a chaperone on a church outing to a day of horseback riding and being the only one not able to ride. When we got there I was told I was too fat to ride because it was too much weight for the horse. I weighed 160 lbs.

    * Overhearing a guy tell my college roommate that I couldn't possibly be any fun because I was so fat.

    * Having a 3 year old son and trying to get him to slow down because I was out of breath and couldn't keep up with him.

    * Trying to explain to same 9 year old son why he couldn't ride the amusement ride because his mom wasn't able to be "locked" in. And having a nice family behind us take him on the ride while I sat and cried.

    * Taking my son to his college orientation, walking into the auditorium, sitting down only to have shooting pain on both sides (not to mention huge bruises) because the armrests were a shorter distance apart then my butt.
  • hefinator
    Having my then-wife tell me she didn't sign up to be married to a fat loser. She then left me for one of my friends on christmas day 2003.

    Having a gf tell me she deserved better than being with someone who was fat (incidently she was about 20 lbs overweight, and I was 30 lbs overweight). The timing? My 30th birthday, 2007.

    Seeing pictures of me playing soccer at 245 lbs and wondering if I didn't really look like a pregnant woman.

    Being told repeatedly that I'm a nice guy, but too big to be worth anything date-wise.

    The ultimate... a few months after my divorce not being able to stand up because my blood sugar count was 512.

    this totally reminds me of my ex! when him and I got together. i was at a healthy weight, and he was about 40 lbs overweight, and i loved him all the same. after a few years, i had packed on pounds working a sit down job (and taking care of his lazy *kitten*) when he finally got off the couch and away from the video games and got an active job and moved around a LOT.. he dropped the weight fast and finally looked at me one day and said he couldn't love someone as large as me..... it took a long time to get over those words. boy did it hurt!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    When I got pregnant with my daughter I was super skinny (but unhealthy, eating terribly skinny). Since I didn't understand a thing about nutrition or calories or anything, I gained 85 lbs while I was pregnant. I was so mortified after I had her at the way I looked I refused to let anyone take my picture.

    Now I have absolutely NO pictures of me with my baby in her whole first year of life. It still breaks my heart 5 years later.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Being hooked on 3 different IV's, a cardiac monitor, peeing in a bag and taking enought blood pressure medecin to kill a horse a few days after giving birth to my last surro baby. The pre- eclampsy was caused by my pregnancy but I never ever want to feel that scared of dying and leaving my kids without a mother so young.